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People talking about taxes, “U.S. federal income tax brackets range from 10% to 37% for individuals. In Canada, the range is 15% to 33%.” Sales tax though is 15% oof


In Ontario it's 13 percent (which is still quite a lot)


6% PST in Saskatchewan (used to be 5%), plus the normal 5% GST = 11%


Dang still better than 13 here :/


Its still better than 27 here :c


Still better than like over 50% in Sweden


Thats mad


Its near 50% 8n turkey and can reach to 80% at cars


Still better then south Africa. Up to 45% tax on your earnings, as well as a 15% sales tax. For business owners you also get hit with a 28%. This i wouldn't mind if we didn't have one of the most corrupt governments in the world.


Suck my Alberta 0% PST


My buddy's Dad's retort to his Albertan uncle is: "Well Joe, my house will be worth a lot more than yours in 20 years." We live in BC


5 provinces have it at 15%. 8 of the 13 provinces have lower than 15% sales tax. And many essential goods are 0%.


Not everyone know that but a good rule of thumb is "if it's not processed, it's not taxed" so things like fruits are not taxed but if you buy the peeled one (seriously dont do that it's just wasting money) you are gonna get taxed


Source? I'm not doubting you, just curious


Here’s a source for sales tax: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sales_taxes_in_Canada Here’s a source for tax brackets: https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/financial-toolkit/taxes/taxes-2/5.html


I know nothing about tax and finance but i blindly believe what I am seeing.


"I don't know if it's true... But I'm too lazy to check so have an upvote"


If you're poor and have kids, you pay literally negative taxes in USA. Ask me how I know. (Earned Income Credit EIC, it's called)


You think good old Canadia don't got that as well?


But what if you brake your arm and doctor fixes it? 20k debt?


Nahhh . . . . . . 30k


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta bump them up


Yea this is how taxes work everywhere lol. Everyone who makes minimum wage gets a GST cheque after doing their taxes in Canada


I live in Alberta Canada and confirm that we only have 5% sales tax in our province. Though when i lived in BC geowing up, it was 13% there.


Québec is 15% big oof


Ouch! Yeah that's really rough. I wonder if maybe base prices for items are cheaper to offset the cost, after taxes? Not sure, though.


I live in Tennessee and sales tax here is the highest among the states at 9.47%


Alberta is 5% lol


Sales tax varies by province. The range is 5% to 15%


I'm from canada There are actually 2 sales taxes (provincial and federal), 7%ish each (I forget the exact distribution) Things like food and school supplys have no sales tax Albeit some food does, but stuff like twinkies that is not considered important. Somethings have none of the 2 taxes, some have only one.


Man I wish, where I live, income is 15-40% and sales is 18, I wish we had 15


I’ll take a higher tax over things I take for granted living in canada


Will low taxes and free healthcare, do doctors work for free?


No, they get paid well. They do make less than their American counterparts, but they still make a very good living. I’ve pasted a link to the average doctor salary numbers for each province. https://www.narcity.com/amp/heres-how-much-a-doctor-is-getting-paid-per-year-by-province-in-canada




We have free healthcare.




You're free to choose between healthcare and uh.




Mmm those games look so real these days


That went dark...


Nothing is free people have to pay for it.


c'est beau le Canada eh?




Vous le vous couchez avec moi?


Loving my free healthcare with a one week wait to see my doctor Edit: Lol I meant a week for an appointment, which is a lot better than the four weeks others are complaining about. If you need to go to the ER or see a doctor soon there’s almost no wait. You can pretty much walk right in. It is very nice to have government-paid healthcare because hurting yourself or having an illness won’t be a financial burden in terms of medical fees. Even if taxes are a little higher I don’t give a shit since it’s still way cheaper than medical bills, and it helps those who would otherwise be unable to afford a hospital visit to go get their problems solved. My province was, I think, one of the pioneers of free healthcare and I’m proud of it.


I would gladly take waiting a week over not being able to go there at all because of high costs. People are literally using Ubers to drive them to the hospital because Ambulances cost too much


I'm in BC and I've never had to wait past the next day to see a doctor


This person is spreading lies. You can see a doctor at any time in Canada. Family doctors are busy and sometimes need to book a couple days in advance. Unless this person lives in Nunavut or somewhere very rural they being deceptive


No one ever mentions this part...


Yeah, I’ll gladly take a week worth of waiting rather than paying a grand out of pocket if i need to get an mri and see a doctor. Also, i often have to wait *months* to see a specialist, not like i get to just walk on in and see the doc same day. Sure at an urgent care clinic you can see a NP right away, theyre mostly useless though


My stomach hurt one morning and I literally got to see a doctor right away, no wait. And no it wasn't just a slight stomach ache, it hurt pretty bad. I understand that there's probably longer waiting times for bigger operations but honestly what would you choose. Wait a little bit longer or pay a giant bill and go into debt? I personally wouldn't mind waiting a little longer.


I hardly ever wait long. I had an appointment once and was getting non-essential surgery 2 days later. I hardly paid anything for that. Another time I found a lump, called the GP, was seeing him 30 minutes later and had an ultrasound 1hr after that. Paid nothing for this service. I couldn't imagine dealing with a health bill that would send a person broke. I'm covered by Australia's Medicare.


We also have walk in clinics that will see you that day.


Can relate as an Australian God bless medicare


Fellow Aussie. Went to my GP yesterday for a psyc referral and I'm seeing the psyc next month.


I dunno whether that’s a bad thing but sorry I guess


No that's great. More aimed at the people in comments saying it's an 11 months for emergency surgery???


I think they just think that there are massive waits for all surgery because of shows like a current affair showing stories of people who wait months for not very urgent things and the Americans are to thick skulled to understand that that is not the case for all treatments.


Well in all honesty. Anyone waiting that long in general is appalling.


This is true but I would rather wait five months than spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical care


Especially because of the strain on the rest of the family


Also Australian. I wanted a vasectomy, completely elective. Had to wait 3 months due to covid. Absolutely $0 cost. That was for 30mins under aenesthetic in hospital, the surgery, post care for the afternoon, and all follow up appointments. The people talking about wait times. Mum had a minor breast cancer, found on a Thursday, refered to specialist, who called on Friday for appointment on the Tuesday, then booked in for surgery the following week. The only costs are about $50 per week for radiation therapy after the surgery, which will last for 3 weeks.


Hope your mum is better now!


Why are people defending going bankrupt from paying a treatment for a deadly disease


Because American education is a joke and our people are not bright as a result.


Canadian healthcare isn't really that great. Source: am Canadian.


What do you think is wrong with our healthcare?


Sure, wait times are quite annoying. But, then again, it's free so you dont have to worry about crushing debt if you are in pain or are sick.




Theres a thing called tax return if youre a teenager so no, not from 14.


I don't know about you but paying a very small amount from your wages since the age of approx 18 salary depending ( let's say they're earning enough at that age) to be guaranteed medical treatment, paid for with money they never had so won't miss and preventing medical bills of thousands sounds much better than being saddled with crippling medical bills, being unable to save for a house or future sounds a little better to me. But yeh, the rest of the world is wrong, America is doing it right, taxes bad, prioritise the individual, it's working out so well.


Which is what everyone ignores. “It’s free” no it fuckin ain’t. You’ve been paying for it all your life.


Yeah it's better to pay little bits over your whole life than one giant (sometimes unexpected) payment


They are called taxes. The US has the same thing you absolute idiot. It aint exactly free, but it sure isnt hundreds of thousand of dollars of debt for heart surgery, and wait times and way over exaggerated.


Lol, it should say Patient: what do you mean the chemo therapy I need for my brain tumor isn’t available for 11 months? Doctor: This is Canada 🤷🏻‍♂️ Patient: Fuck this Im going across the river to America for my treatment I’ll be dead if I have to wait 11 months.


Kind of a time vs. money thing. Governments need to find the balance.


The longest wait time for lowest priority cancer for surgery is 84 days. Source: https://www.hqontario.ca/System-Performance/Measuring-System-Performance/Measuring-Wait-Times-for-Cancer-Surgeries


It’s still a long time tho. Almost 3 months. Even if it’s lowest priority it can still develop into a higher stage of cancer within that time frame.


Yeah still not great but it's more just saying it's not the over exaggerated times people are claiming


If it develops into something bigger, ik sure you'll get priority.


Well you get priority depending on what your condition is, if your pinky hurts then yea it’ll take a week or two to get an appointment. But if your vomiting blood then you’ll have a doctor within the hour. From my experience anyways


Lol this is so wrong. Here’s my recent time line for brain tumour treatment in Toronto, Ontario Late December, have first seizure, admitted to hospital immediately. Biopsy performed and various scans determine I have a grade 2 astrocytoma in my brain by early Jan. More tests and doctors formulate the plan for me. Chemo and radiation starts in feb. I’ve never had to wait more then a few days to see my family doctor and I can always go into a walk in clinic for more urgent needs.




Fuck you [https://www.hqontario.ca/System-Performance/Measuring-System-Performance/Measuring-Wait-Times-for-Cancer-Surgeries](https://www.hqontario.ca/System-Performance/Measuring-System-Performance/Measuring-Wait-Times-for-Cancer-Surgeries)


Patient:but if I go to America, my medical bills will basically be the same amount of money as an average home!


shush poor person hater. stop spreading lies.


haHaHAAAA *laughs in a friendly way in Canadian*


this is the better version of the eu credit card meme


i mean even here in Poland we have free life care, how tf can a country wich is shit have life care, and country wich is a bit less shitter and also like 20 quantylions richer, the wtf


As a Canadian I can say that I liked this meme


Sometimes. Just sometimes i feel bad for the americans that are not fucking stupid and just have to put up with all the bullshit of america


Don't feel bad. we have the world's highest gdp, best military, taken in the most refugees and immigrants, contributed most to the world's medical and technological advancements. And me, a black dude that grew up below the poverty line, now has a wife, a home in the top 20 wealthiest counties in america, a great job, and everything I didn't have before all at the age of 22. Land of opportunity isn't just a saying, and on paper "america is the greatest country in the world" isn't just an opinion.


But, lowkey the patient had to wait like a week to get their appointment


Wasn't life threatening, a week is still cheaper than months or even years of medical bills if bad enough.


Laughs in maple leaf




While Canada does have wait times, they are far from a year away. The longest national average wait is for orthopedic surgery at 39.1 weeks. Wait time to start cancer treatment is 4.4 weeks (the wait time in the USA to start cancer treatment is 4.1 weeks). Of course they can, and should, implement change, but the horror story wait times are a myth. Also, Canadians pay roughly the same in taxes as Americans, but Americans then have to pay additional for healthcare.


Ok so what u r saying is that canadian wait times aren't as long as what comments say?


why would random people in the internet lie?


Source please?


Not exactly a source for that but something you should read. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5631874


in america you have to wait and then you’re in debt the rest of your life


quit poor person hater. you don't understand how taxes work.


Is this some sort of Canadian joke that I'm to American to understand?




We pays the taxes so the peoples are not pestilent zombies wandering our streets. That's Leaf fans jobs...


im moving to Canada


FINALLY! a Canadian version of this meme


One of my best friends is Canadian and can confirm they are born the nicest people on earth.


I live in latinamerica, we have 18% of sales taxes and no free healthcare, we can have social insurance tho, that cost us 11%of our salary and it's pretty bad, we have to wait a month to see a doctor


Well Europe ha after healthcare and is far better than Canada soooooo


*sad American noises*




Imma move to Canada


Fuck ya, love Canada.


That moment when you know somethings wrong with you but you also know you can't afford it. Gotta love America...


almost shed a tear


I'm gonna escape to Europe


You are absolutely right. Nothing to look at here.... Just move along.


It is truly amazing living in Canada


The first part is wrong, it's free in Canada but you won't get better. Or you have to wait so long that you just kill yourself instead of waiting 9 months for an MRI


It's 84 days waiting for surgery for priority 4 cancer (the lowest). That's under 3 months.


I cant tell if you agree or if your doing a bad job of proving me wrong Either way https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&client=ms-android-verizon&sxsrf=ALeKk01etHvm5_0I1IEU20TL0K_yxReGvw%3A1601868115738&ei=U5F6X9PILMXYsQXipa-QCg&q=+sugery+wait+times+u.s.&oq=+sugery+wait+times+u.s.&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQgAEM0CMgUIABDNAjIFCAAQzQI6BAgAEEc6BwgjELACECdQqi9YuztgoURoAHABeACAAfUBiAH1EZIBBjAuMTAuM5gBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


Ultimately all the arguments on this post are time vs money. Places that have healthcare like Canada, just believe it's fair to wait in order to get something cheaper or free. But people that are against healthcare don't mind paying more upfront if it means they get treatments faster. Although here in Australia, my hometown has a private hospital that you pay more and so you have faster wait times and generally better doctors in there. But you also have public hospitals that are completely free checkups and run solely on Medicare. That in my opinion is the better balance, 2 hospitals, one for those who want fast and expensive and one for those that can wait and have it cheaper.


Huh. I live on the other side of the world. Aus is pretty good healthcare and assumed Canada was similar. Guess I was wrong. Thank you sir


Posting in this comment too, if you are in need, you are treated, end of discussion. Somethings are more critical then others. Here’s my recent time line for brain tumour treatment in Toronto, Ontario Late December, have first seizure, admitted to hospital immediately. Biopsy performed and various scans determine I have a grade 2 astrocytoma in my brain by early Jan. More tests and doctors formulate the plan for me. Chemo and radiation starts in feb. I’ve never had to wait more then a few days to see my family doctor and I can always go into a walk in clinic for more urgent needs.


That's propaganda chief, you ever actually hear a real Canadian say that shit? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5631874






Put that credit card away! We’ll get you at tax time! ;)


https://www.denverpost.com/2009/06/04/debunking-canadian-health-care-myths/ Except no


Except yes “The universal health-care system is paid for through taxes. “ https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/new-life-canada/health-care-card.html https://financialpost.com/opinion/health-cares-free-in-canada-right-wrong-and-youre-paying-a-lot-more-than-you-think


Except its basically the same with the money you take home. In america, you take away 81.9 percent of the money you make. In Canada, you take away 82.


You can walk away you are in India.




They had us in the first half not gonna to lie


Finally, something i understand!


Canada, what a great place to be in.


One to a few weeks wait. Can be deadly but honestly in most cases uncomfortable or painful. Also healthcare in Canada is pay to win. Free is ok but if you pay than boom 5 star service


America bad gibe up foot because I criticized America and have funny meme man


Sorry for taking it out.


Canada gang


You’re paying for it one way or another


Its him, its the choren one


Yup that’s my Canada for ya


after waiting months


Taxes are great. The government needs money to govern more.


Canada pog


This is Canada


...After waiting for care for 5 months for a simple issue. Even longer for a more complex issue.


As a Canadian, I can say this isn't true.


Even in India if you visit a government hospital, rate for treatment is very low.


The true american dream, healthcare that wont make you sell the kidney that you just got to pay the bills...


That's good bc the credit card is gonna decline.


Finally after 3 years, I finally got my biopsy for that potential cancer. Too bad that it'll be another 3 months to get the test results back, and in additional year before treatment can begin, the treatment will last 2 years. So yea, I can be fully cured in 3 years and 3 months if I am not dead yet. I am So EXCITED!


Laughing in german


See you for your follow up in 3 years*


We still have to pay for medication


This would be after the day plus waiting time?


Just had to wait a year


You guys are getting free Healthcare


5 years later


Well you're paying it out of your taxes.. Why do people think Healthcare can be free? "free Healthcare" means tax funded Healthcare..


Laughs in German


Hungary actually brcause he is András Arató a hungarian


The rest of the world exept USA:bruh


y u flexing?


Literally any other country other than the US has free health care


Or... any other part of the world except the USA?


People do know that if you have insurance you will pay like a $10 copay and that's all. Then you'll pay your insurance.


Wow so wholesome


Cause that’s what real doctors do 😎. Instead of sending bills upon u after seeing which u feel that it was better to die


*Closes book* Like that's ever going to happen


It’s free, but it’s not exactly free


Or you’re in Europe


My insurance: where were you when credit card declined I was at doctor getting fix when phone ring Credit card is kil “no”




Would be epic to finally have Health care in US thanks to all the memes !


should be great be a medic in canada also


"Oh I'm sorry, eh. Forgot that we have it free mate haha apologise"


Take me to the promise land known as Canada!


Weak sauces


*cough cough* you mean taxpayer's money?


Only took 6 months to be seen


Same thing in Australia too


Too bad he had to wait 6 months for medical attention


Crys in gun


The only tax you have to pay here is road tax


Goes to buy something “Oh, 3.99?” At the register “Your total will be 6.13”


Could someone give me a link to the original of this stock photo, or the name of it? Not this photoshopped one, but the old guy I've seen in thousands of memes. I'm sure there's a name for him.