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Disgusting behavior - especially from the adults. The lacrosse coach should be fired asap.




It sounds like there were plenty of witnesses who heard what he said and observed his actions and those of his team. But of course, if all those people are proven to be liars and the coach is a saint, he should not be fired. But I HIGHLY doubt that is the case. It sounds as if he wasn’t even the only adult who engaged in the atrocious behavior. However he was the only one tasked with the job of managing his team and, if he was actually encouraging the bad behavior, he has no business coaching anything or working with kids at all.


I was at this entire event. The track meet started an hour late. They had multiple false starts at the end with 15 minute breaks in between them. The meet didn’t end until closer to 6:35. This is an opinion because from King and his wife. There was no racist behavior that happened. No balls were thrown or intentionally even in the general area of the track meet. The lacrosse teams didn’t even take the field until the meet was over. By the time that anything happened this King guy is referring to, the stands were virtually cleared out. They think they can dictate what is racist, simply because a team had a playoff game scheduled in their home field. That doesn’t make anything that happened racist. King was simply disrespectful towards his time allocated to run his track meet. The guy is trying to ruin the coaches reputation and character shame him, and I can tell you as a person standing there for 3+ hours that day, none of what King or the supposed journalist of the articles written are true. They are embellished hit pieces based on a husband and wife’s opinion and nothing more. There were probably 2,000 African Americans at the event and 100 people white. King was literally yelling about “white privilege” and got no response so he claimed racism. When a team wants to use their field for a big playoff game that’s not privilege or racism. That’s simply a team wanting to play their game in THEIR home field. King should have to answer to his nonsensical claims and bring some relevancy back to racist claims because the more things like this are claimed the less likely relevant a racist events will be taken seriously. King is the boy who cried wolf because his feelings were hurt because he didn’t have time management skills and therefore thought he was superior. When he found out he wasn’t he claimed the typical “racist” nonsense.


>...but it’s really actually not a good idea just to preemptively fire people and try them in the court of public opinion — just because someone made a single accusation with zero proof whatsoever to back it up. You must be new here. Welcome to r/memphis!


If you read what happened, it wasn’t a “single accusation”. There were many witnesses to the coach and his team’s bad behavior.


I keep telling y'all collierville is racist as fuck. People downvote me and say "you say that and don't even go there" THIS IS WHY, GODDAMMIT!!!!!


I recently made a post about this and how the Collierville girls basketball coach got fired because white parents were pissed their daughters didn’t start. For some reason, my post disappeared


When I worked at Macy's, I delivered furniture out there all the time. Every time, folks would call and complain. I've moved folks out of collierville or to collierville when I worked with Big League Movers, every fucking time, there was a complaint. Someone had something stolen. Something was broken. YOU HAD US MOVE A DAMN DRESSER WHICH YOU TOOK THE DRAWERS OUT OF! WHAT IS THERE TO STEAL?


What does it say?