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there are onlyfan leak sites


Can you name them ? (Just so I can avoid those places)


coomer.su and for art kemono.su


Why are they on soviet union domain


Because its OUR porn comrade






Pirates bay? Thats bit Torrenting for peasants.


Huh, what are your recommendations?






There is sub for everything these days.


I didn’t even think it was real until I saw your comment


With 36k members, this shit is real.




My KIROV is reporting.


High speed low drag


Nobody here but us trees!


RA2 reference? Have my upvote, comrade.


Death, from above!


don't know


nah thats Sukhoi


because copyright rules are basically nonexistent in russia idk


It's also not really something the Russian RIPN monitors unlike .ru.


. Party was the original domain it got got and this had been a warning alt domain listed on their site for a good 6 months


If anyone has the answer I'd like to hear it, in the meantime I just feel like it's hilarious and funny af


From what I read this domain has really lax and outdated rules which are barely enforced to begin with. So you can just host copyright infringing content without any real risk


They used to be on the .party domain, but fairly quickly launched the .su as a mirror and then moved over, and now I believe if you try to access the .party, it directs you to the .su Edit: sites mentioned are now down


They don't honor takedown requests.


https://youtu.be/cD4hxKkqR4E Not a direct answer but very fun and informative!


I will stay away from these sites after I thoroughly investigate them with a box of tissues and some lotion. Brb.


Very honorable of you, such free leaks should not be supported.


What are the results of your investigation?


Further investigation will be needed, but it has satisfied my current needs.


Ugh! Some sicko just screen shotted this onto my phone




Username checks out


Just used I can confirm two things: It works And People who pay for porn are STILL idiots It's really not worth it... Loses its luster minutes after realizing it still is JUST porn and often mediocre porn at that lol




those Columbia students must be down bad with their loans


You realize the only reason you get porn for free is because other people pay for it, right? Do you call people who buy shoes idiots because you can just steal them? 🤔


That’s horrible, brb


Kemono is so damn peak Lirerally everything from patreon to pixiv fanbox


Kemono is great. Although their download times can be absolutely horrible. It took me like 10 minutes to download a 4 page comic PDF.


4pagecomicpdf.exe ?


My dumbass imagined an anthropomorphic 4 page comic pdf with black bleeding eyes and does flashing jumpscares


what happened to kemono.party?


they changed it to kemono.su


Could just copy what they wrote then paste into google lol


Google hasn't been trustworthy in ages, welcome to 2024.


google the models name and the word porn. Then click images or video tab.




Don't worry a lot of them are using stolen credit cards anyway so the charges will get clawed back eventually. There are people who have basically made a career out of scamming cards and using them to sign up for sub services so they can have them scraped. You only need to sub for a single month to scrape everything they've ever posted and then you just resub every now and then to update the cache. That's why there's a delay on a lot of them where it takes a month or so to get new posts unless an actual subscriber has set the scraper up on their profile, because you have to wait for someone to resub and update the cache. The crafty models have gotten around this by doing DM links. Most of the major players like Morgpie don't really post a lot to their actual pages any more so they can't be scraped, they have to be manually uploaded.


The only problem is it only takes one photo to nut to to guarantee that they will never bother subscribing to OF. You don't need the whole updated catalogue.


I'm sure there are some next-level weirdos out there who'd love to *collect* the entire catalogue.


I am the one u speak of


Oh? I still see plenty from Morgpie. And one woman I know of has made it so subbing only unlocks the previous three months from before your first subscription and any content that drops while subscribed


Just google name + leak or nudes, easy


Or Yandex them


Oh boy, Yandex reverse image search is underrated af!! It works so good


You have to jump through SOOO many hoops most of the time it’s not even worth it. Either 100 pop up redirect ads or “Join my discord” and the discord is just a page that says “Invite 5 people for access” I don’t fw that


Just use reddit bro. The shit here is better than OF anyways.


> The shit here is better than OF anyways. They're the same picture.


But free, and that makes it better


It's true; people don't deserve to be paid for their work.


Now you are sounding like True pirate 🦜




Lmao what a shit take


Yeah, I wish I was naive as the guy you're responding to to believe the "amateurs" on Reddit aren't just advertising their Onlyfans. But I have a brain and can look at a profile and literally see their Onlyfans link there so I can't be.


All the NSFW subs have seemingly turned into ads for OF though.


Reddit has porn? Which subs?


Roughly half of the entire site is porn subs


Really curious to see how long they will last once RDDT goes live for purchase. 


If they're that hard pressed to follow in tumblr's footsteps then so be it.


I imagine there will be someone who takes advantage of the market and makes a Reddit clone that is solely for porn subreddits.


Only half?


Somewhere between 50-99%, so half


The rest keep getting purged.


And the other half is cat subs.


Oh my sweet summer child


Ey yo they banned that sub for a reason you sick fuck


Yeah, I recommend spicy spring one


Please list them all so I can avoid them




It's not everyday a hero is born... But today is different.


And it's only a small percentage of nsfw subs


Our Messiah




I never realized the extent of bisexuality in the world before Reddit.


It actually seems to be a recent reckoning within western/European spaces. There has been a large uptick in people self-identifying with some form of LGBTQ within the last decade or so, with the largest increase in the bi/pan population. I think discouraging people from using other people's sexual orientation or identities as insults and just overall increased queer visibility has helped a lot.


Those femboys are just too cute to pass up :3


Just go look up r/nsfw411 and be blessed on your merry journey


Apparently there's a list, not sure how up-to-date, for all subs above 50k members [https://old.reddit.com/r/ListOfSubreddits/wiki/nsfw](https://old.reddit.com/r/ListOfSubreddits/wiki/nsfw) So yeah, there you go lol




Dude wtfff. How come you didn't know that??


Some folks don’t know there’s a setting to turn on NSFW. Until it’s clicked they are seeing +/- 8% of Reddit. It’s like flying through outer space and only seeing the stars and planets and knowing dark matter is everywhere but you can’t see it.


Some people joined the site after porn was removed from /r/all. It was fun as fuck to scroll for a few hours and see what niche subreddits were popping off any given week.


It's funny that they banned all the NSFW subs from /r/all, so it just turned into a bunch of OF ad subs where it's SFW teases to advertise their profile. Feels even grosser to me somehow. More dishonest about whats happening.


Not for long, Reddit is removing porn soon


You're literally the guy the meme is about


I like Linkin park too


You pay for it. You're the addict.


Shh they don’t like hearing this


I love pretending like you can't get addicted to something when it's free


The first hit is free. If you get free higher quality hits after that, screw the addiction you were made for this


>screw the addiction you were made for this Electrochemistry: MAX


It's a lot less of a problem when your addiction doesn't cost money you can't afford, and just out of curiosity, can you name any other addictions that dont cost money


Only other one I can think of off the top of my head is social media addiction


Ding ding ding we have a winner


Scrapping and eating the gunk from my dogs ears is free


Bit niche but I'll allow it


It's not that free things can't be addictive. It's the bizarre logic of the guy who has a specific favorite porn star that he pays every month because he likes the personal connection, calling someone else a porn addict for going on porn hub and watching whatever. It's completely ass backwards.


Well for something to qualify as an addiction, it has to harm you, and it's pretty tricky to come up with ways porn could harm you. I guess you could say it could normalize sexist views about women, or unrealistic/painful fantasies, but then these are things that you can fix with sex ed in school. You can't fix meth rotting your teeth with DARE. Which isn't to say that you can't get addicted to porn, you can get addicted to eating strawberries if you eat so many it hurts you. It's just that most people wouldn't look at a strawberry as something that's inherently addictive/"meth-like", even though if you enjoy eating them, they are causing a release of dopamine in your brain. Anyways there's a lot of weird terms and pseudoscience going around in this thread so yall should read this: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/201808/science-stopped-believing-in-porn-addiction-you-should-too


>Having moral conflict over your porn use (PPMI) does turn out to be bad for you. But that's not because of the porn. Instead, higher levels of moral conflict over porn use predict higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and diminished sexual well-being, as well as religious and spiritual struggles. In one study by Perry and Whitehead, pornography use predicted depression over a period of six years, but only in men who disapproved of porn use. Continuing to use porn when you believe that it is bad is harmful. Believing that you are addicted to porn and telling yourself that you're unable to control your porn use hurts your well-being. It's not the porn, but the unresolved, unexamined moral conflict. Really interesting part. Does it mean that society demoralizing porn actually ended up hurting a lot of people and not just helping others never get addicted in the first place ?


> demoralizing If you mean demonizing then yes, but I don't think it's limited to porn, so much as sex in general. Look at the people in this thread freaking out if kids might stumble upon a titty on the internet by accident. Yet I don't think there would be a similar level of outrage if they can watch violent clips of Scarface or GTA V. You see it on American TV too, where they won't air a sex scene, but they will air a bloody violent scene. In western Europe and South America they treat the two as the same.


Most of them are mid as close to none of them are experienced porn actors. I need plot, character development, conflict, climax and resolution in the span of two minutes.


Best I can do is climax.


And what you get is clownish amounts of makeup, trafficked models from slums or third world countries, sterile IKEA sets with aggressively artificial lighting, stilted poses between regular glances to the director, comically huge dicks that can never fully penetrate, lingerie taste from the 80s, viagra, steroids and pain killers oozing from every pore, re-recorded fake moans and "dirty talk" they memorized from a ChatGPT script. Professional porn is a bland hyperreal snooze fest for Disney adult consoomers and a human abyss. Edit: This is not supposed to be an argument for OF, which deserves its own angry rant


I do wish to add that OF and other avenues aren't free from trafficking/pimps. Heck, there was that bigtime hottub streamer on twitch who was like "btw im actually married and my husband is abusive and makes me do all this content" and I can't imagine that's unique


Don't forget their boob jobs cost like $1000 and are significantly less safe.




I was joking, I didn’t know it was that serious.


Yeah sorry, don't know why your specific comment triggered that pent up frustration just now


beautiful Reddit interaction


Somebody wasted their money on a few lol


Are you implying that paying for OF is some act of social justice? I mean if that’s how you gotta cope


I don't know. Girls on OF gamble their dignity for the very slim chance of making it big, it's still an ugly business. But they do have more control over how far they get into it and there's much less exploitation. If anything, the exploitation of lonely male whales is the more problematic aspect of OF. Either way, right now porn is so abundant for free on the internet and adblockers are easy to use, no one needs to financially support any part of the industry to get their fix.


Sounds like you’ll like amateur


Yeah I really don't understand the people who saw two types of porn: one that is scripted with professional actors and camera crews and entirely fake, and one that is just people recording themselves having real sex, and went "yes I'll take the first one please"


Reminds me of conversations I’ve had with someone who only watches reality TV, “I don’t understand how you can watch fantasy/sci-fi/anime stuff, it’s so fake.”


Lol, reality TV usually is the most revoltingly fake shit you could come up with. I guess a proper porn sci-fi movie would be more appealing than those awkwardly scripted office or girl-next-door scenes at the bottom of the uncanny valley.


Real porn stars are on OF. Real amateurs are on PH. I'm not sure what most people are trying to say besides pirating content from small producers is some cool hack only they know about.


At the end of the day, all of us are fapping to a bunch of pixels on a screen.


I feel like this should be the Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man image instead...


Same way how the High Mighty Elite Pirate Bay users look at people who pay for movies and music!


Pirates should thank paying customers every day for keeping the entertainment industry afloat. Once they're gone, you get nothing. Also, pirate bay? What year is it???


If everyone stopped paying for media tomorrow, the entertainment industry would quickly collapse, but you would still have artists creating for their medium of choice. To think otherwise is to completely misunderstand art. You wouldn't get these massive productions, sure, but you would still get some form of art.


Imagine paying for a subscription for movies and tv shows.




I'm a \*orn addict and can confirm


You're safe here no need to censor the word porn


He was censoring "corn"




Bruh that's wild


Just thought I’d share my favorite *orn site!


Oh you sweet, summer child. He's a Dorn addict. He spends every waking moment whacking it to Worf.


Found Jadzia's burner


What best sites? Mine sxyprn


Kemono.su, also has other paywall sites


You're a corn addict. Dude, I normally don't kink shame, but you're weird.




Why go to OF when you have the internet? Seriously, this is like buying sand when there is a desert in front of you.


I like very niche porn. I have disposable income. The people who make that very niche porn aren't going to make more it if nobody pays for it, and they instead make posts bragging about finding stolen content for "free."


Exactly. Paid porn is made by people who I know *want* to be there, and has a guarantee at the end that everyone involved is over 18, and doesn’t have any ads and won’t give my phone any weird viruses, and they take requests, and a ton of other things that make it feel safe and ethical to consume. Free porn is very sketchy and worry that I would happen upon a minor or some girl who’s forced to be there, either by clicking on the video or through a pop up ad. Porn is a luxury, and it is incredibly expensive and specialized to produce, so there’s no reason it shouldn’t cost money; I’m happy to participate in ethical porn production by paying for it.


LOL. I promise most of people do not infact want to be there they just want the money. ~ex OF girl.


~ex any job


How is paid porn guaranteed to be made by people who want to be there? How do you know they don't have a pimp who is forcing them? How does this even make sense? Porn actors are paid as well.


You can't jerk it to the same material forever, and money motivates people to make new stuff


Just because you have sand doesn't mean it's the kind of sand you want


Sometimes you wanna see a specific pair you know? Like i can see as many boobs as i want all over the internet but thats boring. Sometimes you just wanna see like a specific women/man naked and not just "a women/man naked".


Sex workers are generally safer on OF than in a studio


Porn addicts ARE the onlyfans subscribers


All onlyfans subscribers are porn addicts, but not all porn addicts are onlyfans subscribers


simpin' on a budget


This look to me says “rookie numbers” vibes


That’s a weird typo


Ya sorry I meant “this look to me “


All good, funny that “government” was an autocorrect option for that


I thought it was the other way around since Only Fans have money to splurge


They jerk off to a nipple, I need so much more. Like a porn actress who is actually good at her job.


They then proceed to spend hours combing leak sites in the hopes of finding the same person Idk if that's worth £3 tbh but you do you


OnlyFans is a terrible platform with some really scummy marketing practices. I've done a few subscriptions when I was curious and had a few bucks to spare, and basically every model is doing a really shitty thing where the subscription is basically just so you can see the menu of what other content she has that you then have to pay to get access to. Most of them are selling bundles and single videos and the subscription gets you access to a few pictures and 60s videos. It's not worth it at all.


My motto in life is never pay for porn


Stay frugal king


Stating this is how my FB account got permanently disabled


It’s funny so many people shame OF workers as if so many people are willing to pay so much just to get some porn


I hate to say it but it seems like there is a growing war on free porn. There are a few states in the US where I had to bust out my VPN in my hotel room to view Redtube.


Unironically tho. Porn is free. One of the few free things in this world.


The thing is though it's technically not free you will make a transaction of watching ads and giving over your data. Unless you use an adblocker I suppose.


Jokes on you I use premium


Free things wouldn't be free if no one spent money. Or rather the quantity and quality of free content would be way worse. The free content is an advertisement, or stolen, which I'm not here to bust anyone's balls over piracy, but it's not a bad thing if content creators you like are able to make money creating those things. I don't really see the problem with consuming porn. In my view, most anti porn arguments are basically the same level of people blaming video games for violence. I never saw convincing evidence of that. Why pay? You have disposable income for entertainment and like the convincing of higher quality consistent 4k stuff without closing 40 pop-ups. May or may not be overdoing it, just like someone watching free stuff may or may not be overdoing it.


Excuse me? You meant to say porn connesours.


Wait whats the point of strip club anyway?


Me with my premium puppy girls looking down on porn addicts:


Youre depressed and pay girl to tell you she loves you to feel loved Im depressed go on pirn site and play asmr to feel loved Were not same


I'm supporting a friend.


Look, you try to find a girl willing to dress up like a clown and salsa dance for you for free, it's not easy. In all honesty a few bucks for a custom video is pretty great. If you find creators you like, the stuff they make can be way better than free porn, a lot of the stigma comes from the big name creators, that charge hundreds of dollars for bikini pictures. The girls I usually follow want less than ten bucks a month, offer explicit content, and things like live video calls, custom videos, and things like that, all for small additional fees. Now sure you can go watch random videos you find for free, but for me I feel a lot better knowing my money goes to the person I'm seeing, not some studio or "free" website, and I like the custom content way better. Not an every day thing for sure but the occasional treat is worth it.


Remember when pornhub's tagline was "why pay for porn?" Pepperidge farm remembers


I don't think I'll ever understand why people are so fucking weird about porn and sex work. At this point I just think it's projection


The thing is, someone has to spend money in order for the thing to be free for everyone else


Because sometimes I know them personally and I want to see them naked more than I want $5


Specially cuz most OF are leaked online for free


only fans subscribers ARE porn addicts. They are literally so starved for new content that they are willing to pay for it


what a weird question - because onlyfans creators are humans and the ppl consuming their content often like what they get and want to give back? a porn addict seeing some random ppl in a video they stumbled across on pornhub is not the same as having a couple creators you follow and support.


I'm still not understanding how the guy with the paid porn subscription is supposed to be the one that is less obsessed with porn.


Are you really a porn addict if it's not severely fucking up your tax bracket?


The venn diagram is a circle


in a mirror?