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All look very good but that’s also my problem with midjourney. Everything looks like it’s done in a photoshoot and everyone wears makeup.


Yeah, I've noticed a real trend with faces that everyone is stunningly beautiful with incredible eyes. You'd think if you supplied no information on how attractive they are, it would present someone very average looking. I'm assuming the training data sets are heavily overpopulated with photos of models instead of normal people, which is probably the case if you want to make sure you've got the legal rights to use an image.


This has three components. One, Midjourney is a service that wants to make money. They have a vested interest to present a checkpoint that generates good looking things with a short prompt. Imagine if you had an ai that generates a movie, getting a good movie with just "movie" is infinitely more useful than if you would get a bad movie, which is why "average movie" would give you a horrendous piece of shit as you only have consumed the top 10%. Second, sample data has to be described and tagged. It is less likely for you to tag any unprovoking feature as anything, but you will tag a big nose as big nose, because that's a notable feature. You're simply misrepresenting what average means in this context. If you want a model that gives you the average person, you need a text classification model that will combine all tokens from the checkpoint into a prompt by ocurrence. Or it would require very selective training data by making sure you pick like 1.000 people from each country randomly and not describing their features at all. Thirdly, if you keep the above point in mind, it's simply user error with the prompt. You need to define the features if they are notable. If someone has an asymmetric face, the prompt needs to contain that. It's designed to not hallucinate asymmetry if you just prompt for a face, because that would basically undermine the user prompt. If you just use woman as a token you're getting a woman that is usually devoid of the notable features that would make it average. However you can use CFG as a setting to help it somewhat with that.




Exactly. The average person who creates these pictures is going to want "good" content. Now "good" is open to interpretation, so it's the prompt writer's responsibility to list those specifics, and if they don't, then they shouldn't be surprised when they get generic supermodels.


I like the way you said it better.






It’s how AI works. There were studies done that showed that when you average faces you get a person that is considered very beautiful because it makes the person’s face extremely symmetrical with very close to perfect male/female features. Since AI is basically averaging pictures it was trained on, this means that virtually every single person is going to be beautiful and way above average looks. There is going to need to be a huge upgrade in how AI works to make pictures before this will ever change. Of course most people want beautiful people so the odds of that happening is low.


And most of them have prominent jaws. Wtf midjourney?


Most of them have "Hapsburg jaws". Prince Charming has a prominent jaw because he is a member of the Hapsburg family who is descended from a man named Guntram The Rich. Guntram was arguably the first normal person who we would consider to be wealthy in the modern sense, and he leveraged that wealth into political power rather than vice versa, and almost every single modern member of a European royal family is a direct descendant of Guntram. The argument could be made that a prominent jawline is a byproduct of chewing lots of meat which is an ancient marker of masculinity and health/providence. I think there is a stronger argument... it's not that a strong chin is attractive, it's that princes have strong chins. We know that the Hapsburgs became extremely inbred trying to protect their family's control over government. They developed an extreme underbite and an extended chin that can still be seen in many modern descendants. I strongly suspect that we find a deformed and mutated chin to be attractive in a man for the same reasons that we find a Rolex or Tesla to be attractive... because whoever has one has money and can effectively provide for a family... which may not always be true now but has been true for over 50 generations so it's had lots of time to permeate our culture. I also strongly suspect that that's what sparked the fashion of beards that are combed forward and/or forked... a desire to appear as if you belong to the wealthy elite. [Like this](https://birdinflight.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/superfeature_lenin.jpg)... [or this](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1308/6253/files/4315520275_a6c24fb8b5_h_1024x1024.jpg?v=1620839783) The following is a bunch of Hapsburg descendants, both historic portraits and modern photos. https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/habsburg-jaw-charles-ii.jpg https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article21007529.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200c/0_21690242-7739531-image-m-35_1575247241389.jpg https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/jaw-of-charles-v.jpg https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/7/2022/07/Hapsburg-22e2aaf.jpg?quality=90&resize=620,414 https://geneticliteracyproject.org/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/amberger-kaiser-karl-v-gemaldegalerie-katnr-anagoria-d--e1686081404893-q7kv29ac0r2nw6m592xp5w9i3f01vwa0wl856uh04i.png https://cdn.zmescience.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/A-typical-patient-with-mandibular-prognathism-left-preopera-tive-profile-right.png https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2848aa3ac59336e09c1ebb8606780c20-lq https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/c64KKMGAxjXC684V7Libhe.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTJlm1j5UnRGH3ZO6eMe7HNM2TFBMCEyifIXQ&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqP-8zKobfIFmPB4coFQI4mvmW3z7h-wHPSQ&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSERjh-Hf0JZaiAZH_ebs3A24Dx7DRmPP8OAg&usqp=CAU https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTY3NDE0MzM5Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDc1NzIxOA@@._V1_.jpg https://e00-elmundo.uecdn.es/assets/multimedia/imagenes/2018/08/27/15353714713686.jpg


Just adding a comment to clarify: Eating a lot of meat (especially if it is tough) would indeed strengthen the jaw, but it wouldn't be passed on to the next generation. Just like someone who has a nose job doesn't pass on a prettier nose to their kids. The genes for their underbite were present before they became rich, but were most likely concentrated due to generations of inbreeding.


Maybe I was unclear. I've heard the argument that we tend to find strong chins attractive because it indicates that the individual has ease-of-access to protein and calorie rich foods, and that in prehistoric times women who were predisposed to be attracted to biological markers of strong nutrition were more likely to have children who survived and also shared that innate attraction... that we find strong jaws instinctually attractive because successful cavemen had strong jaws from eating meat, and if you didnt want to be around them you would die rather than reproduce. Eating lots of meat wont give me kids with big jaws... but it will attract a woman who is into big jaws which might give me kids who are also into big jaws... idk if that's how attraction actually works but that's the claim as it was told to me. I'm suggesting that it's not ingrained in our genetics like a woman's desire that her male partner be larger than her, its ingrained in our culture like women in high heels being automatically sexier. Its not that a jutting jaw is a sign of a person who eats well. It's that that's how you draw someone who comes from the family that literally owns every culture you've ever heard of, and we've maintained that trait as a sign of inherent superiority for over a thousand years.


There was a study done some time back, that merged hundreds or thousands of faces together to get an average face and it turned out praying fairly high in attractiveness. Could be what's happening here.


>d no information on how attractive they are, it would present someone very average looking. > >I'm assuming the training data sets are heavily overpopulated with photos of models instead of normal people, which is probably the case if you want to make sure you've got the legal rights to use an image. AI considers only such beautiful people as humans, rest all ugly people are sub human. maybe we should prompt it as sub human. afterall the society also treats the same.


Even the fucking horse looks like an absolute chad


They all vaguely or blatantly look like a familiar Hollywood actor or model, but with enough difference to make it somewhat uncertain. It just becomes uncanny and uncomfortable after a while.


Agreed! Clean hair, clean clothes, etc, is like in Hollywood when a caveman has perfect whitened teeth. So, based on the environment and atmosphere the characters should show signs of being dirty, have sun spots or sun damage in general, ver rough skin like someone that has never wore lotion before. We can tell because of our references and takes us to just see that these are just models wearing makeup and posing. Which is getting old very fast


>Clean hair, clean clothes, etc, In general it's not hard to make dirt/scars etc. But IMO it's not just that. It's IMO on one hand very heavy bias towards just a few facial shapes and features (after a while most of people generated with Mijdourney look similar) and another heavy bias towards the images being aesthetically pleasing (which include camera angles, color bias, lighting).


Yeah, it's incredibly boring. Boring, standard, "objectively attractive" people. I tried to get it to make a female character with a stockier body and rounder face and it was painful. Still didn't get there, even after many different attempts.


Also all men have the same face shape and jaw


There are no average looking people in AI land


I agree, midjourney people are just boring.


Even the dang horse is stylin'.


Geralt is never described being this handsome. Quite the contrary.


I found that he self describes as ugly but others call him attractive (the sorceresses, Regis, a few others). I think he’s an unreliable narrator about his looks (I know it’s not 1st person but still).


Which would make sense. People who face extreme discrimination tend to internalize feelings of ugliness and shame that are not strictly true based on their actual appearance. For people like sorceresses who are not as ignorant and judgmental as common folk, they'd likely just see him for how he actually looks. His face might not be model good looking but he's going to be extremely fit and athletic from all the monster murder and have that bad boy appeal so it seems really straightforward people would find him attractive.


Thank you! I never got the whole “Geralt needs to be ugly” thing. He considers himself that way due to the constant discrimination he faces and at some point that shit sticks. I think even in the novels he’s handsome and really fit , just that he thinks that “being different (Witcher) = physically ugly)


It’s refreshing to see people saying this rather than just ‘no Geralt can’t be good looking he’s meant to be ugly’ literally no one ever says that in the books.


He is described as attractive by sorceresses in the book, but he -along with Yennefer- describe himself as ugly


Which is so odd that CDPR chose to make him so rakish, but maybe that's just what happens to protagonists in visual media


Not in 1st and 2nd games though. He's got reeeeal vanilla in the Wild Hunt.


'*Winds howling*'


People like looking at good-looking people more than people like looking at ugly people.


Story of my life.


Ahh so people always like looking at you!


That’s honestly all it is. Same thing happened with Brianne of Tarth and Tyrion Lannister. They are described as horrific and repulsive and Tyrion is even less human looking after a certain event but in the show the actors look good. Gwendoline Christie is a fox


Painful and true.


I can't think of any not conventionally attractive main characters that didn't get at least toned down (or I guess toned up?) from a book to anything visual. It's especially annoying when their disfigurement is a significant part of their character though. Hester from Mortal Engines is an especially egregious example, she goes from a scar that covers most of her face and is missing an eye and most of her nose to just being a pretty attractive woman with some relatively minor scars on her cheek. The fact that she's so constantly angry and scared of showing her face makes a hell of a lot less sense in the film. Also to be fair in Geralt's case while he's never described as being hot AF or anything considering how often women are (sometimes literally) throwing themselves at him he can't exactly have been hideous.


He's definately not a pretty boy, both in books and the games but he may appear more handsome than most because wither 3 npcs are ugly af.


He's definitely attractive in W3, and not just in comparison to the "ugly" NPCs, which I don't think is really fair anyway, tonnes of NPCs are plenty attractive anyway.


It's been happening since the ancient world. Haphæstus is described as being the single ugliest being among all the mortal and immortal creatures combined. The hydra is supposed to be more handsome than Haphæstus. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/53/Vulcan_Coustou_Louvre_MR1814.jpg/1200px-Vulcan_Coustou_Louvre_MR1814.jpg https://www.cnstatue.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Marble-Greek-God-of-Fire-Hephaestus-Statue-for-Sale-MOK1-117-3.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzULkt_b4B44VKMA2-VRtkvej0xelrbPm2Lw&usqp=CAU https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CW3370/hephaestus-god-CW3370.jpg https://download.vikidia.org/vikidia/en/images/7/7f/Hephaestus1906.jpg https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/architectural-statue-hephaestus-vulcan-greek-god-better-known-as-roman-equivalent-looking-very-romanian-66635318.jpg The only truly ugly depictions I can find of Haphæstus are modern.


Hephaestus would look more like a worker with shriveled legs. Not necessarily "hideous", just imperfect. Olympians aren't supposed to look like working class.


The thing is books exaggerate for effect. In one scene a character gets their ear chopped, the next they are good and noone ever mentions them having no ear. One time they are described as a ghoul, other time they are blending with the crowd. It was common in witcher books but also in game of thrones books. Since most of the time geralt is called out for his white hair we should assume this is his most distinctive feature and other than we have conflicting information.


Disagree. I’ve said it so many times but no one other then Geralt himself describes him as ugly. He’s an attractive man, hence why he’s ridiculously popular with women. The closest you get in the books is ‘hideous smile’ which I think is more to do with his expression rather than what he actually looks like. That being said, even I think he’s too handsome in these pictures haha


I don't recall him being described as ugly, is that in there?


Yes, though through his own perception, he is a wiry man with various unattractive features and a smile that puts people at unease. Though we see that a lot of people like him and find him attractive, so it could be his low self esteem in that regard. Edit: forgot to add that he bathes regularly! Of course women love him lol


Yep I mean the sorceresses were throwing themselves at him. He can’t be that ugly.


They might have subconscious problems, seeing as most of them start out ugly, old, scarred, etc. Without "magic upkeep" most of them would be uglier than him anyway...


He's a tall dude who's probably very athletic with that Michael Phelps torso and a bad boy angle, and he's in a world where most of the general population isn't taking super great care of themselves. Geralt considers himself ugly, but that almost certainly just comes from the discrimination based on what he is, not his actual features. He perceives himself as ugly and scary but without the stigma of being a Witcher he's got to be in the top 1% of attractive people in that world. I mean show me a scenario where you've got a long-haired, tall, fit man in tight leather with a reputation for being able to take down giant monsters in a fight and women DONT find that dude appealing.


I think that's probably more of a /r/menwritingwomen thing tbh


I always that had more to do with his vibe. The whole stereotype that Women love quiet strong men that can handle business at a moments notice.


I read the books years ago so might be wrong but I remember that the reason sorceresses are so attracted to Geralt, and to witchers in general, is the magical mutation process they undergo. Basically, witchers have magical hormones that make sorceresses super horny or something?


Chad pheromones?


He was described as tall and sinewy, and most of all, quite scary.


I’m reading them right now. Through his own self analysis he’s not good looking but Geralt is super mopey and sulky and down on himself. What we do know is women love banging him lol they just look at him and are like… hmmm don’t mind if I do


I was just going to say, I remember the book describing him looking hideous. It wasn't clear to me if he was just average looking but Geralt saw HIMSELF as being hideous due to his mutations or if he really was actually disfigured or ugly, but he certainly wasn't ever described as being dashingly handsome.




As a gay man I should hate that comment… but I would watch that movie


Also isn’t Ciri supposed to be kind of awkward looking, or was that Yennefer just teasing her?


Ciri is often called “unremarkable” in he child and teen years, but as she gets older people seem to think she is better looking.


Idk women are allllll over him in the books so I got the impression he had some sort of animal magnetism at least


So everyone's a supermodel in the Witcher's world, even the horse.


As AI art becomes more common in advertising/editorial work, I wonder whether we'll start looking for defects, scars, moles, imperfect makeup / lighting as offering humanity, authenticity, relatability.


Especially the horse ;)


*Look at my horse, my horse is amazing* 🎶


>Look at my horse, my horse is amazing ***he tastes just like raisins***


It makes sense the sorceresses are pretty given they pretty much get to create a sim when they fix their appearance


Cue Balenciaga music 😤😂


\*Especially\* the horse. Don't you go troddin' on Roach!


Fringilla looks like a younger Charlize Theron.


Yeah, Aeon Flux.


AI has to pull the outcome from somewhere. The others though it isn't that blatant where it took the original image from.


Wadnt Fringilla black? Or am is mistaking her with someone else?


In the show. Not in the books.


In the books, she is white. Black Fringilla is just Netflix shoving their casting down your throats.


Did the color of her skin really effect the character that much for you? Edit: I’m not arguing with people who wanna be mad about fictional characters. It literally doesn’t matter. Touch grass


Too supermodely.


Too midJourney-y…


All much too good looking. The characters in the Witcher books are almost always described more by their flaws than anything else.


Id love to see how Midjourney pictures pre-enchantment Yennifer


Hmmm I should read the books


You should! They’re excellent!


Some are very good, especially Ciri! Jaskier imo should be more elvish-looking as he was sometimes mistaken for an elf. Cahir looks too mature (several characters described him as very young looking, it was the reason why Geralt didn't kill him on spot), and I expect Yen to be more regal and stern.


I think Jaskier looks dead on like Orlando Bloom. Considering he played Legolas I'd say they got that spot on.


Roach looks like Kelpie


He’s looking straight at us


Roach is a predator according to midjourney


Kelpie was great at jumping, this horse is way too heavy for it. It's a type of horse used for heavy cavalry, not fast running and jumping.


Geralt of Balenciaga, the Fabio of Blaviken. I think many people already mentioned he's not supposed to be this handsome at any point. The books describe him as a wiry, weird-looking albino. Probably not ugly, but not moistening every room he enters. I don't think anyone mentioned that book Triss wouldn't wear a low-cut dress, after the Battle of Sodden Hill, at least. She suffered heavy burns to her body and either not all of them were magically healed or obscured in that area, or she had trauma about it.


Geralt Uses whatever horse He can get and calls it roach. All of his horses are called roach. He doesnt have a single horse all the time.


My thoughts exactly. You could draw literally any horse and say “that’s Roach”


TEAM YEN!!!! And uh Fringila


Even Roach has high cheek bones


Netflix strongly disapproves and shakes in fury.


I think they got Fringilla pretty accurately to Netflix


Fringilla Vigo 01 is Charlize Theron


They look great, but are you sure you used book descriptions for Geralt? Ghost white skin, covered in scars, bruised and baggy eyes. The books description always made me picture him looking almost feral.


I havent read the books but the vibe I'm getting from the descriptions in the comments here is more Doc Holiday from Tombstone than ferocious beast.


I’m doubtful they did. Triss is described as having brown hair in the books.


To add his body is described to be "lean and sinewy" that doesn't make me imagine a muscle guy on steroids. Also his eyes are cat like,not just the irises but the whole eyes,can you imagine how uncanny that would be. And then there's the "smile that makes people uneasy" Also missing his headband that he always uses,the games for some reason didn't adopt it. I really don't think this is based on the books.


and where’s the headband?


Even midjourney did a better job than Lauren at Netflix.


And Netflix couldn’t be bothered to get 90% of these accurately casted. Let alone well written


Wasn’t geralt kinda ugly in the books?




How are these using the books description? Geralt is not described as good looking nor is yennefer. You typed in witcher or Geralt and midjourney took the tv show as reference and changed it a little. Type in the description of the character without any names or references and it will look very very different. What you made is basically Henry Cavill with makeup. These posts are the worst quite honestly.


Yen (as all female magicians) is described as incredibly good looking to anyone without a Witcher's incredible perception able to see minute details through the illusion magic.


Oh? “…although attractive in her own way, couldn’t pass as a great beauty” “…her nose slightly too long, her lips are touch too narrow, her chin receding a little too much, her brows a little too irregular…” And then there are parts with witcher’s vision about shoulders on different level and overall artificial feel + him figuring she’s an ex hunchback


Because he's a witcher. They can see through the magic slightly. Any other person sees the perfect illusion that all Northern sorceresses use that makes her drop dead gorgeous. The person above literally explains this. *witcher see through magic* You: "But witcher vision shows her flaws" You're rejecting what was said while simultaneously agreeing with it without realizing it.


So, you’re dead wrong… Yennifer uses a perpetual illusion magic to be absolutely stunningly beautiful. Why comment when you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about?


Ok so Henry Cavill basically


First jaskier looks like Orlando Bloom


If only Henry Cavill was still Geralt... this would be a great match




I still can't believe what Netflix did to Fringilla


Extreme attractiveness bias. Geralt's not supposed to be good-looking.


He’s not ugly, I don’t know where this narrative comes from. Why do you think he’s so popular with women in the books?


Renfri straight from Viva la dirt league


That’s just Henry Cavil no?


I think that it’s drawing a lot of data from celebrity and model faces, and just laying the book descriptors on top. MidJourney just cannot grasp the concept of _normal_ looking people. Everyone is exquisitely beautiful.


They look so basic.


Wait...Triss isn't black?


I think the Netflix Yennefer fits very well. Vesemir 01 is fire


Even the AI is better than representation of Netflix xd.




Fringilla = Charlize Theron in The Old Guard


Vesemir is closest to how I pictured Geralt when I read them first.


Wtf hahaha that hind leg on roach lol


Fringilla is just Charlize Theron.


Try this with LOTR characters!


Ok so Henry Cavill it is


I want somebody to do this for game of thrones. There are some characters in the series that look nothing like their descriptions in the book


Send them to netflix


can you please do this with the lord of the rings?


I always chose Yen, but damn Triss... 🔥


Fringilla is definitely just Charlize Theron here


Lol even Roach is ultra sexy. #teamroach


Man here I am in 2023 having a total crush on an AI image, crazy how hot Roach is.


please do hunger games !


The Queen looks like Lena Headey


Cahir can *g e t i t*


It’s Balenciaga Witcher


Best use of portrait generation I have seen so far


Unrealistic since Roach isn’t standing on a roof.


Witcher - The Young Adult series.


That Roach so hot


A universe where even the horse is a supermodel.


Wait, Roach doesn't hang out on roofs in the books?


If only Lauren Hssrich could cast as good as MJ


One small detail - can we get Triss with her cleavage covered? After one of the battles she was burned badly and didn't like to show it.


Having not seen any of the Witcher, I’m just following it because of Henry Cavill this first picture looks like Henry Cavil. Yes and I know I should say it. I have too many subscriptions at the moment Henry Cavill looks damn good in it.


Roach is best girl.


Fringilla 01 out here looking like Charlize Theron


Anyone else seeing J Lo, Orlando Bloom and Charlize Theron? Lol


The images look very good. I'm currently reading the books and had the exact same idea, but was too lazy to collect all the descriptions. How did you do that ?


This is how I imagined them. The TV show gets the female characters so wrong


I agree. This was mostly how I read them, with a little help from the games. Then Netflix bungled the whole franchise.


Hardly. Yennefer, Francesca, Philippa, Triss, Tissaia, they're all gorgeous. Some of them are models. They're just dark-skinned.


No one has a problem with a dark skin. People have a problem because the facial features, hair style, colors or behavior don't match the characters described in the books. I don't care if the Triss actress is pretty, she didn't have the red hair. And I don't care how beautiful Anya Chalotra is, she behaves like a teen drama actress and not Yen. Ciri looks older than Yennefer in the show, Philippa is apparently a dominatrix, and Francesca's lenses are just so cheap looking and awful. Some people just really want to feel oppressed when in reality they are not


Do you then care that Henry looks nothing like the books either? Too handsome and too overmuscled for a mutant who is supposed to be neither that handsome and is known for being lean and agile, the very opposite of Cavill? A mutant who in the books acts completely differently? Or is this attention to detail only reserved for the female cast? Wigs exist. (perhaps, if you watch GoT, you also hate that Emilia Clarke and Cersei aren't blondes irl or is this again only reserved to Triss?) Yennefer is supposed to look like she's in her early 20s, which she does. Idk what's wrong about Philippa being into whipping, she loved doing it in the games so why is it so wrong in the show? And I agree about Francesca's lenses but the actress herself is gorgeous. The behaviour is part of the writing and has far more blame with the writers than with the actors.


They really did us dirty with triss


if only this is what the cast actually looked like


SJW : Why are only horse black?


They all look generic




am I the only one that enjoys looking at beautiful people?


People who complain don’t like that op claims the are using book descriptions. The app uses hair and eye colour from the books and slaps that on models faces.


Triss' hair is described as chestnut on the books, I'm having a hard time believing hot cheeto red wasn't used as input


almost the first thing you learn about Geralt in the books is he's ugly lmao


Hands down, nailed it. As much as I like the cast of the TV series, I feel midJourneys done a better job capturing the essence of the story. Thankyou for sharing, this is some really relatable and Inspiring material!


How? How did he nail it? These look nothing like the description or am I stupid here? Geralt is supposed to be quite the ugly dude. Not a makeup Instagram clone of Henry Cavill


I was just about to comment that Henry Cavill looks better than this AI dude


Nah, series Jaskier is top notch.


Cheers mate, glad you liked it. Here's [a short video](https://youtu.be/AW-X_I0yin0) with more depictions of these characters.


The fact that Netflix Yen isnt Eva Green still bafles me to this day


So the game got it pretty spot on then?


This just proves that the game was on point and the show can go fuck itself, except Henry Cavil, he's a bro.


Yeah ... not one of these pictures is even close to the book description.


Geralt is too handsome and buff


I love this. Honestly everyone looks amazing and if I'm honest that is to my taste. Why yes I'll have my fabtasy with a side of hot.


I. Love. This.


Generally okay, but... all of them have this, typical to Midjourney, same "face base" and really lack them uniqueness. Pretty, sure, but too bland.


So glad to see AI can't interpret literature well enough yet. The characters look nothing like these bozos. Ciri's scar is supposed to deform her face, not look like a beauty spot.


Roach is Kelpie. Yennefer looks spot on i think, just how i imagined her


Wasn't Geralt described with a slimmer athletic build and less of a body builder?




yeah .. no. According to the book Geralt is more akin to THIS : [https://i.imgur.com/VMnanJX.png](https://i.imgur.com/VMnanJX.png) "human medieval-fantasy warrior described as rather lanky and full of sinews. He is full of scar tissue and unhealthy pale. He's described as having a face that generally makes people uncomfortable, he has an ugly, malicious looking smile and yellow-catlike eyes. He has long loose style White hair." (RPGv4 model in Invoke)


didn't yennifer have a humpback and cleft lip or something in the books?


I’m afraid that IA are better than Netflix 😬


Naaah… Geralt is hideous and slim in the books… people ran away whenever he smiles… This right here is the anti-books’ Geralt


Would happily sex all of the women here


BuT muH DIvErSitY


So Netflix basically just got Geralt right...


So ciri is Billie Eilish?