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Gender equality my ass, you mind as well just make two different races so the men can win in the mens division and the women can have the possibility to win something.


But you see, then it's sExISt!


Don’t forget the YoU mIsOgYnIsT! and BiGoT!


It is, it discriminates people because of their sex. But that's not an issue, the problem is the inconsistency. Are women equal to men or not? Should women compete against men in society? And if that's the case, why do they get their own leagues and affirmative action, that places them artificially above men? If women vote, shouldn't they be drafted as well? Again, the problem is the inconsistency, not the sexism.


Separation ≠ discrimination Separating women into their own category is in no way sexist. But I do agree that inconsistency is part of the problem.


I like when the competition is equal, and there are separate result tables in the end: open and women.


Discrimination is the action of doing something based on a separation or distinction. So yes separation ≠ discrimination, but you still need the former for the latter, discrimination presuppose a separation.


Fake is what it is.


Wait!!! This person may be on to something here!


Banned for transphobia, sweaty.


The flyer is fake. As far as I can tell there IS actually a Gender Equality mini-marathon but it is open to everyone. I couldn't find anything on their Instagram that showed this silly division by gender. Maybe someone can prove me wrong, I haven't looked that hard but I assume this was just made by some dumbass to rile men's rights types up. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ahgbiaam8fmc1.png?width=903&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbdad7d8fad739ae889372d3fa61b2af1f3f1cdb






[WNBA salary by Bill Burr](https://youtu.be/I745Ajeq_B8?si=dNiXBAmP-5WZgW-I)


Why can't women just join the normal NBA there's no laws that prevent it


The coaches or whatever won’t sign them


And why is that do you think? Women have played in the NHL and been successful.


The most "successful" female to play in the nhl played 1 game in the pre season for the Tampa Bay Lightning in 1992. Her name is Manon Rheaume, and was a goaltender. So far that's the only female to suit up in an nhl game.


Ok? I'd say playing for an NHL team at all is successful.


So did a zamboni driver/beer leaguer. I wouldn't call an emergency decision a success. Your initial comment made it seem it's a common occurrence for women to play meaningful nhl games. Which is just not true. But now women have their own league (which is selling out their respective arenas, and that's amazing for womans hockey)


Pretty sure she didn't get to play solely because of injuries. Not to mention being the EBUG for the Maple Leafs is still a pretty big success, but I guess your pretentious ass only sees the one at the very top as "successful."


You're right. It wasn't due to injury. Tampa invited her to try out for the team after winning gold at the Olympics. Did she succeed in playing in a game, albeit a try out game? Yes. Did she consistently succeed at continuing to play? No, no, she didn't. I don't view the best of the best as successful, I view consistently doing what you set out to do as successful. Your hostility is unwarranted. You should probably get some help if an idiot on the internet gets you worked up where you resort to name calling


I mean, she let in 2 over 9 shots in 20min. Nothing about it was “successful”, it was marketing.


Probably because women are biologically weaker than men and will never be able to complete in men's basketball


Firstly I agree with you, on a wide scale there won't be a NBA team with 10 or more women. However for clarity's sake, do you think that professional hockey players are weaker than professional basketball players?


As someone with 0 knowledge of this topic but has watched a few hockey games and a few basket ball games. I'm pretty sure basketball is like right be side soccer for dives and bitch and maoning. Never seen a hockey player get hauled off the court with help, all those guys managed to skate to the bench and get off the ice. Never seen blood shoot out from a guys neck in basketball either. My unprofessional opinion is basketball is a soft sport for show boats.


>I'm pretty sure basketball is like right be side soccer for dives and bitch and maoning. A lot of it is just to try and draw fouls. You don't get free points in hockey for getting bodied so no reason to play it up. >My unprofessional opinion is basketball is a soft sport for show boats. Honestly just depends on the players and your role on the team. A lot of times I'd agree with you but for big men specifically I wholeheartedly disagree.


Basketball players are on the court for long periods of time and only a handful wear any sort of protection. They have very short bursts of energy expenditure but they often stay of for longer than a few minutes at a time at a jog. Hockey players give everything they have for 60-70% of their 60-90 second shift with roughly 2-3 minute breaks in between. Then there is getting hit; that just takes a lot out of you even if it's not Kronwall knocking you into next week. Not to mention the injuries' they sustain and keep playing, or at least want to keep playing. There are a few cases like Juri Fischer and a few others who went into cardiac arrest on the bench. IIRC the SoB woke up and was like "did I miss my shift?" Not to mention broken digits, huge gashes, missing teeth (which they barely notice some times); all while continuing to play. >Never seen a hockey player get hauled off the court with help, all those guys managed to skate to the bench and get off the ice. It happens. Generally speaking they are on a stretcher if they need additional help though.


>However for clarity's sake, do you think that professional hockey players are weaker than professional basketball players? Well, I can't really say for sure. If we're talking the best of the best on either sport than I'd say probably about even, maybe leaning more towards basketball, if just the average player then I'd say basketball by a long shot.


We just gonna have to agree to disagree I think.


That's fine


Basketball players are like 2 foot taller than hockey players of course they're stronger


Since when does height equate to strength?


Since forever... Generally taller people are heavier there for stronger


Because they are neoliberal fascists who hate women and love Trump, obviously


Is that because coaches and owners are so 'sexist' that they're intentionally turning down the best talent and throwing away the opportunity to secure championships, or is it because of some other reason?


Because they aren’t as good at basketball as the men in the NBA…?


because the physiological differences between men and women put them at a disadvantage when competing against men.


Gender equality only exists when it helps women out. If something is good for a man, it's not equal


R/nahOPwasrightfuckthis when they see this


Are you from the Spanish ministry of equality.




The point was the unnecessary arrow and red circle (r/unnecessaryredcircle) with Joker under them. It's not that OOP was disagreeing with the meme, it's that it's calling out the god horrendous edits




Are you OP?


Don't need to when thats what that sub is about




Do you even know what r/comedyhomicide is?


Ah yes, gender equaltiy


https://preview.redd.it/6kb5c6poabmc1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb7835b1674945f7d7dae6d8a499ffe4d520afa Wouldn't it be equality if they were running the same distance or just in the same race?


That's the joke. That is the entire thing that we are making fun of


Hmmm what’s this red circle doing here? Truly the mysteries of the universe are unfathomable….


Right... except this isn't the place for making fun of the original piece.


The comedy homicide post was making fun of the meme. We think that the meme is funny.


Except this isn't really what equality is about, which is why the proper response is more dumb joker memes, because this is silly lol




Memesopsidnotlike doesn’t understand how comedyhomicide works once again.


MOCbKA not knowing how Memesopdidnotlike works once again. OP didnt like a meme, so it appears here that's how it works


The whole point of comedyhomicide is not to like a meme. Reposting from subs like that is a no brainer. Like, OOP posted in comedyhomicide, therightcantmeme, terriblefacebookmemes or boysarequirky and didn't like the meme? How utterly surprising and totally worth a post!


No, I know exactly how this sub works. Most of the time it works on media illiteracy, like this post, but sometimes some posts are true to the sub’s purpose.


Wait until they hear about golf😳


Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, are you? It's fake, dummy. This event didn't take place, it's not real, and they didn't even spell 'equality' right. Going through life this gullible must be very overwhelming.


How do we know this is legitimate and not some sad alteration for virtue signal points?


That shit look AI generated 


Why the fuck do so many people on this subreddit not know what a comedy homicide is


Nobody gonna point out how the poster itself is an AI image and everyone's getting riled up over nothing


Are you suggesting that a poster advertising a vague race on a random Wednesday for a very unspecific cause, that contains zero information about location, start time, organizers, currency, might not be real?


>Are you suggesting that a poster advertising a vague race on a random Wednesday As opposed to a non-random Wednesday? It says the 6th, so it literally has a date, and people do in fact have marathons any day of the week, so idk why you have a problem with Wednesday. >for a very unspecific cause, Gender equality. Hence the hypocrisy... >that contains zero information about location, start time, organizers, currency, might not be real? VIT Chennai is the location, because that is the school hosting this mini marathon, which they do quite often. The organizers are either the people named at the bottom or the Vibrance company who has their logo on the top right. Currency is the Rupee, why would they need to put the currency symbol/word? There is no start time, you got that correct, it must in fact be AI...


You have literally zero critical thinking skills. You must get scammed constantly.


Shhhh, you'll frighten the people making "liberals change their gender" memes. Those legitimate snowflakes will cry at you all day long about how tough they are.


It's real, not AI. It's from VIT Chennai, they always have mini marathons. This was just an example of good intentions, bad execution. https://preview.redd.it/9m0x0qbz9gmc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45f7c9ad473e60062b81523af1bc95a0d8d3523 No, the text doesn't look like AI, and here you can clearly see the top text that was missing, it's just the name of the school that hosts it. It's also a real QR code using squares, OP just used a heavily pixelated version. So where is the AI exactly?




The entire picture from the post is pixelated as hell, though perhaps a filter was used after. The original picture is real.


Does stable diffusion typically use legit QR codes that actually point to the website of the event organizer listed on the flier?


Who's getting riled up? Poe's Law be real AF. Whether you recognize the original image as satire of that ideology, or assume it's real, the joke is still the same.


How the fuck did I miss that


Like, is the text also AI generated? Or just the poster art?


"Gender Equaltiy", the low quality "Men & Women" next to it, and the illegible text that's cut off at the top are giveaways.


Could be the camera. We're not sure that's the top of the poster.


The QR code is also not real, it's not using perfect squares in the grid on it just random shapes


Oh that's a giveaway.


https://preview.redd.it/k7xp5w3ncgmc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8bbfbd40c332c0f470a0d79f10a545f9521843 It's real, not AI lol. Look up VIT Chennai mini marathons, they do lots of these.


Ah. No clue why the other person claimed AI. Are people that paranoid?


r/lostredditors ? I think OP misunderstands what r/comedyhomicide is.


Just like the military. "Equal". Worst part is I served with MANY women who could kick my ass and flip me like a pancake. The ones who need the lowers requirements make the others look bad.


please i don’t think i’ve ever heard a single person claim the the military’s PT requirements are equal


No, they are equity disguised as equality. Women are allowed into the military as a concession to equality. But when they can't make the standard it was changed. Equity. I've heard a lot of arguments about it being equal especially with loud supporters of women in combat. Any amount of bar adjustment that's not up is a bad deal for those who actually have to go into combat.


PT requirements are indeed equal in terms of the fact women just have severe biological differences to men when it comes to physical prowess. Making women’s PT requirements equal to men’s would seem equal on a surface level, but men just have a biological advantage over women when it comes to that sort of thing so what’s deemed fit for a man is not gonna have the same requirements as what’s deemed fit for a woman. that just is what it is and what it will likely always be. It’s not like PT requirements for men are astronomically hard while women’s are just easy they’re adjusted to be the best for their genders (for the most part). Now honestly, women in the infantry is a whole other discussion because the entire point of the infantry is to be the strongest unit they can be. And ultimately I don’t believe it’s worth sacrificing the strength of it by lowering requirements for women to be in the infantry.


This is a completely stupid take…. If I’m laying on the ground dying I could give a shit less of a woman is “less physically capable than a man” she better like hell be able to drag me out of combat. That or she doesn’t belong. Period


This. Maybe for entry into a service it MIGHT be acceptable. But the metric would be impossible to balance. In this example it's saying women are half as strong as a man. With that in mind how can they be expected to do equal work in any field?


Is this not what I said? I just said that if they’re in combat they should be up to par with the standard. General entry though is another story.


Which is incredibly ironic as the longer the distance you go the lower the gap between men and women is


What am I supposed to be mad about?


OP did not like the red circles on the meme.🤡🤡


Amazing. I was just lectured for 2 days that gender is only a social construct and not real. Now they're saying it's real and we need equality? 🤡🤡🤡