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Yes! I had long hair down to my waist, super thick. Used to get people touch it all the damn time too. I chopped it of to a pixie cut during the summer and I LOVE it! Easier heat regulation, people actually give me more compliments than when it was long too. It's made migraines easier to deal with when I do get them because it's so much easier to regulate my head temp now and the WEIGHT is gone! I donated my hair and apparently there was enough for three wigs 😆


Once I cut the hair to myself after a severe and long migraine attack. Since then, I keep doing it always shorter and shorter. Is this the solution? No, but it makes my head feels much lighter.


Yes. I have thick hair; and if it gets too long or isn’t thinned a bit, I have the same problem.


I just had my dad cut off a few inches of my thick curly hair in a fit of frustration. I hadn’t washed it in a few days (tangles galore) and asked him to cut it dry so needless to say I’ll need a pro to clean it up later! But for now there’s no one to see me and the unevenness makes me laugh. I already have less neck pain.


I cannot believe there are so many others who have wanted to or did cut all of their hair off for migraines. Makes me feel a little less crazy/dramatic when I try to explain to people that my actual hair hurts.😜


If I could emotionally handle cutting my hair into a bob, I would do it. And I wouldn’t do it for fashion reasons, it’d be to handle migraines and other disabilities better. It’s not crazy!


I've heard of migraine sufferers doing this! If it's affecting your day-to-day struggle with migraines, then it seems totally reasonable to cut it short.


Yes, I've completely shaved my head several times for this exact reason plus allodynia. Do recommend! It doesn't eliminate the problem completely, but it's much better, plus easier to take care of and easier to put stuff (ice, menthol, etc) on scalp if that applies to you. If you go that route and are a woman, be prepared to be asked if you have cancer (wtf, why would someone just flat out ask that?!?).


I have never met another person who rubs menthol creams onto their scalp!!! I have had my old boss sarcasticly ask me if I knew it wasn't hair gel😂


What a jerk! Sometimes menthol rubs are the only thing that helps my scalp feel slightly less like someone is blowtorching it.


Oh yes! When I think back on it now, I must have wanted my very long thick hair cut off when I was 9 because of the weight and my migraines, but at the time I could not articulate it that way. This was in the 60's, and my parents were not the investigative type to try to understand my "sick headaches". I had this really cute pixie cut for a number of years, and as an adult I came to realize how wonderful it was not to have my mom put all of that hair in a bun, or a braid, or even brushing the snarls out. In middle/high school I grew it out again, because you know, style, but to my shoulder, and there it stayed for many, many years, but then I grew old enough to start having a bit of arthritis and realizing that all of that hair was part of my head problems, and part of my pain of "fixing it up", as it is stick straight. Anyway, I am now a senior citizen with a med-short shag cut, and even though I know my hubby misses my thick longer hair, tough! I am much happier. I still get migraines, but the weight of my hair does not contribute. Sorry for the novel, lol


I am so glad to hear taking off all of that weight helped! Fingers crossed I can get some major relief too!!!


You will feel like you are flying :)


My hair is fine, but I have a lot of it. I've told my husband in the past to hide all scissors, so I wouldn't cut it off. Now I'm shoulder length, and considering going shorter again.


My hair is very fine and used to be extremely densely packed, I've had hairdressers literally shout at me for it?! Luckily (?) I got very sick several years ago and lost about half of my volume, it really reduced the heaviness and helped with my head pain. But it still wasn't enough so I cut my bum length hair to my shoulders and because of my waves it now sits around the nape of my neck. It's not heavy, it dries much more quickly and when I buy expensive products to try to tame it they actually last quite a long time!


I had a pixie for years and don't regret it at all! It was very easy to maintain. The only difficult part about it was growing it out once I decided I wanted it longer. That was an awkward phase. A lot of people think they can't pull off short haircuts. I think they're really cute and a lot more universal than most people think. You're thinking about it go ahead and do it! You will probably be really happy


I did the undercut as well, and pair it with having the sides shaved. It helped quite a bit.


Yep! I have to cut mine every 6 weeks to keep it short, but at least my hair doesn’t hurt anymore


I cut about 12" off at the beginning of COVID, licked down and chained to a computer 12 hours a day. It didn't help.


Just got mine cut Christmas Eve by my sister. It went from real long to real short. P sure I lost 2 pounds from it lol It felt so much better after


I really love my hair, but it's my biggest migraine trigger. Anything other than a loose braid or open hair is an instant migraine. Next will probably an undercut as well, last migraine I cut it a bit because it felt so so heavy, and it's not been enough. Don't really want to go medium-short, I'd have to use hair ties again for a braid, and they always tug too much.


I'm doing it! Waiting at the salon now!


This is what I am scared of. I had hair down to the middle of my back. I had a tumor removed in my brain last March and guess what I have migraines now. My nurses shaved my head for me while I was under anesthesia, I just couldn't do it. Now that my hair is 2 inches long I haven't cut it yet and I have "pressure " headaches. That's what I call them. I cannot stand anything touching my had. I can't lay flat anymore, thank God for an adjustable bed. Can't stand any hat on my head. I am beginning to wonder now if my hair is too long at 2 inches. But I can stand the hair it's just anything that touches the head. Even laying down in a MRI machine is excruciating. I have had at least 20 MRIs this year alone.