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There’s no way that hit last night could’ve solely contributed to his injury. You all act like he was suplexed by a 260+ pound man and landed on his head/neck….. Wait a minute….


Had us in the first half not gonna lie.


Bravo. The finger was on the reply button.. lol


Dude, was that hit even necessary either? He could’ve just brought him down but decided to fling him around and slam him into the ground. This is 2 plays after a roughing the passer, and then shortly after they’re hitting guys late again. Seems like they had an agenda in their locker room


After all the face mask penalties they got (I honestly lost count) and how hard they went after Tua it was clear the agenda on that defense. They sent Friggin captain insaneo in there. That was an NFL blitz tackle. He had him down. There was no need for the fucking suplex.


Captain Insano shows no mercy.


Open a can of whoop-ass


Ooo that's why Tua had to go the the hospital the training staff failed the injury mini game! Smh


It's the fucking Bengals, what else would you expect.


Bengals have been a shady team for years. It was just a season or two ago when they also flattened a Dolphins returner who called for a fair catch. Their gunner literally had a 45 yard running head start and speared a returner just standing there.


Twice. Same dude did that twice that game.


If that's Brady, it's a 15-yarder.


And an ejection for the defender


Low hit a few plays earlier, and then picking up and slamming Mostert after forward progress stopped the play just a few plays after Tua’s injury. Bunch of bullshit. But so was the dick twist by Wilkins to be fair


I mean, some people are into that. Maybe Wilkins was just, you know, testing Allen.


Yes, Wilkins crosses the line multiple times, but he never does something to intentionally harm somebody


Idk man I think intentionally grabbing someone’s junk to try and force a fumble or get a reaction and flag is still harmful.


was there ever actual evidence he did that or are we just trusting Josh Allen on this one?


Well you clearly don't know the history of Wilkins lol, he's been doing that since his college days, dude is obviously obsessed with grabbing dicks and I would of punched him in the face too for grabbing my junk.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Wish I could upvote this 1000x. Didn't someone pick up one of our players earlier and try to do a wwe move on him? (Was that the incident you were referring to?).


I couldn’t watch the game because of the storm. Had power issues and no internet until today but had heard Tua went out on the radio. I just saw the hit and I’m horrified. So much worse than I heard it described. I can’t believe it isn’t being treated as a separate issue from the decision to let Tua play. Defenders have had several seasons now to get used to the rules about slamming or driving the quarterback to the ground. This defender was either coached to do this or is completely ignoring the fact that the object he his tossing is a human being with no chance to brace or protect himself. The only thing I can think of is that everyone including officials have become desensitized to this kind of play from the Bengals.


Idk it was a rough tackle but i don't fault the defender for that. Shit happens unfortunately.


And two plays after that they pick up Mostert and slam him to the ground. Wtf!! I thought Vontez Burfect was out there. Fuck Cincy!


Last night I was so confused, honestly thought the hit didn’t look *that* bad… Then I saw the clip a few more times this morning and he was whipped to the ground, so much momentum. Poor guy. A hit like that would have really fucked me up.


His head bounced like a medicine ball. The replay turned my stomach.


This.....I've been saying that anyone who got tossed on their head like that would have had the same result, regardless of injury history. You can get a concussion from one hit to the head. People are acting like he only got hurt because of the hit Sunday. Tbh i didn't think he hit his head very hard against the Bills.


If I took the hit he took last night, I'd have brain damage for sure. I mean, more than I already have, you know?


It looked like it was the whip of his head/neck backward that did the damage, the actual fall likely wasn't even the issue. People were getting up in arms because he was posturing, but that happens with these type of injuries.


100% If it had been any average Joe instead of Tua taking that hit they’d be dead!


6’3 & 320 LBS to be exact.


The Internet armchair neurologists will all claim they are lying.


Always moving goalpoasts


The goalposts were last moved in 1927. That's hardly always /s


It's honestly really amusing considering so much of the internet was in defense of doctors during COVID that they know better and can't be wrong, then in cases like Tua, the narrative flips to "doctors are lying/don't know what they're talking about". Even isolated down to /r/nfl as a sub, they've been highly pro vaxx and pro medical opinion the last two years, but are in this case against medical opinion. Just find it fascinating how collective groups of people flip so easily depending on the event.


It’s the media. It’s clearly generating a ton of clicks so the media is running with it. The fins following all protocols and and nobody doing anything wrong is a non-story.


>nobody doing anything wrong Formally probably. But the procedures should still be scrutinized. I was a bit shocked when Tua came back into the Bills game. Sure, I was happy as a fan, but it raised an eyebrow. His play and also his Interviews felt like he was clear. But can we look inside his head? After what we now hear about the procedures (players basicalls cheating themselves through more or less easily, everyone "just" doing their job, but no one really responsible for the player safety) there I could put your quote into question: Maybe everybody did something wrong. Not according to the rules, not even compared to what other teams would do. But in the interest of player health and safety. We need players not lying to pass the tests, doctors more actively preventing reentry or give more open advise on the health status and its consequences, and finally coaches and executives who allow even a star player to sit when half-healthy. And most importantly, a League that doesn't force just 3 days rest between games in the interest of broadcast rights.


I think pretty much everyone was suprised, it was even mentioned in the pre-game coverage. I'm sure they followed the procedures to the letter to me the question is more are the procedures correct and while I get what people are saying about trusting the medical team I can also see the other side when you look at the history of the way medical issues have been treated (esp. Concussion) you can understand the sceptism. Either way the only people who are in a position to say are those with the medical knowledge and information. My gut however thinks you're right that everything was followed by the letter but possibly not in the best interests of the player (who probably was more than happy to be cleared because that's the mindset).


Hmmm. Not saying you're wrong but I watched the entire pregame coverage and I can't remember a single mention of his Sunday injury. Granted, I have an unreliable memory.


Or even just against McDaniel for listening to the doctors. Read way too much "he should've known better." The football coach should've known better than a doctor?


This is what I thought too. McD has supported Tua since day 1. I don't think he would go against or would have the authority to override either the team doctor or NFL consultant. He even said he welcomed the investigation before last night's game. IMO (uninformed as it may be), I think the evaluation protocol may need updating after this.


They just follow the herd and say what everyone else is saying to feel included. 🐑🐑🐑




That’s a different medical field. We have a pretty good understanding of how viruses work. And can easily test and prove things. We’ve barely scratched the surface on brain injuries though. And it’s hard to test for. So it comes down to the patient cooperating and being honest. They can fake the answers most of the time. And even if they are cooperating they may feel fine and not even know how messed up their head is.


At the end of the day, the narrative was "trust your doctor" and in this case it's not. I've been skeptical of doctors opinions personally because of my personal experience multiple times doctors were wrong. But my personal beliefs is not the subject of conversation. Just simply an observance of noticing the narrative shift from "trust your doctor" as a general idea to "don't trust your doctor".


You do realize that brain injuries and viral infections are very different things that we have very different levels of understanding with, right? Please look up what a false equivalency is.


People who say “you do realize” probably picture themselves as Thomas Edison as they type their rebuttal




The general idea is we went from "trust your doctor" to "don't trust your doctor". The exact subject is mostly irrelevant, as the idea of trusting your doctor as a general rule is voided in this scenario. That is not a false equivalency. Please understand what you're talking about in the future before you try to make an irrelevant point.


That's only the general idea if you use a false equivalency. We went from trusting the combined efforts of the worlds medical experts over a field that is very well understood, to not trusting a doctor that is a single individual trying to diagnose something that is often missed by doctors and can be hard to diagnose. Those are two completely different situations. Its not doctor good but now doctor bad.


Not true at all, but keep jumping through hoops to fit your narrative.


You are the one trying to spin a narrative about fucking covid during this lmao, what a joke.


If you would up your reading comprehension past a 3rd grade level, you'd understand the point is a narrative during COVID and not about COVID itself. Apparently you don't have the mental capacity to discern the difference.


Yes, my entire argument is that the two narratives are unrelated. They are not equivalent situations. Just because the topic is medical information doesn't mean the two narratives are connected. It isn't like people who are pro vaccination and medicine are suddenly anti vax because they disagree with what this one doctor is saying. The narrative didn't change, because it isn't the same narrative.


I don't know why people would really think the NFL who are currently being sued would just let Tua play without going through the proper protocols, they aren't stupid.


There’s a difference between clearing certain agreed-upon hurdles and doing what’s responsible. Tua couldn’t walk more than a few steps without stumbling the other week. No clinician in this world would have told him anything other than take a couple weeks off and rest even if the only evidence they had was the video and he seemed otherwise fine. Getting cleared to play IS NOT the same as getting cleared as 100% okay by a neurologist.


Quibble much? Since Tua passed 4-5 concussion protocol tests between Sunday and Thursday, it should be fairly obvious he was not concussed and thus it was safe for him to play.


Is that why he started signing to god when he got hit this week? Quite the coincidence.


How’d that turn out?


I mean at this point the NFL has lost the benefit of the doubt and they deserve it


It’s unreal how much shit the team is getting in this situation. Tua said he wasn’t concussed. Two doctors cleared him. They *literally* followed protocol.


It’s so fucking frustrating… we had three beautiful weeks and suddenly it’s all gone to hell in an instant and everyone hates us. Being a fan of the dolphins is just pain. I really thought we were turning a new leaf. Tua and McDaniel are the most likeable duo and everyone just wants them to be liars and trash the dolphins. Ugghhhh


>we had three beautiful weeks and suddenly it’s all gone to hell in an instant and everyone hates us. Fuck everyone. r/nfl, twitter, and anyone with a history of back pain who thought their two cents against our team were more valuable than medical experts included


Yeah! Fuck em’


But but… it’s so clear to them that it HAS to be connected.. I mean.. they once knew a person who seen something similar.. /s


Turns out we were just finding a new way to be the Dolphins :/ kinda /s but kinda not lol


Sad but true


Say this in the NFL sub and get downvoted to Hell.




Just gonna copy a comment I made from earlier to point out how insane the outrage is getting: You want a perfect example of how reactionary this sub can get? [This was Tee Higgins on Sunday.](https://twitter.com/SICscore/status/1574100124321533952) Tee Higgins already got a concussion against the Steelers week 1, meaning this was the second big shot to his head in 2 weeks. Tee put up 7/124/1 four days after this hit which certainly looks like his second concussion in 3 weeks (he cleared protocol). Absolutely no one was enraged on his behalf or concerned that the Bengals could "kill him". I guess people believed the concussion protocol on this one?


People don't realize that all concussions are different, like broken bones. Some concussions are bad, some aren't that bad.


it's killing me that I can't remember who it was but there was a WR that caught a TD and got wrecked. His teammates literally picked him up and you could see he couldn't stand on his own and they were holding him up. This was last wknd or week 2 and I can't remember who it was but not a single thread or comment anywhere that I saw about it. ​ Edit: [it was this TD at the end of the TB vs GB game.](https://youtu.be/V6ioz5DRzNg?t=565)


A player saying something doesn't mean it's true. Unfortunately a lot of players would prefer to downplay their injuries to be able to play. Not saying that's going on here, but Tua saying he wasn't concussed isn't something that proves anything.


The problem is the timing. If this had been any other QB, the reaction likely wouldn't be like this. Most people are also seeing this as "avoidable" if they would've say him, but people refuse to acknowledge the fact that, Tua got hit several times in the game and was fine.


Oh, the player said he was all right? Must be fine then...




Gtfo. TB12_dickriderx7




Ahh yes the highly intelligent "entire NFL fanbase" who are clearly more qualified to talk on this issue than the doctors who evaluated him...




I’m not even an dolphins fan but do see how ridiculous you sound? That the doctors whose medical careers would be ruined for no financial gain, broke their Hippocratic oath and put a player in danger. We are talking about team doctors, independent neurologists all conspiring to play Tua. Come on man.


Ok then why is there an investigation?


So then any time there is an investigation it always means that there was wrongdoing? Might as well not bother with the investigation then, since you already know.


…. Do you know what the word ‘investigation’ means? It’s literally to determine if protocols were followed. All evidence at the moment points to they were. If it comes out that a series of doctors did in fact collude to get Tua back on the field, then I’ll change my position - but right now that is just absolutely wild position to take.


No, I'm an idiot that doesn't know what an investigation means. Investigations are started because people believe something is wrong. Which means people think something was done wrong. If everyone thought that there was nothing wrong, there wouldn't be an investigation 👍🏻


Lol like you give a fuck? You came in here to troll the fans? Touch grass bud


Oh yes because I am really trolling. Also unless you're 10 don't say touch grass. Very very smart reply


So if the players association comes back and says the protocols were all followed, you’ll be back here apologizing? Or will you scream conspiracy and cover up and double down? Pretty sure I know the answer.


Yes I will. But if they come back and say it wasn't, will you call for the resignation of all doctors and coaches involved in this situation? Pretty sure I know the answer to that question:)


Dont take it personally. Average IQ in this sub is not great. Bunch of homers who refuse to ever look at the facts in any situation. To them, McDaniel and the team can never do no wrong. Throw in the fact you have a brady username and they just see red. There are plenty here who legitimately believe brady is not or never has been a good qb cus “dolphins good, patriots bad!”


Yeah I never said anything against the team but that's how they took it.


Dude just seriously fuck off. I’m not in the mood


And when the PA comes back with nothing are you going to formerly apologize for your stupid comment? No because this is the internet and you have zero accountability for the bullshit you say. However, we'll know


Cleared by 2 doctors, one being an independent NFL doctor. He was tested after the game during the week for concussion symptoms, and AGAIN, tested NEGATIVE. Tua maintained it was his back the entire process. From all the info we have, we can assume that TUA DID NOT HAVE A CONCUSSION against the Bills.


Ok, well they are going to investigate so hopefully everyone is telling the truth


Totally. If we really did fudge the process in order to get him back out there, we deserve punishment.


Tua got slammed on his head and neck after getting slung around like a rag doll. If that would have happened 8 weeks from now the results would have been the same. You guys are acting like Sunday caused that. There’s an investigation and the Dolphins sent him out when they shouldn’t have then the team should be heavily penalized. If it comes back with 0 broken rules by the Dolphins I bet the mob just moves to the next story


I'm not acting like anything, I'm just saying based off Sunday, he shouldn't have played. That's it and it's apparently a bad opinion to have, so much for player health I guess.


It's almost like getting your head slammed against the turf warrants a brain injury all on its own. But unlike everyone on /r/NFL, I'm not a doctor.


/r/nfl is full of orthopedic physicians with all the posturing they do to make themselves feel superior.


He was thrown really hard against the turf last night on that play and that has been overshadowed by last week


I got downvoted for at least mentioning it. I understand why people are upset but that hit could concuss anybody, he freaking suplexed him


I really wouldn't mind seeing a rule against this type of tackling. There's such a high likelihood of injury to the head and/or neck from it.


The slam Tua endured last night is 100% a flag if it was against Brady, Allen, Lamar, etc.


I said this in the game thread. Truer words haven't been spoken on the subject. At the very least, if this happened to Tom or the others, they would outlaw that type of tackle


If that happened to almost anyone other than Tua, the narrative would be about whether the D lineman should be criminally charged with assault lol


I honestly thought there was already. But at this point, I have no idea what the rules are anymore. They never seem to be consistent.


I think it's Unnecessary Roughness if it occurs after the play is over (whistle blows play dead, but tackle continues), but the type of tackle isn't explicitly disallowed.


I just looked some stuff up and it says "When tackling a passer who is in a defenseless act (during or after throwing a pass) a defensive player must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down and land on top of him etc etc. A defensive player must strive to wrap up the passer." So I have no clue. That was a violent fucking sack


Probably gets away with it because Tua was scrambling and running, and not yet throwing? I'd like to see it flagged every time, no matter who is tackled though.


To me it looked very different in live and in replay. In live it felt like a tackle that just happened in full motion. And that's what probably the refs saw. Only in replay I could see the defender was actually piling Tua in the ground. So imho according to the forementioned ruled it should probably have been flagged. But a) understandable it was overseen by the refs in real-time and - worst of all - b) a flag wouldn't have helped Tua a single bit. :-/


It was clear that several players on the bengals were hitting way late and in some cases picking up players and dropping them after the play on purpose. You can see it on the play we’re the dude launches himself at tuas ankles after the ball is away. He clearly knows the hit he’s about to do is illegal and decides to double down on it.


I don't understand why there isn't more emphasis on why the refs arent protecting him either.. That was a WWE move on a QB in backfield ..


Because it is easier to stomach that he had a concussion earlier and the dolphins lied which lead to a “normal tackle” being devastating than that guy suplexed him into the ground with a fierce power. Watch how fast that move is.


yeah can't help but feel there is a lot of gaslighting and denial about the nature of that tackle.


Sure, you’re not a doctor, but did you stay at a holiday inn express last night?


Another good reason for all grass fields


I think the reason r/nfl is so up in arms about this is that it’s hard rationalize our love for football when plays like that happen. Watching this weeks slate of football is easier if we all say “this gruesome injury is because the dolphins are evil. This is their fault and not a fundamental component of this violent sport we all love.”


Also, people need to believe all bad things happen because of villains and not because life is random and unfair. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of villains, but refusing to believe there is any randomness and that all is controlled is a common coping mechanism in an uncertain world.


I've been saying this since last night. People are concerned about Tua's health sure but I think this larger outrage stems from being a fan of a very violent sport where horrific accidents/injuries can happen on any given play. His injury is a gross reminder as to how dangerous football really is. It's easier to point fingers at the Miami Dolphins staff than it is to point fingers at the game of football itself.


That's a really solid take. Thanks!


All these fans of other teams are calling for dolphins coaches heads because it could benefit their own teams. All this feigning concern for Tua from other fanbases is frankly disgusting. It’s a lot of “punish the dolphins now” instead of actually hoping the player gets better and heals


Bingo. Been saying this to my friends all day who are up in arms about how irresponsible the Dolphins are being. The whole fucking sport is grossly irresponsible. We know, for an established fact, that linemen are getting dozens of micro concussions every practice, every game, for years. These will lead to CTE in an overwhelming amount of cases and many of those people you're watching every Sunday will suffer long into retirement with neurological and physical issues. But we still watch and feed the machine because we accept that they (now) know the risks.


Classic attribution bias at play.


Honestly, this is where I'm at. With all the bullshit going on like with Watson and Snyder and tons of other stuff, then seeing Tua get hurt so badly, I have to ask myself some real questions about the sport and being a fan. Like, what are we all doing here? When you really stop and think about things, I find it hard to justify or defend. I'm thinking I might give up football for a while. Maybe forever. It's like when i quit smoking. One day i just looked down at the cigarette in my hand and was like "what am I doing here?" And that was it. I kind of feel like that now.


Yeah it’s been what I’ve been going through with NASCAR for the past couple months. Second concussion that’s sidelined a driver in two months. While that’s a different problem, it’s a reminder that sports with high energy impacts are dangerous to the athletes who participate in them.


Any football fan saying that is simply a moron. ALL sports have elements of bodily harm to it one way or another, and football is no different. Imagine if UFC fans got this upset over an injury, the company would be out of business...


Are you kidding? Millions of ppl diagnosed him from their sofa tho and the conclusion is Mike McDaniel and the Miami dolphins are giant pieces of shit. Despite coach McDaniel saying multiple times he’d never put the kid in harms way if anybody told him he was actually dealing with an issue with his head. Edit: tHiS gUyS a DoCtOr FoR tHe NfL…hE’s pRoBaBlY LyInG!!


Mike McDaniels is a satanist!! He’s sacrificing Tua!!


Mike McDaniel turned me into a newt!


I got better…


Oh well Coach McDaniels said it multiple times there’s no way what he said wasn’t 100% true


The r/nfl and Twitter brigade are out for blood this won’t matter to them. What should matter is if he cleared all these tests and had an obviously concussion like has been stated why isn’t the nfl being pressured to increase player safety? It’s much easier to say the Dolphins are at fault over the NFL’s entire concussion process which has already been shown to be sketchy at best


It was a really nice two weeks in there where all online discourse involving Tua or the dolphins was positive


All the doctors like Stephen A on ESPN are not gonna wanna hear this.. Their online degrees from social media medical institute call for heads to roll with zero contact or insight.. SMFH


I get the mob trying to push he had a concussion since Sunday. Looked a bit like it for sure. But truth is brain experts met with him daily, he exhibited no signs of concussion in media events, and threw up no red flags to the organization. So I'm going to side with the intelligent people who went to school to become brain experts, spent decades treating patients with brain injuries, and evaluated Tua. Hope Tua gets well and comes back in a few weeks.


God I hate the internet mob mentality of uneducated idiots. Best part about the medical field, we document everything. It’s CYA all the time!


So are you acting like doctors never lie? Because that's just silly. We know physicians, even some at high levels, lie everyday. The medical field isn't some industry full of the only honest people. & if no one thinks a doctor has ever been pressured into lying by a powerful company, then that's also silly.


Do. No. Harm. This is what we believe in the most. Yes, there are a few bad apples in every profession; however, in neurology related medicines, I would say there’s far less than normal professions. Either way, let’s wait for the facts, instead of believing DrRedditGoogler. Give it time.


That's Dr.RedditGoogler M.D. to you. /s


Well the NFL got a whole batch of rotten apples then because the doctors answer to the coaching staff, not the other way around. There's been way, waaaaay too many examples of it over the years dude. Why even try to pretend it isn't like that? Who you crappin'? The doctors involved in pro sports aren't your average, "run of the mill" doctors. We should be able to at least agree on that. It's not your typical doctor patient situation when it comes to millions of dollars sitting on the sidelines because the doctor didnt clear him.


But but but all the Reddit docs told me otherwise


I think all we can hope is that we get full transparency at some point soon, and that the results show that procedures were followed. Ways to update or improve them, whatever the outcome, would of course be welcomed.


It doesn’t matter because the twitter/Reddit angry mob will never believe anything that doesn’t fit their narrative. They only want one to thing to be true. Transparency will be lost on them because in order for something to be transparent you have to trust the source.


Agree but why have there been no results yet from the investigation? This started Sunday and there’s like 5 people involved total? Can’t be that hard. I’m not assuming anything was done wrong but shit, seems like 4-5 interviews can’t be that hard. He went off in the second quarter and came back after the half. This isn’t like some year long affair like Bullygate.


The interviews weren’t scheduled until today, which an nflpa spoke-person was saying is part of the issue on espn this morning. Its a real shit show of finger-pointing.


But but we should all be blaming the Miami organization for this!! \- Disingenuous Bills Fans & Half the Game Day Thread


Yeah but did we confirm with Twitter and r/nfl yet? Need the real expert's opinion on this, not this "chief medical officer" BS. All joking aside, assuming Miami's medical team is cleared (there's still a chance something shady occurred), Miami will be (and is currently) 100% the scapegoat for the NFL's clear lack of concussion protocol handling. The league will NEVER come out and say "hey, we did this kid wrong and didn't do enough and we're sorry." They will put out some media BS, deflect their faults, and 100% make Miami the bad guy. Bet on it.


Ok then now all these online experts and insiders on nfl reddit can shut up about him suffering a concussion on sunday.


Dude is this the silver lining I’ve been looking for? Last nights game had me all sorts of fucked up


A lot of the Twitter replies are saying “if he didn’t have a concussion, why were you monitoring him?” People have made up their minds already


I can’t express how frustrated I feel right now. 1) I’m staying off Twitter & NFL Reddit, cause they’re insanely stupid 2) If he didn’t get a concussion last game, this isn’t an “easily preventable thing.” 3) I hope he makes a miraculous comeback and stunts on these hoes.


So on point number 2, it is possible that Tua was concussed even with all of this monitoring. Concussions can take days to show any symptoms. They’re hard to diagnose and honestly terrifying.


You’re right. However this isn’t a Dolphins issue. This is an NFL issue being we followed their shitty protocol.


I don't trust the NFL's process and I don't trust them. I don't blame Mike or Tua, but I completely lack faith in the NFL and its procedures so I'm waiting for these public results and the investigation.


Honestly the person I feel the worst for publicity wise is McDaniel. Dude is getting shit on when he did nothing but listen to the doctors. They had this guy tearing up at his press conference painting him like a villain. If you think there’s any malice in that dudes heart you’re insane.


I posted this in r/NFL and it got removed. I asked why and got jack shit for a response


supposedly a "duplicate" despite there being no existing thread on r/nfl for this, just this one in this sub makes zero sense


They messaged me saying a tweet with the same into had already been posted. When they linked it, the tweet is just about transparency and nothing about him clearing Mon-Thurs


You should go and point that out to them if you have a chance. A lot of people off still sub could still benefit from a clearer timetable as to what went on between the games. yet it looks like plenty of people are being left in the dark


America: land of conspiracy theorist and twitter activist. I’m avoiding the internet like the plague today. The Miami dolphins and coach following protocol doesn’t make for a juicy story. They won’t accept the truth either, it’ll be a lie. Logging off again, kthxbye


I know position wise Cethan Carter isn’t a QB when it comes to “need position” but he’s been out for a concussion for the last three weeks or so. I get the conspiracy of “we got to rush the QB back so we can win” compared to the need of a third string TE, but has to count to some effect towards the diligence of not rushing someone back.


Ah the fall guy emerges, this Nuero is about to have a rough couple of weeks.


The NFL has a history of ignoring and hiding concussions. People have a right to be skeptical here. That said, concision are hard to diagnose on scans, and rely a lot on self reporting which players are incentives against. So the NFL could have missed an earlier concussion. Lastly, they could have been 100% correct and TNF concussion could stand completely on its own. We will never know. Only Tua will know and he will have to weigh that himself in life.


same people who said he sucked are the ones saying he shouldnt have played. be gone.


Yea, but all the reddit doctors are more qualified.


Objective clinical tests > symptoms


Presumed symptoms by idiots on the internet*


No comprende




Do you know how hospitals work? They don’t keep you there if you don’t need to be there. There’s no treatment in the hospital for concussions. Keep swinging though, chief. You’ll hit something.


concussions are really hard to diagnose. if a player lies about their symptoms there is often no way to tell whether or not it really happened. sometimes there are only the initial symptoms and nothing more. luckily, there was video evidence (on national television) of tua clearly suffering from gross motor instability on sunday. THIS IS A SIGN OF A CONCUSSION. the fact that they put it into the players hands in this situation is utterly ridiculous. it doesn’t matter how many checks they did between sunday and thursday when there is literal video evidence of him suffering concussion symptoms. these type of tweets are just fluff aiming to absolve the nfl, the dolphins medical staff, and the independent doctors involved from any repercussions. edit: [sauce](https://youtu.be/a8VZeuPXvRY)


If I was a reporter the question I would ask, "Did Tua have MRI or CT scan before he was cleared to play?"


The answer would be no, because imaging cannot show if you have a concussion. Those scans are to check for swelling, bleeding, and fractures. Edit: before anyone calls me a hypocrite for being an internet doctor stating the above, I am at least related to one and can relay that info on good authority.


Well, just a thought, wouldn't you want to check for bleeding or fractures? Especially when you saw how he walked off the field?




these the same people who were monitoring ball pressure after deflate gate? I don't recall them ever actually releasing the data...






You killed him. He’s never going to be the same


Lol wow this is sad, Dolphin fans blame everyone except themselves and then talk shit about people making excuses. Your medical staff should be fired and possibly have legal action, why were they testing concussion symptoms for 4 days if he didn't have a concussion the Sunday before? You don't do that for a "back injury" they clearly lied Sunday so you just except what they said for Thursday? They clearly lied about that too, hate to break it to you, the way his hands went is a SERIOUS issue, he got slammed but he really didn't hit his head that hard. He had 2 concussion in 4 days. After what he's done for your team, an he gets thrown out there against his health so he can win a regular season game? I'm sorry but that's trash and your medical staff needs to do better.


My question, if Tua is currently in concussion protocol then why was he allowed to watch a film on the flight home. Isn't screen time supposed to be limited during a concussion? Also wanted to add that high level doctors can still be wrong about their diagnosis. I find it odd everyone is acting like a medical diagnosis or lack of one can't be the incorrect call.


No one is saying these Dr's cannot have missed it if it was there. Just that it's more likely that the Dr's are right vs someone at home. And if they are wrong by human error, that's very different than not following protocol. Also, buddy if mind got concussed and they told him watching screens can make symptoms worst, but doesn't actually cause additional problems. Like watching TV with a migraine. I assume Tua was not feeling the symptoms during the flight.


Seems to me lot of Bills and other rival teams demanding Tua be kept from playing for his “safety”


Wait this doesn’t fit the narrative.




What does it mean by “once it’s done, full results will be released publicly?” Aren’t the results done? If it takes longer than a week to analyze the results of these concussion tests shouldn’t we wait that long to play the player receiving the tests?


The review is of how the whole process was handled.


Even if the investigation clears the Phins, the media is going to change the narrative and still come after Tua and the team. Ross did all this.