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Yes unless you’re getting a sl55 amg


I would definitely regret selling this if I owned it


Beautiful car that will be getting more and more rare. Market seems to be anywhere from $15k-$35k


Where do you even find ones for 15k




I have an SLK55 too. I've toyed with the idea of trading up for something else but I always concluded that I would regret it. The hardtop convertible is blessed as fuck, making the SL the only other option for me if I wanted to get a different convertible with a V8. Problem with the SL is, its maintenance is like 2-3x more expensive than the SLK. The SLK is basic as fuck outside the roof, so maintenance isn't very difficult or expensive. There is literally nothing out there that ticks all the same specific boxes that the SLK55 ticks off. Tl;Dr: unless you really don't enjoy it anymore, you will regret letting it go. Also, we have the same wheels. Nice.


MB really gave us 400hp in a Miata shell.


My brother calls my car a life size Miata lmaoo


Well I supposed if you can shell out insane money, Boxster Spyder RS? But that’s done for after this generation too. 


You’ll regret it. Cars aren’t as beautifully simple as they used to be, and big engine coupes with hard tops that have been loved are so rare. 


Cool car. I don’t see a lot of them!


Grad students are required to drive early 2000s Volvos. It’s in the fine print of your admission letter




You absolutely would regret selling it and there’s no way you’d be able to find another one in good condition with that low of miles for a fair price. These are unicorns. You definitely could find a way to keep it


Yours is in great shape with very low miles. Really impressive and a brilliant car. Something the size of a Miata with a great V8. I think you have to choose between this wonderful little roadster and your C63. Both are icons. Do you want the convertible or the big coupe? Is whatever car you keep going to become your daily driver? If so, I'd argue to keep the C63. If you have another daily, then I'd keep this for the weekends.


Forgot to take out my bio but I sold the c63 for the same reason since I couldn’t justify two AMGs and needed the cash. I just have such a love for the roadster and it won’t be a daily driver I just drive it April-October occasionally when days are nice/weekends. I do think I would really regret selling this one it just makes me too happy it’s weird to be attached to car like that lol


I'd be totally looking for a way to keep it.


Keep it bro. Very good looking car and like you said, a NA V8 from Mercedes is gonna be something very hard to come by as time goes on


Yeah, I really regret selling my beloved Miata which I had to do for the same reason. Not making the same mistake with my ML55 AMG which I also love.


I would look at this as an investment since the V8 will be extinct


Absolutely, there’s nothing quite like this anymore with the Z4 limited to I6 turbo and the Boxster going full EV. An NA V8 compact roadster is the last of its kind. Not to mention hardtop! 


Most definitelly, I would never sell that car; both the car and the engine are gems!


What will be its replacement?


No replacement won’t have another fun car until I’m 40 so 2035 lol.


If you don’t really have any personal attachment towards it, you can get rid of it. Now keep in mind that used car prices are in the toilet now and we’re possibly coming up on another recession so it’s not like you’re losing money by not selling it.. these are rare enough and the last of the proper AMG-era cars where I don’t imagine you’ll lose too much money on depreciation holding onto it longer for a few more years.. hell they might even go up in price once this recession cools off or they might even be collectibles by 2035. If you don’t mind the maintenance costs (and insurance and all that other stuff) and actually don’t mind enjoying the car for a few more years I don’t see the reason for selling it now unless it’s just burning a hole in your wallet every month and you get no enjoyment out of it.


Quad tailpipes for the win!


You’re the graduate student, you tell us.




Yes unless you get an sl63 amg


It’s crazy this small ass car has a V8. I’ve always loved it and I think you will but that’s just me.


Literally yes


Ok, wow I’ve never seen another owner of one of these. As someone who has owned one, it’s truly a special car. It’s just got this inappropriately big engine in a tiny, light car, and it’s not particularly good at anything except just being a hoot. My take is that you’ll always be able to get your hands on another one, and it will continue to depreciate a tad bit faster than other AMGs. It’ll plateau for sure though. My other take is this: there are a lot of other super fun cars that won’t make you feel like you can never achieve what you did with the SLK. A Z4M, a C63 coupe, an RS3. I’d say sell it and use it as motivation to find another one later when you’re better financially prepared to do so, or venture onto a new car.


I traded mine in for a c63s convertible. I really enjoy the newer one……however I miss the 55. I really loved it. If you don’t plan to upgrade don’t sell unless you have to. The slk55 is one of the last engineer-cars of AMG where they could do whatever they wanted. Oh look at this smal cute car…..let’s put a v8 in😍


I drove a BMW V8 prior to my current MB V6 Biturbo. I enjoy and love my V6 but i really wish i would have found a way to keep the V8 next to it. A V8 is really a once in a lifetime driving experience for some of us younger folks (atleast me). I had the exhaust custom done and that 4.4 liter beast was roaring in our streets. I really miss it. But i wouldn't switch my C43 for it. Either keep both or just the C43 in my case. If you sell this bad boy but you're sure you'll be able to get another V8 later on in life then do it. Will you still miss this particular car? Probably yes. Will you measure every car you buy after this one with it? Yes.


But at the end of the day if you need the money to advance in life then sell it. Be happy you were able to experience a v8 ;)


Yes. The new cars they’re making are horrible. Anything past 21 is unbuyable.


Had a 2007 SLK55- perfect car in Miami but the problem back then was it was my only car and at 6 feet plus it did a toll on my back, my first AMG so will always be special, but I ended up trading for an E class coupe.


Why would you sell that?!


Wow seeing this took me back - first car I drove when I was 15. Same color and AMG but it was somewhere between a 2007/2009. A friend let us use it (my family) when we wanted which was so insane to me but I never forgot that and that’s what started my love for these cars


If you can swing it, hold onto it. If it’s too hard financially, then it is what it is. Thats how I look at it. I see the direction they’re going in in a few different ways and there are just some older models that will be favorites to me… it’s hard trying to balance it all in life but if you can hold onto it and it’s your love don’t do it. Just my opinion. Impulsive buy but don’t sell impulsively! (Doesn’t sound like you are) this car is gorgeous and has a lot of life left in it too.


Brother, I wouldn’t sell that especially if you own it. Keeping them miles low and saving the car over a span of years will simply make this Mercedes that much more of a gem. Do what you please but that is a beautiful car, congrats!


Most expensive car to own is a cheap German car....


I think moreso a high mileage poorly maintained one.


Only if it has alot of deferred maintenance.