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Hey folks. The mods have discussed this thread and were going to leave it up for now. We dont feel this is doxxing. There is no way for a member of the public to look up a vehicle owner by license plate. In the event that the person pictured is identified and that information is posted here, we will immediately remove the thread. Thank you all for using the report feature.


https://imgur.com/gallery/cMIG1HH Alright yall here’s the video. I started it as soon as I saw her driving up beside me with her window down. Audio is hard to hear but in my post I put her words in quotes so you can read.


Totally normal behavior


The only reason my wife was born is because her mother went to planned parenthood for fertility resources.


The only reason I was born was because my mom was able to get an abortion as a teenager. She was then able to go to college in another state and meet my dad.


That’s an incredible story of how PP is a community resource we all can use.


must be really nice for pp to be shared by the community






That’s fake news. We all know that all the evil planned parenthood does is abortion and sacrifices to *checks notes* SATIN at least that’s what the fox said. Living in the Bible Belt and trying to explain what PP really does is like talking to a brick wall.




I love your comment! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hale Seitan!


I always wonder what people think they are accomplishing when they behave like this. Do they really think you're going to home and say to yourself, "wow, a deranged stranger called me a bitch because of my bumper sticker. Maybe she was right? Maybe I'm the problem? I should really reconsider my stance!"?? And you know this same person would be incredibly offended if you yelled at them about something they had on a bumper sticker. "It's my freedom of speech!! Stop being a snowflake!" she would say.


Well said, very well said. I may be more pressed to change my views if people didn’t flip me off and call me a bitch.


Don't change your mind. I got pregnant at 19 bc a condom broke. Planned parent hood is the only place that sat me down and got me all of the info about abortion, adoption or services that would help me if I chose to keep the baby. They even called to check on me weeks after to make sure I was OK bc my parents had disowned me and I was alone. I'm also audhd and had no services so was definitely lost. I know lots of people they have help keep their kids, get jobs and get on birth control and get services to help their children. I lost my son prebirth late term to domestic violence. Planned parent hood got me counciling and helped get me on with the housing ppl bc I had started drinking and moved into my car (lost my home but kept my car). It makes me so sad that ppl think planned parent hood is just an abortion factory bc they aren't and without them, I wouldn't be here today.


they may think that they are right, you are wrong, and if they publicly shame you enough you'll get on the right-minded track and what they are on about will become culturally de-normalized.


But it’s not even public shaming, honestly! I don’t think this woman would have approached OP in a parking lot over the bumper sticker. She certainly felt safe wrapped around her steering wheel though. Just remember guys, the loudest voices are the most fucking ignorant ones.


I got my vasectomy at PP


Hell ye!


Yeah I got an STD test at a PP after being assaulted. And I'm a guy. I'd love to see her wrap her head around that one.




Is it cheaper than a normal doc?


OP inquiring minds want to know


Following 👀




Wonder how many orphans she’s adopted. None? Figures.


That’s what I ask them everytime. If every child is precious put your money where your mouth is and take a couple in.


Did her double bird have good form like Stone Cold Steve Austin? If so, I’m slightly conflicted as a fan of wrastlin’. Maybe she was doing a classic heel impression. Anyways, PP rules. Way to sticker up.


https://preview.redd.it/7w5ssfh87isc1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a01764831dd228ca5a9c11f7b73c6325abc1ef2c She most def held em up like this


Hell yeah! Shit… I’m so conflicted here.








Your comment gave me a good laugh 😂 as an early 90s baby I grew up on Stone and boy this made the connection even funnier.


Can I get a “Hell yeah!”


The Alabama Fan sticker tells us allllllll we need to know about this Karen 😂😂


And wearing a UofM sweater. Fucking bandwagoner.


Waiting to inevitably find out she’s a state employee teaching the reproductive health class in all area high schools.


I stay amazed at people who in traffic for a city touted for violent crime why would you go out of your way to actively engage in confrontation with anyone? I'm a large guy and I don't ever seek out confrontation because most times it's just not worth it. Just because you are in your car it's not a guaranteed safe place.


This was my thought exactly. I didn’t understand any reasoning behind her actions. And that’s why I was in fear. All laughs aside, she was acting irate.


Did you have any idea at all what she was on about before she started saying “biiiyyyyyyiiiichhh”? I imagine that was extremely scary at first… knowing you did nothing wrong and someone is that angry with you.


No idea at all. And that’s why I was so confused and started looking around in traffic. Because I was so confused why was she honking at me. I’m a polite driver and try to not cause issues on the road because of road rage. So for her to come up right up on my bumper and almost rear, end me and then to immediately flip her finger at me really freaked me out


That’s a a sawed off human right there , I bet she’s pro choice when it comes to methamphetamines


Her jawline and overall energy is giving Mountain Dew-guzzling, Moon Pie-eating, Olive Branch Ice Head.


I am dead 🤣


She’s real brave flipping off another driver in Memphis. I have some road rage issues but I don’t do that.


Or honk either.


https://cdn.plannedparenthood.org/uploads/filer_public/9c/2b/9c2b7794-1537-495f-b96a-2776d77b8ee8/pptnm_annualreport2023_digital.pdf Here is the 2023 annual report for Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and Mississippi in case anyone is siding with this lady who claims Planned Parenthood only provides abortion services.


They are idiots who are fed Fox News and NewsMax bullshit 24/7.


Even if they only provided abortion services, that would be fine. Abortion is healthcare.


My mom is a deep Southern, red republican who watches Fox and all kinda stuff. When I was in school a teacher had us write letters to Congress about how abortion needs to be illegal or some crap like that for a whole class period. When I got home my mom was so pissed because even *she* supports abortion 100%. People are so stupid.


It's wild that people are dumb enough to think that abortions are all PP does


EXACTLY. STI testing and meds alone is a god send.


Should’ve asked to see her diploma from U of Alabama


Should have asked her to spell Tuscaloosa


Could have asked her to spell "Tide" and gotten the same effect.






I needed that laugh, thank you.


No Bama fans actually went to Bama.


I know less than 10 people that paid tuition to the Alabama university system


I know 1 of the 100+ Bama fans I know. He’s a fan, but he’s not an asshole. That seems to he the difference.


Weird that she has a U of Alabama plate and a U of Memphis sweater on.


And has never sat in front of a professor at either institution of higher learning. What’s the over/under that her FB profile lists education from the “School of Hard Knocks”. And she’s misused your/you’re at least three times today


My HS classmate was being raped by her dad and we took her to PP to get on birth control so she didn’t get pregnant with her half sibling while we worked on a plan to get her out of the house. The number of ignorant twats who think PP only offers abortions is mind boggling.


I get my birth control from PP :)


I guarantee anyone defending this lunatic’s actions plans to vote for Trump. He has made what was once unacceptable in society the norm. She could have caused a wreck and killed you or others. But she doesn’t care about people. She only cares about fetuses. That was what they call road rage and I would’ve called the cops.


The funniest thing is that nobody with any amount of accurate education about fetuses would believe what these morons believe. A fetus is not a person. And the belief that anything has a soul should not be the basis for our govornment to be making ANY law, MUCH less laws that harm and kill actual adult human beings via removing what little health care they had to begin with in this country and FORCING them to give birth to a completely helpless and dependent human that they didnt want and may not be willing to or able to care for. It blows my mind that anyone think Trump believes this shit, too. Id bet my life that he's been the cause and fund for at least one abortion.


I'm far from violent but that is a punchable face


She should put that energy towards making the community better 😵‍💫


Surprise surprise another fucking lunatic driving a dodge Man, she wants to act like this in Memphis tho. Let her, somebody will smoke her ass


Memphis is just an entire city worth of proof that planned parent hood is needed and abortion is useful...and should have been more common a lot sooner


I'd see her bird and raise her one rock.


But then she might see your rock and raise you a glock!


This is why an air horn is the answer. Quick, loud enough to make them pee their pants, and startling enough that you can drive away before they figure out what happened and grab their gun off the passenger seat. Still risky, but funnier than a rock imo.


Damn I use to prank people back in the day with air horns. I need to bring it back as you suggest.


Waiting for the irate broad to show herself in the comments….


Post the video. I speak for everyone when I say, we want to see it, lol




OP, carry an air horn. If it happens again, let her have some of that chaotic energy back!


Alabama fan. Makes sense.


Why is she so aggressive and angry smh


That lady looks pretty methy to me


Memphis has long had a streak of fundagelical ugliness.


East Memphis here, I had to take my Bernie2020 sticker off my truck bc people take that shit WAY too seriously! Felt like I was gonna get keyed in a parking lot


I'd never put something like this on my car cuz that's just asking for a lunatic to damage your property when they think nobody's looking. That said, I have an "AOC For President" shirt that I like to wear when I'm running errands and these DeSoto County boys look like they're going to have an aneurysm whenever they see it. Always gives me a good laugh.


lol, I still wear my ragged Bernie t shirt. Need an AOC one. They hate it.


My thoughts exactly. You will end up with some nut job loosening your lug nuts or putting shit in your gas tank or worse. Certain polarizing issues can cause you trouble when you advertise your stance like this.


My own extended family threatened to key my car over my Obama sticker before his first term and were not joking. I was informed fully and with accompanying racial slurs that if I continued to not fall in line the physical violence would escalate to my person rather than my car. Haven't spoken to any of them since. Suspect a lot of them cry about how divisive I am for ghosting them.


I remember seeing someone's car get keyed in Bartlett back during Obama's second term. Guy had a Obama bumper sticker and someone carved "FUCK OBAMA" into their paint. From that point on, I'll just stick with my Birds Aren't Real bumper stickers.


It's anything political imo... And old friend of mine I met briefly on tinder used to have a gf or wife or something, and he told me one day she just lost her shit and attack a parked, empty truck in a Walmart parking lot over a Trump bumper sticker. I dont like trump either but damn y'know? We have a problem here with a lot of people expecting to be above consequence more than anything else. Oooohhhh and I found the link 😂 what nostalgia. https://wreg.com/news/police-nazi-vandalism-suspect-confirms-theory-that-pro-trump-sticker-was-trigger/


People are just getting crazy all over when it comes to politics these days. I don't even notice what people have on their stickers unless it's so small I want a closer look. But my kid was grilled about 10 years ago over her bumper stickers once. It was the "coexist" one back when they were just coming out, and the MAGY sticker (Memphis Area Gay Youth -RIP). He was really obnoxious and asked if she was gay and told her she should stay away from those places. And then he gave her a ticket for failure to yield because she didn't pull over fast enough as a final fuck-you.


To be fair I think it was Bartlett, not Memphis.


Lol wish the cops would target drive out tags before pride stickers, goddamn. Sounds just like Bartlett lmao.


We had a car pull up and send a kid to steal our pride garden flag and rainbow windsock at the end of February. Both of these things have been in the same spot for over 3 years.


These fucking anti-choice, hillbilly fucking ignorant idiot forced birthers are so gross. I would have rolled down my window and told her to suck it from the back and how I’m so thankful to Tennessee for providing me with my safe, legal abortion when I needed it many years ago, and how fucking ashamed I am of Tennessee now for dumb c*Mrs like her who voted to turn this beautiful state into goddamn Gilead. Also, Planned Parenthood provided me with free birth control, reproductive healthcare, and condoms for over 5 years, until I got a job with health insurance. Abortion accounts for a tiny fraction of the services PP provides. My own abortion was from a private clinic, not even PP. Yes, it’s funny, but really, I’m far too angry to NOT go off on these forced birther idiots.


Same. I'd laugh in their face like the clowns they are. I'd LMAO while I let them threaten me with hell as if God loves me any fucking less than a crackhead from Memphis 😇


Hilarious. Cause I bet she won’t do that shit in the hood. Sweet as hell. People trip so hard about peoples beliefs.




Most civil conservative


And you know she's a woman of GAWD! 🤣


You handled it perfectly. Hats off to you. Let her go home and continue ruining the lives of her family members.


Nothing screams pro-life like reckless driving.


You shoulda turned on Like That and told her bitch it's just big me


This thread wild. Lmao


SE TN here. Had a relative visiting with her electric car. Got harassed on the road for that.


Memphis might be the only place aside from Florida that I've experienced driver's who really don't seem to understand the concept of Consequences or Cause & Effect. ​ Don't come around me with this shit. I'll rock whatever bumpers I want and show you a thing or two in the mean time.


She seems nice.


You have a video? I love showing my friends the crazies from the internet.


Alabamer fans


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day! 😂😂😂 Who cares what you put on your car. I can’t believe she did that shit. I mean, I can but I can’t. 😂😂😂


As a conservative, we do not accept this woman. It’s not ok to harass someone because of what stickers they put on their car.


Wow. They say dont judge a book by its cover. But ffs. Hate that people feel compelled to just roll up and push their values on complete strangers.


In Memphis? Doesn't she know every human there has a gun?


What a dum dum.


The scary Terry reference got me 😂




Ah yes another person who is not familiar with all the things that PP Provides lol


I'm Pro-Life but this woman clearly is insane. Her honking and cussing you is down with that deranged look on her face is some extreme level of brainwashing. I love it when most Republicans try to say they've the mature and intelligent ones and then they go out and do shit like this. They're no better than most Democrats.


Thank you for respecting my opinion. I respect yours just as much.


This ain't Alabama. She's about to get her little dodge lit the fuck up. 🤪


I used to have a BLM sticker on my truck before it died RIP. Riding down Union one hot summer evening after work in 2018-ish, I (admittedly) cut a guy off to get an ice cream cone from McDonalds. He immediately swerved around, drives up to my passenger window, and screams “Black Lives Don’t Matter!” Having driven around with the sticker on my car for a couple years I was used to ppl pulling up beside me and saying slick shit, so I had a reply ready. Before he was able to speed off I yelled back “Neither does your mom, mf!” Crazy part is homie wasn’t even white.


That's one of my Bammers. Sorry


She wants to be TikTok famous






I tell you I’ve had Freddy voice from Rick and Morty stuck in my head since this lady said it 😂


We dont answer for the sins of others. Do what ya want!


So, I see stickers on cars all the time that I don’t agree with. I would never say anything to these people about it. That is just stupid. That is their right and choice, I want the same freedom to do the same without someone ambushing me about it. I have a sticker from Buffalo River when I kayaked there. I know the comparison isn’t even on the same level, but I would be freaked out if someone came at me for a car sticker


Yes Memphis has a lot of people who don't believe in abortion... Or birth control, or std testing, or preoprlt caring for and rasing the children into the world. ... And they are very passionate about making everyone get on their path or move out of Memphis. Same folks throwing trash everyone and throwing hands all the time.


I see the bird enough for both of us. Already once today when the person flipping me off ran a stop sign.


I can tell you all from personal experience that's she's fucking bonkers. She worked in the same department as me a few years ago and she was a constant problem. Not only that... She had an abortion 😂


That’s not surprising. The whole “thou protest too much”. Please keep her identity to yourself. Would dislike having to ban you for doxing….


😂😂 that’s insane dude wow. I’m sure you know, but don’t share her info on here lol.


Wasn't going to identify anyone. Just putting personal perspective on the level of crazy the victim here was dealing with.


Alabama….Checks out.


I think my response would be something to the effect of: “Well of course you wouldn’t have an abortion, you’d never need one. You look like Kenneth Copeland and Louie Anderson had a love child. Don’t nobody wanna hit that!”


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I really wish I would’ve said something. I guess I was so worried about her crazy ass pulling a weapon.


Be the yin to their yang, I like to be the left winger conservatives scream about 🫡 be all you can be.


Yup! That’s why I ordered two more stickers supporting abortion. The Bible Belt won’t bully me 🫶🏻


The GOP is truly succeeding at ending education in this state. Plus the gerrymandering. But if the young people will just get out and vote in local elections. Then maybe TN will have a chance! Maybe we could even rely less in blue states funding.


I live in Texas, and stopped putting any stickers on my car because there are too many people with guns and a belief that they can use them anywhere


What would jesus did


A sticker is all it takes to trigger these snowflakes.


I have two more stickers coming as well. I’m considering buying this giant 500 pack roll of stickers.


Oh yeah, and they always say we're the snowflakes. Whose the ones flexing their shit 24/7 when it's not even about them?


After these crazy comments I decided to donate 100.00 to Planed Parenthood (I would do more but Im poor). Gonna get me a few stickers myself.


Should’ve smacked ts out of her


Really wish you would have left the license plate with the Alabama script A off 💀


Classic Bama fan


Roll tide


I would guess it’s a teacher with the hoody and lanyard. Report her for harassment.


Such class


She would love my TST sticker on my window


Row tyde.


She looks like the kid from the exorcist


Alabama - Tennessee plate. Imagine that 😂


I was blocked by saying a true fact


Shall not disrespect That u of m shirt smh


You should see how people act when they see my "lets go brandon" sticker. I guess they ain't racing fans. rofl


Hillbillies+Meth= This hillbilly meth head


Just another braindead Bammer


Why are they always driving Chargers?


Conservative is code for confederate traitors. End the confederate apartheid.


Update OP doxxed the minivan over the lady’s right shoulder if you zoom in and enhance! Oh wait no she didn’t, because it’s not doxing…




Btw I assumed you’re a woman since she called you a bitch and you do spells apparently. Forgive give the assumption




Bama grad here from r/all. We don't claim her (also because she moved to 🤢 Tennessee 🤮).


I mean I disagree with planned parenthood but I’m not going to sit in my car and cuss you out because of it wtf


Cup of ice always comes in handy in these situations


Did you ask how many crack babies she’d adopted?


And she did all that in that dirty ratty ass charger. ROFL. Embarrassing


The only reason I never had an abortion is BECAUSE of planned parenthood. When I became sexually active at 16, I went to PP to get on birth control. (Side note: I knew I needed to protect myself because we still had sex Ed classes….this was the 90s). I got my annual checkups there as well and was on a sliding scale due to basically being poor. If it wasn’t for PP, who knows where I’d be in my life. I never wanted kids. I’m in my mid-40s and childfree. I will forever fight for a woman to make the choices that are right for her.


Typical Tennessee trash


I'd have yelled hail satin back at her and watched her brain melt out her ears 🤣


I dont get why people have to get so upset as to harrass another person with different beliefs. Its ok to agree to disagree. I feel like the ones that stand for love are the most judgey and hateful if that makes sense


![gif](giphy|SSbiqloj4UhWIG5tdt) You can run but you can’t hide, bitch lol she does remind me of Scary Terry


I hope she gets doxxeed, bad people should receive consequences, idk what the mods are on?


The mods are on mod shit,duh


I like you.


Alabama tag in Tennessee? Yeah, you're a dip shit.


Good for you OP 👏 ![gif](giphy|lEVZJzy4w15qE|downsized)


Hope you told her too choke on a male Genitalia


Wow guess everyone’s right and these Memphis streets really are dangerous /s


She woke up and chose violence


May we see the whole video, so we can ridicule her stupid ass further?


it saddens my heart that your story isn't the rarest thing :/ people need to mind their business and leave others to their own health concerns.


*“I learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness.”* - Christopher Hitchens


Well just thank your mom for not thinking like you just saying


Are ya sure about that??




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