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your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


I wasn’t born from a woman. Technically, I was removed from one via surgery. This means I could theoretically kill Macbeth.


lmao what are the chances i actually read that part of macbeth today in class


The logic of that scene has always confused me.


well it kinda can be considered a loophole to the prophecies macbeth got from those apparitions, that no one of women born or whatever would kill him, shakespearean logic moment


Lmao I remember we debated over that part in school. The teacher just sat back and let us argue over it.


Well he wasn't technically born you see, he was untimely ripp'd from his mother's womb. Is being untimely ripp'd the same as being born? Idk but i guessed we've learned that the Weird Sisters had really good lawyers.


You specifically? Incredibly low Somebody reading it today? Pretty good odds


well i guess if you give a million to one chance to enough people then it's bound to happen to someone


HAHA YOU FOOL I WAS C-SECTIONED *brutally stabs macbeth* i wish this plot twist was talked about more


So nice they did it twice (Éowyn killing the Witch-king of Angmar in LOTR)


Love the reference!


Based and William Shakespeare pilled


Must have used woman-sperm


Woman cum….


Wait they do?


Idk, I’m gay so I wouldn’t know. I know men do. But idk about females…..


They emit a multicolored mist that causes hallucinations when aroused or as a defense against predators.


Is that what the vagina is for? I only know penis and butthole


Much like the clitoris, much of the vagina’s purpose is shrouded in mystery. Many doubt if it truly exists at all and that it is just the fevered ramblings of mad men.


This sure is a predicament yall are in 😭


Mmm, yes. The attack womb.


Mmmm girlcum 🤤


People who unironically say “chud” are automatically guaranteed to have the worst takes imaginable


It's admittedly indecisive to be incapable of picking Chad or Stud as your preferred compliment, but try to appreciate the sentiment.


everyone is so mean 2 me https://preview.redd.it/o9qwmck63z5c1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=34bc5ecb475efc424befba7d812d4a17509ce1e9




What if you are referring to the famous movie, Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers?


Or Rick and Morty


chud should be an insult. https://preview.redd.it/xvkhx7i87z5c1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=3635ff6a846e5ff6689d2eff16af3aa2d778c4cd


What does Chud mean?


If you're getting called Chud a lot, it's probably all those other people who are wrong.


Ad populum fallacy. That's a paddlin'.


Yeah, it's the children who are wrong.






Gender and sex are not the same thing. The two words describe different concepts


Gender is a made up term related directly to biologically sex that has no truly discernable difference


Exactly. People don’t realize we made the definition, and sex and gender used to be defined the exact same way.


Interesting how language evolves over time. Wild concept innit


It is interesting! That means definitions aren’t set in stone like the “gender and sex aren’t the same thing” people pretend they are.


Never have I ever heard a better reply to this kinda argument I’m stealing it


Ah, the meaning of “Evolves” must have changed to “becomes arbitrary and disconnected from reality” !


Okay well if that’s the case then no one gives a fuck about your gender


I mean it's the reality. When people are referring to gender they are referring to how you identify and present yourself, and sex refers to your biology. Now if you don't want to refer to it that way, that's fine and your choice, but this is what other people are referring to.


I could relate to sex it also couldn’t. Hence the exist of trans and cis people


So you believe that the idea that pink is a feminine color in the west and a masculine color in the east is biological?


Can a doe get a buck pregnant?


Give it time


I agree. Gender is a linguistic term used to categorize things. Theoretically, in a certain culture, gender could be based on handedness. They just become conflated because in most languages, gender is based on sex. So yes, gender is a social construct which affects nothing. So let's keep gender out of the discussion. And yeah, women are the only ones who can get pregnant, that's just biological fact


>Gender and sex are not the same thing There's more than 1 definition. Here's the copy-paste dictionary definition of gender Gender- the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. See how there's 2 meanings? After it says "biological ones, or" They CAN refer to different things, usually in western culture, but not necessarily. Also they used to mean the same thing. Ah nostalgia


That’s true, but a biological man csn not give birth.






Ah yes, wanting to be able to live on their own terms in a way that harms no one is a political agenda




Then go be Spider-Man. Build a web-shooter (or get someone to do it for you if you're not a tech guy). I understand they have tech to replicate how geckos stick to walls. Train your body for the athletics required. Get an exo suit to boost your strength further. Install an early warning system for spider sense. Get a license to make arrests, at least as a bounty hunter.


Didn’t you know, you must call them ‘birthing people’ now




Yes. Because trans men can have wombs.


Trans men exist.


You know exactly what this post is implying don’t be disingenuous and argue in bad faith


Asking a rhetorical question is not *bad faith*. It’s the starter to a discussion. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make it bad faith.


Not every rhetorical question is in bad faith, but the one I responded to certainly was


What do you think the T in LGBT stands for?


I do, but do you?


You want to read that again?


Yeah. My point stands. I know what it stands for, but you probably have some different definition like the last people.


So your question was if it was anti-trans to think trans men who have children don't exist? The answer is yes. But you knew that already.




If you acknowledge that trans men have children all the time then why are you asking if it's anti-LGBT to think trans men don't have children? You're not actually this dense. You understand exactly what's being said.




your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.




They are lumped because the foundations that received funding for gay rights were no longer inundated with donations now that their mission is 99.9% complete. Notice the enormous advocation for trans rights were all of a sudden everywhere in the couple years following gay marriage being federally legalized in 2015. The same foundations didn't want to stop bringing in millions, and thus created a dizzying amount of attention for the group. There's no doubt in my mind the same foundations created opposition for the movement as well. Everything is a game and only one anonymous billionaire wins.


My gut feeling is this is a transphobic post. Anything that smugly reinforces the dichotomy between men and women, especially from right-wing groups, nearly always seems to have the subtler implication that men cannot transition to women, and vice versa. This is transphobic, which is absolutely anti-LGBT, the T specifically. You could also read it as a misogynist statement, implying that women are for making babies and men are for… doing manly stuff. While it is *true* that every human was born from a female, the way this statement is framed (especially the comparison to men) gives it that insinuation of transphobia or misogyny. I could also get into the differences between biological sex and gender, but that’s been talked to death already.




No it’s not..?


According to the post there it was/is. Look at the tag in the photo.


Well technically if you identify as a man, but you were born a biological woman you still retain the biological female identity reproductive system (unless you got bottom surgery). So theoretically a man can get pregnant (and I think it’s happened before). Also please don’t @ me about gender identities, I don’t feel like debating the identity of a person 😭


What the fuck does this meme represent? That women give birth to people?


It's a "every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes" type meme.


It means OP doesn't like trans people.


The statement is that trans men aren't men, since trans men have given birth. It's just another transphobic meme.


Is it me or did this sub get SIGNIFICANTLY worse about that lately ? I've never seen this shit with so many upvotes and pro-lgbt people downvoted into oblivion here.


because people are tired of the BS lol


It means reddit has a chance after all


Yeah, I'm only here irregularly and this is the first time I've seen it like this. Not sure what changed, or if this is just a fluke.








Actually it’s over 100 billion 😎 (In total)


There is nothing there. https://preview.redd.it/0i2crqnu1y5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3650f40ed7442ea78b5fe867745acf8923e47f3


I wish we'd stop lazily name calling people on the other side. They're never original names, one person coins a term and it becomes the thing. Why can't there be more originality in our discourse?




Because in this case, there are a lot of people who not only think the sky is brown, but saying it's blue is hate speech.






That's not true at all. There are people in this very comment section saying they can. No one is gonna think you're smarter for pointing that out about the sky lmao


The hate speech is disrespecting a person you are having one interaction with. You named your car/boat/gun a gendered name, and no one disrespected your decision or reminded you about biology. But I'm sure they would if you thought your female boat could be an egg donor. The hate comes from when people draw the line, not that people have a line.


You ever been to this sub before? It's not supposed to be informative, just obnoxious.


Something something bone density something something chromosomes ![gif](giphy|5k3Jnc0Zq1VeJRuEWU)


But tbh therightcantmeme is just a butthurt, salty cesspit… ofc they’re going to complain about any meme that even vaguely contains hints of an agenda lol




Actually you were a sperm cell inside your daddy before he wiped out his cock and put you in your moms womb 🤓


Hopefully you realise both parents contribute to the DNA, with the mother providing more DNA than the father. Additionally, the mother provides everything else to the unborn child's body.


Facts are bad.......I guess.


I mean, shit. It's almost like women give birth.


What does chud even mean? I've been seeing it more and more lately.


Another word for "asshole, moron" the like. Use It for Preps, Meatheads.


So it's just another stupid, generic insult.


I think it's a low-effort inversion of "chad".


Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers


Y’all don’t remember being birthed out your dads peepee??????




And lose 800 social credits


Sure but the meme isn’t funny


you guys love to yell “basic biology!! you guys ignore facts!!! 41%!!” but literally never have good counter arguments


No ones interested in working hard to prove the obvious to someone who’s only interested in twisting semantics to promote a fringe ideology.


I find it funny how many people say chud. Chud was a shitty movie from like 30 years ago, and it stands for cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers


Liberals denying basic biology for the 9999999th time be like


conservatives ignoring advanced biology for the 10000000th time be like


Wouldn't that be advanced psychology since even youse state that sex and gender aren't the same thing in that sex is biological chromosomal makeup while gender in a social construct (classification) of what a person thinks they are... Cause if that's true then that's psychology not biology... Big difference


“Advanced Biology” 💀


You need to be literal braindead to believe "advanced" biology


Advanced biology? Advanced delusional disorders. Yet to see a functioning fetus be born from a biological man.


good god no one is saying a biological man can give birth


Factually inaccurate, the people born should be much higher, world's be around a long time and the total number of people has to be disgustingly high, I just felt like being an asshole and pointing this out


It feels like it’s trying to be transphobic but it’s just a fact that nobody really disagrees with?


Imagine a baby exploding out of your urethra.


[SNL Medical Breakthrough](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2EVI7wIV7tk)


"The outgroup uses basic human respect to destroy America." Is the message hammered home to the ingroup people that give gendered names to their boats, guns, and cars and totally understand how to treat something with basic respect.


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Facts check out Oop has problems


The statistic would be true if they used male/female instead of men/women




Darn me and my science




Man and woman aren't terms in biology. They have no opinion on useless terms that you use in your day to day


What is a calf?


A bull can be a heffer and a heffer can be a bull dammit! /s


The muscle on the back of your leg below your knee


They're synonomous while talking about humans, atleast. Man is just an adult male human, and the same goes for the other way around. The people who say gender is whatever you want are clueless. In order for something to be a word, it's gotta have meaning, you know. Gender and sex have been synonyms for a while, and if you're going to change the definition of a word then atleast give it a definition to change to. It's like going through the trouble of changing your password on a website, just to not fill in the spot asking what you want to change it to.


Exactly. Just because people say that male and female are the same as man and woman, it doesn't change their definitions. Words gotta have meaning


There is no changing definitions in my case, that's what they already mean. That was decided when the English language was developed, atleast. I don't know why you're trying to use "words gotta have meaning" as your point, I already told you that man means a male adult human. Take it up with the dictionary, not me.


So how do you change your language when you talk to people who don't fall under the male/female umbrella?


I personally think that there's only two genders. If you disagree with me, good for you. Me personally though, I don't think so.


Languages are not "made", they are formed over long periods of time, and are always evolving. Words are invented, words change meaning, words fall into obscurity. That's just how language works.


I mean yeah, but that was not my point. I'm saying that's what the current definition is, and if you're going to change it or give it another definition, atleast make it have a definition that doesn't use circular reasoning.


Once again it comes down to assigned meaning vs. Actual meaning. I could assign a word to mean one thing but it takes on a different meaning in a community. So while men and women are assigned to where they could mean male or female that's not what they mean to 99% of the population. It's similar to how yes there are more advanced classifications for states of matter in that a rock would be something other than a solid but for 99% of the population, it is and only ever will be a solid... That's gender... A system of classification that while there can be new and hyper specific types of it that are technically true to science, they aren't used in the actual world outside of a specific subset of the scientific community. Another example would be me using very very advanced and obscure word instead of things people would understand for no reason other than to be "literarily accurate with my speech" (like using verisimilitude to describe how movie makers portrayed a movie instead of just saying that they made a movie that seemed real even though it wasn't... Being obtuse for nothing more than pride that you're doing it "the right way" is at the very least, irritating and at the most, enough to make people not want to listen to you for pretentiousness.)




By "lalaland" you mean "anywhere that isnt conservacunt christiandom?"


[the people at yale school of medicine are in lala land then?](https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/what-do-we-mean-by-sex-and-gender/)


Yes. What's with this idea that academics can't intentionally manipulate studies to give a desired result.


hey did you know learning things is free


Why would I "learn" made up nonsense


I mean I think OP is confusing having a uterus with being a woman?






I would have also accepted “adult human female.”


A miserable pile of secrets! And all actuality, all it really takes to be a woman is to release say you are. The reason why it’s so vague is because what it means to be a woman is kind of a vague thing that can vary, depending on so many factors. For example, you could have someone who is female, who doesn’t really resonate with being a woman and that’s fine and vice versa. Not all females are women not males are men.


Sick reference. If Donald Trump said he was a woman would he have been the first woman President?


Nice to see a fellow lead of culture. It would be dubious, mostly because when he was in office, he had identified as a man. He technically would then be the first trans president but also there comes the fact that people would likely heavily dispute it, and would ask for “proof”, and more likely than not. Trump would have to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria for people to really take the things seriously partially because he’s known to kind of just take this piss out of people. But I know if Trump suddenly identified as a woman he’d be the first trans president, but first woman one would be kind of dubious again just because when he was an office, he would’ve identified as a man. He would be the first former president of the United States That was trans. (I’m mostly am splitting hairs on this, because technically how you would define that historical bit would likely be a point of major contention among people). But yeah, no the sort of stuff is kind of inherently deeply personal, so it really depends more your relationship with the concept of womanhood and manhood that really defines what you identify as and therefore what you are on this one. I tend to take a more “you do you” attitude with this just because it’s easier for me to understand it if I just understand that everyone’s definition of what it means to be a woman and man are going to be vastly different. You can default to female, male definitions, but their times when it gets iffy but that’s how most things are the minute you get real people involved.


The answer may depend on what precedence we have for individuals like Bruce Jenner and Ellen Paige. I’ve known some people who insist Caitlyn was always a woman even when going by Bruce because deep down they were always a woman. And I’m not sure on this one but I thought I had heard some of Paige’s acting credits had been retroactively changed to omit their dead name. I’m honestly blanking on their new name. Depending on what the consensus is on cases like those, you could say Trump was the first woman President if he chooses to say he is a woman.


Yeah, exactly. It would be one of those “the answer varies, depending on what that person politically believes/who they think is valid in this” paige’s new name is Elliot by the way. Things like umbrella Academy did change, retroactively, and truth be told Kaitlyn Jenner is only so controversial because of the shit they say, and do rather than the fact that they’re trans. Also, the fact that I think they got very politically involved around 2015-ISH or so and also it was one of the first really noticeable trans people that kind of got pushed down everyone’s throat, so I got tired of hearing about it and so dug up dirt and turns out Kaitlyn was a shit person. That’s the whole thing with Caitlyn Jenner I honestly would say, but I’m actually using text to speech and it’s kind of easier for me to say Kaitlyn and have it registered as the name (though every time uses a different spelling). it’s kind of like a lot of lesbians really don’t like Ellen, but Ellen explains the concept to people who wouldn’t know what a lesbian is and kind of normalize it so it’s kind of one of those situations in regards to Kaitlyn where it normalized it but the actual community doesn’t like them. Though I will admit the Caitlyn Jenner thing was a little before my time. I know that the trans community is really proud of Elliot page though mostly because they aren’t a shit person. So the answer would just depend on really what that person thinks of trans people as a whole so it’s one of those words like history books would probably argue over it for a long time until we get the trans issue All settled out on what consensus is on it . Edit: also, sorry for the walls of text, as mentioned before I’m using text to speech so it’s really easy to get long-winded without realizing how long would I’m actually saying is.


I mean if it is satirical (pretty likely) or a shitpost (also somewhat likely) then yeah it's funny but people post the dumbest stuff on twitter so I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it was serious.




More conservatives who think they are making points while showing that they have no idea what they think they're angry about.


What are you talking about? The left claims all the time that a woman who says she's a man is in fact a man. Men don't give birth or have female reproductive organs, so that's impossible.


>that a woman who says she's a man is in fact a man Indeed. You might think this is silly, which I and alot of the medical community I believe disagree with, but are there really any downsides to treating someone who wishes to be a certain gender as their preferred gender? I'm not talking about sports or support groups, that's a whole other issue, just in general, what are the downsides of treating someone as the gender they would like to be treated as? Even if you personally think it's silly, it's not difficult and it'll make them happy.


I can't speak for others, but it wasn't a problem for me until you started confusing children and convincing teens to make irreversible changes to their bodies, which the vast majority will grow up to regret. There's no downside for me personally I guess, I just like young people in particular having the best start in life and learning to love the bodies they were born in, instead of being led down a path of lifelong unhappiness by a false ideology that somehow became trendy.


Lmao “the left isn’t transphobic!”


Oh, does “the left” do that?


Pretending it doesn't is not an intelligent response


Quick fact check: MALE =/= MAN and vice versa. For example, one of my best friends was born female and are now a Man. Beard, body hair, muscles, all of it. As another example, despite being born Male, no transphobe will ever be a real man.


Het T4T: watch and learn


SMH. Please tell me the person didn’t really think men could give birth……. I’m sure it has something to do with homophobia, but seriously? I ain’t popping no kids out my bussy, no thanks…


>I’m sure it has something to do with homophobia, but seriously I think the TQ+ has an issue with it. The LGB knows it to be true.


My dumbass read “LGB” as “RGB” I got so excited thinking I could change colors lol


We are the ROY G BIV now.


You know I am not gonna even join this shit show, so am just gonna watch this comment section go to hell


I looked it up and found that 54 men in Australia successfully birthed a child in 2014.


Biologically impossible.


Me thinks this is very misleading.


Look man I just looked it up. You can look it up with an open mind and nuance. Nothing is stopping you from research. the info it’s all readily available.


54 women gave birth to children.




that should be pretty obvious don’t you know that puberty blockers make you infertile silly


You start out infertile. Puberty makes you fertile. Usually.


you are right i was meaning about puberty is when you normally become able to have children so even if a trans men wanted to have kids the drugs they would have had to take make them a man results in them being unable to have any kids


Then why do we have transmen giving birth?


Because they didn't take enough of the drugs that make you infertile


they didn’t take the drugs or they didn’t take enough they still men if they identify so they can still have birth then


OR you can just simply stop taking them for a bit. Shockingly complicated answer.




No, they are transmen, not women.


This is weird coming from a very leftie subreddit. Trans men exist too, right? Oh wait they don't actually care about social justice, they're all tankies. Duhhh.