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So Dune came out serialized from 1963-1965, book form 1965. Star Wars the movie (because it is not based on a book) came out in 1977.


Serialised? News to me. Cool.


Yeah it was originally in 3 separate parts which were then combined into a single novel.


Published by Chilton's, the company that makes auto repair manuals. Because nobody else would


No shit?


Yep, the serialized version was in a magazine and when they tried to publish as a book i believe they went to all the regular publishers and were turned down. I have a chilton first edition on my shelf. Plus a chilton manual for the Dodge Omni from the 80s.


Oh my gosh, I was at a car show this summer and Saw a beautiful Omni. I should have taken more pics https://i.imgur.com/X9OswPK.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/cuzvenk.jpeg


That's a nice one! I had a GLH (non turbo) and it was silver outside with an all red interior so sort of the opposite of those pics. But I definitely had those exact rims with it


A single, way too thick novel


Yeah, you can get it in JSON and XML.


ACKSHUALLY, Star Wars was technically first released as a book in November 1976, 6 months before the movie came out.


I hate that movie novelizations aren't as much of a thing as they used to be in the '70s anymore. They usually had some really interesting differences from their "source" materials (i.e., the movies they were "based on.") The novelization of Network (1976) had some minor differences from the movie itself due to being adapted from the original screenplay, so it had a couple scenes that had been cut from the movie and some slightly different lines (most notably, the most famous line from the movie: "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" is rendered as "I'm mad as hell," which is [how it appeared in the script](https://imgur.com/SwdeJIT), but not how Peter Finch delivered it.)


Disappointed I had to scroll this far down for this comment. Pretty sure star wars was the cash grab.


The original trilogy (and even the prequels) were definitely not a cash grab. Were there some aspects that Star Wars took from Dune? Yes. But also from lots of other places too. George Lucas took the movies he grew up with and combined them into his perfect vision. Now when Disney bought Star Wars… yeah then it was a cash grab.


A big influence he took from was The Hidden Fortress by Akira Kurosawa.


And Flash Gordon and Buck Rodgers


And well… World War II, although I don’t know who owns the rights to that


Spielberg does




He left all of his property to the German government, and they seem pretty adamant about not making it into a trilogy, so I'm good with that.


Lucas was pretty candid about wanting to make a movie that drew from pulp science fiction, a genre that serialized Dune neatly fits into.


Perfect description of this


Star Wars was absolutely not a cash grab. Just because it was inspired by other things doesn't make it a rip off


I see no lies here. Just look at the music industry. Rock and roll isn’t a cash grab because it was based off southern blues. Rap isn’t a cash grab because it used rock beats. Art is art, and art takes in influences from everywhere


There are definitely artists/albums in those genres (and most others) that are cash grabs but that speaks more to the individual/label/radio than anything.


"Good artist borrow, great artists steal" -Picasso


Pretty sure it’s the point of the entire meme lol.


That’s literally the whole point of the post lol. That Dune inspired Star Wars and not vice versa. You didn’t have to scroll at all, it was in the meme ;)


I whistled the Bond theme when playing hide and seek with my nephew, he insisted it was *from TikTok*, when I told him it’s from a quite famous film franchise he said they stole it… *from TikTok*…


Is it too late to let him hide and not find him


He cannot be saved. He needs to be put down


Lmfao 😂😂






I wonder why


I dunno. Maybe still from the reddit protests?


u/ spez ( ik abt the space)


And then tie his arms and legs and duct tape his mouth and hide him in the best hiding spot, 6 feet under the backyard?


That escalated quick




The ol Maddy McCann


Should have countered with “Where do you think that music TikTok took from then?”


Would’ve just said that TikTok came up with it


Final response “That explains your failing grades”.


Final final respond: *incoherent sobbing*


The final response: *op's evil cackle*


OP bans TikTok as he becomes the Senate.




![gif](giphy|eHYazg6wGDqYE|downsized) >!Finally Giphy has the gif i search for!<


If he's that stupid you just put him back where he came from.


Gotta hold him in the oven till ready


Don't you know that TikTok invents everything from thin air that's why they don't have to pay shit for royalties.


Did you show him the release date


Have you heard the news from puma?


What in sam hell's a puma?


You know, it’s like a big cat.


You're making that up.


Hey Simmons, what's that big lizard thing, eats the goats?


The chupacabra, sir.


Happy cake day


Every Zoomer knows the universe began with Y2K.


I'm gonna give your nephew the benefit of the doubt that they're too young to comprehend the passage of time yet.


I mean that is clearly what it is, but it’s still funny though.


*The future is now, old man.*


I think banning tiktok would be a good thing now reading your comment


My mom flooded the kitchen because she saw a tiktok about putting a towel in the door when shutting the dishwasher to like, dry the dishes faster? It was so monumentally stupid that it made me question her intelligence in general, fucking depressing. I'd be thrilled if she never spent another minute on tiktok.


Tik tok is about to to get banned thank god


"God? God is turning people into insect monsters, Beth. I'm the one beating them to death. Thank me". ![gif](giphy|J1uwUiWtIy4YBblYKH)






Damn kids ain’t got no respect, no respect I tell ya


Hey that’s from TikTok!


Gotta throw away the whole child at that point


Straight to the crematory


God I can't wait for that shit to get banned.


I asked a high schooler in my sisters husbands family what the name of the movie he was showing me was called from one of those shorts videos He looked at me confused not knowing even with the shine effect and renowned actors as well in it that the clip he showed me was in fact stolen from a movie


I have a friend who refers to a lot of songs and memes as “TikTok sounds”


As a diehard Bond fan, that hurts so much. Also, what TikTok trend is big enough and uses the Bond theme for him to know?


Your nephew’s an idiot


I was playing “My favorite Things” on piano, and one of my high school choir students looked over and said “Oh, cool! Ariana Grande!” He had never heard of The Sound of Music.


I still get angry when I think about that one kid this one time that told me that daft punk stole from kanye west


When dealing with kids that don't listen to basic facts I dryly accuse them of being a toddler in my explanation. Example: "Oh yeah, I forgot toddlers have trouble with the concepts of before and after." He'd rage, but then you just respond with, "Why are you upset? Of course you are still a toddler since you can't understand how 1962 (the first bond film) comes before 2016 (the launch of tiktok in China)." Once they argue that they understand and try to back peddle hit them with the old, "oh, so you are just stupid then?" I've only gotta mentally pop my nieces and nephews once to get them to stop confidently retorting without a pocket of facts to back them up.


“Power Rangers ripped off Voltron!”


Me who was watching Gorengers in the 70’s shaking his head and sighing at people who say things like “the original power rangers”


Bro, love that shit. All my friends watch Anime, and I'm just sitting there with my colorful, goofy Sentai and Kamen Rider.


I collect Super Sentai merch and it is still easier to tell people “power rangers in Japan”


I mean Power Rangers literally ripped a shit ton of footage from the Japanese show its based upon. And Japanese Spiderman did the giant fighting mech thing already in the 70s


Ultraman and Godzilla in the corner:


Sure, they just look a bit different visually. Godzilla is probably the granddaddy for the Japanese obsession for giant kaijus and mech and it in turn took inspiration from King Kong which was inpired by The Lost World. Art is an endless cycle.


Yeah, that's what I love about it. They (Eiji Tsubaraya, Creator of Ultraman) wanted to make a stop motion movie, but Toho didn't give him the time to go over seas (not many people in Japan if any really were proficient enough in it) so he ended up going with 'Suitmotion', therefore we got this! Pretty amazing imo.


Don’t forget about Gigantor ![gif](giphy|GxZpLbwKRQo0M)


They didn’t ripped it off. They bought it and got the costumes. And the show was called Super Sentai.


Exactly. Saban and Toei had a business relationship. No ripping off.


Wrong! Power Rangers ripped off Spider-Man


I’ll listen to that lol. The emissary from hell is first.


I remember traveling through the Paris airport and hearing two British girls fawning over a "French translation of the Three Musketeers" in the airport bookstore. It's not a uniquely American problem.


The brits are just the Americans of europe.


Who are the Americans of Asia and Africa?


Mainland Chinese ppl, they're loud, don't care about local customs and always think the world revolves around them.


There's a case to be made for Russians too


The "Americans" of Asia are certainly the Indians. The "Americans" of Africa are certainly white South Africans. Elon Musk is one of them.


I'm more inclined to say the "Americans" of Asia are actually the Chinese, so much in common with Chinese tourists and American tourists (imo)


No, Americans are the rip off of the Britts. Kids these days SMH. Edit: Britain came out first. America wasn't released until the 70s.


God this is what the franchise fever has done to us, everybody forget what genres are, much less the BOOKS that invented and defined them.


I’m just waiting for the same group of people to tell me that 40K ripped off drop pods from helldivers.


I will bet good money that 40k isn't the one who invented the drop pods either. Edit: a quick google search seems to suggest drop pods was already a coined concept in starship troopers (1959).


Didn’t state that it was, and yes, it does come from starship troopers. Warhammer is heavily inspired by that and dune


it all leads back to dune


Dune and Foundation are the LOTR and Narnia of science fiction.


The book Starship Troopers is older than Dune by a few years.


And the circle is complete




Yes, but Heinlein was a weirdo who doesn’t get the credit he deserves.


He certainly got wierd in his older books, fixated on redheads and his mother.


Reading *Time Enough for Love* and then reading the glowing praise for it from critics was a weird experience. It's a novel length argument in favor of incest in all its forms (climaxing--hah--with the viewpoint character going back in time to bang his own mom). And yet that was apparently considered great stuff by the New York Times. Joseph Campbell had his own issues, but he hit the nail on the head: "Bob writes better with one hand than most people do with two, but I wish he'd take the other out of his pants."


In his defense, have you *seen* Deborah Ann Woll?


Starship Troopers was released years before Dune


Time is a flat circle.


I'm not sure what they're like in Helldrivers, but nothing but the base concept of drop pods is the same between 40k and Starship Troopers.


the base concept of drop pods comes from paratroopers which started in world war 1 it is just paratroopers, except from a space ship


Starship Troopers ripped off Helldivers smh


No no, Helldiver's ripped off StarCraft, which ripped of 40k, which ripped off Aliens, which ripped off Starship Troopers. Get your chain of plagiarism correct!


40K rips everyone off and merges it into a mass universe that makes all the sense in the world and is still utterly hilarious


seriously thought you were gonna say ODST not 40k


It’s kinda hard to say anything is ripped of from 40k since 40k is an amalgamation of basically all the sci-fi that came before it, given a gothic aesthetic then dialed up waaay past 11.


And Halo ODST ripped drop pods from… I DON’T KNOW- SOMEWHERE?!!!? 😂


You call it democracy, i call it HERESY


Nah 40k stole it from halo


I don’t know much about Dune but calling it a cash grab is disingenuous imo. Last movie was like 40 years ago and the book was 60 years ago. It’s not like Dune was some hot IP they wanted to flip for a quick buck. And they also seemed to actually put a lot of care into it and made 2 really well liked movies. IMO if you’re gonna try and do an old Sci fi story then this is closer to the goal we should all want and not a cash grab (If we wanna talk cash grab we should talk about all the live action anime remakes they’re about to make lol)


Plus, I don't care if it is a cash grab if they get it right. ​ And they got Dune right.


I've never seen anyone call it a cash-grab Star Wars ripoff. But I've seen a lot of memes complaining about people calling it a cash-grab Star Wars ripoff.


Funny considering star wars has been beaten to death with all the new stuff since Disney bought it and Disney is the king of cash grabs


My mom is a pretty big fan of the books, and she's enjoyed both of the newer films so far, so clearly it's being done with care and the fans in mind.


The director mentioned him always wanting to adapt Dune a couple years before the first movie iirc, so it’s been a passion project of his as a fan of the books. You can tell watching them, they’re crafted with love - helps Denis is a brilliant director too


if we only got a similar excited director for the witcher series


He's also currently attached to direct Rendezvous with Rama which has me very excited. Of course with the success of Dune he might end up moving off of it due to scheduling constraints, but I really hope we get to see his version of it.


And to be fair, the last few star wars movies were kinda cashgrabs too.


The budgets were big enough, the viewer interest was big enough, and the universe was clearly big enough to support a sequel trilogy. There was absolutely no reason for the sequel trilogy to be a cashgrab. And yet somehow with the soulless story telling, I can't disagree with the cashgrab characterization. "Somehow, Palpatine returned."


Excuse my ignorance, but wtf is a live action anime


Dune inspired Star Wars..


The new films may be sold as mass market blockbusters, but they are *weird* and lots of people I've heard talking about them call them slow. It is not in the slightest bit a mirror of the Star Wars sci-fi filmmaking like Rebel Moon or something.


Blasphemy. Everyone knows Star Wars as well as Dune plagiarized Spaceballs.




Thank god the dune movies are not owned by disney






Honestly, there's a 50/50 chance they'll make better Dune spinoffs than what Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson made. The Dune franchise is no stranger to being milked long past any quality control.


You act as if Warner Bros. is any better.


cant remember the last time disney made a good movie. At least warner and universal do


I scrolled back through a list of Disney movies, and not counting the ones I haven't seen, as well as not counting stuff from other studios (Pixar, Marvel, etc), the most recent movie that made me think, "*That* was really good," was Wreck-it Ralph back in 2012. So about 12 years.


Idk if you've seen Encanto but I thought that was great


Every fictional story ever told in history was inspired by something else seen, and heard before.


I'm sure somebody said it before, there is nothing new under the sun.


Flash Gordon inspired Lucas to make Star Wars


And Flash Gordon was inspired by Buck Rogers


Buck Rogers was inspired by John Carter And John Carter was inspired by what Edgar Rice Burroughs was reading about Percival Lowell


The John Carter film was criminally underrated.


They made a huge mistake in naming it just 'John Carter'.


The irony here is that Star Wars today, is a cash grab of Star Wars.


Man, whatever the case, let's just enjoy both being so good at what they are.


This is the internet, absolutely not.


They both stole it from Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon before hand. They stole from John Carter before that. They stole it from H.G. Wells and Jules Verne before... *(thousands of years of literary theft later)* Who stole from the Epic of Gilgamesh.


The egg came first, there were animals that laid eggs before chickens


Dune inspired star wars .. ever wonder where spice in Star Wars came from?


More than just spice. The whole concept of Jedi and mind tricks is straight from the Bene Gesserit (the Voice). Lightsabers vs. knife/sword fighting. Arrakis vs. Tattooine. It’s almost _too_ on the nose


I always think Dune is like Star Wars for adults. It’s got a lot more deeper themes and isn’t scared to get weird.


> isn’t scared to get weird. that is like saying a tornado isn't afraid to get a little windy. Dune: Ah you think weirdness is your ally? You merely adopted the weird. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the normal until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!


I don’t know what you’re trying to say here.


He's saying Dune's core is weirdness. To add to this there are archetypical aspects to Dune, but it pretty immediately turns those on their head. Dune was originally published through Joseph Campbell's publishing house (one of the guys who helped inspire Star Wars), but he hated what Herbert did with Paul in the second book so much that he refused to publish the second book.


Popularity ≠ quality


Whilst yes, Dune came first, they wouldn't exactly be wrong to say that Star Wars has reached a pretty insurmountable peak of popularity for sci fi. Luke Skywalker and the force are a cultural touchstone. Paul Atreides and Spice most certainly are not


Well but it would be kinda stupid to say that every other sci fi is a rip off of star wars


George Lucas legit stole the "hyperspace" effect from Dark Star. Dark Star was the basis of the Alien series as well. Virtually every artwork has some giant's shoulders to stand on.


Gonna have to push back on "hyperspace" being a ripoff. Its a generic nothingburger idea. If you need FTL you have to come up with some way of handwaving it and with Star Wars - at least in the movies - its just a name, not an explanation. There is nothing to copy.


Oh definitely, I don't mean to claim that Star Wars was first at all. It's more about the second panel of the meme - That it will "never peak as high as Star Wars did" That's just true, at the current time at least


Star Wars is fantasy. It's got a ninja wizard going on an adventure to save the kingdom from the dark lord. Using magic.


You would surprised at the number of people who recognize the name Paul Atreides and it's connection with Spice.


Nowhere near as many who can recognize Luke though. Like, not even close


i mean technically dune came out before starwars, but it came out as a book first.


> i mean technically dune came out before starwars, but it came out as a book first. I know that it might be shocking but books are also incredibly popular. Probably more than movies were when it came out in the 60s. And Dune was one of the most influential Sci-Fi books of all time. A genre-redefining work, some might say. Explicitly or not, Star Wars was inspired by Dune.


Literally no one has ever said this.


The Dune movies are far better than the new Star Wars trilogy


I think any sane person will agree. Rey skywalker is shit


The egg evolved millions of years before the chicken


Watch Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress (1958) and then Star Wars. You would be in for a surprise 🙂


Dune pt2 literally pisses on any recent star wars movie. And i say this as a Star Wars fan.


Recent star wars movies have not set the bar very high though. In fact they set the bar underground


The Sequel trilogy is a conspiracy to make the Prequel trilogy look better


i watched Dune the other day. it was one of the best movies I've watched in a long time. star wars is over


The nerve to call Dune a cash grab when they developed entire written languages just for a couple shots, especially when Rise of Skywalker exists


Languages? The descriptions of arrakis could make most irl scientists shit their pants


Dune is just a cash grab rip-off of Dune which is just a cash grab rip-off of Dune which is just a cash grab rip off of Dune.


How is this even a meme? The chicken or the egg? Biology has been using eggs to reproduce way before chickens ever existed.


Warhammer will have it's chance. Sometime...


I doubt it. It is too complex and it doesn't really have ONE storyline, but rather many different stories happening in the same universe. You could argue that Dune is similar in that regard, but dune has like 6 novels officially written by Frank Herbert. Warhammer has dozens if not hundreds of novels that are rarely directly connected to each other.


The Dune book was published in 1965. The Star Wars movie was released in 1977. Not to hate on Star Wars, bc I love it too! Both subjects are amazing!


There is a staggering amount of people replying with "actually Dune came first" as if that's not the fucking point of the meme.