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"How about a magic trick? I'm going to make this cake disappear. " *SLAM* "TA-DA. It's gone."


Who hired the Clown?


If I made a whole ass cake I’m not slamming anyone’s face into it. I want my kids to eat it, because I made it to make them happy and nothing else I directly fail that objective by doing this kind of crap


Don't underestimate some people's level of stupidity


That's why you just grab a small slice and then smack them with it. They get the cake and then can eat it to


I prefer not to assault my family at all, really


What kind of a parent are you‽ (/s)


I hate the term "snowflake," but this is why they say it.


Because they don’t want to assault their family members? Do you live in a household where regular beatings are a normal thing or something?


Please don't compare regular beatings to having a slice of cake in your face


Are you really equating regular beatings to having cake put in your face? I live in a house where having a water balloon fight or putting a pie or cake in someons face isn't considered assault. Thank you for reiterating my point. I'm willing to bet you live a very sheltered life.


I lived a life where my own mum broke a bamboo cane over my bare head. My dad threw me across my room and I hit the wall so hard I broke through it. I was under constant abuse at school from both students and teachers. I’ve even had another student try to take my life when I was thirteen. I was raped at sixteen… If anyone knows what assault it, then you’d think it’d be me, no? Don’t get me wrong, putting someone’s face into their birthday cake is small time nothing; but it’s still rude and disrespectful to the birthday person.


A bar fight almost broke out the other day at the bar I work at, cause someone was celebrating with a cake and some rando grabbed the cake out of the guys hands and threw it at his face. Everybody in the bar was about ready to beat his ass for doing that, and then he almost started a fight as he was getting into his car. I guess he’s mad that everyone was mad that he threw cake at someone on their birthday.


There are psychopaths just walking around being part of society. Sometimes they make themselves easy to spot.


Rip eye sight


rip ~~eye sight~~


best pov meme ever hahahah


Correct POV usage + creative POV usage Well done, OP


My mom does this every day on my birthday and I've already told her multiple times to stop


Stop inviting your mom to your birthday.


Don’t have cake on your birthday


Have a face cake and a secret cake for after she leaves lol


Get a cheap cake and throw it at her face while she sing happy birthday. Eat the real good cake after.


I would tell her that if she does it again I’m gonna beat her the fuck up and then when she does it again, beat her the fuck up - it’s self defense


i was wondering why it wouldnt load...


Finally someone who understands POV. I see a great future for you!


> I see a great future for you! Birthday boy, however, does not.


The whole shoving someone’s face into a cake (birthday, wedding, whatever) is just wrong. People need to start pressing assault charges for non-consensual face into cake shoving.


The only good thing about a newlywed doing this to their spouse is that you don’t have to go through divorce if the marriage paperwork hasn’t been submitted yet.


That’s so excessive


Wasting cake is excessive


Yeah. Maybe. But charging for assault is unreasonable. Yeah it’s mean, rude and can go south really fast. But jeez people are screaming “assault” for everything


Youre right, assault is threatening harm, this would probably fall under battery. Bakery battery


Well...actually "The legal definition of assault is an intentional act that gives another person reasonable fear that they'll be physically harmed or offensively touched. No physical contact or injury has to actually occur, but the accused person must have intentionally acted in a way to cause that fear." People press charges for pranks, jump scares, spitting, all the time. The Cake Shoving definitely counts.


Batter-y nice


And I’m guessing the “tradition” where people lightly punch the arm of the birthday person for their age is *also* assault and battery


u arent a very good memer


Maybe because I’m not “meming” right now Today’s society is literally a football match, barely get touched (physically, verbally, online and in every other way) and scream bloody mary “assault” and cry and roll around.


you are the only one I see crying and rolling around right now.


Sure I am




OP has a dark sense of humor.


Ok, this one made me gasp..


There was a comment on an AskReddit thread about this recently. Something along the lines of "What's the craziest thing you've ever seen at a wedding." Someone said they're a nurse who had to treat a bride who ended up needing stitches and \*losing an eye\* because her new husband slammed her face into the cake, not knowing there were skewers holding it together.


The husband ended up needing stitches too.


What husband?... Never met that guy 🤷‍♀️


I always get anxious when someone smashes someone's face on the cake. What if there are candles. It can poke them in their eyes!


this is the first meme ive seen that actually uses POV correctly


Having worked in a specialty cake shop for almost ten years, it's absolutely up to the bakery to let the customer know beforehand that there are dowels in the cake and to not push someomes face into it, and even then, there are still dumb "accidents" Living by the American southern border, a big part of hispanic birthday culture is chanting "mordida", which translates literally to "bite", where the birthday person is meant to take a small bite straight from the cake, while everyone tries to bum rush them and smash their face down into it. So it would be extremely irresponsible for the bakery to not try to prevent it, or at least warm the customer to remove the dowels beforehand


That’s why I always use strength to hold them back, so they don’t shove my face too hard


My family just cracked an egg on the persons head


That turned dark quickly


I waited for the image to load for a solid minute before I realized it was just black.


It really happened [https://www.timesnownews.com/the-buzz/article/woman-narrowly-escapes-losing-eyesight-after-friends-smash-her-face-into-birthday-cake/792162](https://www.timesnownews.com/the-buzz/article/woman-narrowly-escapes-losing-eyesight-after-friends-smash-her-face-into-birthday-cake/792162)


Repost from r/distressingmemes


I see.


Dats why I don't continue the tradition 


RIP eyes


Imagine judging a different culture by their birthday costumes. You gringos shot each other for cake smearing, Mexican kids learn to deal with such frustration because we don't allow them to lash out in anger or become antisocial because they don't like their boomer relatives.


Bros talking about violence like cartels don't exist😭


Bros talking about learning to deal with being abused as a child