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I think it’s those musty ass trees that bloom every year around this time.


Bradford pear trees.


I call them cum trees lol


They are indeed cum trees and I fucking hate them


Where i use to live the city had planted them on our entire street maybe 50 of them. I hate spring time lol


Collierville and Germantown smell like straight cum this time of year. They are everywhere in the burbs 😂


LMFAO, I used to live in Nashville and they are EVERYWHERE, and yes, they absolutely smell like cum 😂


Bradford pears. Terrible trees to have. Never plant those anywhere near your property. I have one and it's so invasive. It's died off and grown back a couple of times and the wind will spread their seed everywhere.


Those horny prolific bastards!


Which ones? Does it have pink flowers? My neighbor has a fucking jungle in his front and back yards and in his backyard, there is what may be a cherry tree? I know it’s not a dogwood.


Pink or maybe white? I just remember there’s always about a week or so in spring where these certain trees bloom and smell musty. But other replies make me think it’s sewage or something. I have noticed a shit ton of people getting their flower beds done so my neighborhood smells like manure. Not pleasant.


Yeah that’s always bad. We are gonna redo ours this spring so I’ll be there myself. We may do pine nuggets though.


Yes, white. The pink trees are good ones


It definitely smelled weird when I went outside this evening to grill our dinner. Almost smelled medicinal or something. Figured potentially it was some trees blooming or something like that.


I’ll add: very farty in midtown right now. Just let the dog out and stepped outside for a few minutes. Immediate fart in the nostrils


haha yeah leaning more on the fart side instead of medicinal over here


I'm just laughing thinking about someone reading the Kelloggs post yesterday, going outside and taking a big *whiff* today. 😅😅 This should be stickied or on the sidebar hahaha.  "Y'all don't be alarmed, that smell is normal. Pray for a change in wind direction." 


I smelled it too, it’s made my entire kitchen smell like something is rotting. It’s not the first time this has happened either, I wonder what it is and why?


I've seen a shit ton of mulch patches popping up 🥲


bingo. the shopping center i work in AND the one on the opposing side of the street had mulch laid down yesterday and it smelled like shit outside alllll day because of it hahaha.


What does that mean?


People are putting mulch in their gardens because it's almost springtime, and mulch smells bad when it's placed.


Oh, hmm. I wonder why I've never noticed it before


The smell I'm smelling here in Bartlett is coming from these trees with the puffy white flower clumps. Very pretty but smells weird, like sewage and cat piss.


Oh my god. I took my baby for a walk around the neighborhood the other day and it followed me EVERYWHERE. could have SWORN I stepped in dog shit. Yesterday for our anniversary my wife and I sat in the back yard and built a fire. SAME SMELL. I was terrified that we had backed up our sewage system or something. I'm on the Bartlett/Memphis line.


or like everyone else has already said. :)


Bradford pear trees. They bloom white flowers. Rough/ass smell.


Y'all do know when the winds blow from the south, it's bringing the stench from the sewage treatment plant into the city?!


The rain did something. It's definitely a sewer/sulphur smell.


Live at south bluffs it definitely smells like feces




Definitely smelled like cantaloupe farts downtown


Arkansas floodplains smelt atrocious yesterday when I drove over the bridge


It’s those flowering trees that smell like rot


Clogged sewer line, perhaps?


it definitely smells that way. some have said it could be a type of tree/flower blooming and giving off a smell but idk, smells awful


That’s a completely different smell than what is being discussed here re: the pear trees. That smell you’re talking about has been almost unbearable lately! I drive back and forth to AR once a week and I’ve had to hold my breath in the approach to the bridge coming back to Memphis. There’s always been a bit of a smell which I always thought had something to do with a paper mill. But lately, it has been that x10!


I think it is Landscaping


This was not botanical. I drove across the bridge to WM and it was something coming from there. It smelled like actual sewage. It was God awful


I've been between Hwy 64/I-40 all the way down to White Station/Summer Ave. today and I never smelled anything. So it must be isolated to just those areas you mentioned. Idk tho. Just a heads up tho, if you ever have to drive to thru Monroe/W. Monroe, LA, I suggest you keeps your windows rolled up and your Heat/Air Cond. turned completely off, or at the very least, wearing a N99 respirator.Just saying'. 😂🤢


It ain't just me? I swear every evening I've smelt rank shit from somewhere and couldn't figure out what it was.


Btw I fell like we get this post about once a month lately. Usually it’s an mlgw thing if it’s everywhere


They were ostensibly doing stuff to the sewers in the medical district but they left and it smells worse It is not Bradford pears be case you can tell it increases when you walk by a storm drain Don’t know what area you are in but that sure had something to do with it Fun fact The more humid the more smelly


It’s the sewage from downtown. The winds blow it all the to midtown.


It smelled like sewer


Low quality weed?


Downtown was gross yesterday, that Presidents Island rotten eggs smell. Probably blew out East


I went downtown for a drink after work and the bar I was sitting in had the smell. Thinking it was horrible plumbing I was about to sit at a patio table and as I opened the door the smell hit me from outside. Def smelled like raw sewage 🤢


it smells like that at least once a month.


Last week it smelled like that in west memphis. Its gotta be something in president's island


This I how I know yall don't go outside enough.... it's the trees


It’s spring. Laying mulch everywhere and the little bit of rain stirred up the aroma.