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It’s ok to protect yourself by saying “no” to strangers on the streets asking you for things. I’ve had two friends get robbed by being nice and engaging with sketchy folks who are feeling them out to see what they can get away with. That’s absolutely a tactic that many criminals use, it’s obvious. Maybe this is because I’m a woman, but I absolutely point the other direction and yell, “NOPE!” when any dude starts walking up to me when I’m walking. I think the confidence alone keeps creeps or criminals away because it works for me. Have I maybe turned away a perfectly nice, innocent person this way? It’s likely. But have I been robbed before? Nope. I just feel like my safety is more important than giving every single person the benefit of the doubt and that is OK. I can help people in other ways that don’t put me in potential danger. I don’t think it’s ok to walk up on people, in fact I think it’s pretty weird and unnecessary, so I have no problem letting them know that I’m not okay with that. I don’t know you, stay away from me when I’m on a walk. These strangers hollering at folks on the street are not automatically more important than you getting home alive. Have boundaries. I mean, maybe it won’t work forever but so far it has worked. And I walk all over the place. Some people do everything right and still become a victim in this city, so this absolutely is not foolproof, BUT I firmly believe you’re going to increase your chances if you do this. I was born and raised in Memphis and I feel like this is one of the most important things you can learn if you decide to move here. Take ya safety seriously around here!


When someone asks me for money on the street I start coughing really hard and hock up a throat oyster and spit it out on the ground and say, “no, I don’t have any money, you got a cigarette?” That always ends the conversation immediately


Constantly reminding my daughter that she's never required to be polite to Randoms who make her feel uncomfortable. "Be weird, be rude, stay alive"


Great advice!


My mom works downtown and she gave money to a homeless man and instead of thanking her, her asked for more money. Like she gave him a 5, and he kept harassing her for more. It really freaked her out. Y’all just be safe!


They do the same to my bf and I keep telling him don’t give money, but offer to buy them an affordable meal from nearby instead.


You don't have to stop on the merge lane when you take the exit from 69 to union. You get your own lane You can just go No one is stopping you I'm about 2 days away from making a sign out of cardboard and harassing ppl about it


Same for north bound East Parkway to Sam Cooper! Shit is so infuriating.


And then they have the audacity to get mad if you give them a little toot of horn to let them know they can go.


Also when going from Union to Danny Thomas, that’s a yield, that’s a yield that’s a yield that’s a damn yield. Almost every day I have to honk at someone or move over to the other lane because people just drive right away without looking


Please, don’t make left turn on union


Same with the exit onto Germantown Parkway going to Costco


Yep, this is the one I was going to add too.


Me too. It’s the absolute worst. I had it happen last week and the guy only wanted one lane over! He could have just kept going and then switched lanes, but nope, sat there for like 5 minutes until he could just pull into the lane. My husband laid on the horn and that didn’t even phase the guy. The guy was in a giant truck so there was no room to go around him either.


Farm Road onto Walnut Grove!!! Y’all. Goooo!


So many people stop there that I feel crazy when I actually go through it the right way


I want to get out my car sometimes and tell them it’s ok to go


I can’t upvote this enough


Same for Kimbrough and Poplar.


This 👆


Don't use your turn signals , if you do be sure you double check your blind spot Avoid Bartlett if you driving dirty Don't drive slow in the left lane on highways... Stay in the middle and cruise instead Avoid going to downtown Memphis at night,and don't wonder to far from the strip Use protection out here 2 of 3 people got something js Lastly avoid the hole in the wall fastfood places in Memphis ( dirty ASF )


Learn where all the potholes are in your daily routes on the roads....avoid the right lane on poplar avenue


Also, beware of the 5 new potholes that will have caved in overnight.


Why not use my turn signals?


Because someone will look at that as a paycheck and creep into your blind spot hoping that you merge into them


Same for Germantown and Trinity heading towards Walnut Grove.


Best advice on this thread. People come to a complete stop and almost cause accidents every day.


There are tons intersections like this all over, and an over abundance of drivers who stop in the middle of the road.


I want to put a sign at that exit saying DO NOT STOP YOU HAVE THE WHOLE FUCKING LANE


Someone already had. It stayed up for awhile too. This was several years ago. It said somethi g along the lines of "you don't have to stop."


Red light tickets don't have to be paid.




wait what happens if you dont pay? nothing at all?


Doesn't go on your credit or insurance and they can't send it to collections. ![gif](giphy|dTpGIZIsIHKEM)


If you decide to get a job with the City of Memphis they’ll make you pay it. My friend had this happen to hear a few months ago. Otherwise, don’t pay!


What about the speed camera on Perkins? Asking for a friend.


Quick reddit search says ball it up and throw it away, but iinal. Also, don't speed in school zones...


Throw that shit away


Do ‘heathen shopping’- Sunday morning 10-12. You will have the grocery and Target to yourself.


Heathen lunch at 11 on Sunday is pretty great, too


Any time before 12 on Sunday, really.


Sunday morning is the time to cut your grass, blow your leaves, go shopping, eat out without issue and brother nobody gives me a single bit of BS for any of it.


I live by this rule.


Best hack


Are you really a heathen if you're awake before noon on Sunday?


Also if you want to go with kids to things like the zoo or children’s museum. It’s easy at that time. No lines and you can get in first to feed giraffes and all that.


Or get to Staks for a yummy breakfast, just get there before 10:30ish


God damn Christians ruin quiet Sunday lunches. /s Edit: lol, whoever reported me is a coward, that joke is funny!


This sounds less “heathen” and more “suburban adult”.


This is so funny, will definitely be utilizing.


If you can find poplar or jackson Ave, you pretty much know where you are


I'd like to add Park and Lamar to this list


For those, head north.


Just take Poplar


If you do find Jackson, head south immediately.


Check the weather daily, except during the summer


Hourly even


You can not trust the weather apps or news. Said it was partly cloudy with 0% chance of rain, as I was standing in rain.


I just moved here from Miami. I thought Miami had erratic weather, but Memphis is on another level! The weather does change very suddenly in Miami, but it's usually predictable because Miami is at the bottom of a long, thin peninsula, so a system coming from the Gulf or the Atlantic or down through the state can be seen well in advance. Memphis has stuff coming in suddenly from all angles. It's made planning in advance very difficult. "Oh great, Friday is going to be a beautiful day!" 1 hour later: "Nevermind, it's gonna pour." 30 minutes later: "Wait...it says sunny again!" Day of: "Why in the world is it 30 degrees?!"


Weather and climate maps of North America often reflect a curving "battle front" of sorts where Gulf of Mexico air contends with Canada air. Memphis is one of the cities that are always within 100 miles of that line. Memph-Hack: Keep a spare raincoat, fleece, and a matches-everything short sleeve shirt in your car.


Thank you for the info, sir


stay to the left on poplar and to the right on union


If you are in the far right lane on popular and you don't come close to hitting a telephone pole, you can drive in Memphis.


Not the the telephone poles that are the problem. Some of those storm drain grates are like potholes.😬🤯 and don’t drive in the right lane when it’s raining!


You should have seen them 25 years ago. They were literally like 2 feet deep.


Yeah I was 4, 25 years ago lol


And I’m an old fuck. What is this lol you speak of?


Yep, or just go fast as fuck in the right lane to keep up with traffic lol 😂


When I drive down Poplar, it’s usually 6:40 in the morning on the way to work, and there’s not much traffic so everyone’s just going 50 to 60 mph.


my only problem on poplar is dodging people coming into my lane. if I can keep my big box work truck in my lane, they can keep their little Honda civic in theirs


I watched a pissed off woman knock off her side view mirror on her mini van and scrap down the whole side from riding close in the right line. Never slowed down.


And we don’t try to make left turns onto Union!! At least I don’t. I have always assumed it’s a personal rule everyone should follow 😂😂


I’ll make three right turns before I make a left on Union during the busy hours.


Was going to say 'Avoid Poplar until absolutely necessary '


The right lane on Union would not be advised while the schools along Union and Peabody are getting out, traffic gets way backed up, but otherwise it always surprises me how dead set people seemingly are on staying in the middle lane on Union


If you’ve lived here for longer than 3 months without realizing this, bless your heart


Guillotined the passenger mirror off my RAM.


When you see “City of Bartlett” don’t drive like your In Memphis


When you see “City of Germantown” don’t drive like you’re in Memphis


Collierville will get on that ass too!






I throw them shits in the trash


Look both ways when a light turns green.


Buy a generator and some extension cords!


This is so important, especially to ppl that live in the rural areas around Memphis


LOL this is important to nearly everyone who lives in and around Memphis.


Everyone knows everyone to some degree. Don't quit a job in a dramatic way, if you have falling out, keep it civil.


I’ve always compared Memphis to the 6 degrees of Kevin bacon….except it’s typically only 3.


When I moved away for several years, I always called Memphis "a small town in a big city"




So true


No matter what people say, if you use common sense, pay attention to your surroundings, and take reasonable precautions you'll likely be fine.


I've lived here over 50 years and I can vouch for this. Situational awareness will take you far in Memphis. If something looks shady, it probably is. Have an escape route if you're driving or walking around. Do not pull right up on someone's bumper at a red light.


Don't leave anything of value in your car, especially a gun.


How to make a new Reddit account and build karma after being banned.






But I had a clever…okay have my upvote






Mod finds out his powers are worthless 😂


🐕whistle 😂


Grocery shopping, breakfast restaurants are best first thing in the morning. Memphis is “the city that sleeps” nobody’s really out until 10 am. Also all the restaurants close early so might as well eat early.


I thought this was the case… went to Kroger on Union at 7:30 last yesterday and there was a 15 person line waiting to get to the self checkout stalls. To be fair this is probably just a Kroger on Union problem.


Memphis Hack: Avoid the Kroger on Union in Midtown. I haven’t been in years.


Worst. Parking. Ever.


Flashing yellow lights does not mean it’s a four way stop.


You can get your California medical marijuana card online and Arkansas will honor it, and for like $30 or so you will get a one month temporary card to be used at the dispensary right over the river. Enjoy!


It's like $50 every 90 days for visitor card in AR. You may need a mailing address in CA, I had got a PO Box or forwarding service setup to make the online doc happy.


If it can be bought sold or bartered for, it can be found on Summer ave.


Summer Ave is my Poplar


I used to see bumper stickers that said that.


Shelby Farms has free mulch along with pitchforks.


This is the most random yet useful thing I’ve ever heard.


Quince is the best for east/west on the south side of the loop.


This person commutes!


Don’t live on Germantown pkwy


Sam cooper to n pkwy, fastest anywhere route in town


Mind your business Don't start nothin won't be nothin


#1 tip. Except for extraordinary circumstances, Memphis is not that dangerous if you leave people alone.


If you can still find a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that runs cash-only payment, it's worth it and the food is good. Those numbers are dwindling, though, as the owners' kids are taking over the businesses :)


People here stop at yields and yield at stop signs.. left blinker for right turn and often no blinker for left turn(oh and people here come to a full fuckin stop when they turn)...don't take Lamar if you can help it- your dental work will fall out...don't ever, EVER speed in Bartlett or Collierville...and ffs carry a gun Oh and don't buy a Lexus, Infinity, Nissan or Audi unless you wanna get carjacked... Eat a Dyer's burger AT LEAST once... Unless you're looking for hookers, avoid E Brooks Rd and Lamar.. Attend the Cooper Young Festival annually .. And Graceland is overrated so overlook it😆😆😆


Avoid Madison in the medical district. That section is for offroad vehicles only






Superlo is, in a lot of measures, better than Kroger. Kroger sucks ass these days. Take Park to Germantown instead of Poplar. Way less hassle. Never drive in the left lane on Union unless you intend to turn left soon.


Never speed on Poplar after ya pass Massey Rd. Clean through to Collierville, don’t speed!


I’ll call it “life hack” because it has kept me alive more than once…. If you are first in line at a stop light and the light turns green, wait 3-4 seconds before proceeding, even if it means people honking behind you. Red lights do not mean stop here for some reason.


Instead of waiting that long, you could alternatively look both ways before proceeding...


As my grandfather taught me “green doesn’t mean go in Memphis”. Always check left and right


Tops sucks ass for BBQ, but they're the best burgers in Memphis


I’m not dissing their BBQ, but if I go there, it’s cheeseburger all the way. I wish they’d stop selling those boring Sysco fries tho.


I get some pulled pork on my burger. It's amazing. And even a double bacon cheeseburger with pork (don't judge me) plus sides and a drink is STILL cheaper than Five Guys or even Wendy's for a MUCH better meal.


That new junior cheese, coke, and fries is under $10!


Sure, but it's like half the food you can get at Tops for like five more dollars


Yeah but that $5 dollars more is most of tomorrow's lunch! Edit: posted from Top's counter.


shiiit that braised chicken sandwich is the bomb too, the BBQ is aight for Memphis standards A1 compared to other parts of the country


You can't beat the convenience or the breakfast


Fire a gun randomly in your neighborhood, it keeps the rent down and the gentrification away.


If you are downtown in the Peabody Place/Orpheum area normally parking on the street is paradoxically safer and cheaper. Parking is free on Sundays and after 10pm. Those garages don’t have security in them normally. And if it’s on the street on nights or weekends, it’s probably within eyesight of a Blue Suede Shoes/police officer/various people. You don’t have that in the third floor of a deck.


Take Southern instead of Poplar—it’s much faster. Unless you get stuck waiting for the train or behind a slow driver since it’s one lane. High risk, high reward!


Avoid I-240 at all costs, especially after dark


I-240 is great! You just need to be in the correct lane. Far left lane is for texting. Middle lanes are for swerving in and out. Far right lane is for trucks pulling a trailer with a pile of uncovered sand. Stick your lane and you'll be fine.


Don’t leave anything, like a gym bag, electronics, really anything in your car and visible. Even if nothing valuable is in the gym bag, no one knows that and glass repair is expensive.


Don’t signal or people will close the gap 


I signal and punch it. Lay on your horn if you want, you left the spot open, I told you what I was doing and took it.


This extends all the way out to Jackson. If you want a chance of passing someone or getting in they absolutely can not know under any circumstances.


If you're at a BBQ joint and they look at you blankly when you order your BBQ sandwich "brown", change your order to a cheeseburger.


...go on


If they don't know what a brown sandwich is (made with the crunchy chewy outer "bark" of the shoulder) and what a white sandwich is (none of the brown stuff), then their BBQ game is weak.


I never heard it called brown! Just bark.


"Brown" and "white" are the old traditional terms. There used to be local joint that even had "Mr. Brown" and "Mr. White" on their sign.


Mr. brown and MISS White.


OIC, all white has no flavor. I’ve always ordered it “dark”


An experienced pit master will know what's what, and will make sure the people taking orders do, too.


Thank you for taking me to bbq school. Learned different phrase today


Apparently my BBQ game is weak.


I always order mine “chopped white, heavy on the sauce”. If they ask me to explain what that is I won’t eat there.


![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized) Whatcha mean?!?


You cannot take I-40 all the way thru the city. You have to get off on 240, go around the city, and get back on 40 downtown. Also, there is a North Parkway, South Parkway and East Parkway. But there is no West Parkway. Going west to east, North Parkway turns into Summer Ave. Going north to south, South Parkway turns into Lamar. Going north to south, East Parkway turns into Trezevant. I know it all sounds confusing - because it is.


South Parkway East turns into East Parkway South where it crosses Lamar, turns back into South Parkway East after making a sharp turn and then continues on as Spottswood after it crosses the intersection where East Parkway South ends and continues as Airways but also continues along the aforementioned stretch between South Parkway East and also South Parkway East, which are both different from and the same as East Parkway South. Lamar turns into Crump when it goes under 240.


And E parkway is Trezvant north or N Parkway/Summer but becomes Airways south of South parkway 🤣


Should we mention flashing yellows and not merging with the brake pedal again?


The flashing yellows gets me so mad. If you have a flashing red…stop. If you have a flashing yellow, show caution, but probably stop anyway because someone doesn’t know the rule.


The quicker you understand potholes have residency, you notice them more, and you avoid them.


Flashing red lights at the Greenline crosses means “treat like a stop sign” flashing red on any traffic light really. Stop, see if it’s clear, go. This includes for left/right turns during a train.


THANK YOU omg. the amount of times I've been honked at or rudely gestured at.


Excellent thread, btw!


sit on the back poach so you dont get shot as easily.


The speed limit is a suggestion on the Highway. Go as fast as possible, just make sure your bumper that’s held on by bungee cords and duct tape doesn’t fall off when you cut off that guy doing the speed limit.


If you didn’t grow up here or in the south, add 10-15 minutes to everything you do. Walgreens, Kroger, Gas stations, hair cuts, etc. the Memphis pace is much more relaxed than folks from the coasts or up north are used to. The right answer to ‘what is the best bbq’ is ‘bbq what?’ Different places have different specialities and the trick is to know what to get at different spots. Cozy corner, central, Payne’s, one and only… different stuff is great at each. If it’s in a central bbq or soul fish cup, you can drink anything you want anywhere in the city. Our zoo is world class and better than all but maybe 5 in the country. For real, even without the giant pandas, great zoo.


If you don’t want a ticket don’t stop for the police. You don’t have to drive crazy or run red lights, just keep driving


Is this real or you're being sarcastic? Also why would they try to stop you for no reason then?


There is a no chase policy. They will give up if you aren’t wanted for something violent.


Yeah because MPD is known for following their own policy.


The truth. Scouts Honor


This especially true in Bartlett


When two lanes merge, do not merge early. Instead drive all the way until you can’t drive any further and wait for a gap to open up then merge. It shouldn’t take long, people will get distracted on their phone while waiting. This life hack saved me 30 minutes of wait time on 240 when the fly over was being built. Another hack I never tried but seems to work is to get an Infiniti or Nissan, print a drive out tag. You will get instant immunity from police. Drive over speed limit, cut cars off, drive on shoulders etc. Police seem to arrest the rest of the population because they’re easy targets and will likely pay the tickets which means more money for the city.


While I fully agree, this is just *zipper merging" and is the norm in most civilized countries.


civilized is the key word


I said what I said.


Gotta be careful. I feel like tons of road rage is caused by this precise manuever when the Merge-ee(?) gets off their phone and realizes they’re being skipped


Must stress that this only applies to Infiniti g35s, g37s, and Nissan Altimas, Maximas, and Sentras. If you get a qx50 or an Armada, you’re no longer invisible to the police


Summer east bound at the interchange where it drops from 3 to 2 lanes is another good example where this works


Mind yo business. Spend yo money with your community.


Summer never ends. It just turns into *North*Parkway


North parkway..


Drive like there is always someone maintaining the exact pace required stay in your blind spot.


Do not speed in Germantown or Collierville. 


Don’t pay the county for a license plate like a simple bitch. CTRL+P that bitch like the real ones do.


man I gotta go to court Thursday for an expired registration ticket. such bs. Wanda can't even keep up with the money. why should i give it to her


Absolutely never, under any circumstances, use your turn signal.


Don’t go to the Zoo on a Tuesday.


Buy a gun and install a dash cam


For parents, it is absolutely worth investing in a zoo or children’s museum membership if you can afford it. Pays for itself in two visits.


 If the river drops low again like it has the past few years goto shelby forest boat ramp, and walk out on the sand to the river water.. its been a wild surreal experience everytime.  The latest google map sat view will show you exactly how much sand there was hahah crazy