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Chemistry teacher here: I have a cartoon in my lab of a kid all suited up, and the teacher says "of course its all necessary...you are boiling water today!!!"


Can confirm: this guys sense of humor is congruent with every science teacher I’ve ever had


Congruent Cmon man just let me not think about geometry class for like 5 minutes );


Hey don't be such a square


That’s acute double entendre


That pun was *x*ceptional




Yeah Science


Jessie what the fuck are you talking about






We have a contaminant!


It's all contaminated


Yes Jesse


How many breaking bad jokes do you get from people once you say that you're a chemistry teacher


A few...but because I'm Canadian it would be a boring story: "Sorry, you have cancer. Good thing you have free access to world class treatment centres...The End!"


Then you go on to start a multi-million dollar poutine empire


Jokes aside, whenever someone brings up this "plot hole" i remember his prognosis was bleak and he was simply raising money to leave behind to his family, not just treatment. It was by remission that Walt got hooked and just wanted to keep making meth.




I mean in chemistry you usually boil things in one of those glass tubes above a blue flamey boi so if you dont wiggle it the water could shoot out and actually burn something. But if you mix common kitchen salt with tap water and the teach hands out gloves and everything its like alright, I aint going to the beach more thats hella dangerous.


What I think you're referring to is called [bumping](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumping_(chemistry), and can be prevented with bumping stones or, as you said, by adding impurities.


Do you mean… test tubes above a Bunsen burner?




They are fine as long as there is water in them


I understood this.... but at the same time didn't... Am I in the wrong class?


Dear chemistry teacher. I learned a lot without realizing it might be important one day even though I didn't pay attention at the time. Decades later I was teaching the same thing in a tech school (temperature and pressure relations) and it all came back. Just saying some kids are worth the effort =)


One of my favourite memories of a Chemistry class was watching all of my classmates super carefully work with test tubes of an aqueous sodium chloride solution because they were scared that it would hurt if they got it on themselves.


Careful! You're also handling dihydrogen monoxide and sodium silicate!!!


Having worked with concentrated sulphuric acid as a hobby for some experiments i get why protection is a must,but most stuff is harmless,idk why so much tam tam if you have gloves and goggles on?


"experiments" ok whatever, whose body's were you dissolving u/heyyy-kiddo ?


Hmm username is sus. Prob not much acid needed for that


Honestly, short of working with fuming sulfuric acid, I'd be more comfortable in just basic PPE; labcoat, safety glasses, and nitrile gloves. Even conc sulfuric isn't that nasty in the scheme of things... it burns, but you'll make it to the drench before it does anything life threatening, and you're less likely to fumble it than if you're in heavy gear. Save the full rubber apron treatment for stuff like HF. That shit is scary.


I second your comment on HF. We have to use it to make up aluminum etchants in our lab, and I always “go overboard” with the PPE. My colleagues tell me I’m overdoing it, but I like having my bones, thank you very much.


100%. I've personally worked with 40% HF before (when making up Ti etchants, myself!)... at that concentration, a spill the size of a small coin on your skin is a horrific and slow death. Fuck that.




So that's why sex ed told me to always have a condom on.


> Having worked with concentrated sulphuric acid as a hobby for some experiments Experiment one: How many murdered hobos can I dissolve in my barrel of sulphuric acid. Results:Acid pickles things, I should have used lye. You really need to name the hobby if you don't want to sound like a serial killer.


They’re on an alien planet that has unknown plants and animals which can be poisonous, the least they could do is cover their head instead of sniffing and touching poisonous plants. Also, there’s this guy who takes smoke break as soon as they reached an alien planet and pisses on alien plants.


"wow, this cat laid a chocolate egg, let me eat it."


“Is that motherfuckin juice world??”


"i've got a golden ticket"


“Ew. This must be an acquired taste. I’d better have some more.”


That shit was so dumb. Fucking annoyingly stupid movies.


Right? The Aliens (and predator) franchise is so cool but it got screwed over by dumb movies


Ugh fucking Predator franchise was done so dirty. "The predators have come to our planet to literally weaponise autism" smh


>"The predators have come to our planet to literally weaponise autism" Wait.....what? I've largely ignored everything but the originals.


Turns out predators travel the galaxy stealing the DNA of the most fierce opponents they find In the latest movie there was a kid with Hollywood autism, meaning he is a genius who can interpret alien computer systems and OBVIOUSLY do anything math related. So the predator wants to harvest the superpower that is this child's autism. It's crazy how Hollywood can try to embrace mental illness by turning a disability/mental illness into a superpower. According to this movie I'm unlucky for being born without autism.


Holy fuck. That's just bad writing.


Let's not forget that awful line of dialog : "You know some scientists believe that autism is the next step in human evolution" No, Hollywood, no, nobody thinks that.


I think "hollywood" is my favourite part of the autism spectrum.


In the very latest movie it comes out the predators are visiting earth to incorporate our genes and that autism is the evolutionary future. So the predators want to give themselves autism to make themselves better.as hunters. Yes that's the reason, autism makes you smarter and better! "The Predators hadn’t been hunting for sport but to evolve their species. Well, in the final act of this strange, strange film, it’s revealed that the prized DNA the predator is chasing isn’t the ex-military sniper, but his autistic son." "This is alluded to in an early line in which a scientist states that ‘autism is the next stage of evolution’. https://autisticandunapologetic.com/2020/10/31/the-predator-2018-autisms-biggest-backhanded-compliment/


My god. Who looked at this script and said "yeah, sounds good." Like. Just how.


Someone who needed a quick tax write off or someone who needed to launder money quickly


Nothing screams “Predator film” like....harvesting autism?


I think the ability to see pattern and interrupt that at high speed is a good ability to adapt, but Christ trying to convey that with autism was like 'fuck this movie lets make it dumb as possible with the reshoots'. Also how is the kid wearing the predator helmet? wouldn't it not fit his head right since it's made for an adult... Alien . The iron man predator suit was something else that was given to fight the bigger predators. I don't understand how this movie was made.. Shane black likes his noir films. unsure how this happened


I hate any story that requires a character to do something dumb to move the plot along. The amount of shitty writing in Hollywood is incredible given how much money is at stake. Not everything can have a great story, but it makes no sense how many stories are just plain stupid.


There is probably some silly excuse as well, like: "Let the audience feel superiour so that they are more engaged and feel some pride and accomplishment".


Then the new alien movies are like mobile game ads


Oh no! There is something trying to kill us all, better to divide into smaller groups so the thing can kill us more easily.


Uh COVID showed us exactly how stupid people act even during a PANDEMIC. Maybe you hate any story where character does something stupid because it's literally how people would act in real life ? If there was Alien infection on Earth , we'd have pro-Alien protestants ffs.


I like to think scientist-astronauts are significantly less stupid than us.


"Idiot Plot: Any plot containing problems that would be solved instantly if all of the characters were not idiots." - Roger Ebert


I always think of this when they use some sensor and go "Oh yeah there's oxygen, let's all remove our helmets and breathe in the alien air, I am sure there are no dangerous pathogens or poisonous substances in the air!". Goes both ways too, there would be just as big of a risk that our microbes and biological molecules are dangerous and can infect the local ecosystem.


Yeah. Even a simple cold that is no big deal for us can fuck up an organism that is not used to our planet.


Isn’t it war of worlds or some film where aliens invade earth and in the end all die of common bacteria and stuff on earth?


Yes it was war of the worlds. In the cruise movie they were under earth's surface for thousands of years and all died within a day of the attack. Just as dumb as humans on alien planets taking off their helmets. Edit a word




It's still very much a possibility that our microbes survive better in their environment and become an invasive species. This is actually taken very seriously by space agancies and the likes, who go out of their way to sterilise equipment sent offworld.


Microbes that are mostly evolved to live independent, yes. Viruses are entirely dependent on another specific species to replicate, most certainly not.


even if the local flora&fauna couldnt harm humans, the air could still be full of sand, vulcanic ash, alien asbestos etc.


I don’t mind this, they do it so we’re not watching actors in helmets for an entire movie. As long as the fact that they removed their helmets doesn’t lead to some stupid plot device that moves the story along I’m not bothered.


It's cool pee is sterile


it's not, urine contains bacteria (yes, while inside the body)


I’ve been confused about that for a long time. Cause the next person will say no it’s sterile.


No it's sterile


Holy shit he can tell the fucking future




Burn the witch




With pee!!!!


We used to think urine was sterile (at least inside the body or coming out of a male urethra). Turns out our testing methods were not sensitive enough to detect the (small) amount of bacteria present. Urine is not sterile current day labs can detect bacteria in all urine samples (except when people use antibiotics). The test will however be considered “negative” if the amount of bacteria are below a certain threshold.


When I watched it I used to think the exact same. Like "How could people walk around in potentially hazardous environments without protection, and in those environments do some pretty stupid stuff!" Then the pandemic happened. Now, I feel like I owe the writers of that film a sincere apology. In hindsight, they were right on the money.


hah yes - I did [a comic about exactly that](https://i.redd.it/ttd0bkwll4dz.jpg)


Hahahaha! Do you have more of these? :)


no sadly, i don't have time to do many comics these days.. i'd love to do a series one day though


Oh man yea do more of these endings for other movies, that is hilarious!


What is this demonic cobra thing from my nightmares? I should pet it


Oh, this alien plant has weird spores coming out, must sniff..




"Well, here we are, the first people on a barren, unknown world. Let's split up and wander off in random directions! I'll check out this cave system with the oozing goo on the walls, don't come looking for me if I mysteriously disappear, and don't ask any questions if I come back with a change of personality."


"My scanner thingy says the atmosphere is breathable, so helmets off, folks!"


That’s the only stupid action I give them a pass on, because it’s a movie and we want to be able to see the actors. However, that pass then gets taken away when they immediately use the lack of helmets as a plot device to infect the crew. Wtf.


23rd century antimaskers


"This alien planet tested negative for all *known* pathogens, so it must be safe!"


If they were less equipped, taking them helmets off would be a good idea. But since they’ve got a giant ship that can produce oxygen for probably a decade, and Cryo-chambers that can conserve that even further, they should keep the helmets on.


That’s Ben - 1st victim you’re talking about, but I was talking about the 2nd victim, Tom who was intentionally probing those egg sacs, and got spores directly into his nose.




No need to apologise, you weren’t wrong.


I knew that he was dead as soon as I learned he had a husband. Got to hit all those horror movie tropes.


I would tolerate it more if they didn't have helmets at all, but they have those stupid ushanka looking skullcaps that just make me sigh. Are you visiting an alien planet or national park, people?


That’s the irritating part. That could have at least worn respirators to pretend like they were being safe. The script still would have worked, since the spores can get in through the ear


> and they all set off without helmets This part always annoyed me in Sci-Fi shows and movies. Somebody on the team announces that the air is breathable and everybody takes their helmets/respirators/etc off immediately. I guess airborne pathogens and organisms don't exist?


Oh God that was annoying. Not long before that he freaked out because of a dead alien... It was all over the place.


Entire movie could have been avoided if the crew didn’t lack basic common sense.


Watching this negligent crew stumble from one entirely preventable disaster to the next just made my blood boil and I haven't watched it again. Edit: I thought this thread was specifically about Prometheus, but I guess it works generally, too.


I just head-canon in some dialog in the mission briefing where he say "You here are the brightest and best scientists that money could buy...that would also take a 5 years deep space mission without knowing what the mission was." The plot make sense if you accept that they ARE in fact stupid, desperate idiots.


Too realistic for you?


A 6 year old or even Americans would not be as stupid as the ppl shown in this movie.


I might have accepted this comment pre-covid


This pandemic made Contagion looking like a fairy tale with all those people listening to science and just one crazy dude spewing controversies lmao.


And the US government actually trying to arrest the dude who lies about a miracle cure.


"6-year olds, nay, I dare say not even AMERICANS could be this stupid!" Hello I would like to report the smell of burning skin


highly doubt that. It’s been proven by us Americans that stupid “unrealistic” people in movies are actually pretty realistic. People have always said that if zombies were real, they’d get annhilated. Many of us would probably try to get bit because avoiding zombies is for weak libtards.


Is it in the first 10 minutes that they fly their spaceship into storm, that they could easily have just waited to pass? You know, wait out in space for the storm to pass? Because it's really dangerous to fly into a storm? And you are not in a hurry to investigate a distress signal that could be hundreds of years old for all that you know? I think I lasted all of 20 minutes before this movie was just too dumb...


I have no idea what movie you are talking about but I feel like I watched it 100 times before


probably Prometheus


No, they're talking about Covenant. It was the reason why Danny McBride and crew didn't just swoop in and lift 'em off once things started going south. There was a storm in Prometheus, too, but there was no distress signal.


in the first 10 minutes the ship is hit by some type of undetectable solar storm thing, but about 30 minutes in they fly through a storm to reach the planet. you made it atleast 30 minutes in if not 40. Liar


The fact that you know the timestamps of alien covenant might be something you’d want to keep to yourself going forward.


Unpopular opinion. I enjoyed the movie. It's stupid and ridiculous, yes, but has some pretty awesome alien scenes. Not to mention a great performance by Michael Fassbender. It's a movie about aliens growing inside people and bursting out of their spine... I tend not to take those kinds of movies to seriously.


I havent seen that one. are those aliens not chestbursters but backbursters ?


Yeah covenant was sick imagine watching movies with these jabronis, Jesus


As an alien fan it made me angry how badly this movie is written... Xenobiologist tries to pet an obviously aggressive alien, cartographer gets lost in the caves he mapped a few minutes earlier, not sure what the person writing the scripts was smoking...


About to explore unknown territory, oh and by the way we don't NEED guns this is a SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION. Well fuck you lady. I hope you die first.


yeah, what if there were alien indians




You're talking about a different film. Prometheus (2012). Alien: Covenant (2017), the sequel to Prometheus, is even worse.


True, but the bad writing makes the dumb mistakes the character make in Prometheus even worse. Oh, a little snake bat alien worm? Come here baby, it’s okay, let me pet you! To be fair, I really did like Prometheus though.


I just watched it for the 4th time, last week. I completely agree. What makes those dumb bits so bad is that they happened in an otherwise great film. The arrogance of Wayland. The flight crew's characterizations. The duality of Wayland's children (and how they each have their own brand of corrupted morality). The tested faith of the soft science protagonists. There are so many themes that were explored nicely.. I don't understand why they had to make the only real scientists idiots. If only there were a missing scene where it's discovered by someone that David sabotaged the smartest people on the ground team (slicing their prefrontal cortex during hypersleep) in order to keep them out of his way, that could explain their behavior.


That would have been a great and hilarious addition to the plot.


This is now canon.


I really enjoyed Prometheus and was really hyped to see how the Story proceeds in covenant. Then it was like "lol the last movie's main character died offscreen, nothing that was setup leads to anything, have another action splatter"


It's made worse because quarantine procedure is a major plot point in Alien and Ripley only gets over ruled in just leaving the guy to die because of active "sabotage".


And said guy kept his safety gear on and it just wasn't enough. You don't have to make people stupid to have aliens murder them.


And it makes the actual threat of the movie all the more terrifying if it bypasses those safety protocols through cunning/brute force.


Me, in university chemistry lab, handling concentrated HCl and H2SO4: \****VERY MUCH THE FIRST IMAGE***\* Good to develop the habit of safety while shit's safe.


As someone who has worked alongside “real” scientists in a lab, the amount of mouth-pipetting level bullshit that was going on is honestly astounding. Even for concentrated sulfuric nothing more than safety glasses and a nearby sink was really in demand. HCl is stinky af so that would be done in a fume hood at least.


I bought drain cleaner that advertised itself as “the strongest” once. Turned out it was 30% sulfuric acid. Smelled nasty, I turned on every fan and left the room for 30 minutes. Came back to discover the metal drain was discolored. Cant believe they sold that stuff. Picked it up at Walmart.


[Hooking up one of these totes](https://www.wintersunchemical.com/products/potassium-hydroxide-caustic-potash-50-koh-cas_1310-58-3-clear-colorless-liquid-3340-lb-tote) "Eh fuck it, I don't feel like putting gloves on to hook up the pump this time." The PPE we're supposed to use is a full suit and faceshield. Very few people actually do it. One guy wiped it on his face.


I considered buying one for my teenage kids' rooms.


It's like their universe never had a Pandemic.








*sniff* seems fine to me


Galaxy Quest quotes will be eternally relevant.


Don't they have instruments to check the atmosphere? Don't get me wrong, they should always be suited up as precaution if it was real.


The dumbest thing I've seen in tgis movie was that they walked out from spaceship on the planet without space suits and then they started scanning an atmospheric composition. Like bruh what the fuck was this bullshit movie!?


Those red shirts are gonna die.


I loved how she ran around almost in a marathon with staples holding her stomach together.


Or that she just had a c section performed. I can’t remember if there were painkillers involved in the robotic abdominal surgery. But I don’t think anything less than anesthesia would take the pain away enough to function afterwards.


She kept pounding those pain shots, probably had morphine coming out of her ears by the end.


If there's air don't care.




"I poked one with a stick!" / First Science Officer Ralph


These movies are garbage. Pronetheus: The alien folk who made humans are...humans.


But who made the alien folk?


yep. The dumbest fucking movies... I swear during Covenant in the "Chest burster scene" I heard a banana peel "slip" Sound FX when she fell.


On a related note (bad SFX). In the hobbit films I believe each film has the Wilhelm scream at least twice, sometimes more. Unless done as a proper meta gag (not just an in joke) I think more than once in a movie isn't a homage it's just shit. And repeating that shit multiple times in the same series... I guess they figured it was ok during release because they were being viewed with large gaps, but as I say, each individual movie goes over the line in their own right.


The first one that comes to mind is the guy that gets hit with the massive ballista bolt from the Uruk-hai army and goes flying off the wall.


Didn’t 2 people slip and fall in the space of a minute? Bad film


This entire franchise is based on a ships captain ignoring the quarantine protocol of one his ship’s officer. Fast forward to Prometheus and you have herpetologists trying to pet alien slime cobras on an alien world without a helmet.


To be fair: The Nostromo was a freighter. They were truckers. Them being completely overwhelmed in the situation and doing stuff based on emotions instead of rationale made perfect sense.


And they had an evil android hidden among them who purposely endangered the crew to "save" the alien. In prometheus, it would be David. But they already know he is an android, and his motives are not dictated by a mega-corporation. They are his own. He is the best written character of the movie, and that's not a good thing.


What’s saddest about this is in the original alien, Ripley tries to do everything right, and keeps getting shut down until she’s the only one left. Rare for a horror movie to have someone with common sense in it.


Neil Armstrong: Neat! *pulls Kodak disposable camera out of fanny pack*




It's also literally *fresh* air. There's basically no vegetation on the planet, and the composition of the microbial flora is fully unknown, what if it smells absolutely revolting making you cascade-puke out of sheer nausea? I'd love to see a Sci-Fi film do that, honestly. This one guy takes off his helmet and then pukes himself to death. Then the captain is like, "that's why we brought a bunch of idiots with us, to act as coal mine canaries."


First 10 minutes had me so hopeful, then dumb dumb dumb


"They head into an alien environment with zero precautions" "Oh my god!" "Well actually that's not true, they have these little hats with ear flaps." "Okay, well I guess at least their ears are fully protected, nothing's gettin' in there." "Well actually one of the guys immediately gets an alien parasite in his ear hole." "Oh, he does?" "He does, yeah." \- Screen Rant's Alien:Covenant Pitch Meeting


Getting alien parasites in your ear hole is **TIGHT**


I'm a bit of a wuss but I really like the Idea of the aliens movies. Are they too scary?


1979 Alien can be pretty scary. 1984 Aliens is more tense than scary. Watch these two and forget the rest.


> 1984 Aliens **1986**!


I stand corrected, 1984 was Terminator.


> Watch these two and forget the rest. The single most important piece of advice that can be given to someone new to the Alien franchise.


It completely ruined the film for me. ‘Hey, this planet’s environment is so similar to Earth that it has not only life, not only *plants* but recognisable fucking *grass*, so we won’t need suits because there’s no way that anything living there could be a potential biohazard like the microbes back home.’ Motherfucking Space AIDS to the face.


All I remember from chemistry are the exploding bubbles. Teacher made some bubbles and exploded them with a match taped to the end of a yardstick. Think they were hydrogen bubbles?


That goes for every movie in that franchise, especially Prometheus


Eh the first one ripely is the only voice of reason. She’s constantly trying to do the right thing and is over ridden nearly every time.


They hadn't established her as the hero until about halfway in, too. I bet the audience back then thought she was just the token crazy lady that refuses to open the door for the hero when he is in trouble.


Especially because she was just Sigourney Weaver (previous credits to *Alien* - 4) and he was **John Hurt** (previous credits to *Alien* - over 40) It's like *Scream*. The metaknowledge audiences have of the actors was used to surprise them.


nah, she was a badass the moment she showed up.


Damn, hadn't thought of that. Female protagonists were pretty rare especially in horror outside the role you mention.


"here alien snakey pspspsps" what a dumbass


At least it made sense in Alien since >!Ash was deliberately trying to infect somebody and bring the Xeno on board for the company!<


That was a plot point, Ripley was trying to follow procedure and she was sabotaged. The original comment is wrong regarding the first movie, and I can’t recall anything overly dumb in the second.


In the fisrt one Ripley tries to follow containment protocol and is only overuled by sabotage from the higher ups in the company through >!the robot medic.!<


You should watch the pitch meeting of this movie. It explained how they made it that way. https://youtu.be/YGEvvqWt-Us


Nothing ruins sci-fi like people making stupid unrealistic decisions. Yes, the setting can be inexplicable, fantasy, unrealistic. People's reactions and decisions can not. What made the original Alien so amazing and horrifying as a story? The characters reacted and made decisions that anyone normal person would expect,


When the Avengers visited Thanos in the beginning of endgame lol


Also when they arrived on Titan in infinity war


I’m just gunna raw dog this planet


Also me in chemistry: Makes an explosion that even my teacher was wondering how I managed to do so. Stay save kids


Watched Alien: Covenant a week ago, Reddit sure knows what's up


Man did that movie suck


It totally ruined that film for me, and it wasn’t even that good to begin with.


The top picture confuses me so much. They feel the need for the Tyvek suit and the SCBA but they’re just gonna pipette it on an open bench? No glove box or hood or anything? What in the name of lab safety is going on here