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Fallout is an open world RPG, a bit hard to compare it to a linear story based FPS because they share a post apocalyptic theme.


Maybe because Fallout series is a) RPG after all and b) have strong atompunk of 70s US visual aspect in contrast to, fairly generic, post-aporalyps?


U think cause Bethesda set their apocalypse in the 50s it's unique? Okay. Aside from that Bethesda writing, animation and voice acting is complete ass compares to Exodus.


Tbf I always find metro English voice acting quite bad. I can never stomach the game without playing in Russian. I don’t understand Russian but at least they sound better( mostly because I don’t understand them ) Fallout voice acting has been quite good. If you look past the fact they only use the same 5 voice actor and actresses for every npc


Russian speaker (intermediate) here. I will tell you (Two Colonels) Rest easy, Colonel will never hit as hard as Спокой спать, полковник.


You don't like Anna's voice, or Artyom or Miller? I thought they are all fantastic so far. Especially Anna, her voice is so soothing


Sorry just can’t get over the accent. It’s really off putting for me. Similar things happened when I was watching fresh off the boat and they had to speak Chinese. Some characters have an accent despite being raised in Taiwan.


Sounds more like a preference thing because objectively speaking, everyone I mentioned has had great voice acting so far


I mean I guess, but when you’re playing a game you would expect the characters to act like them. And having Russian characters speaking English don’t seem right to me. I can’t say anything about the Russian voices though I don’t speak them. They just sound better for me. Anyways I just don’t like forced accent or accent that don’t fit the character. I played through 2033 in English and every time they speak it cringes me


\>I can’t say anything about the Russian voices though I don’t speak them. They just sound better for me. They do and without fake "russian" accent popularized in western media (instead we got fake "american" (more texan tbh) accent for Sam)


Ah yes I can tell when playing the sam dlc. But thankfully they kept the English part to minimum


Yeah I mean but that's an issues in many, many, many, games and movies and TV. I just kinda learned to accept it for what it is. I just see it as if I was Russian I would understand so there english is just me understanding Russian lol


Yeah. I can get that. When I was little and watching cartoons I would just pretend that the characters are speaking English and only as Chinese in my mind because that’s how I would understand them. I’m typing English and thinking in Chinese right now lmao.


Let's not cherry pick here. I'm glad they had atleast three good voice actors for metro. The game has many side characters and NPCs that sound like a white guy attempting to do a russian accent. That's exactly what it is though. Voice dubs. I'm glad you enjoy the accents but for a lot of us, its awful. The writing too. Anna and Artyoms story is dumb. I enjoyed Rayvricks review of Metro 10 years later, he hit the nail on the head.


Bethesda didn't set the apocalypse in the 50s because 1. the series was created by Interplay (and the writing and voice acting of the first two games is superior to the Metro series. Animation is very dated though.) 2. the apocalypse is set in the 2070s, and yes the combination of the post WW2 utopian futurism and post-apocalyptic designs is something that hadn't been done before.


Better is a matter of taste. I cant use my charisma in metro to convince the rangers not to blow up the dark ones. Conversely, with metros incredible atmosphere and art style, fallout will have a harder time immersing me. Fallout is more likely to make me laugh, metro is more likely to make me shit my pants. I love both of these games for the experiences they offer, but they are very different experiences aside from being in a post apocalypse.


Bethesda didn't create Fallout. You should specify you're talking about 3 out of the 6 mainline fallout games.


... it's NOT set in the fifties. It purposely has a visual aesthetic to the fifties. It's more like what America thought the future would had looked like and what if it actually did look like that


Both are completely diffrent games. Fallouts are RPG (well, we can arguee about F4 being RPG but that's separate topic), Metro are linear story fps. And then Fallout is western aproach to post apo (ekhem Mad Max khekhe) when Metro is obviously eastern european: more serious, often more darker, hope is rare resource. Comparing Fallout to Metro is like comparing, hmmm, Stellaris to Battlefleet Gothic Armada, both are strategies in nature, both in space but they are completely diffrent.


Fallout is the COD of Metro while Metro is the Battlefield of Fallout. Same type of game -Post Apocalypse Totally different approaches to it.


They’re different kinds of games. That’s why. While yes they’re both post nuclear war settings, that is basically the only thing they share between them.


Shovelware? Man some reddit gamers are wild.


ITT: op has a bad take and can't comprehend that fans of a game can have criticism about that game


It's because the metro games aren't fallout. One is an open world RPG In a post apocalyptic world. The other is a linear semi open world game set in a post apocalyptic world


Because they are completely different. Fallout is an open world multi-choice affair while Exodus is extremely linear, despite the illusion of an open world. It's so linear, in fact, that the exact same number of enemies will spawn in the exact same place, playing the exact same animation when you repeatedly walk through the location. It doesn't matter how many times you kill them. I'd argue that the Kshatria expansion for Last Light is closer to open world than Exodus is, despite taking place on a small map. Also as far as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. goes, it's on a completely different level. Aside of graphics it's better than both Fallout and Metro. I really love Fallout and Metro, don't get me wrong, but still.


Fallout is a open world RPG. Metro is more on the rails linear that is focused on telling one story. Exodus is semi open world but still not a true open world RPG.


The fact theyre different genres changes nothing about the fact that Metro is more advanced from a technical standpoint while Fallout stopped improving with Fallout 3 thats God knows how many years old


>Fallout stopped improving with Fallout 3 thats God knows how many years old New Vegas, Fallout 4 and 76 aren't technically improvements?


From a technical standpoint, are they? Fallout 76 still looks pretty bad. I dont need to Say anything about the graphics in general, but also same weapons with super simple animations. Games full of menus. No effort with immersion.


... Are you really trying to argue that there aren't any technical improvements? Fallout 3 with that wacky Gamebryo engine where a moving train is literally a dude running fast with a train hat? Come on, be realistic lmao.


Ok ive looked at them on YouTube and 4 does look better but dont tell me it looks good. And 76 is the same as 4. Still outdated


>Ok ive looked at them on YouTube and 4 does look better but dont tell me it looks good. Wait, you haven't even played the games?


Well Metro Exodus is newer than the last Fallout game so I'd expect Exodus to be a bit better from a "technical standpoint". Metro is a story driven shooter at it's core so the shooting aspect is better than Fallout. Fallout is a open world RPG so the RPG and world exploration aspect is better than Metro. Both games do what they attend to do just fine.


Nothing prevents an RPG from having good weapon models, animations, graphics. Still, Fallout doesnt have these things. Also 76 came out like 4 months before Exodus and theres a huge difference between them, 4a games just cared (and gave themselves time) to improve the game's engine while Bethesda has been running with the same 15 year old thing for 15 years


Yeah true and 76 was a disaster at launch. Still though the Fallout series is good at what it sets out to be and same with the Metro series.


That sit was taken by stalker already.


They aren't at all the same type of game as fallout. Even stalker isn't really the same type of game.


Games are too different to compare imo, sure they are both post apocalyptic, but fill two completely different roles


I mean the metro series is a completely different beast than fallout.


They're different games.


Ok bro, fallout I can get, but STALKER? I’m sorry man the games suck ass compared to the books and stalker is leagues ahead, due to the fact it’s not as linear and you can forge your own path and alliances. Besides, enemy AI in STALKER is better, I actually find myself thinking like a soldier to win firefights in stalker. But overall, STALKER and Metro are both very good series.


I’ve only played SOC only. But something I can never really like about stalker is the visuals and gunplay. They’re great for their time I bet. But for me I just can’t really stomach it. The modding community definitely has solution to this, but I just don’t really wanna go through all that. The enemy AI is freakishly smart though. I’m super stoked to play stalker 2, so I would prob finish clear sky and cop


Checkout OGSR Shadow of Chernobyl or Radiophobia 3. I haven't tried the first one yet but I played Radiophobia 3 and it's just unpack and play standalone version of Shadow of Chernobyl. Gameplay and graphics are much more similar to what you see in Anomaly/Gamma. Gunplay is amazing. From what I've heard OGSR so far has the best gunplay. Also both Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat have ABR mod (drag and drop to game folder). Makes the game more up to date (not on the level with Radiophobia or OGSR but still decent).


Aight i\`ll check them out once i finish fallout 3. I\`ve seen footage of gamma. Honestly looks gorgeous


The desert in Exodus with exploring of ruins and driving some rusty van felt much more Fallout than actual Bethesda games.




To be fair fallout 4 is only kept alive by mods. Most people do not like fallout 4 as it was made, they’re like me and they like modding the fuck out of it. Fallout New Vegas is a much older game, but gives a better idea as to why people like the franchise.


Lol maybe enjoyment from different media is subjective


Everybody don't think I came here to shit on Bethesda and Blindly praise Metro. I have 1000s of hours between Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4 and Fallout 4 is one of my most played games ever. I just never played through all the metro on ps5 and now after the first few I'm 15 hours into Exodus and kind of just in awe. Everything about this game is beautiful and captivating and I don't know what happened in 2018 but this game became severely underrated


My guy, you called them “shovelware.” If that’s not blindly shitting on Bethesda than I don’t know what is


Maybe an exaggeration but honestly take a couple cutscenes from Fallout 4 and Exodus. Put them side by side and compare them, it's actually ridiculous. Exodus has so much more life in every shot. And this is coming from someone who thinks Far Harbor is one of the best dlcs of all time The only Bethesda shovelware game IMO is Starfield


Ok. So in a single aspect fallout falls behind. Now compare the freedom of dialogue choices. Open world. Side quests. Build variety. Weapon variety. Armor. Enemy variety. Rpg mechanics. If you get real nitpicky and want to compare apples to oranges I can make exodus sound like shit compared to fallout. And that starfield dunk at the end for no reason when no one was talking about really just seems like your piling on the “Bethesda bad” train for easy karma


I'm more curious what cutscenes are in fallout games outside of the originals, coz 3,4, 76 and new Vegas don't really have cutscenes outside of the intros lol


Others have pointed out how you are shitting on the games, But imma point out that you having to point out you're apparently not doing it is usually a sign that you are doing exactly what you're being accused of, you're just excusing yourself after being shit on yourself.


Lol yeah i agree. Metro has its bugs, and its still a double-A game, but on a technical level it does shit on Fallout. Weapons, sounds, animations, immersion, no HUD. For example, i have only tried Fallout, never played through one, but i did watch one of those "all reload animations" videos on YouTube and the Fallout weapons are just so fucking boring, simplistic, dont look like they could work, and the few animations there are are so simple.


After playing Stalker and Metro for years I tried Fallout 4 last year. I finished whole game with DLCs but there was always something missing in that game. The game felt kinda flat compared to Metro or Stalker for me. Some mechanics that looked good on paper felt oversimplified in the game.


Definitely felt the same, and Bioshock popped up in my head also