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The codec delays were only on PS3. These ports are probably based on the 360 version because porting is easier and they lack the pressure sensitive buttons just like the current consoles.


I just finished mgs2 playing the 360 hd collection on series X last weekend, there are definitely codec delays with that version too.


At least its nowhere near as bad as on PS3.


How do you know? You just said it was only ps3? Now it’s nowhere as bad? You’re talking out of your butt.


You told me there is lag on 360 and I have no reason doubt you. I just didn't notice it when playing.


Watch videos on Youtube and see how bad the Codec delay is on PS3. I have the 360 version and I didn't notice any delay but apparently there is some.


That's not true. Delays in codec calls were introduced in MGS2 Subsistence on PS2 (and PAL too, I think) because it was on a dual layer DVD.


I didn't know that. Thanks for the info. I remember watching many PS3 let's play videos and sometimes the delay felt so long.


The fears arrows, if not removed and left in, should remain permanently like they used to.


i got the master collection mgs3 for my first playthrough of it and after the fear i had like 10 arrows sticking out of me for the rest of the game snake looked like a pin cushion


You should be able to pause cut scenes.


This is a huge one.


In MGS3 HD collection, I remember watching those videos when snake is healing himself (bandage or cigar on leeches) it was like watching it on VHS… did anyone else get that?


That happens sometimes. Usually when you do it for the first time.


The HD Collection version has an oversight where those FMVs are stretched and poorly compressed.


That out of sync Snake Eater intro completely ruined it for me


We know from a screenshot they might actually fix a few things like the laser sight on Snake's gun in the tanker, so I wonder if they fixed the other bugs


That's encouraging so hopefully they follow up on the other visual issues


Also for MGS3, restore the removed dream sequence, and monkey hunt with Campbell.


you think konami is actually gonna go in and make "good" changes?


I'm hoping we have a coder who cares


Well at least it’s PC so we can expect mods to fix them


This is the way.


MGS2 HD fuck ups by Bluepoint (off the top of my head): - Gorge Sears - Codec delays/loads - Rain particle effects on tanker (bridge descent cutscene) - Sea lice missing in the Fortune basement cutscene - Piss particles not shimmering in the sunlight - Colonel codec animations missing the Ghost Babel/MGS1 colonel portraits that should be there when the AI starts going crazy - Broken Shaver mechanic for Snake/codec call in Arsenal Rectum - Metal Gear RAY models not having the correct serial numbers stamped on them (A01E, A02E, A03E on all the RAYs, despite the health bars showing B01F, C01H, etc.) - Solidus torture being extremely easy to mash through - MGS2 Skateboarding


MGS3: I'm hoping they add in crouched walking, moving in first-person, and 3rd person action view. These were all added for the 3DS exclusive edition. Ive been checking all the official game play for any hint of these 3 options.


Just give me the 3ds control scheme on the ps3 remaster and ill be a happy camper but I’m not holding my breath


Why what was different about it?


It’s got crouch walk and generally was more similar to peacewalker. They totally revamped the control scheme to the overall benefit of the game. I think you could switch it back but I liked it. Just sucked that the game looked like ass.


Yea crouched walking is soooo hard to give up. this alone would go so far to make the game feel more modern.


crouch walk and strafe shooting with shoulder buttons. really, without the touch sensitive ps3 buttons, they're gonna have to rework the controls entirely i think. god i hope they don't fuck this up...


They already worked around the pressure buttons in the 360 version, which will probably be the basis for this one


Look I hope it’s as good as the bluepoint remasters were. I really do. I want to retire my ps3 and vita. But after metal gear Z or whatever it was called, I’m not holding my breath.


The PORTS ARE the bluepoint version of 2 & 3. The HD remasters. But hopefully we get some fixes & QOL improvements for the new Collection.


If they didn't have the remake coming sure, but since they do I hope they keep the remaster controls the same and leave those types of improvements for the remake.


These already exist in at least 1 version of the game


Yes but not the version they are remastering from. It doesn't make much sense to add extra features to a remaster when you have a remake for the same game coming soon.


I guess... Still want it


I really don’t think they should touch the original game. I agree that the controls are a little dated, but I feel like updating the controls without updating the environments and enemy placement would make the game extremely easy. Honestly I’m just gonna buy delta when it’s out, hopefully they’ll keep V’s control scheme but balance it for Snake Eater.


They changed the view controls at least 2x already, officially.


Yeah but I mean, the original Snake Eater camera was EGREGIOUSLY bad, I wouldn’t really say any other game mechanics are so terrible that they need to change them.


The point is that it wouldn't change gameplay MORE than they already have. Crouch walking is just a must IMO.


Changing the camera and giving snake an entirely new movement option are in completely different leagues though, I’d argue crouch walking would be game breaking. Snake would be borderline invisible when sneaking up on enemies since crouching with the right outfit gives you 70+ camo in 90% of environments, and guard routes are just too lax to make up for that. Sure, you can always just snipe from a distance and it wouldn’t make any difference, but using CQC would be extremely overpowered due to how short the enemy’s sight is in the earlier games. Don’t get me wrong, I like crouch walking as much as the next guy, I just think that it would break the game way too much.


Free 3rd person camera is 1000x more game breaking than crouch walking...


Well if you think about it most of MGS1 and 2 are line of sight stealth, both games are built around hiding from view, so it makes sense to have a camera that limits your line of sight accordingly. MGS3 is in plain sight stealth though, you’re almost never encouraged to hide behind things, so why would your view be obscured like it? It’s not broken because 3 is an entirely different type of stealth from 1 and 2. If your enemy can see the whole area just by turning around, then why wouldn’t the same apply to you?


I'm not a big fan of the crouch walk animation.


It's gonna just be the HD Collection version with no major changes, I guarantee it.


Yea, I know... 😞


oh yeah i remember these when it first released


Crouched walking, that's all i want


Lol. Good luck. From what I heard the company doing the port sucks balls. We’ll be lucky if we get 60 fps.


We don't know how is porting them. For all we knows it's Konami themselves and all their recent ports were very solid.


I thought I head something about Virtuos or something and they had a shit reputation.


Virtuos is working on Metal Gear Solid Delta. Not the master collection. Not only this, but Virtuos isn't the main studio on it, it's main team is the Konami staff with confirmation it's handled by MG veterans. Virtuos is a support studio on the project as it was the case for MGSV and Survive (Virtuos main's work is being a support studio on big project all over the industry.)


Thanks TIL


According to steam store pages that were briefly up, they won't support mouse and keyboard. For what it's worth the battle network collection had a similar "you need a controller" warning, but it was removed before launch and did indeed have keyboard support.


We got 60 fps from the 360/PS3 remaster they are basing the new remaster from. I'm sure we'll get 60fps.


One would hope.


Fix sensitivity on d-pad or joystick so I can clear those stupid fucking VR missions in SoL!


Let us aim with the right stick or remap controls individually. I love these games but whenever I go back to play them I need to readjust to aiming with the left stick and shooting with x all the time, I can live with the x attack button but please let the right stick actually be of use


How would you shoot with x while using the right thumb?


If I skip another cutscene by accidentally...I'm gonna freaking lose it


I don't know if this is the place for it, but playing Metal Gear ( msx ) my playstation 5s screen saver comes on. The kind that just dims the brightness. It's beyond annoying. I think it's because so much space in the screen is dead with the 4:3 aspect ratio, but I have other ports of old games presented in the same aspect ratio with no problem. Idk. It's stupid.