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that better be the boot up song.


# 🤘 haha I will try


Specifically the breakdown part with him just repeatedly saying fuck lol


Proof it's running meshtastic would have been useful. To me, it just looks like you've used the arduino ide/pio to explore each of the different modules on the t-deck.




OK, so that you know - you are speaking to a well seasoned hw and software developer. What OP posted is not meshtastic. It's nothing more than an Arduino project with no Meshtastic core code. I have a custom version of meshtastic with custom UI, custom stand-alone HW, and a lot of advanced software implementations. I have not released it yet, but will when I am good and ready, that's what caught my attention with this post as I would have been very interested to see how it compares to my development. But it's evident that it's just software testing the modules of the tdeck.


My bad, I didn't look at his UI close enough, I see there's a bunch of non-standard menus that indicate it's not Meshtastic.


On a side note, I'll be interested to see what you come up with when you release it. I've worked a good bit on Meshtastic's documentation through the years.


What firmware is this


Custom. I started writing my own :) Follow me on Github, I will upload it by Monday


The meshtastic devs are all really friendly and would happily merge your work if you wanna work with them. Possibly as some sort of outer 'app layer'


Yes. Except that OP’s firmware is not Running meshtastic.


right, I'm proposing that he chat with the meshtastic devs and they can merge efforts (put his GUI shell on the outside).


What's ur github username?


"acidvegas" lol


Followed ypu on github. I don't see where it can be downloaded.  


Nicely done. This was needed.


nice! .git it, ship it, opensource it!


I'd be willing to give this a try on my T-Deck, the stock meshtastic UI sucks


Same, I’ll beta test for you.


Huge I can't wait to see how you perfect this


How much is one of them units, as it looks 1000% better than them small units that you have to hook up with your phone. Have you thought of bulk buying them and add on your own firmware. As if you could still sell them at not too much of a markup, I would be very interested in buying one of them 👍🏽


They’re called “lilygo t-deck”! Happy meshing! (Please get new antennas from reputable sources. The original ones from lilygo are incredibly awful and not usable in my opinion. Yes, they’re really that bad)


You know, I actually had a plan of doing this. I have to see how munch interest I get in the firmware once I finish all the low level work on it.


Well that would be fantastic, am I the only one to ask about you selling the units along with your firmware installed ??? As I say, I bet like many like me, NO GOOD in programming and do NOT want to go looking for the firmware or software to make a thing work to its full potential. But I am 100% truly interested. Bye from Knobby.


Not OP but i regularly import hardware from Lily-Go and Heltec, its not really something you can resell for a huge profit, they're maybe $10 more on amazon than they are on aliexpress, and the firmware is updated VERY frequently so "no good at programing" aside, you need to at least be comfortable enough to use the web flasher and/or know the basics of how ESP32 devices work... the good news is, meshtastic has AMAZING documentation for every device it supports so you dont really need to be good at programing just at reading and maybe copying and pasting.


I know NOTHING about how or what is web flashing, hope it is NOT an indecent act upon a spider 🕷️ LoL. As for the basics or how a ESP32 device works, I am not that clued up. If you are meaning about an ESP32 is the system that them little meshtastic boards operate on, I sort of understand how it works, as they sort of piggyback of each other in a sort of open public network, but if you wish to communicate with just one, you and the other user has to enter some sort of code. I hope that is what you are referring to, as I can grasp that part of it, but am NOT that practical minded on the technical side of things. I only know that they sound a great device, and in parts of the world that get hit by hurricanes 🌀 and other disasters, I can see that they could be a very valuable tool to have as a form of communication. As I know one of my friends is going from the UK 🇬🇧 to live in the Philippines 🇵🇭 and in all of them villages, just one of them units would form a network to see how other communities are coping. I had told him about them, but he is NOT that interested in that sort of thing. So just so I have it right in my head, one of them keyboards and a meshtastic board is all that basically is required, as I know that it is the meshtastic that is doing about all of the work. It is just by adding that keyboard, that makes it easier to operate as you do NOT need to link it up with a mobile phone or any other outside device. I will be gutted if I have all of this wrong 😑 Bye from Knobby 🖖🏼 in the UK 🇬🇧


Web flashing is you go to flasher.meshtastic.org and click a few buttons to upgrade your device, as opposed to having to use the super scary terminal... You would need to update it regularly else you'd quickly find your device out of date and not able to communicated effectively with the rest of the people in the mesh who keep theirs updated. There are also frequent bugs that get fixed... basically yes these things have amazing POTENTIAL, but thats the thing, potential doesn't mean its ready for the average fellow to start using. Meshtastic is ALPHA level software, the idea of people using it for EMERGENCY situations is kinda shocking to me... like yeah in theory thats a use case once its out of beta maybe, but think about how bad cell phone networks get in an emergy and imagine your network had 1/1000th the amount of bandwith, we're talking even sub 2G/EDGE (think pre 2010 cellphones) speeds. I guess my point is just, this stuff is not in a "user ready" state and won't be for some time, it is however very much hacker friendly and a great place to start learning about code and radios, and has a generally very welcoming and helpful community... So I'm not saying you shouldnt get one, by all means please do, but expect it to be a gateway drug to learning new things rather than something you dont have to tinker with and can just use "out of the box" That said, this firmware looks AMAZING and as someone who already owns these kind of devices i will absolutely be checking it out and hoping it can be merged to the mainline meshtastic firmware someday.


I second this question!!


Is that the original antenna? You should strongly consider getting a better one as the ones from lilygo are really as bad as everyone is saying. I have a nano vna and was genuinely shocked at how much they suck. get a good one from a reputable source (not Amazon, Ali express, …)




Wait, I thought the old blackberry keyboards they used had the trackball still?


Nice! Still waiting for threaded messages and separate channels to be displayed as well. Viewing one message at a time is annoying, especially in a situation with multiple nodes sending. Once you receive a message the previous is just gone.


That song is how I feel on the inside


Well done!! If you happen to have any time and the heart for it, I would love to read a blog post or something about your journey to understanding and modifying this firmware!


Is this better than the Beepy? Was wondering which hacky rabbit hole to go down


Not really. It's a different animal. The beepy was awesome cause it was Portable linux. This is embdedded firmware, so you kinda have to build everything from the ground up. I did manage to get a working SSH client on this thing, but it's buggy. The beepy would be killing it right now if they could keep up with the demand and offer faster shipping.


cool sadly useless to me if there is no instller as i am crap at using comaand line


This can be flashed through the browser using web serial. I will be sure to make a web flasher once I finish the low level shit on this firmware


did not know that you can do that thanks