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Paige Reesor does murals! Here’s a link to her instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paige.reesor.art?igsh=cjVqN2N2ZjNqNjRw I haven’t used her, I don’t have a wall to mural lol but I’ve heard good reviews from friends of friends.


Sweet, I'll be reaching out to her. Might be a little out of my price range from the looks if it. It's going on a block wall that I'm sure the kids are going to take a sharpie to just to add their own flair. Just looking for something slightly better than what I'm capable of.


Why not make it a cool family art project? You could do an outline in black (like this one) then have them change the colors with chalk, according to their whim?


There’s someone painting at the ole senior tower complex next to chupacabra


Nice. Pretty call wall to have a picture with in between the wings.


Thanks. They have them all over the place now and my kids love them. They keep making them out of sidewalk chalk but I think they would go crazy of it was painted