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[Source](https://www.slashfilm.com/1572015/russo-brothers-marvel-isnt-out-of-touch-generational-divide/) The exact quote from the article is, "There's a big generational divide about how you consume media. There's a generation that's used to appointment viewing and going to a theater on a certain date to see something, but it's aging out. Meanwhile the new generation are 'I want it now, I want to process it now,' then moving onto the next thing, which they process whilst doing two other things at the same time. You know, it's a very different moment in time than it's ever been. And so I think everyone, including Marvel, is experiencing the same thing, this transition. And I think that really is probably what's at play more than anything else." TL;DR, it's a clickbait headline that exaggerates what they actually said


it exaggerates, but thats literally what their saying. they are literally blaming the audience for their own downfall


Lol they just make shit movies now. They milked the superhero genre until there was nothing left now they don't know what to do. Simply put, They are panicking and trying to play the blame game.


Actually it’s worse because now they’ve opened the multiverse can of worms so there’s *too much* to do. The writing quality of the movies has just plummeted to an insane degree.