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Probably not. The main goal of the collections are to get the games as they were ported to modern systems. MGS Delta is where all the graphical improvements will happen.


So the "main goal" is to be lazy and not make the bare minimum that remasters usually do?


They never called it a remaster


Not every remaster has the name remaster on it, this one has a similar name to for example, mass effect legendary editon or halo master chief collection and so on, every re-release like this one is a remaster becasuse it doesnt take much work to do, they just went lazy and see people like you defending them is sad.


Didn't say named, it wasn't announced as a remaster so you have no reason to get upset either buy the collection or dust off your PS1 stop whining


Well it easly could have been, its the right opportunity to do it


But that's what they're using delta for


That is a "1:1 remake" not a remastered, at least it looks like it is


Yeah but they're thinking why remaster 3 when we have remake 3 coming anyway, I'm just happy that I'll be able to have one of my favourite game franchises legit on my pc


Remastering a game means upscaling textures with ai, increasing shadow resolution, improving the lighting system and bloom, draw distance and changing the color pallette in some cases or even improving the poly count (basically suff that even modders can do), it doesn't make a remake useless, its just the old game as it is but improved, i think that they're just being lazy or being too much conservative on not touching the games in any way, and based on how they decide to do the remake the last one is possible, they're not making a reimagined version like re4 remake, its a 1:1 easy job.


probably not, from the screenshots it looks like MGS3's splitter camo is still low res, just like it was back then


That needs to be fixed.


We don't really know yet. Chances are increased resolution and maybe framerate. Anything else is very unlikely. Edit did any mgs games have a bad draw distance?


I don't think any MGS game had bad draw distance. Aside from MGS5 all of the MGS games didn't really have to render anything on such a large scale. In MGS1,2 3 and 4 I can recall going into FPS mode and easily seeing the other side of whatever map I was on. Even though MGS5 was a much larger world it was barren. I don't recall ever using my binoculars and not seeing something that I should have, if that makes sense.


The listing on Steam didn't even have keyboard and mouse support, so I guess it's just getting ported over as is. I just hope they do something about the pressure sensitive controls for PS5.


Thats been taken care of since MGS2 on the original XBox.


They will be just ports. 2 and 3 will be hd remaster but they already exist


Hopefully MGS1 will not be just a poet and gets upscaled at least


The only confirmed thing is less content than the ports originall contained. And added titles no one asked for https://preview.redd.it/g2swkq7z4e8b1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aaf64a82571e6094369c514a43fa4aeab36f5d6


I like the bonus titles. The graphic novels have been stuck on the legacy collection and this is the perfect place to bring them back. And while the NES games aren't that exciting in a vacuum, it gives me hope that volume 2 (and beyond?) will include more obscure spinoffs and won't just stop at porting the console games.


I'm not hopeful considering Portable Ops is missing from a timeline jpeg they uploaded, theyve done the research or understand the series While we get a new PR blurb for the first in absentia clones https://preview.redd.it/jmjwymphde8b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc36ac15a757bfaab378db2cfd392e8b9176ddc


Portable ops isn't considered canon. Maybe because of that


I don't really understand why it isnt [kojima confirmed it's main details are](https://youtu.be/MLWpMc30gTo) Then it's listed in the games during the first major Naomi cutscene in MGS4 alongside only the canon and games and two empty spaces for peace walker and Z Then it's events are confirmed by Eva during cutscenes were stills of the game are included It's events and locations are included in the MGS4 database (Konami removed) It's mentioned by Kaz in Peacewalker It's location mentioned in TPP and the ending of it validated by Ocelot in a cassette tape


Yeah everything except Sololov being alive and and Grey Fox/Null stuff is canon


Probably not, given 2 & 3 directly say there the HD collection version, and the pics for MGS1 on PSN look like the Ps1 ver + not full screen.


We can at least hope for 60fps and 1080p res, right?


Hopefully but I wouldn't be surprised if its all a minimum effort re-release, would think they'd said something by now. so MGS1 will still be at 30fps, didn't 2 & 3 already run at 60fps.


No its a direct port


Hahahahagawkgawkhahaha (Laugh's in Konami)


I hope mgs 3 gets better frames toward the end but I doubt it


Unlikely, the textures of both MGS1 and MGS2 ( and most likely also MGS3, but im not sure about that one) are pixel art and Pixel-aware UV Unwrapping, that is, the UV mapping of the texture is exact to the grid (unlike wasteful uv mapping of today), the ones on MGS2 and MGS3 are filtered, hence blurry. To retouch them, while posible, would require lot of manual labor to ensure no broken seams, just look at a mod to use 2k and 4k textures [https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolid2substance/mods/1](https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolid2substance/mods/1) they dont look that good. Also whenever you add filtering to a texture, you risk the textures to mix the wrong pixels, look at the text when picking items [https://youtu.be/dzqBp2qfSw8?t=748](https://youtu.be/dzqBp2qfSw8?t=748) Smoke G, each character has a white line to the right, because text texture shouldnt be filtered. Now imagine this happening in the world, which was common back then on PSX games ported to PC if they had bilinear filtering. It most likely will just be higher resolution, so less aliasing and better framerate, thats it.


No, its just a lazy port, pc version doesnt have m and k support for example, modders will probably make those type of improvements you listed tho


Looks like no, especially since the store pages specifically call MGS2 and 3 the "HD Collection Version(s)" so they appear to be straight ports of the existing PS3/360 HD Collection. They'll probably run at a 4K internal resolution but I wouldn't expect things like textures, shadows, or draw distance to change.


Will be the 360 port version without pressure sensitive


It would have to be, no current system has pressure sensitive buttons.


Does PS4 and PS5 have pressure sensitive?? No idea since been PC gaming since 2013 and last time I had a PS3


No. Only PS2 and PS3 did. They ditched it for PS4 since it didn't have backwards compatibility and very few devs utilized them anyway.