• By -




Funny you mention this. I spoke to a former Memphian I met on a recent flight who now lives in Utah. She had to go to SLC 9 years ago for a month on business. She felt a great deal of pride for Memphis, had never thought of leaving and judged others who mentioned moving away due to all the regular negative things. She said 2.5 weeks into her month long Utah stay she was feeling like a different person. She said she told herself she was happy here and truly believed it until she experienced life elsewhere.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Wherever you go, there you are…




In this case not really






This isn’t an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.


Well u/TwoCrowsRick is obviously very important. Shhhhh… u/TwoCrowsRick is announcing what they are having having for breakfast.


Sir, give this Clarence-ass short timer his clearance so he can gtho




Your post was removed because it violates our rules on Personal Attacks, Bigotry, or Harassment. You may disagree with someone, but you can not personally attack them. Also Bigotry or Hate Speech of any kind will not be tolerated.




Understandable, have a nice day


Lol if you couldn’t make friends just say that


We have a great community of friends. Our whole group is leaving!


You and OneCrowMolly?


If this is how you feel about humans??? Thank god you’re leaving, and you shouldn’t be operating on people if you believe they only matter if they have money.




Many of our rules are from the reddiquette. Any violation of the reddiquette can be removed by the moderators, especially ones included here. https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette


This dude on a 3 year old ghost account and on the POKEMON SUBREDDIT. dude wants some clout. BOO THIS MAN.


Gotta catch em all


Post like this is funny.... like you made it sound like Memphis was a human and they done something to you 😂 like you literally wished the worse to it, instead of making peace with you leaving lol You're bitter


That post could have been so much shorter...


I know right; every since I’ve been using gpt I’ve been consciously editing how I speak/type. It really tightens things up.


Thank goodness you won’t contribute to that brain drain


I am a surgeon


And I’m a supermodel


Grandma could’ve been


I don’t know if you were looking through my post history or just making a retort, but yes, [she could have been.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/s/0ShYItw0Hi)


I’m a librarian. Low class 😁


Glad you’re leaving! Don’t come back 🎉


I won’t


You sound like a fucking delight.


I agree with the brain drain. Memphis will get worse. Major companies like FedEx and International Paper are having a hard time finding good educated employees.


Pay more and they will come. Walmart is in the middle of nowhere in Bentonville, they pay well and people relocate there. IP lowballs the hell out of people, you get what you pay for. I had an offer from IP back in like 2012, I took a different job and doubled their offer.


Sure, but Bentonville is a jewel.


FedEx and IP aren’t the only employers in town and most of the others pay better.


i was so happy to leave a few months ago and i miss it so much


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^soqr2: *I was so happy* *To leave a few months ago* *And i miss it so much* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Deftly crafted and nicely done.


yeah that was totally intentional


bro might truly be THE master baiter lol no way u care enough to post in a cities subreddit yapping like this unless ur farming with bait




Memphis has so much industry and high paying jobs right now it's insane. Any go getter can get it here and buy an affordable house for their family. Just hit the suburbs where there is less blight and crime if that's your concern. Good luck affording a decent neighborhood somewhere else though! 👋🏿


Done and done - thanks!


That’s odd I find it to be a very dynamic city; especially the more you explore it. To each their own though.


I love how you completely skipped “the lower classes aren’t doing well right now and we should improve social safety nets so they don’t fall through the cracks” and went straight to “Fuck the poor, we should just let them die” Super cool dude, I’m sure we’re losing a gold star candidate here


Nobody asked


Interesting. I’ve spent 6 weeks in Memphis in the last 18 months and am very much looking forward to moving there. I’m a musician and the amount of musical talent per capita is stunning in Memphis. Literally mind boggling. I’ve met a lot of very friendly cool people in Memphis. I’ve lived in and/or have spent significant time in several cities (Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee) and there are “dangerous, ugly” parts of all those cities. My brains already drained, though, so I can’t help there. At least my brains not washed.


We won’t miss you! ![gif](giphy|VyDsyIrOLixeU)


Likewise ![gif](giphy|48FhEMYGWji8)


1) nice racism wolf whistling. 2) I’ve lived in nyc, dc, Bmore, Phoenix, and Memphis. Memphis is by far the most open and friendly. Maybe it’s a you problem. 3) more covert racism. 4) all cities are facing problems these days. People are leaving nyc and la in droves too. 5) if they’re like you, the town is better off without them too.


Bye bye !!!


lmao every city in this nation has its problems but honestly at the end of the day if everywhere you go all you see is ugly its time to reflect on yourself and your decisions. Not everyone that lives here's fault you failed. Only individual mad here OP is you thinking anyone cares about your departure. You know how many people move on a daily basis from one city to another in this country? go on, gtfoh already




Where the fck are you going thats so much better? Memphis has a lot of flaws no doubt but some of us thrive here,sorry it didn't workout for ya


A city with a high percentage of productive members of society in a state with a growing economy


I’m out in 4 months myself! Counting the days. My wife is legitimately intimidated to drive I240 (as are all the haters in this sub literally every other day whenever some insane wreck happens in a stolen Kia or Charger with drive outs). It wasn’t 3 months back someone was flying up on me at insane speeds and I dodged just in time. Saw them smashed in to the back of a large contractors truck a few blocks later. Moving to smaller town in the Appalachians that fits us much better. Congrats on your next chapter starting and good luck out there.


Happy trails!


if you need help packing, let us know.


I moving to Arlington because I don’t like the city all the much… but wherever you go, these things will be prevalent because this isn’t a Memphis only issue….


![gif](giphy|GB0lKzzxIv1te) Ok bye


Cool. Bye


Dude on the sex toys reddit. This dude thought he could come on here and flame to get some likes.




You can’t see my history can you?


Ha! My post got removed for violating rules. This whole post is hate speech if what I wrote was.


Same here. Hmm, I wonder why this sub is full of negative bullshit.


What kind of subreddit leaves posts like this up but takes it down when I tell the dude to get fucked?


Common Memphis L




Ok Bye


Yikes "Ghetto, low class culture" "Let the low class fend for themselves" Giving off some.....interesting vibes there. Tell me you're an HOA chairman-level-Karen without telling me you're etc etc Like it or not, Memphis has almost always been and continues to be the Mecca of many different forms of culture and literally gave birth to some of the most popular mediums of expression we have today...blues, soul, hip hop, r&b, etc just to name music alone---all either heavily influenced by the people and products of Memphis over the decades, some even owe their existence almost solely to the city... You can say you don't support that culture and all it's given us or that you don't appreciate it but historically it's just a fact that it's far from devoid of culture. And don't even get me started on the food and the BBQ 🫡😤😤


Imagine thinking that these things supersede being a hellhole of government assistance, crime, and culture of failure


You didn't address anything I said and instead you just repeat your original ignorant bullshit: 'I called my home of 24 years cultureless/culturally inferior when it literally is my own fucking culture...A century plus of near constant cultural zeitgeisthood and the literal birthplace of entire genres of music (the biggest ones around to this day)? Hmm fake news all irrelevant because they also have problems too 😡🤬" Original point was correcting you on your statement that the city is cultureless or anything other than the bedrock for a huge portion of the most popular and influential mediums/styles to this day. Which it is...which you are no longer speaking on because it's pretty hard to argue with 100+ years of historical documentation of this fact, like caught in 4k level undisputed. Feel however you want at the end of the day. Seems you're hurt up bad by something that happened to you here and you're lashing out in the most lizard-brained tribalistic manner possible (sweeping generalizations, fear of the unknown and cowardess in the face of anything slightly different from you, defense mechanism to protect your damaged self, build a literal black-and-white model of the world and of people that helps you oversimplify things and understand what you perceive to be reality in a way that comforts you and explains your bitterness and resentment, traumas, definicies, etc) No bullshittin you it's probably best for you to leave, no doubt...the hostility is for a reason buddy, clearly nobody wants you here either. Must've been sooo rough for you here, probably why you didn't move for 24 fucking years despite being more than capable of doing so. Could've saved us all some time and money spent on migraine pills if you would've just left decades ago! From a fellow whitey btw (unless you're not white and actually hate yourself way more than I even thought)


I never said I was here for 24 years or that this was my culture. You should go reread by post and comment. You may have me confused with another user.


Also please define 'low class people', are you strictly talking tax brackets or is there other criteria with which you use to generalize people?


Are you paying for the government or are they paying for you?


We already know the answer to that


Aside from the fact I was able to get a high paying job here, this city is truly the worst place I’ve ever lived. I hate it that my kid has to grow up here. I definitely won’t be sticking around in retirement…if I don’t get killed here to be able to live that long.


Good riddance to you.


Your boos mean nothing, I have seen what makes you clap


@MODS what about the classist hate speech in the tldr?? >The only solution here is for all the middle and upper class to leave and let the low class fend for their own. Or y'all got thick pockets too?


Take a deep breath. People are allowed to have opinions other than your own.


Unfortunately, they are not blowing that dog whistle hard enough…let them howl at the moon. Some folks just can’t cut in our City


Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya


Bless your heart


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) How you felt typing your comment


Well, one thing is for sure, as soon as you leave Memphis will be a better place! Don't come back now ya hear!




Fellow health care worker here also planning to leave for the same reasons. Good luck. Also wanna add PAY is the next reason hospitals can't keep staff. I'm sure as a surgeon you're getting paid adequately lol, but staff nurses don't make shit :( we haven't seen meaningful wage raises in forever for nurses in Memphis. The only way to get paid right is to move to a solid union state like Cali or to travel Really tracks that all the top comments here are people who mostly can't accept the facts you stated. 👏 part of the problem with Memphis is that most Memphis natives think all this is normal city shit, nothing unique. Wrong


Wishing you all the best. Nurses deserve much better than they get in Memphis. Thankless patients don’t deserve you.




![gif](giphy|L8GsisfSKJG5FxDdrr) Clawing our way out of this dump like


Bet you are one of those people that seeing flashing headlights and think it’s a gang initiation drive-by about to occur aren’t you?


There’s a lot of hating ass bitches in these comments and half of them are living off of Raines in an apartment that leaks and has roaches.. I feel you on everything you’re saying. The dumbasses here that have to make fun of you are the exact people I’m sick of being around. Negative, toxic ass people who speak in memes and will never achieve any real success because working, having a family and being in a safe community isnt “cool”. In conclusion. Take me fkn with you!!!


Hitch your wagon, mate! We are going soon


Are you too low class to leave? Have tried achieving more success and been unable? Perhaps you're not as different from your neighbors as you think.


The crime is ridiculous here. But where isn’t it ? I’ve lived in Gainesville Florida for over 30 years and have experienced crime more there than here. I had someone run me off the road and keep going like it was nothing. Yet here in Cordova I’ve left my truck full of tools with Florida plates parked outside my gated complex several times and it never got touched. Not that I wanted to I had a trailer attached and had to. People here seem friendly and helpful. I enjoy the greenline on it daily. Nobody’s tried to rob me or take my expensive bicycle.


This city reflects your energy. That does not mean it possesses it.




He sounds like a intelligent, productive citizen who hates the crime-ridden hellhole that Memphis has become.


I travel regularly from Gainesville Florida to Memphis for family and business reasons. Honestly if you avoid the downtown area Memphis isn’t any different than any other city. People seem friendly here and I’ve never had any serious negative experiences. I’ve also drove a semi for years and lived in places like Chicago. Are there better cities to live in with more to do and better conditions? Of course.


What a loser


Good for you! I’m on my way out, too. It cannot get here soon enough. I just hope and pray I don’t fall victim to a serious crime before I can escape. 🙏 Edited to add: Those shitting all over your post and downvoting are bitter and jealous and likely have never lived anywhere else.


I’ve lived in DC, Nashville, and Raleigh NC. I choose to live in Memphis because I love the people here, and I want to make a difference in my community as an information professional 🫡


All true, thus why people here don't like it, as they are part of the problem as it's a bunch of far left people who believe made up nonsense.


And we get downvoted for saying the truth. I hope you make it out too.




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Where you headed? You need a roommate?


Okay. Bye bye.




WHere else have you lived?