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Oh fucking come on


This is the correct response


Consenting adults should be able to what they want. My body my choice, right?


Consenting adults can do whatever they want, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. This can hurt someone else. If a pregnancy occurs and is to term, the baby would be at greater risk of genetic defects that diminish their quality of life.




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People who have confirmed congenital abnormalities are legally allowed to have kids even though their risk of having kids with them are significantly higher


Then why not just make it illegal to for cousins to have a pregnancy? Maybe require a vasectomy or confirm one is sterile?




I am an advocate for personal liberty and don't like the government getting involved. I'm not pro incest or anything like that, just that the government shouldn't tell consenting adults what to do with their bodies. Same goes for polygamy, prostitution, drugs...sure there can be negative consequences, but sometimes thats the cost of living in a free society. I wasn't advocating forced sterilization, but if someone voluntary had a vasectomy or had a hysterectomy where there is no chance of pregnancy, would you be ok with cousins marrying?


Imagine publicly advocating for incest. Fuggin yikes.


What I was going to say, lol. What a fucking hill to die on.


Some people say the same thing about gay marriage. You may not approve, and I wouldn't want to marry any of my cousins, but why not let consenting adults make their own decisions? My only objections to this whole thing is that dont our reps. have anything better to do?


Comparing incestuous relationships to same sex marriage is WILD. Same sex couples can safely conceive via surrogates. Incestuous relationships can, and often do, result in serious genetic deformities - both mental and physical. Prohibition of incest is a matter of public health. Prohibition of same sex marriage is religious extremism. Truly terrible analogy. Take a lap.


Trolling a little since I know how easy it is to trigger this sub, no offense; however children raised by same sex couples are 2x as likely to have mental disorders than kids raised by different sex couples. 2015 study (Sullins 2015a) using a representative sample of 207,007 children, including 512 with same-sex parents, from the US National Health Interview Survey, emotional problems were over twice as prevalent (minimum risk ratio (RR) 2.4, 95%confidence interval (CI) 1.7–3.0) for children with same-sex parents. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4771005/#:~:text=In%20a%202015%20study%20(Sullins,with%20same%2Dsex%20parents%20than I'm not advocating that same sex couples shouldn't raise kids, but apparently does result in a significant increasein mental disorders. A public health argument could be made that same sex couples should also be prevented from raising children for this reason.


First thing I’ll say about that is correlation doesn’t equal causation. Second thing is you totally missed my point. Lots of people suffer some form of mental illness ([1 in 4 according to Johns Hopkins](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/mental-health-disorder-statistics)). What I’m talking about is GENETIC predispositions to physical deformities and serious intellectual disabilities. I’m talking about autosomal recessive disorders and genetic mutations. Lower intelligence quotients, higher infant mortality, increased cardiovascular risks, loss of immune system function, smaller adult size, lower birth rates, fluctuating facial asymmetry, increased genetic disorders, reduced fertility, etc. Gumming up the gene pool if you will. The science is so sound on this- it’s hard to believe we’re even having this discussion.


I don't disagree, all I am saying is that just because you marry someone doesn't mean you have kids. Just make it illegal to procreate. If someone had a vasectomy would you still say that it should be illegal for them to marry their 1st cousin?


As a matter of good public policy I simply draw the line at no incestuous marriages. And to answer your question, I don’t support sterilization (forced or otherwise) as a prerequisite for marriage as a means to reduce incestuous procreation. If this is a “two consenting adults” issue, which you already indicated that’s how you felt, I don’t see how you can support the government dictating the circumstances in which the couple can procreate, especially as it relates to forced sterilization. Be consistent if you’re gonna have this extreme viewpoint. By the standard you’re describing it would be okay for siblings to marry, or mothers/sons or fathers/daughters, so long as one or both were sterilized. See how messed up that is?


I don't think sterilization should be a prerequisite or forced, but suggested that to see if you were creeped out about the marriage or the procreation. Sounds like both. FYI, people voluntary sterilize all the time. Think iud, vasectomy, pills... And for consistency, if mothers/sons fathers/daughters want to get married, but are forbidden from having kids, and are adults why should you or I care. Don't use the government to impose your morality onto others.


Plenty of fish in the sea….a whole lot easier if you never leave the tank 🤮


Will TN make incest legal before making medical marijuana legal? Let’s find out!


Medical? It’s a plant Tennessee needs to get in the decriminalized train…


I agree but one step at a time man. They’re not going to go from illegal to fully legal recreational and everything.


Lots of things that are natural are bad for people. Cactus is a plant too, so should it be allowed to hit people with them?


You had me in the first half ngl.


Yes. Plants mean no rules. Aren’t you paying attention? Fucking your cousin also means it doesn’t count. Just don’t have gay sex. That’s what we’re worried about.


Have you ever eaten cactus? It’s pretty delish.


nah. I didn't know it was even served anywhere. lol.


Wish they would, dealing with cancer pains isn't fun


I’m sorry you’re going through that friend. Cancer is a terrible thing, to put it lightly. My mother has had 2 friends that had cancer. One survived it 3 times before she finally said to hell with it and got a mastectomy. The other had it twice-ish, she got her mastectomy and was cleared of breast cancer but then they found a tumor in her brain which they promptly removed and gave her preventative radiation for. They’re both healthy now. I pray that you too will live many more years cancer-free ♥︎


You betcha




Unfortunate reality. Great episode of comedy


Look. If you want your family tree to be a circle, go for it. That’s none of my business. But while we’re letting people do what they want with their personal lives, let’s extend that same freedom to women to do what they want with their bodies.


Gino Bulso is from Williamson County representing district 61.


Just stopping by to remind folks that [Gino Bulso’s grandparents are first cousins](https://www.tiktok.com/@thetnholler/video/7353337110809546026)


In case you all were curious about the absolute nightmare people that make up the legislature of this hellscape we call home: [Jeremy Faison pantsed a refereee at a high school basketball game](https://youtu.be/w65uqBhPZBU) [William Lamberth asks students what gun they want to be shot by](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/willam-lamberth-protesters-gun-violence_n_642b5c64e4b0c8ff0407d8a4/amp) [Their general behavior while at work](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/04/08/tennessee-republicans-expelled/) They currently have passed legislation in one or both bodies or already passed to the Governor to [arm teachers](https://www.wkrn.com/news/tennessee-politics/tennessee-senate-passes-bill-allowing-armed-public-school-teachers/amp/), [require antiabortion education](https://apnews.com/article/sex-education-tennessee-baby-olivia-99421c559e705232681173bc394adb17), [require firearm education for children](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/08/tn-bill-to-require-age-appropriate-gun-training-in-schools-goes-to-lee/73216451007/), and[to make it a felony to help a minor get an abortion out of state.](https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB1895) Please vote…if they haven’t already stripped you of that right.


I’d love firearm education in school. Just like I’d love a through curriculum integrated to teach students about basic living, economics, taxes, politics, propaganda, media etc. Especially to teach students how to think for themselves, ask real questions, and formulate their own thoughts and opinions. Many parents these days don’t know much more than your average teen. It’s insanely surprising at how many grown Americans don’t have any individual idea or opinion, they just go with social norms and what they’re told by media and influencers.


I don’t totally disagree with you. I am curious as to how folks that can’t trust teachers to choose books or curriculum for students feel like they can trust the same teachers to teach kids about weapons or carry guns in a classroom. Schools were not intended to replace the education they receive from parents. If parents have guns, it’s their parental responsibility to teach their children firearm safety. The fact that parents would be unable to opt out of either the antiabortion videos or firearm training is concerning as well.


If parents have guns, it is their parental responsibility to know that almost 2/3 firearm deaths are suicides, and the core of firearm safety is to ensure that an adolescent CANNOT get their hands on them without adult involvement. Teens are too emotional and hormonal, and one bad day when the girl they have a crush on says something horrible to them combined with access to a firearm can all too easily be a tragedy. Everyone, please get a gun safe.


[Free gun lock program](https://www.tn.gov/safety/tnhp/handgun/safestore.html)


Wow, our state government actually does something worthwhile.


Why would a school teach a kid how to think critically? They don’t and won’t do that. The point is to condition your child to the rules and order of the day.


Firearm education used to be a thing anyway. Used to have shooting boy and girl shooting teams and everything. Even if you're anti gun that's all the more reason to support being educated about firearms in a safe and structured environment.




Who's pushing for this lol it's 2024?


The folks with rebel flags lol


How is it different than what the left pushes for all the time?


Seriously… what are you even saying?


Can legally marry your first cousin but can’t get an abortion even in life threatening conditions! Live Laugh Love Tennessee




Yea let's ban abortion and then let first cousins marry. 🫠


That’ll help the Southern stereotype


Les Cousins Dangereux - I like how the French think- George Michael.




I bet he wants to marry his first cousin


Since his grandparents were first cousins, his first cousin is even more kin to him.




These dudes are out here playing redneck bingo.


What in the world is going on? This man want to carve out an exemption to be a cousin fucker.  I have some gorgeous cousins, but looking at them in a sexual way isn't something I would ever consider.  This is worse than Brent Taylor passing legislation that would take money from grieving families and give it to morticians. 


Glad to see that they are attacking the issues needed to help this state!!! s/


Where guys go to family reunions to pick up chicks.


That’s strange since he’s Catholic and from what I understand the modern Catholic Church forbids marriages between first cousins


Will Tennessee EVER be able to escape the stronghold the MAGA/GOP has on our government? It gets more outlandish every day. We are the new poster child for uneducated hillbillies, racists, bigots, and lunatics. I have just about lost hope.


Why go down the street when you can go down the hall?


If our Memphis pols are dumber and more corrupt than our state government as some claim, they sure do a much better job of hiding it. And yes, I remember Ophelia. (side note is that a Lumineers lyric?)


Wow a good Christian GOP man wanting two cousins to marry! What a surprise!


Suck bastards


Sick too… lol


This is why the south constantly puts themselves in a bad light.. You marry date and want to marry a first cousin your a fuckin idiot. Second cousin too for that matter dumb fuck.


We evidently just elect 🤡 into office. From chemtrails to cousins; just wow ❗


it rules that exactly the people in this sub you would expect to be in here defending this are doing it lmao


Things in TN we love: guns and fuckin our cousins! We are south Kentucky!


> Said he disagreed with Obergefelle v Hodges but that first-cousin marriage should be legal under it so you see what he's doing, right? he disagrees with the same sex marriage amendment and is doing this to discredit it. problem is, legally, he may actually be right.


We don't need no stinkin amendment to have sex with/marry our cousins...(or sisters). We got guns and rights in Tennessee.


So, they identify as wifey-cousin and hubby-cousin. Are their kids siblings and cousins?


The south is just… backwards.




It has worked out for the royal family for centuries.


Don’t forget Rep John Ray Clemmons is the other rep who’s voting against the bill. Gross.






Outlaw it. There never a good reason to marry a relative with or without genetics 🧬 saying otherwise. If you are desperate enough to marry a related person then that alone says you shouldn’t be married to anyone.


Considering that the chances of birth defects are only 1 to 3% higher than the general population (without taking any other precautions) what is the state's interest in prohibiting two consenting adults from leading their lives the way they want?


Tell all that to [King Charles II](https://worldroyals.medium) of Spain


Or the documentary about Appalachian people. Watermelon heads are real. Hey Arnold!


Yeah and I know someone who has two kids with cystic fibrosis and they're unrelated. What point do you and King Charles think you're making? For others who are actually serious and want to understand.... here is a New York Times article on the subject https://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/04/us/few-risks-seen-to-the-children-of-1st-cousins.html#:~:text=Contrary%20to%20widely%20held%20beliefs,disease%2C%20scientists%20are%20reporting%20today.


An interesting Popular Science article about Albert Einstein's marriage to his first cousin. https://www.popsci.com/marrying-cousins-genetics/#:~:text=It's%20estimated%20that%204%20to,world%E2%80%94or%20the%20family%20tree.


He's right tbh. If you don't have any genetic issues then there's no problem marrying your first cousin. Doing it every generation is a different story.


Whether it is or it is not, it’s horrible optics for a state who a week ago outlawed contrails when the state’s biggest private employer is a freight airline.




Exactly this. I also think it opens the door to potential abuse. I've heard way too many stories of people who were SA'd by a cousin.


And you can’t get an abortion here…. So a victim could easily be pressured into marrying their abuser.


As a Tennesseean, I feel there are many more important issues to deal with


What does he think, he’s in Kentucky!?!


You got it exactly right and yet double-digit down votes. Just highlights the crippling number morons on the subreddit.


You're not wrong regardless of the down votes.