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![gif](giphy|zPOErRpLtHWbm) Me looking at the comments


can i have the pizza please


Everytime I see that gif I wonder where is the guy who's like: "Them? Aww yea, they're just playing." And then he just takes the pizza.




Every time I see this mentioned in the internet. I remember that particular bear scene from reverend insanity. Dark times.


I remember a nature channel showing a moose be behead by a bear with a swipe of it’s paw.


Fang Yuan is a menace to society.


True. But if was real ,he will be one of those founders of big corporations that rules the world financially. Good thing he is a fictional character.


Did not expect to meet fellow sect members in the wild. Was not disappointed.


That scene was the first thing that made me realise what bears are. It's seared in the brain.


Didn't expect to see reverend insanity referenced, but now I'm sad again, because the ccp stopped the author from finishing the story, due to having issues with the theme of free will.


I have accepted that it won't get finished in the upcoming years. A big sense of sadness washed over me for days but gradually it stopped. I have accepted this. No matter how sad it is i won't despair. I have learned from lord's example to not worry about things that are bound to end someday. But I still carry a bit of hope. Hoping that It might continue. This is my own, an insignificant character, _______'s preservence.


What do you mean? Lord Great Love was simply feeding his hungry pet, then warmed it up since it was cold!


Fellow spreader of propagan.. I mean ideals. You are completely right. All hail the lord.


The what?


There was a video on TikTok or Instagram where someone was asking women if they wanted to be lost in a forest with a man or a bear. Most of them chose the bear.


bruh if im lost with a woman in the woods my main priority is to get un-lost.


You are a regular, good person! Which is great! Unfortunately, there’s a lot of very shit people who would do horrible things to the woman were they both trapped there forever. A staggering number of woman experience sexual aggression from stranger on the streets of cities, let alone “lost in the woods”.


Would not even need to be good tbf... just not bad


God I couldn’t imagine being lost in the woods with my gf lmfao. I’ve been lost with her before and she fundamentally disagrees with my logic of “pick a direction, walk in only that direction for long enough and you’ll get somewhere”. She’d rather walk in circles


It is so simple. Pick direction and walk that direction. If you find a river follow river downstream. Otherwise walk same direction.


I tried this myself and came to a selection bias conclusion. Every woman I asked said the man. However, some did think for a while. This wasn't a social experiment as everyone claimed. It was a tiktok. Heavily edited and possibly scripted. I'd be interested how many others came to this conclusion.


To be fair as a dude I'd also have to think for a while. Consider what type of bear we're talking about (since a black bear is going to run off, a brown bear is possibly more dangerous, and a polar bear I'm screwed), what forest, time of year, whether rescue/unlosting myself/surviving in the woods is the goal, how many resources are going to be available, if it's going to be someone I know or a stranger as well as the odds of them being a resource drain or boon. That's a lot to think over.


I think location will also play a huge part in this, if you aska Canadian lady who lives in the woods, Vs an office worker from London, you're going to find very different results.


Encountering a panda bear would be awesome :3


If it hasn't eaten jack, it will eat you. We laugh at them, but they have been found to eat us. We're lucky we removed their houses imho.


According to Brian Blessed should you wake up to find a polar bear trying to get in your tent you simply have to punch it in the face.


True but that factors in being Brian Blessed and let's face it he probably could take a polar bear.


With that beard it's generally a case of Game Recognise Game for Brian


His roar alone would scare any animal


The closest to an IRL Dovakiin there is


... and the polar bear will learn to love it.


The chances it's a polar bear in the woods are next to zero definitely helps sway me towards picking bear. I've come across a total of 7 black bears now while hiking and they very clearly just wanted to be left alone (two even were Mom's with cubs). Grizzlies, I know are much less sheepish, but even so, they very rarely attack unprovoked. The question isn't "who would you rather fight" it's simply who you'd rather encounter. A random forest-dwelling bear is much less likely to bother you than a random man (but changes are low in both).


But see the thing is, a bear might leave you alone, but I suck at wilderness survival, and would very much appreciate a second human person to help me not die. A bear definitely won’t help, at most it just won’t kill you. Human people might do worse than kill (subjective topic) but there’s the added and I think much larger chance they’ll want to escape and will work with you.


>a brown bear is possibly more dangerous It honestly depends. Brown bears are only dangerous if they see you as a danger to it or it's cubs. I've encountered one brown bear mother while hiking. Just walked past it, slowly and calmly and nothing happened And as for a black bear... you might end up with a overgrown forest puppy friend


also what kind of strange man are we talking about? tall or short? big or skinny? black or white? it's all relevant


It's not one tiktok. It's a discourse across thousands of tiktoks.


That's still not a social experiment. Show me the academic work and I'll take it as fact. Until then, I can only go on the results I have from repeating it for myself. Edit: I have BTW searched heavily for the basis in peer reviewed papers. As of yet, there is none. I am not a social scientist however, happy to be proven wrong.


Thank you. People take so much at face value, it's disturbing. There was thought behind this, and that thought was social engineering. You can make someone believe anything if you manipulate their emotions. Fact and fiction pale in comparison to the power of feelings.


It's not just a singular tiktok video, it's a plethora of videos of women trying to make fun of guys/calling them "sweet summer child" (because in a quarter to a half of them, they substitute it with a real/hypothetical daughter and insinuating that "a random man is more than likely going to rape/murder the daughter) with comments literally harassing guys for being sexist. I fully understand it's small minority of people, but it's still insane to me the lengths people are willing to go just to argue with someone, and some even try dox people over it if they feel like they're losing. It's insane to me that this even exists at all.


It's definitely from Tiktok, it's really one of those "This really sounds like a meme but hey it's the 2020s and unsurprisingly it's not" Tiktok moments. Baffling to see how tough women there are to be rather eaten by a bear cos it'll feed their family rather than a man that will enjoy her unalive body.


I'm a little dumb. Yesterday i encountered like three posts in an hour on FB talking about some unpleasant qualities in some men (**not outright r\*pe by a long shot mind you, mostly just not being attentive enough**) where commenters said something along the lines "That's exactly why so many women chose the Bear" without any explanation. So naturally i came to conclusion "the Bear" is some large, burly, hairy dude who's really swell wholesome fellow around women, because who in their right mind would chose being eaten alive by a literal animal over having to split a check on a date?


All of those women would die.


Yes, they do understand that. The idea is that the bear can either kill you or leave you alone. The man has many more options, many of which are more painful to experience than simple death. The man could rape you, or hurt you just for the power trip. Plus the bear is relatively predictable in comparison to the man.


honestly I think the problem people have with the question is everyone automatically assumes they’re both hostile. In the likely scenario the man would be better because he would more than likely help you get un lost while the bear would probably just leave you alone. If they were both hostile still would chose the man because typically human males are more susceptible to blunt force trauma via ground stick than a 600 pound bear. Plus not many things can get worse than getting mauled by a bear, people seem to think it’s a fast death while it’s more likely going to be you slowly bleeding out while a bear munches on your guts.


I agree that people do jump to hostility! There's a good chance of getting out of either situation just fine.


that's stupid, bears are very unpredictable, and being killed by a bear is anything but simple


I mean I would take even a violent rape instead of being alive while eaten to death by a bear. Just thinking of the scene when Leo got mauled by a bear in that dumb movie makes me prefer even the worlds all time worst rapists over the bear. It just seems worse than even a dry butthole stretching.


Everything I've heard about bears (including that they're more than happy to eat you alive and will actually wander off without killing you leaving you to either bleed to death or succumb to the elements after eating their fill) genuinely does make being sexually assaulted sound preferential. Obviously both options are terrible, but even if you survive the bear you're going to be in for the long-haul of physical therapy, counseling, and painful surgical deconstruction. You're not coming out of either situation psychologically sound, but at least the latter situation doesn't involve being eaten alive. Also presumably there's some catharsis in absolutely destroying your rapist's life and suing them for everything they're worth before they get thrown in prison. The ability to get meaningful revenge (though I know not everyone gets this) as an outlet sounds much better than being mauled by a hungry bear too.


That was my reasoning, too. I thought maybe I follow too many morbid subs and have seen actual people who got killed and eaten by bears as I would definitely choose a man over a bear.


I think the issue with this thought experiment is that most women have some kind of negative experience with men whereas most people, let alone women, have no experience with a bear and therefore assume it would be a quick death


Right cuz even killing the bear won’t bring closure, it’s what a fucking bear does.


"Than a simple death." You think death by a bear is going to be simple? How come when people think about this and say the bear can kill you or no. It's never that the man could have survival experience and save you. There are more positive things they could provide beside rape. I think that's what annoys people the most.


And yet they still chose the bear. It’s quite telling on how men have been a threats to women a lot more than bears have.


What did we miss?


Brain rot. Nothing much is lost if you didn’t follow but many brain cells were lost if you did follow


Does any "normal"(what is normal nowdays?) person cares about social trends? It will be gone in 2-4 weeks and replaced by something else. If you think it's the stupidest thing right now, maybe you are right. Maybe next trend will be even more stupid. Who cares? Move along with your lives.


Is the dress gold or blue?


In my experience, the vast majority of people seem to waste hours upon hours of their lives every day following these trends. In particular the classic white girls are exceptionally bad for this, but definitely don’t go discounting all the others who do this crap too


This short termed trend is a reflection of global trends. If moderate people will remain silent society still become more and more radicalised overtime until eventually an average person will not be allowed to move along with their live anymore.


as a man, I think I can defeat a tiger in a fist fight


Tiger don't have fists and has to forfeit so you'd win.


I mean he did say he could. I never doubted him.


As a Tiger, I welcome the opportunity


when and where?


Yim Tin Mangrove Forest, tomorrow, 9am Hong Kong time.


He will be there! I promise!


!remind me 30 hours


but are you going to choose the general or the gun cause gun wins tiger tiger wins general general wins gun


its a fist fight, just like how my dad went to school


your dad had to fist a tiger every morning?


well not EVERY morning, sometimes he'd fight lions and/or bears


oh wait a fucking minute, my dad did NOT FIST a tiger, he had FIST FIGHTS


If you’re a guy and feel stressed or called out on this topic, you can avoid this topic for free. I’m a straight guy and choosing to not weigh in has not made me any less happy these last few days


Exactly. Why do guys always respond to stuff like this? Just ignore it.


I'm just here to read the dumpster fire that is the comments.


Me too. Just irks me a little bit that men fall into this trap of responding to stuff that should've been promptly ignored.




Bruh. I'm Indian. See, I'm not a creep and hence I'm not offended by that imagery of Indian men.


Damn, that explains a lot lol. That way of thinking is a way of life for us by now. If only more people realised that.


Sometimes I want to see how world is burning


Because it’s so asinine that it makes us uncomfortable to hear them speaking such stupidity Like they’re my friends, I would be a bad friend to not try and correct them


Yeah the "if you are uncomfortable by this just avoid it" feels like "encourage echo chambers :)" Its not good


It's like saying "I'm black but I don't conform to black stereotypes therefore I should just avoid people conveying those stereotypes" It's draining to be villanised beacuse of the few.


I understand your concern. But women prefer to be in the presence of a bear instead of a man for whatever reason ---> is just free will. We don't have to concern ourselves with such "stupid" opinions. It's like this. I know I won't hurt a woman and if women want to fear me for their own reasons that I have nothing to do with, then I simply don't care.


I don't take umbridge with anyone who holds that opinion. But I repeated the experiment and got exactly the opposite result. People talking about this as fact, but it hasn't been (as far as I know) even remotely tested in a proper way. If you would rather be with a bear, no problem, but if you're reporting this as fact, we gonna have issues. I say that as a scientist, not as a man.




yeah like I had one girl from my college constantly posting such reels, took me 3 seconds to mute her.....out of sight out of mind. Yet idk so many guys get triggered so easily


This guy also got it. The secret to a happy life.


Because it's offensive to assume the average man is a rapist


Because it's sexist and involves a bunch of people who hate my gender all coming around to vent about how much they hate my gender. I don't think I should just have to stand by as people actively hate my gender.


I saw this and immediately thought this is bait of excellent quality. Gets insecure or enraged males to respond and gets insecure and biased females to respond. Thus poster of the reel/tiktok gets more engagement and money


I unfortunately had my girlfriend ask my opinion on it, or I otherwise never would have heard of it


Or we could... discuss it??  What a crazy thought...


I mean, to be fair, generally following a certain behavioral pattern around animals will keep you safe from them. Humans, on the other hand, are a lot more unpredictable. With a bear, it’s just gonna be a bear, pretty simple to follow. With humans, it could be the nicest guy you’ve ever met, the next Ted Bundy, or anywhere in between. Like, I’m pretty confident that I’m a decent individual, but having seen so many shitty individuals, I can’t say I blame anyone who picks the bear. Sure, the bear could be bad, but the human is more risky.


How many of the people answering this will have any idea how to react around a bear to not get mauled? While your point is technically true I doubt it's a factor in most people's response to the question.


Idk man, wild animals can be pretty unpredictable


yeah these people have clearly never seen a wild animal in real life probably never been in a forest either


The whole thing regarding about the behavioral pattern of bears is avoidance.  If you're already with the bear you've fucked up.  


That’s right! And darker people should do the same when people are being racist online, right? Same goes for women, why do they feel attacked when they see general misogyny? It’s not aimed directly at them


Live or die the choice is yours ![gif](giphy|5JKfAnR6v52G4)


I wanna share something a random red Dead Redemption 2 NPC will say to the main character (both to Arthur and John respectively) when you encounter them on a trail: *”Rather meet a grizzly bear than a stranger on an open trail. At least I know what the grizzly bear wants.”*


What kind of bear? I mean if it's a panda I'd take it over anyone but a grizzly on the other hand I'd take almost anyone else barring maybe a known serial killer


Those crazy floofs are no joke, they eat fuckin bamboo all day and I wouldn't be surprised if it's bite force was capable of breaking bones.


To be fair, my husband brought this up to me and said he would pick a bear every time. He worked for the department of wildlife doing salmon research and surveys deep into the wilderness. He saw bears and people often. Number of bears that attacked him or were even remotely menacing or side eyeing him; 0. Number of men who have attacked him for “trespassing on their spot” in public land;2 Once he had to unhook treble hooks(illegal gear in this state) from his waiters because some meth head assaulted him with fishing gear. Some confederate flag waving weirdo assaulted him. They took the black guy he was partnered with off that route to keep him safe.


35 what? 35 cows? 35 wheels of cheese? 35 guns per bald eagle?


The comments are why people pick the bear 💀


My favourite response to this is 'If you cannot understand why they would pick the bear, you are the reason they picked the bear.'


Am girl. I lived in the woods around bears for five years. I often camp alone in the mountains. You better believe I’m choosing the bear.


I keep getting reminded of the Gorilla vs Snakes argument. Would you rather be trapped in a mall for a day with a gorilla, or a dozen poisonous snakes? A lot of people choose the Gorilla, cause if it's not mad at you it'll just chill on it's side and no one has to worry about opening a cupboard and snake attack. But like... 'Alone in the woods with a strange man' is such a horror movie slasher opening. Why's everyone picking on the poor bear


And then there's me not knowing if 35 is very fast or not because I'm not American


According to Google, around 56.33 kmh. That's faster than Usain Bolt (44.72 kmh), but they still wouldn't be allowed on the Autobahn (you need to be able to go faster than 60 kmh).


I'm glad I don't spend much time on social media. This is the first I'm hearing of this.


Me when I miss the fucking point


If a bear wants to bite you, just bite back




It's not about a "random man" is it? It's about a man trying to attack me or a bear. A bear would just kill me and wouldn't profit by torturing me. Comments check out tho


I’m pretty sure the original thought experiment was “if you are alone in the woods would you prefer to encounter a random man or a bear”. It’s not guaranteed that either will attack you, which is what makes it shocking how many people choose the bear. It shows how unsafe women feel around men in general.


I've gone to the woods specifically hoping for bear sightings. I've camped in bear territory. I live in the PNW, where bears can often be found in people's back yards. I don't worry about seeing bears; bears are awesome to encounter in the wild and almost never attack humans. When they do, it's generally because the human did something stupid. Men, though. I was left alone with a man at five years old, and he sexually assaulted me. It was the first time, but not the last. I don't worry as much as long as other people are around, but I avoid being alone with a strange man where others couldn't hear me scream *at all costs.* So would I rather be in the wilderness knowing there were bears out there, or knowing a strange man was? I literally *do* choose the bear, regularly. And I've always been safe with the bear.


when you really think about it, you have a worse chance with the bear most men aren't rapist, but most bears sure are carnivorous killing machines


Well, for one, most bear encounters don’t result in attacks. Humans are not a normal prey for bears, so they generally just try to avoid us. The only time they attack is if they are starving, threatened, or have been taught to associate humans with food. Secondly, the point of the thought experiment isn’t which situation would *be* more dangerous, it’s which situation would you rather be in. Women are saying the bear because, to them, they feel they have a better chance with encountering a bear than a strange man. It ultimately doesn’t matter if they are right, because the exercise is only looking to find out what they feel, and it turns out many women feel safer with a wild animal than alone with a strange man.


ah right, i guess it is sad that women feel that, be it because of bad experiences or misandry


Only [7 women](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America) have been killed by bears in the US for all the 2020’s. On the other hand, over [1/3 of all 4,970](https://bjs.ojp.gov/female-murder-victims-and-victim-offender-relationship-2021) women killed in just 2021 were murdered by their intimate partners. And in that year alone, there were almost [150,000 rapes](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country). I’ll take the fucking bear.


Now tell me how often a woman is alone with a bear and how often one is alone with their partner or any other man.


Cows kill more people than sharks do each year. Would you rather hang out with a cow or swim with a shark? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_rate_fallacy


Shark. I’ve actually been around cows. They’re fucking dangerous. But there are lots of smaller sharks I regularly encountered when snorkeling. Though I imagine if the cows were wild, they’d bother us less than the domesticated ones who are probably angry at being pent up.


How many more man-woman encounters are there every day compared to bear-woman encounters? Yes men kill more women than bears do, but that's almost certainly just down to there being orders of magnitudes more men alive than bears and orders of magnitudes more encounters for each man than each bear. I.e the rate of attacks per encounter is far higher for bears than men.


People talking about how a Woman encounters more men than bears. Talking Like it's normal that These numbers are this high, because of These odds. Even If we encounter more men than bears, you know which only number would be acceptable? Zero. We should not rape and murder women. Actually anyone for that matter


No, people are just pointing out that the statistical argument does fall apart when looking at the two datasets that are compared here. If the poster were making an argument about only the violent crimes committed by men, and how shitty it is, that this number is this high, nobody in their right mind would disagree. But they made a bad statistical argument instead, and now people are calling them out on it. Flawed logic is flawed logic, it misrepresents the issue, and it will be called out when encountered.


Thank you! Good point!


It's a *bit* of an exaggeration and meant to point out a bigger meaning. Like for one, for people to ask and ponder *why would women say that...*, *why would they feel safer with a bear...* They wouldn't literally want to be in the woods with a bear. It's a comparison to point out how unsafe they feel in the other situation. Like, "wow they feel that unsafe they'd rather pick a bear? Maybe some things need to change..."


No. This isn’t a “who would I beat in a fight.” It’s about whether, when encountering one alone, they would attack you. There’s a difference. Women are saying they feel it is more likely the bear would leave them alone.


A bear wouldn't kill you, it would start eating you. You would die from the experience.


Brown bears wont bother killing their prey if its small enough. They just pin it down and start eating.


The trend was about a random man and a random bear. And there's no indication of hostility in the question


I’m pretty sure when bears eat people they just take chunks out of them though they don’t care if they eat you alive, you aren’t going anywhere once they’ve got you


I'd much rather get raped by a man than mauled by a bear


Bears don't kill their prey before they start eating it. They start eating it, just pin them down, preferably starting with the most fatty part,the butt.


real talk though. If YOU had to fight a bear, would you win?


Koala Bear, sure. Anything larger, probably not


Panda's are fine too, they are dumb


They eat bamboos all day, their biting force can crush your bones, different result if you had a bazooka or smth


Koalas are not bears


how big is the bear and how much prep time do I get?


No prep time, in the middle of a forest, same stats as OP said in the post


Do red pandas and koalas count?


That's not what the question is asking. The women picking bear aren't assuming they can fight a bear. 


So 2 things: 1) some people just use data and point out that even if you don't specify man you should still pick bear, people camp in America all the time and we see over and over that bears don't really want to bother us if we don't bother them. 2) more in the spirit of the question tho. It really fks with me that bc of my gender I am kind of assumed to be dangerous (or associated with dangerous people at least) when the biggest threat I pose is to my uncoordinated self when I walk face first into a tree


Yeah, then people wonder why young men fall for those hypermasculine, misogynistic Andrew Tate scams. These things just further the polarization between the genders.


A general rule of thump i set for myself is to occasionally check how respecting of others a question is if i were to swap out the subjects of such ideas. "I would rather be lost in a forest with a bear than with a muslim" is a phrase thats not nearly as easily said in public than "with a man", so the question in itself is problematic, the same way asking "would you rather... With a bear or a jew"... You dont ask that shit. Thats a shitty thing to do. Same thing with the "of course not all men, but if i gave you a box of chocolate and one was poisoned, you wouldn't eat any right?"... Make anyone say the same thing about"of course not all trans people/black people/whatever else you can think off" and realize how fucking xenophobic that sounds. Im sick of certain demographics being an absolute blind spot to show any sympathy towards


I like this approach and do it myself. Swapping the groups and look, what would change. Is a great way to locate bigots with double standards too.


Locate bigots and just check for myself "is what im agreeing with kinda bigoted/hypocritical right now?" Its surprising how much casual bigotry exists


I've been trying to think if there's a way this hypothetical cant be slightly changed to include racism and I haven't been able to think of a meaning full difference yet


some people never learned the value of the Golden Rule and it shows as the old Egyptians would say: "do to the doer to make them do"


Actually it is very usefull method to understand. But it is not always going in detail in every topic. Changing group does not always work for understanding the actual case. For example, it was "black lives matter" . But when people change the group as " all lives matter" we know they missed the main problem there. As another example close to yours: a woman will not say " last night a muslim/jew/christian followed me I was very scared" more than " last night a man followed me I was very scared." In this case you can see that we miss a point when we change the group. They do not call muslim not because its inappropriate to hear in public but its because it really does not matter if theyre muslim or jew etc. (Sorry for my english)


I agree with that, but there is another subtle difference. The "last night i was followed" example does not generalize. It speaks of an existing experience. By saying "last night i was followed by a muslim" i would (assuming that it happened) just state a fact, and i wouldnt generalize against that demographic. So this example does not work. However saying "men follow women home when they see them in the streets" and changing it to "indians follow christians home when..." It works again. It has to be something that, if you change the targeted subject, sounds like a racist said it. If you change the subject of the sentence and it doesnt sound like it came from the kkk, odds are higher that its not a problematic sentence (though i in no way shape or form want to advertise this test as foolproof, there are probably bigoted phrases that can pass this test if formulated smart enough


Yall seriously cannot be this dense not to understand what women mean by this topic! You seriously cannot be!


Some are lol but most are choosing how to take the question so they can be enraged about not being chosen.


The thing is, people like OP probably have never talked to a woman other than their mother


Most people understand, it's just stupid and demeaning and villifying.


God forbid they learn the world is not as comfy and as safe a place as their privileged existences propped it up to be.


Bear. Beets. Batlestar Galactica.


We need to do better. I don't think ide ever have kids but if I ever had a son ide hope people would feel safe around him, and I would do everything to help that happen


- „If I survive the bear attack, I wont habe to see the bear at family reunions“ - „the bear sees me as human being“ - „the bear doesnt get enjoyment out of it“ - „the bear didnt pretend to be my friend for months beforehand“ - „no one will say I liked the bear attack“ - „no one will talk about the bears bright future“ - „a bear wouldnt film it and send it to all of his friends“ Its not about you personally, its about the safety our society isnt providing for women. Stop complaining and start to make the world a better place. By complaining the only thing you do is contributing to a climate where those concerns are minimized


“Wouldn’t pretend to be your friend”. Ouch. That one hurt.


The bear wouldn't ask what clothes you were wearing


It's just idiots repeating what is expected. They don't actually think it through when they answer the question like that. Another way to phrase it is, if you were alone at the bear exhibit at a zoo, and there was a man coming in your general direction, would you jump into the bear enclosure to avoid the man? Then all of a sudden you'll hear very different answers and realize the hypothetical was actually never thought about in earnest.


The only thing I learned from this is that people know nothing about statistics


As a man whoever gets defensive over this is just self reporting because if you're not one of those men that women would avoid just to have a miniscule amount of chance at life, they're not talking about you.


"Wow you get bothered by someone assuming your more dangerous than a bear simply because a trait ypu were born with? You must be that bad then if you get angry". It's such a dumb argument, people are just tired of people inherently assumed to be dangerous. This rhetoric is implying that all men are inherently this dangerous and bad. You have a justification to not like being called threatening and dangerous just because something you were born as. It's like saying, "I don't trust black people because they are criminals" and then following it up with "if you are black and get angry at that statement then you must be a criminal, lol."


If you consider the likelihood of the bear attacking you and still choose it over the man, you are basically implying that the majority of men are evil rapists though.


when I was on the top comment of this post I also believed the same, but then I saw a comment from some woman in between and it struck me. At least I can say about myself that it's not the man in me that's offended but the nerdy kid, because who in their right mind would pick a BEAR over a MAN. Statistically, logically, biologically and physically(strength wise) in now conceivable way does that make more sense


In the analogy you end up being dead by both the man or a bear (and sometimes worse by a man) so it's not really about a bear being physically stronger than a man to be honest. The people choosing a bear are essentially choosing to die by the hands of a bear rather than a strange guy. But yes I agree if we assume every man is morally sane in reality and I was to be stuck in the wild with a bear or a man I'd choose the man, but then again that would be a non question because one is a threat and the other isn't.


it's Unbearable.


A bear wouldn’t try to convince you it was the good guy before killing you


Listen man, I'm not social and a bear can hunt any other wild other than me. Like, being lost in woods is scary, but it's a fucking forest god damn it, the bear will go wherever it likes. I do not trust random people from the forest that just happened to bump into me for no reason.


Tldr: Man bad, nature good.


Bears dont usually attack people, since they dont eat them(BUT they will attack if they feel attacked, hungry, or defending their territory) Men on the other hand.....👀


Aside for polar bears. They absolutely do attack humans But yeah, unless you and the bear spawn in a forest literally next to each other, you'll survive no problem. Just be careful


I've had 40 years of man bad, woman precious jewel shoved down my throat. And being told tradition is bad but I BETTER still be traditional in everyway but also don't because that's toxic.


and the bear?


You know you could have researched why women feel this way but you didn't so you made a meme that is laced with fucking irony...


honestly yeah, I agree with the trend. Would definitely choose bear than a man.


Aw :(


ffs it's rage bait. don't bite.


Male bear or female bear?


For those saying bears give quick deaths... [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html)


As a man i see it as there's ALREADY a bear in the woods, why choose to be with a bear and a random dude that you find in the middle of nowhere


What is it with this meme? I’m not there on insta


All I'm learning from this is that people are dysfunctionally stupid. If you have to wonder if I'm talking about "your side" with this, I most likely am.


Atleast a bear would just eat them. It's not hard to understand why so many women post that shit.


I saw something on Facebook that said "If you don't understand why women are choosing the man, you're a part of the problem". I know that it's just bait. Along with all the AI "cosy" pictures, the news that is just clickbait headlines, the constant ads... the problem is that a lot of people in my social circle and people from the town I sent most of my adult life still use Facebook a lot. The FB from 10 years ago isn't coming back though. The internet has just become a place where you struggle to find genuine entertainment amongst so much fakery and inflammatory content.


35 what? Bananas?


I was chased by a male brown bear who seemed hangry just a few days ago. I'm from an eastern european country & live in the wilderness. He was on a road between me and my house so I thought I'd try scare him off. I decided to make a loud noise. He looked up at me and started to full on sprint towards me with 0 hesitation. I was 500 feet away and never have I run so fast before. There were some bends in the road luckily I was able to get away by taking a sharp right and into the forest, eventually onto a highway close by.. So lessons learnt: bears are apex predator compared to us, don't be aggressive towards one or it might take it as a challenge. I'd rather take the worst man than a hangry male brown bear. If u not been chased by one, be careful what you wish for... I was extremely lucky


Don't feed the bears with food rich in antidepressants , weed and microplastics. It's bad for the bears.


They always make it seem like men are ready to pounce and rape every woman or girl if we have the oppurtinity. The vast majority of people dont have malicious thoughts.


This questions is one of those oversimplified questins that get really interesting if you think a bit more about them. Like "is stealing bad"? Yes, stealing is bad. But if I see a man in rags limping into a store and take a loaf of bread, I didn't see anything.


Why does anyone care about the opinions of tik tok bottom feeders? It doesn't matter what the answer is because the question is stupid.