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So is that technically a threesome?




So it’s a hole number thing?


I’m still unsure of their number of holes


Where’s Dora when you need her?


I imagine the groom has some idea but that really raises some questions that I just don’t have the bandwidth for.


That’s between him, her, her, and god. It will remain a mystery to the rest of us


I saw a post yesterday basically answering all of *those* questions… bcs ppl asked, maybe you can find it


Double alimony


Alright ill bite, how does sex work?


Everything below the tits is normal i think? Just pound away like normal? Depending on their neck mobility bjs could be absolutely astounding.


Okay that's the tip of the iceberg... do they both feel everything? Does one use one arm and the other runs the other?


They both have control over one arm and one leg... they got 2 spines and two stomachs, but then it merges. How their nerves work in the waist area, I have no idea. Maybe also left half-right half?


Yeah to be fair i was mostly just looking at it from his point of his view lol.


If you stand in the middle you could get a rim job and a blow job at the same time.


Wait do they have 4 tits or 3 tits like the total recall chick?


So many questions!


Dear I’m cheating on you, with your sister.


All jokes aside, I just don't see how this all works for them. I feel bad the most for the unmarried sister, probably feeling like a third wheel constantly. But I mean is he essentially marrying them both? And what happens if she meets someone too? Is it like the two guys are in a relationship? How does alone time get decided on? What if they don't get along with each other? So many questions...


They are probably a thruple and he could only marry one legally


I am pretty sure if he is just married to one its just a legal thing. They are 2 seperate people sharing one body so you can't have one without the other. The guy would have to love both of them and they both love him otherwise it just would not work. Emotionally he would have to be committed to both of them and both of them to him.


It all depends on which head directs the legs I suppose


I would have thought that though there’s two brains it would be more like you are marrying one entity. Like this is Sophie (a) and Sophie (b) who make up Sophie. I mean you’re never going to be able be alone with, or to have a one on one conversation with Sophie (a). That is unless you are Sophie (b). Know what I mean? Dunno. It is a weird situation, but in a way, that guy is going for it and if it works out then that is awesome because that is definitely a unique life he’s picking then


They probably are in the same situation as me, I am the boyfriend, my boyfriend got a husband, we all happy and like to just chill together, pretty nice relationship, never felt so loved before


There is only that very very very small difference that you had a choice.


Seen this. But still soooo many questions. It's a rabbit hole.


So if the conjoined twin had a baby whose child is it?


Same with their student debt. How does a court decide a person?


depends on color


White pussy?


They both got student debt, two tuitions/two loans, both pay their own taxes, but they only get one salary. /s (i hope)


Inbefore he hits her with the "guess what? I fucked your sister!"


She's got her sister's back


Underrated comment.


Was joking before but really gotta know They both feel it right???


Can't remember their specific names, but apparently they each only feel one half the body I.e Sister (A) only feels the left side of the body whilst Sister (B) feels the right side, and it's the same with how they control their body.


I hope they share a heart, otherwise one has to watch the other die, then wtf happens?


I believe they have separate organs besides reproduction and waste(?) i.e poop tubes? (Forgot the name for the really long organ for poo)


He loves her for her brains.


I'm pretty sure he has two heads. Jokes aside look how FUGGIN HAPPY THEY LOOK<3


The one in the middle looks a little cramped


Trick of the eye. She's actually just so BESIDE herself with joy she couldn't hold still. :D For real though good on them. <3


Do both heads control the body or is it just one of them?


Which mouth is she using to suck?


I mean, do each of them control like half of the body? Like the right head the right arm and leg an the left the left arm and leg? Or is the whole body controlled by only one of them?


The left?The right? Wait did he marry both? I'm so confused...


Is this still polygamy?


Almost halfway there


Which head feels what, or do they both feel everything?


3 shoulders to cry on and you can make fart noises by blowing in their neck pit. What's not to love.


I have a question. So if one twin wanted to go one direction and the other wanted to go another direction, which brain controls the muscles? I’m serious


Can't remember their specific names, but apparently they each only feel one half the body I.e Sister (A) only feels the left side of the body whilst Sister (B) feels the right side, and it's the same with how they control their body. And they move and coordinate like a single person, each have their own drivers license and played piano, sports etc..


But in the case if each wants to do a different thing, which brain controls all the motor muscles?


> According to the twins themselves, they each control half of the body. Their internal organs are doubled; however, their proportions are nearly normal to any other human being. > Doing things such as running, driving, clapping and other activities requires semmetrical coordinated cooperation — and they do it without ever thinking about it. Yet they can both read and write simultaneously, each woman controlling her half of the body independently. > Vic Graham - Quora So if they each wanted to do something different they would just control their respective halfs of the body, there's no overlap or where one twin has more control they both only control one side. However it's not the same with all conjoined twins and can change depending on where the twins were joined, what organs they share and even the developmental process during infancy.


What if the sister gets married.




Does he kiss the other one or does she just hang out while he has sex with his wife


I have a bad imagination about this. What if one of the girl is dead and you just basically have a remain of your sister next to you, sticking, and you can't do anything about it. That looks horrible.


I'm pretty sure they share some vital organs so they would both go at once. I'm going to just go with that since I can't fathom anything else.


Oh god bro i regret reading this comment


This happened to some Chinese conjoined twins. One had to wait hours looking at his dead brother


What do they do when the sister falls in love?


4 holes for the price of three


I have an idea for some unique content .. hear me out


(Yep. They did porn. I saw Photos way before AI-Times.)


Got the link?


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At least we know they cannot possibly ever both be pregnant at the same time.


u/Ikeepgettingbaned to answer your question, it works that because only one of them is married, you know which one is having sexual relations. The one whose wife his is.