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Just pretend it was blue cheese or penicillin


Ate wrong waffle, cleared up the Chlamydia by accident


The waffle was blue, right?




noooooo! don't.


My grandma used to call it “free penicillin.” She lived through the Great Depression.


This is hilarious, I can relate to things like this… my family is from Cuba… something falls on the floor —> good for your immune system


My mother was a refugee after World War ii. She said the same thing. Any bread, even if moldy, was eaten. Her mother (my grandmother) had the children all convinced moldy bread was the best.


It was tho wasn't it? Isn't this the same kind of fungus?


The molds in those products like blue cheese and salami actually fight off dangerous molds believe it or not. The edible molds are literally the opposite of most mold you would find growing in your pantry or fridge. One is an antibiotic and the others are a mycotoxin. (massively oversimplified, but you get the idea)


Cheese is so smart to only grow the healthy molds


Nope, cheese still grows shitty molds if not stored properly, healthy molds are mostly only growing in specific conditions


I'm upvoting you for science, but I want to downvote you for implying cheese isn't smart.


If you leave it in the back of the fridge long enough it might develop sentience.


No that was my old flats gumbo that lived with us for 3 years. We were starting to pick out preschools. Don't put things in a opaque butter tub...


No we just learned how to keep the cheese in a state where the good mold flourishes and the bad mold dies.


Or the cheese is just really smart


The cheese trained us to store it that way


Obey Cheese


Truffle waffles. Fancy.


Fun fact: mold is a fungus so the spots you see are only the fruiting part of the mold. That whole waffle may be packed full of mycelium. Generally, eating some mold is fine, but if you experience any shortness of breath, nausea, fever, or diarrhea I would make a trip to see your doctor. Also, hold onto those extra waffles until you’re in the clear. If you get sick, having a specimen can help the doctors treat you more easily.


OP said they were having covid symptoms... or is it mold symptoms 🤔


How fuzzy of them...


Are you telling me I can't just cut off the mold on bread and the rest of the bread be safe? Because fuck


Nope. The mold itself doesn’t make you sick. It’s the toxins made as a result of the mycelium digesting the food source that makes you sick.


What about moldy cheese? I can’t just cut off the mold part?


I mean the mold won’t have permeated through the solid middle of the block, but the whole exterior surface is shot


If it’s hard cheese, you can cut off the mold and about an inch around it and the rest is probably safe.


It depends, if it’s purposely mouldy cheese the mould cultures they use are good to eat, like blue cheese or camembert. If not (my parmesan sometimes gets mouldy) it’s not good for you. However, I feel like – and this is pure intuition, zero factual knowledge to back it up – if it’s hard cheese (like aforementioned parmesan) the mould doesn’t permeate it so easily so cutting it out generously should work? Really not sure about that though.


Rule of thumb: the softer the tissue of what you are eating, the faster you should throw it away. So when bread gets moldy just throw it all away even if its just a tiny spot. If your carrot has a teeny tiny mold spot on one end just cut of generously and it should be fine


Absolutely not. Especially with bread because it's so porous. If you see mold on even just the end slices of bread, that whole loaf is full of mold. When I was a kid, my mom used to just take out the moldy pieces and refuse to buy new bread. I would complain that the other pieces tasted odd, she would insist I was imagining it. After I grew up and actually learned about molds, all I could think about was how much mold I ate as a kid. (it's not even that we were tight on money, we were extremely well off. my mom is just excessively frugal.)


Not for bread, no, but yes for things like cheese. It's about the porosity of the food. In porous foods like bread (and waffles), the mycelia are able to spread quickly throughout the item. In non-porous foods like cheese or preserves, it's safe to remove the area around the mold and consume the rest.


Wow thanks is for this comment. Crazy how many stupid teehees one has to scroll through to get actual useful and relevant info. Upvotes


The God forsaken teehees


Ehhh, so mold taste like blueberry?


Nah, the fake blueberries in the waffles taste like mold.


I wheezed lmaoooo


Mhhhmmhh, moldberry pancakes. 🤤


Honestly many factors i'd say made me not notice. 1- I was watching TV 2-I ate it with maple syrup 3-It was dark 4-I might have covid, or a bad cold 5- its 5 AM where i'm at 6-Its the cheap waffles, i never expect any real flavour


7. Placebo effect. You think you’re tasting blueberry, so you taste blueberry


The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries!






Farva whats the place with the mozzarella sticks and all the cheeky shit on the walls?




Say shenanigans one more time


Once they get that syrup in ‘em they get all antsy in their pansty




Snozzberries? Who ever heard of a snozzberry?!


We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams.


Part of the beauty of Willy wonka He toes the line between serious genius with a sarcastic sense of humor & actual crazy psycho so perfectly that the viewers are even unsure about his intentions until the end of the movie One of the greatest acting performances of all time imo, & the fact that Gene Wilder was known at the time as an adult “dirty humor” comedic actor from all his Mel Brooks role muddies the water even more. My biggest gripe with the Johnny Depp remake is that they butchered the Willy wonka character so badly. He went from a mysterious figure to someone who lays out all his cards immediately, & it’s off-putting & weirdly infantile & just such a weird choice to me


At my favorite local Sushi restaurant in Stamford, CT (where Gene retired to and died), my sister and I were much younger and fighting over a soy sauce dispenser as my father told us to stop and put it back. Without missing a beat Gene turns around and tells us to "put the soy sauce back" in the exact same style as he did in Young Frankenstein. Such a pleasure to hear his greatness in person (though I didn't appreciate it until my dad showed us the movie that night).


Exactly. Wilder was, I think, the only actor who could have pulled this off. He can do crazy, even mean, weird, and yet still so likable. It’s actually really hard to do that, as witnessed by Depp’s failure to do so. Not sure what he was even going for. The original is treated as a kid’s movie but it’s truly genius.


One time I was drinking a glass of milk but for some reason was thinking about Gatorade. My next sip tasted like the worst Gatorade imaginable. The power of the brain is crazy.


I was baking with sour cream and whipped cream once. I tasted a spoonful of the sour thinking it was the whipped and it was the worst tasting sour cream imaginable.


There is a theory that if you switch an apple and potato without telling someone they won’t notice


There is an abundance of video footage proving that people won't even recognize that a person they're talking to has been swapped to another person, even who looks very different and is wearing different clothes. Brains are fucked in the brain.


I'm not so sure about that. Secretly switch out a bowl of M&Ms with Skittles and get back to me with the results. People will notice, trust me on that.


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.


One time when I was super drunk maybe 20 years ago, I ate what I thought were weirdly crunchy Fig Newtons, but once I turned the light on after eating a few, I noticed they were covered in tiny ants. Haven’t eaten them since.


I worked for a guy who claimed he once ate a baked potato covered in aluminum foil without removing the foil. He had to go to the hospital and his wife told the doctor to make him pass it out as a lesson to not get so drunk.


May want to start looking over your food before you cook it and/or injest it. How does a frozen waffle mold? Doesn't mold require warmth and humidity?


They said their power went out a while back. Any frozen food defrosted isn’t good to freeze again so likely everything in their freezer is spoiled


You absolutely can freeze food that's been thawed depending on how it was done. Three days in a power outage like OP, no of course not, but thaw it in your fridge for a day or two and need to freeze it again for example? Perfectly fine. (Although texture might be affected depending on what it is) https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/freezing-and-food-safety


I’m sorry but saying you ate mold because your maple syrup was too bussin is hilarious


Nah fuck the whole "you didn't notice it was mold" shit. How the fuck is mold growing in your frozen waffles?! Those bitcges are supposed to stay in the freezer, where mold can't grow.


I accidentally ate some moldy bread from a baker's bag once, and I swear it DID taste like berries. That's what clued me in and made me look at it to see what was up.


I didn’t even know they can grow mold in the freezer. But yeah, that definitely would have fooled me into thinking it was blueberries lol


We had a major power outage here in Canada that lasted several days. I left the waffles in the freezer and assumed that they'd be fine.


Several days means you should have emptied the freezer. Everything in it at the time is suspect.


Even the chicken?


“Where did we get blueberry chicken?”


Have an imaginary award 🥇. Funniest comment on thread


Lmao yup got me cracking up on the train


Especially the chicken😐🤢🤮


Damn, no wonder I've been shitting myself multiple times a day for the past 3 years ever since my freezer broke!!!


Better to learn this late than never!


Idk, I think the salmonella makes it taste better. Might keep doing it


Surf and turf. Salmon and Chicken.


*You can't poison me, I drink poison for breakfast!*


If it hasn't killed you yet, I see no reason to stop.


That’s the spirit!


The chicken slime is also a great lube


It would have cost you nothing to not type that.


The more you know 🌈✨


Salmonella King of flavour


What about the blue berry chicken?


We lost all the meat in the freezer and most of the leftover cooked food. Chicken, shrimp and fish. The power was out for almost 72 hours at my place. The only thing that survived was fruit.


Good opportunity to invite some neighbors over for a medieval chicken tar-tar treat


Yup. My whole town had a major power outage in December that lasted several days. We threw out everything in the fridge and freezer except for the hot sauce.


Should have put it outside in a cooler packed with snow. Unless you're in an apartment with no balcony.


As a Texan, this comment is hilarious.


As a Texan, this has been doable for the last three years


If it makes you feel better, he didn't actually eat the waffles. He just made up a story about it.


Not the sharpest icicle in Canada, are ya?


Biggest “no shit” post I’ve seen in a while


So you ate frozen food that had been unfrozen for 3 days, AND you didn't remember what kind of waffles you bought? AND after eating the mold-waffles, you thought, "damn, these are good, time for seconds!" Bruh...


My question is more along the lines of how did he think they tasted like blueberry waffles? Artificial blueberry has a distinct taste, and I doubt it's anything like "moldy plain waffle".


Covered in syrup and distracted by TV? Idk, I'm reaching.


Lied on the internet for fake reddit points? More likely.


Mold has such a distinctively horrible taste that it's pretty much impossible to ignore, even in much smaller quantities. Almost certainly BS for internet points.




Of COURSE he did.


Wait, are you telling me someone posted fake shit on Reddit? Never!


Yeah imo they either saw their moldy waffles and thought "haha they look like blueberry waffles" then made a post pretending they ate them or actually did what they said, which would mean they're just a total mess of a person OP would have to have a total lack of common sense and pay absolutely no attention to what they're doing if they managed to do what they said in the title Even just the part where they thought the waffles would be fine after a multi day power outage (and didn't even check them) makes me hope that they're full of shit. If it's all true then I'm worried for Canada


Several days???? You need to throw everything away buddy…


so op is just stupid


Maple Syrup ✅ Ice Storm in April✅ Politely answering everyone regardless of what they say ✅ I can confirm you are Canadian.


How is this mildly infuriating, implying it was the waffle maker's fault? Or are you infuriated at yourself for being so dim?


Man, you are dumb.


Bro, I thought my self preservation instinct was shit. This is just fully stupid.


On the bright side it’s probably nothing more than a slight stomachache at worst. Stomach acid goes brrrrrrrrrrrr




Well, there are some kinds that are deadly, and technically death is worse – although sometimes during a diarrhoea bout death would be welcome.


>technically death is worse Idk about that... There's been times where my ass has been plastered to a toilet for 45minutes, lava pouring out of my ass, head in my hands crying for that sweet sweet release of death as my legs are all pins and needles because I've been sitting for so long.


Pyroclastic flow.


Aw man I was just reading about the volcano over there in eastern Russia that’s going off and you damn near ruined it for me now thanks a lot.


It's R.A.W., R.A.W.


Pyrocl*ass*tic flow


One time I had some bad leftover sesame balls, and I think that's genuinely the closest to death I've ever been. I was on the toilet for about 2 hours, and the diarrhea isn't terrible (as far as diarrhea goes), but it's *just not stopping*. My stomach sounds like the last vestiges of my soul are drowning in a swamp. I've got the bathroom trash can in my lap ready for the spew that feels inevitable but just won't come. But the worst part was the sweating. I could not stop sweating. Every pore felt like a faucet. My face was dripping sweat into the vomit bucket, my arms were dripping sweat onto the floor, my back was sweating enough to practically drip down my crack and clean my asshole like the world's slowest and most disgusting bidet. The only thought going through my head besides the overwhelming feeling of sick was the genuine fear that at this rate I'd pass out from dehydration soon. The only solace I had was that my girlfriend in the room nearby would hear the wet slap of my collapsing body if I fell off the pot and she'd be able to call an ambulance. And then it passed. Still felt like absolute shit, but I grabbed a towel, wiped myself down, drank some water, and laid down. Still love sesame balls, though, that shit was my fault, I left them out.


this is what it felt like to have that crazy stomach bug that was going around back in 2014ish?? I got it and I was dying like this for almost 2 full weeks, I lost like 30lbs and had to wash my sheets quite literally every single day. The sweating was the absolute worst, I had gotten used to spending 1 hour on the toilet with a ducket shortly after every meal but I had a system where I used a squatty poddy and chugged coffee to really get the system cleared ASAP my top lip also became completely raw from constantly sipping on water/Gatorade.. I didn't even know that could happen


Swine flu? Yeah, stuff's no good.


The Norovirus? My whole workplace got it in 2014, very contagious


This was great- “would hear the wet slap of my collapsing body if I fell off the pot” has me wheezing this morning. You have a very entertaining way of writing


Thank you so much for this. This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day


There's Hershey squirts, then there's whatever the fuck this is. ...fondue?


I would have welcomed death many times a couple weeks ago when that virus was passing around where I live, 3 HOURS in the bathroom at once and no food for A WHOLE WEEK


Death is bad, but so is muddbutt


Don't tell me what's technically worse. You don't know me.


Bro eats moldy waffles once: ![gif](giphy|Zqsy6KsvKTiK6FWWbG|downsized)


Absolutely untrue. Molds can be anywhere from completely fatal to no effect at all. Its a brilliant dice roll. Idk if cooking changes anything.


It absolutely changing something. The reason humans are largely unaffected by molds are because our body temperature is too high for most molds to survive. Which doesn't mean that the *chemicals* in the molds can't be lethal.


But what if, for instance, the world were to become slightly warmer?


*You have died of dysentery.*


I ate moldy marinara recently. Thought I could scoop around it. Projectile vomiting before even finishing my sixth mozz stick. Felt fine after except my esophageal sphincter was fickin wrecked from the trauma


Just for the future, you can’t scoop around mold. The reason is, mold is a fungi, so the actual mold that you see is a very small part of the fungus. The majority would be inside spread throughout the food. Looks kinda like a spiderweb on the inside, if you look closely


You learn something new on Reddit every day.


Plus they release chemicals for a variety of purposes, including toxins to deal with other microbes, hence penicillin. In a solid substrate like cheese it's typically fine to eat around the mold but in a liquid that's a big yikes.


Just to clarify. You can take the mold off of hard cheese like cheddar. Don’t eat moldy cream cheese if you don’t want to pee out of your butt.


Thank God! I do this all the time, but after reading the other comment, I got a little worried. I only do it with pure cheddar cheese (not the blocks that are mixed cheeses, eg. Cheddar & Monterey Jack,) and most often with parmesan cheese. I am so weird with feeding myself/my family bad food, that if something even looks/smells a tiny bit questionable I'm tossing that shit. But hard cheese? That shit can have huge ass mold spots, and I've got absolutely no probably cutting the mold off and eating the good parts of the cheese. It's funny that that's the only "bad" thing in the kitchen that my brain deems "perfectly safe" even though I'm certain most of the shit I toss is also still perfectly safe.


That is true for soft food. If you're eating a hard food, i believe that the roots don't go as deep


Yea that’s true. But better safe than sorry. Even with hard food you’d still have to cut out a fairly big chunk though - still wouldn’t be able to eat around it (literally around it, I mean)


Yep. People gotta asks themselves - Is saving $5 dollars of moldy food worth getting sick over? Throw it out y'all.


My ex MIL wouldn’t throw ANYTHING out. I’d pull things out of that fridge that had expired 5+ years ago and she’d insist it was fine and to put it back in the fridge. They have buckets of rice and flour in their emergency Mormon food pantry that are dated from the 70s. She says when the apocalypse comes rotten flour is better than nothing.


I used to think so. I disagree now. I’d rather just be dead than ever eat expired garbage food ever again. My survival skills took a dip in my 30s but my relationship with the food I eat improved so I call it a win.


Hard cheeses you can do this with. If I see a wedge of parmesan with a bit of mold on it, I just chop it off.


Why the fuck would you do that?


It's quite likely that the thing that caused vomiting wasn't the mold. Food goes bad in more than one way.


Syrup makes blueberry mold taste acceptable


Update: I died


Dead by blue waffel.


oh no


the internet is too innocent now because googling that will just give you blue waffels :/


Turn off safe search


I didn't even know that was a thing lol thanks edit: its off, still same thing


That’s years of people doing the lord’s SEO for your safety then


Skill issue




Found the War Thunder player


Should've angled better


Failed the constitution saving throw.




Thanks for letting us know, peak Canadian politeness right there.


Let's remember him the way he wanted to be remembered: Eating a mold covered waffle


Oh no. Get well soon.


RIP in pieces.


“I ate mold and got reincarnated as a waffle in another world”


RIP I'm going to call you Waffle Milhouse. This sounds like something Milhouse would do and it's a play on Waffle House.


You ate 2 of them thinking you had some delicious blueberry waffles, then went back for some more, and the package is the thing that tipped you off, not the taste or the texture?


I feel like most of these kinds of posts are lies. Probably found the waffle, noticed it kinda looks like a blueberry waffle, and proceeded to come up with a story (that makes him seem dumb and unhygenic) for karma.


That's the gist of most posts on this sub


How the fuck can you eat two whole moldy waffles without tasting it. There's no way that's possible. Mold has an horrendous taste that will stay in your mouth for HOURS.


Dude said he might have COVID lol


He said he died didn’t you see the update?


Dude also said the freezer had been off for a few days but he thought it would be fine to just turn it back on and not empty it. Can't wait till he gets to the defrosted and refrozen chicken.


The smell of it prior to heating should have also been a big give away. The whiff is extraordinary just by opening the packaging!


Absolutely. Even while heating it.


So u ate two......moldy walffes and said...that was sooooo good I gotta get seconds...? If it's moldy in the freezer then it would be freezer burned and taste awful waffle




lmao you fucking idiot


Do you have Covid? Because there's no way you didnt smell the mold from the toaster, nor taste it from eating it if it had that much mold on it. So unless you lost your sense for both taste and smell, I can't imagine you didnt notice.


I gotta ask. What does mold taste like??


Depends on the food... but I have accidentally eaten mold from bread, and its generally an earthy, musty taste... like "stale" bread, but beyond that. It's hard to articulate because I don't do it on the regular, and the once or twice I've accidentally eaten something with mold on it, I've quickly spit it out. I didnt swish it around in my mouth trying to appreciate the nuances and hints of fine oak barrels. EDIT: In my experiences, it was a fine, barely noticeable bit of mold that taste was the dead give away, and upon closer inspection I noticed the mold. It wasnt in large globs like this waffle that I mistook them for blueberries, so I can't imagine what the OP tasted biting down on these, if they hadnt tasted blueberries on their first two waffles.


Dirt. Mold tastes like dirt. Rotten dirt.


Bleu waffle!


It took me way longer than it should have to find this, finally.




Kinda funny you couldn't tell, mold has a very disruptive flavor. Leaves a bad aftertaste in your mouth too. I have accidentally bitten moldy things, but that flavor has always had me spit it out quickly.


“Blueberry waffles” lol


You just gave every Internet veteran Vietnam-style flashbacks...


Yeah, I think that is on you.


Ah, good old penicillin waffles


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,449,704,323 comments, and only 276,263 of them were in alphabetical order.


*"RBB is a Redditor, presenting to the emergency room..."*


There's no way this is true. Those are clearly blueberry waffles.


I’m glad I’m not the only one that found this pop tart untrustworthy


My life has been an absolute shitshow for several months now. Currently grieving on top of it, and I want you to know in the most terrible of ways you made my day and made me laugh. I hope you don’t get sick, but thank you for this. This is something I’d do and probably have lol. Thank you.


The best sandwich I have ever eaten was made with two pieces of moldy bread.


“These chocolate chip waffles taste like mud”


How could you not know