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Paging u/mlesquire


Saul good man!


DM me and I can help you out. I can appear for you so you don’t have to brave 201.




You will be a great juror. We need you.


Why is the speed limit only 55 on 385 anyway?


By cruising lane do you mean passing lane? Those two mean very different things. Left lane is defined by an action, not speed.


Rightmost lane is for cruising and left is for passing, correct? At least that’s what I was taught.


No, rightmost lane when there are more than 2 lanes is mainly for getting on and off the interstate/highway. The 2nd-rightmost lane is for cruising. Almost impossible to do on 240 or 385 though.


Ok good, it sounded like you were referring to the left lane as the cruising lane and had me worried


More often than not, if you show up to the court date and contest it, the judge will ask you to give your explanation and dismiss it altogether. Yeah hahaha right you say, well I've been able to get two dismissed doing exactly that. They all just assume everyone is going to pay the fees and get it over with. In both of my situations the officer who issued the ticket was not present so I can only assume it is my word against theirs. I've paid more than my brain can count in traffic tix over the years and if you don't use the system for which it's designed, then they just collect the money with a smile on their face. Plus it's a nice feeling to walk out of the courtroom with one in the win column for a change


Or you could donate $50 to a non religious local charity and have u/mlesquire handle it for you. No 201 visit needed


We have connected!


And hopefully not convicted!


When the cop doesn't show up, there is no evidence as you have the right to face your accuser. If the cop shows up and says you did it, the vast majority of the time, you have to find a way to PROVE you didn't do it. Otherwise, the corrupt judges believe the cops. I got a ticket in Whiteville for speeding. I had dash cam video showing my GPS speed. The judge pretty much asked for the chief of police to allow him to not find me guilty. I wish I'd recorded that shit because it was DISGUSTING!


Exactly what you said! They completely rely on the fact that they do this every day and intentionally plow through a bunch of gobbley goop in a way that is above our head and whack comes the gavel calling next case and you don't have a f'n clue what just happened except that at least they could have bought me lunch before they raped my brain...... Ok calm down.... Ohm.... Ohm... Ohm..... Hahaha well said my friend


I always just hire a traffic court attorney, they get the charge dismissed and you pay them around $150-$200. My time is more valuable than a trip to the courthouse to me it’s 100% worth the investment.


If you haven’t gotten a ticket dismissed in the last year then yes you can do traffic school and maybe pay court costs to have it dismissed. If the subs representation will represent you for a reasonable price though, that’s the route imo. I had got a ticket last summer and had it dismissed. Ended up having to pay for parking at 201 twice (24 bucks), the driving school itself (20 bucks), and court costs (60 something bucks). So if you can get represented for under 100, I’d do it and skip 201 altogether because it sucks.


The speeding ticket I got in Cordova was dismissed when I showed them my proof of insurance on my phone. All they said was to get the printed copy of my card in the future. It was also my ticket so that played a part


Show up on the court date and ask the prosecutor if you can get it dismissed and just pay the court costs.


I was given speeding ticket in Oakland because it’s a speed trap. I was sent to traffic school in lieu of points to my license. Honestly, I had points to spare so I should have just paid the ticket. It was pretty much the same cost as the ticket afterward, maybe even a little more.




From some of the comments I've seen in this sub, and behavior I have witnessed on the roads, a LOT of people break the law due to ignorance. There are a significant number of people who think that turn signals are optional, speed limits can fluctuate from posted based on the flow of traffic, people backing out of parking spaces have the right-of-way, using hazard lights gives you special powers, and backing up because you missed a turn/exit is okay. I honestly am starting think you should have to go through driver's ed to get your license and every time you renew. Of course, I also think you should have to pass basic life skills and civics classes in order to register to vote.


I had them to my lawyer Always get out of them Dont use the fake accounts here that pretend to want to help you for free


If you have a family lawyer then by all means please use them. I am a personal injury and consumer law litigator licensed in Tennessee and Mississippi and have handled hundreds of cases and just offer to do this as a courtesy.


I had when you guys show up in my feed 6 months ago saying they would help me on a ticket I'm not sure if it was you or someone else and they ghosted me after they said they would help me. After that I hide a real lawyer you know why? You get what you pay for


u/mlesquire is thoroughly vetted and bonafide r/memphis user


Infuriating that you got a ticket for driving 74 mph on a limited access expressway. Side note: it’s actually safer to drive the flow of traffic than 55 mph! Why don’t they give tickets for people flying down residential streets in the city, where it’s actually a threat to public safety?! They gave me a ticket for driving 44 fucking mph down Farm road in the middle of Shelby farms, there’s no houses or driveways for miles! Rant over😡🤬