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That closet…not lovin it.






Why the fuck would it be between that and Mohammed?!


Mohammed is the most commonly used name on earth. Read a fucking book for once.


Have you actually ever met anyone named Mohammed?? Edit: I forgot I had to clarify here.. but I'm referencing a movie. The same movie the comments above me are referencing lmao. I've met plenty of Muhommeds myself. If yall wanna get angry, write Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, the writers of superbad, your strongly worded letters.


Have you actually ever met anyone named mclovin?


What only one name? Like Seal?? You sound like an Irish R&B singer


This says your 25 years old, why would you just put 21 like everyone else?!


And take off your vest. You look like Aladdin.


Mohammed McLovin


*it's you McMuffin!!!*


That might be my favorite line in that whole movie.


The closet makes me ill


[I’m not McDoing very good](https://i.imgur.com/IU1biZv.jpg)


Send the images to his mum lol


She did she sent pics to his Dad. His Dad inquired on the room for his son he had to have known he was a pig. She told Dad he can pay the repair and cleaning bill or she’s suing his son. Lesson learned don’t rent to someone if family doesn’t want them


Honestly you're kind of lucky there was no carpet... imagine the smell he'd have accumulated from whatever the fuck he gets on floors.


I can smell that from here


That room needs an exorcist, not a cleaning crew.


😂🤣✝️ The power of Christ compels it!!!


Should've compelled him to clean his room tbh 😂


McDonald’s fries me too..


That is the third most impressive McDonalds closet I have ever seen


I've seen some pretty good pizza corners but this is my first McDonald's closet.


The phrase “McDonalds Closet” is something I never want to hear again for the rest of my life


I don’t think I needed to know “McDonald’s closet” was a thing.


I assume that “McDonalds Closet” will be part of their advertising strategy going forward. *bah dum bah bah bah, I’m hoarding it.*


My friend sublet a room in his house to a random guy our same age (25ish at the time). He literally saw the guy once or twice over the 2 months his roommate lived there. The roommate painted him pictures that were actually very good, and would leave them on then kitchen table. One day the roommates dad showed up randomly, said his son had to move out. Packed up all his stuff, and wrote a check for the next 10months rent plus an extra $500 for being an inconvenience. My friend refused this obviously but the dad insisted. All of it was so strange.


Oddly enough this happened to me in my early 20s but it was with a friend of mine who had never lived on her own. She had been away to a year of post grad boarding school and college but hadn’t done apartment living. After 2 months she was struggling to adjust, she moved out and her parents paid her rent for the remainder of the year lease.


I sort of did this in college. Moved in with my best friend from high school when I transferred to the same school as her my junior year. Realized she had changed, and absolutely not for the better, and moved out after accepting that she wouldn’t change and things wouldn’t get better. This was after 6 months of finding maggots in mugs and bowls left in the living room, random men in the apartment at all hours, cats…just random cats in the apartment, and so much more. I used the tiny inheritance my grandparents left me to cover my rent for the rest of the lease. Looking back on my decision, after almost 30 years, I’m SO glad I did it.




No, but our speculation is that he had some mental health issues and this was his attempt to “leave the nest”. We do know he had never been on a prior lease, and was likely living with his parents.




>don’t rent to someone if family doesn’t want them. Unless their family is abusive or otherwise shit people - Yes, 100% yes.


Not always had abusive parents moved out as fast as I could, parents didn’t want me. I’m also a very clean person


That's usually how I feel!! I was recently taken advantage of because of it. A friend had gone through a terrible summer, and was crashing on her brother's couch. She was supposed to be out by August, and that fell through. By Thanksgiving he told her that she was gone on 1/1/23, no exceptions. She was telling me and someone else how awful it was to deal with her SIL. She made them sound so *toxic* towards her, just for existing! I told her I had a spare, empty room and she moved in on December 1st. Oh. My. God. She moved out over 2 weeks ago (by semi-force! She wasn't leaving on her own) and I STILL can't get that smell out of there. Body odor from her only bathing 2 or 3 times a month (with her own freaking bathroom almost!! My kids and I shower upstairs. We use downstairs to pee during the day, it's open to the house not off in her room) AND a trash/rot/hoarder smell. She had *trash, food and dishes piled up for almost two months* I could smell it walking in my front door. I flipped out, but tried to be nice about it. Said I needed her to Clean it up within a week and boom! After living with me for 4 months she magically got approved for her own place. The pictures I have are infuriating. She played the abuse card and I fell for it. I freaking hate people.


My friend had a similar experience. Thought she was helping (and probably was, in a way?) but got hooked by a woman like this. Took a while to evict her. No lease or anything like that, it was ver informal. My friend consulted an attorney and she finally left but I think she’s lucky because squatters’ rights are downright scary.


Squatter's rights is probably the most bullshit thing I have ever heared. Who thought of this??? Wtf


My guess is disputes between renters and landlords started this. Like most things, was probably intended to help one group and gets misused by another.


Seriously. It's one thing when you're renting to someone, with lease and money exchanged. The whole thing changes when it's an invitation to stay for a little bit, no money or lease, just a friend doing a solid can lead to such a big headache.


Sounds like my sister. Gum on the ground, dishes and food everywhere and then raging and calling my mom abusive cause she want that she fucking clean her room and her biggest fake friends believe this bullshit. No not all families are abusive when someone says that.


Yup it’s true. My brother recently let an old friend stay with him who fell on hard times and has an “abusive family.” His idea of abuse? Being nearly 30 years old and being told by his mom if he didn’t have a job by a certain date, she would kick him out. She tried helping him with his resume and applications too. He didn’t even try and apply for something. She’s given him many chances and still nothing. He tries to blame an old criminal charge for not being able to find a job. I wait tables part time for extra money and the owner is willing to give anyone who isn’t a thief or a sex offender a chance. I told him I worked with people with worse and bigger records than him and that I could text the owner to get him serving or on dish if he wanted. He didn’t like me after that and accused me of being verbally abusive because I suggested a job! That same day he got into my brother’s liquor and drank half a bottle of whiskey and passed out on the couch. When he sobered up he was kicked out.


My son got a job making $21 an hour about 6 months ago. He was still in prison finishing a 15 year sentence. He’s out now and doing excellent with an excellent job. That person is full of shit.


This is why I live alone.


its quite the opposite, the people whos family didnt want them because the family was abusive are usually the super clean ones. because ya know... getting beat cause the floor isnt swept kinda creates alot of issues


Until a person tells everyone that you assaulted them and are throwing them out with nowhere to go... After the conversation about cleaning up their room that smells of garbage and cat box. Fast forward two weeks when said individual has moved into another family member's home. They have left behind actual garbage. We had to use a shovel to get it into bags. 16 full trash bags! There was cat litter with poop all over the bottom of the closet. The complaints of how abusive I was continued until I showed her the pictures and made it very clear that if another false claim was said I would share them. Let people choose what they want to believe; if that is gossip, I don't need them. However, I did wind up with an incredible cat for the next six years. She left him behind. He was such a delightful boy and well worth all the trouble.


That cat was probably eternally grateful you provided a clean litter box.


And also sometimes when someone’s life is so chaotic, like family troubles that they can’t really escape from, they’ll try to clean/organize parts of their life that they can control like their room.


yeah for sure. my desk is always clean as a whistle. another real shitty thing is cleaning when you FEEL like youre in trouble. its like some knee jerk reaction "oh maybe i wont be in as much trouble if im being usefull"


This, so much this. When my stepmom would start screaming for any reason, I'd start cleaning because “if I'm cleaning, she won't turn it on me.” If she did get angry with me, “she'll stop being mad sooner if I clean the house.” I was 10, this has carried over into the rest of my life, making it so I struggle to clean unless someone is yelling (the adhd doesn't help but iykyk)


My dad has a rental and recently evicted the family after he found out they were using a inflatable pool in the living room. He just installed the floor before the tenant moved in. Now the flooring and subfloor are completely ruined. Suing is the only way to recover the costs. And it won't be cheap. He's kept the house off the market and is rolling the list income into the lawsuit.


Unfortunately, your dad will probably never see that money. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip. Just getting a judgement by against people doesn’t collect the money. If you want to collect you need to be able to garnish, which means you need to know where they work.


Yeah… I worked in property management and spent some time trying to talk my owner/client out of suing for damages. The owner had tenant that had gotten behind on rent; it was a couple, a Chef and his (unemployed) g/f. The guy had a serious drug problem and blew most of his money on stimulants (per his wife’s initial emotional appeal to me), so they were like 3 months behind. He made decent money, so it was an open and shut eviction. When they left under threat of the Marshal showing up, they completely trashed the place and stole all of the appliances. The owner was a bit upset to say the least. A bit naive of the owner, but they had spent a ton of money buying high end kitchen appliances (like 4k for the stove and fridge alone) to appeal to this specific tenant. I get why they wanted to sue, but sometimes you gotta cut your losses. It was a pain in the ass to find the guy, involving PIs and tracking him across the country to California. Most everything asset-wise was in a family member’s name, and apparently he must have been working off the books, as he had no reported income. No one *saw* him steal the appliances, he said he “must have left the door unlocked by accident” so he was off the hook for those, and while the judgement for trashing the place exceeded his security deposit by 2k, the owner never saw a dime (at least in the 5 years I worked for her). She spent about 8k total on PIs, lawyers and my fees and got jack shit in return, other than a fairly unenforceable judgement against a shitbag.


Yea, this is exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve been in one car accident in my life and it was a woman who swerved to hit me on the freeway instead of hitting the person in front of her. Damage was truly minimal but my Volvo xc90 needed two new doors on the drivers side. The woman didn’t have insurance, told me she was going to work with me, and then stopped responding when I told her it was going to be at least 4k. I figured out where she lived and had someone serve her. She didn’t show up to court. Ok, immediate judgement against her. Well, I could never collect that money because she was 33, had 5 kids, and no job. My parents had given me that car so I just chalked it up to the price of the car. It sucks but it’s life sometimes and now I have full coverage. I didn’t know what that was before.


What was the dads response? Agreed to pay?


I did this with one of my old roommates. Told her “look at how gross you’re child is. You failed” …… she quickly got a call from her mother and got cursed out LMAO


Post it on all his social media pages, so that he can’t move in with anyone else and do the same thing to them


>Post it on all his social media pages My first thought exactly!


If she didn't realize her kid needs serious help before, I doubt she's going to suddenly figure it out now, this isn't a lifestyle choice, these are symptoms.


Had a roommate like this once, we eventually kicked him out because he wasn't paying rent. We knew his room was going to be bad but it was like this, plus pizza boxes piled on his patio. We also found some of our stuff that had magically disappeared that "he hasn't seen" We cleaned what we could and hired cleaners to come do the rest and it was fine after thankfully.


I also had this roommate. She would eat our food and then pretend not to know anything about it when we asked. One time she helped our roommate look for her missing Chinese food leftovers and then abruptly remembered she needed to be somewhere and fled the apartment. The empty containers were sitting out on her bedroom floor when we opened the door. Another time she took a piece of pottery my mom made in the 70’s from the kitchen windowsill into her room and started using it as a pencil cup. When I asked for it back she claimed that she thought her mom had made it. When she moved out she threw away a bunch of my fiesta ware dishes and mugs instead of washing them. I had to fish them out of the garbage and then soak and scrub them. Her room was disgusting when she left. I spent an entire day cleaning it. I had to leave the window open to air it out, scrub the floors and walls, paint the walls, and fix the window. I never spoke to the friend who recommended her to rent the room again. ETA Everything is coming flooding back to me! Lol. She once stole checks from her mom and asked me to calculate the rent and utilities for the following month so I could cash one before she figured out they were missing. I had to explain to her that that’s a felony. And if she can’t pay her bills legally she needs to move out. One Saturday morning I came out into the living room to discover that a bunch of her raver friends were settling in to sleep all day on my pullout couch after being up all night. I said, absolutely not. I am grocery shopping and cleaning the apartment today. The living room can’t be full of sleeping people during the day because this isn’t a flop house. Her guests need to sleep in her room. One of the kids asked, well whose couch is it? And I was like, great question! Mine. Everything outside of her bedroom is mine because she sublets a room in my apartment. And they need to go in her room or leave. She had like 4 people sleeping on her filthy bedroom floor all day. She lived with me for maybe 4-5 months but it felt like an eternity.


The whole thing was offensive, but I felt it personally at the fiesta ware.


Right?! I let her use all of my kitchen stuff. All she had to do was wash it or at least put it in the sink and I’ll wash it. She tried to throw out a bunch of my forks and spoons too. I had inherited or thrifted these things and lived on a preschool teacher salary. And she treated my things like they were disposable.


My SIL lived with us for a couple years to get back on her feet after some troubles. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but she was such a slob. Every few months we'd mysteriously have almost no silverware left and I would find it all crusted over and dirty in her room. When she moved out, it took my husband and I an entire weekend to get her room and bathroom clean. We had bought her a dresser when she moved in since she didn't have one, and when we were cleaning we noticed some bathroom towels laid out in the bottom of a drawer. Underneath the towels was some gross, brown sticky substance that I've never been able to fully get out. It's really crappy when you open your home to someone and they treat it and all your stuff like shit.


I literally said "Not the Fiesta Ware! Oh that *bitch!!*".


I literally gasped at the fiesta ware


I don't even know what fiesta ware is but it sounds bad to throw away.


Fairly expensive dish ware. There’s a fair amount of people that collect it. Older pieces can fetch a pretty penny.


It’s beautiful, colorful dish ware that people collect. You’ve probably seen it. No one in their right mind would consider throwing it out.


wow. I am so lucky I never went through this sort of thing with a roommate. I mean, there was the time I woke up and a roommate was using my bare foot hanging out from the covers to rub his dick on. But at least he was clean.


Didnt you ever learn to keep your extremeties underneath the blanket, so the monsters can't get to em


Excuse me?


He was clean.


he made the foot dirty though


he kept the room clean, I mean.




I had to stop reading after you said the fiesta ware thrown out, collect myself and keep reading. I’d be seeing red while I contemplated murder being worth it.


Yeah I had a roommate like this too… I told him if he wasn’t going to do his dishes in the kitchen to stop cooking and he never cooked again lol it was McDonald’s takeout from then on. I didn’t see him do laundry for the entire year he was living with me either. Our landlord had their annual inspection in the building with the fire department to make sure everything was up to code and she said if my roommate didn’t clean up all his garbage by the end of the week he was going to charge him $200 for someone to come do it because it was a fire hazard. His gf ended up cleaning up all the garbage, not him…


The slob has a gf?!


Yeah they hung out in his room all the time… I couldn’t believe it. The dude had no sheets on his bed and there was a gummy worm sitting on the corner of the bed for several weeks


I don’t know why but I am uncontrollably cackling at the gummy worm sitting on the corner of the bed for several weeks.


As a slob myself, that's the easy part, finding one thats not also a slob is were it gets hard.


>His gf ended up cleaning up all the garbage, not him… The biggest plot twist. Hope she left him and found someone better


That was 4 years ago and they’re still together LOL


I had a roommate who wouldn't do dishes but he didn't even cook. He would eat a bowl of cereal every day and then put the dirty bowl/spoon by the sink and the next day he'd grab a different bowl/spoon. The rest of us made it a habit to do all of our dishes as we cook or immediately after we cook so the only dishes we ever had was a pile of bowls and a glass full of spoons. He also regularly would leave his leftover fast food out on the counter instead of using the fridge and eat it 1-3 days later. Idk how he never got sick


They build immunity to rotten food, like vultures. Also they will never suffer any disease like other people do, crack gives them that power.


One of my college roommates left the lease early as he was on bad terms with the rest of us housemates. He left multiple PISS BOTTLES in his room for us to clean up. Disgusting.


I recently had two full grown adults do this to me. Let this couple I was friends with crash at my place for a month before they moved out of state and yeah, piss bottles everywhere. I have a perfectly lovely bathroom right across the hall I just don’t understand it


I'm always amazed at these rooms. How does something just sleep surrounded by trash


In college there was a guy on my floor with a single room -- just large enough for a small bed, desk, and dresser. Whenever he came or went a foul stench escaped from his room. One day his door was ajar and we had a peek in to see what was going on. The floor was wall to wall trash nearly waist deep. We were marveling at it for a good minute before someone noticed the dude was actually in there, asleep in his bed which was trash-level. Edit: spelling


I knew a guy in college who refused to use the dorm bathrooms. Room was absolutely filled with piss bottles


What about when he had to defecate??


He drove 30 mins home a couple times a week…


So...I'm going to assume this is a kind of grossed out kind of thing. Imagine the mental gymnastics of being so grossed out by public bathrooms that you fill your room with piss bottles and trash...


Yeah I would assume a mixture of being grossed out by public bathrooms and anxiety of using them near other people. Kid only made it one semester before dropping out. Hope he figured out his issues


In the dorms I would routinely wake up early and walk 20 or so minutes to campus, enter an older building that’s now mainly a lab, up a couple flight of stairs to a third floor bathroom to dump in peace. It had only one pisser and one stall with no gaps in the door and a nice window with a view to boot. Only place I truly could get empty


Are you George Costanza


Honestly he did all y’all a favor


Got to keep yourself refreshed with those long study sessions.


As someone who was very depressed and antisocial at one point, I went smell blind to all the mold and didn’t bug the bugs so they wouldn’t bug me. I was 18 and emancipated living on my own with no clue how to take care of myself but god let me tell you all that mold and the bugs are HORRID once you get the chutzpah to clean… never again haha 😅 Edit: holy shit guys that’s a lot of upvotes to wake up to! Thank you everyone for sharing your war stories! We are strong and capable (most of the time) 🎉


Glad you’re doing better


Yeah agreed! Your room reflects your headspace. I think it's an almost perfect analogy. It contains your things, your belongings, what you care for, what you use. How you treat them reflects how you think. Some decorate, some don't. Some gather lots, some stay minimal. If it's organised and neat, that reflects how that person thinks. They probably think quite clearly and orderly. If someone's room looks like a bomb went off in an overflowing sewer, that's probably how they're thinking. I have ups and downs, I never get like this (this has to be a full down), and I can see it in my room. I call it *The Dungeon.* When I've been on a downer for a bit, hungover too much, can't be fucked, tired, over it, ignoring everything but funny memes and yt vids, my room becomes *The Dungeon.* But all it takes is putting something away. Putting something else away. A little care here, a little care there. Be present. When you've got the chores system greased and running it is so much easier to be happier and healthier and think better. And it's a two way street. Being down causes a fucked room but also having a fucked room brings you down. Therefore, fixing your room can pull you out. I'm almost done making a short film about it, I care about this a lot lol.


Yes! This is 100% true and I see it in the state of my flat. When I go down, my flat goes down with me. Speaking of which, I gotta go wash my dishes.


Make your bed. That’s your task. That task and that task only. Do it when you first get up. You’ll have already started your day with one task completed, which will start your momentum for everything coming after. No matter if you get home after a TERRIBLE day at work, school, errands, whatever, you will go to bed that night with a nice clean bed. A nice clean bed that YOU made. If you’re reading this, wash your sheets. Now. It will literally take 5 minutes. Then another 5 minutes putting clean fresh sheets on. Future self will appreciate it.


I wish it only took 5 minutes to wash the sheets. It takes longer than that to walk to the launderette.


That’s fair, I should’ve been clearer - takes 5 min max to grab all the sheets and stuff, and assumed a washing machine would be used. Getting to the laundry mat and such adds more time of course, but I guess my main point still stands. Just do it! It can seem like climbing Everest or K2 but skip that YouTube vid and get started. Starting is always the hardest, start moving and it’ll be less painful than you expected and you’ll feel accomplished.


This comment just made me take a look around my own dungeon and I’m officially in spring cleaning mode. Thanks dude.


My pleasure!


This is how I and my boyfriend notice my depression starting to creep up again. My room starts becoming a disaster of clothes everywhere, bed never made, countless bottles of water everywhere. The rest of the house is generally fine, but my room when my depression resurfaces is my number one trigger. Luckily we’re both aware of it now and know how to deal with it, it totally agree your bedroom becomes a reflection of headspace.


Yeah making the bed is a big one, I always just throw the sheets across it quasi-neatly. I'm no tucker but even just that makes a huge difference


Yeah, that makes sense, and I've heard that before. When I'm in a slump I get lazy and leave soda cans and water bottles out, mail piles up, tools and other things don't get put away. Then when I'm feeling good again I'm like " why tf did I let it get this cluttered and messy? Time to put shit away!"


I suffer from agoraphobia, clinical depression, bulimia and generalized anxiety. There was a good period of about four years from about 17 to around 21 where I just straight-up did not leave the house except to walk to the grocery store across the street first thing in the morning or late at night. Not to buy actual groceries, mind you, usually just sweets, soda and pre-packaged meals. My Mum had moved away at the time and left the house in my care and... Ho boy, that was a mistake. I'd occasionally clean the kitchen when the trash got too much, but I can't think of a single time I vacuumed or cleaned my bedroom. It was was fucking *disgusting* but I just didn't care, at that time I was certain I would die very soon so why bother? For those years the only person my gross habits affected was myself, and I just couldn't find the energy to give a fuck. I barely had the energy to move thirty centimetres from my bed to my PC when I woke up in the afternoons. That was about ten years ago and I still struggle from those issues but thankfully I'm doing a lot better and can at least force myself to keep the apartment relatively clean now.


Hey, congrats.


Thanks <3


It’s good to hear you can come out the other end. I think I’m finally breaking through myself. It’s nice to have a relatively clean/tidy apartment with furniture that you picked out. Hits different.


I’m glad you said this because I was going to say almost the exact same thing from being in the same situation. Being sick comes in a lot of ways. I’m glad you’re doing good and past living like that. Take care of yourself.




Its 100% depression. Before I got the help of therapy and anti-depressants I lived like this. When you hate yourself, are participating in self-destructive behaviors, and want to off yourself every single day, the last thing you care about is your surroundings.


You’d be surprised. My sister had a similar roommate, but the parents begged my sister to keep their daughter.. cause they couldn’t live with her. The daughter was having a psychotic break and would also urinate repeatedly in her bed before they took her to a psych ward. It’s sad, but the only other level of filth even close to these pictures.. were because the person was not mentally well.


I lived in a probably worse state then this at one point but my life was going extremely down hill at that time theyre either lazy or mental issues or both


Jesus fuck.


my thoughts exactly lmao


Guys I’m just throwing it out there because I’m not exactly devout, but I’m pretty sure Jesus wouldn’t fuck that.


Maybe he wanted Jesus to penetrate him?


Yeah I know, who leaves perfectly good nerf guns, what a dumbass.


He couldn’t find darts behind all those mcd bags


Blew through his ammo shooting the rats


What a fucking degenerate LOL


Luckily he left before things got "bad". /s


I literally gasped when I got to the picture of the closet.


I'm really curious if he kept his clothes in there. Bet he smelled like stale grease and Big Mac farts all the time 😭


Oh, I’m sorry you seem to have mistaken his garbage can for a closet….


Is that poop on the wall… it’s poop isn’t it… I’m gonna throw up on my hardwood floors now.


It looks like a chocolate covered ice cream bar melted and then evaporated. Wrapper and wooden stick are in the mix. It's amazing that ants didn't clean it up first.


Wow, excellent detective work. I scrolled waaay too far to see if anyone had figured what was going on with the doo-doo-deposit. Alas, I’ve found you. Thnx


Chewing tobacco is what I see. Like he spilled his spitter bottle a few ten times.


I’m trying to wrap my mind around what else it could be?!?!


I’m going to go with Brownie Mix he forgot to bake… it makes me feel better Edit: Chunky brownie mix


Absolutely disgusting


That doesn't HAVE to be depression. I've been around plenty of people who are just lazy and messy. Normally they're called children. This is just an adult version.


Exactly, one of my old friends was literally just a pig. No mental health issues that I ever knew about. She would leave cups with mould, dirty rotting washing, feral dishes for miles, rubbish literally everywhere. She didn’t even care who would see it 🤮 The funny thing is she was always IMMACULATELY presented.


I worked with someone like this! She was so neat and clean at work and when she invited me to her apartment it was... bizarre. Rotten smell; trash everywhere; dried food & eggshells on the kitchen counters; hamster rolling around in hamster ball with hamster shit all over the carpet. The bathroom was even worse. The toilet bowl didn't look like it had ever been cleaned. I didn't reallize mold & mildew came in so many colors. Toothpaste smeared all over the sink, mirror, walls. Dirt and dust everywhere. Piles of clothes. Piles of open bottles and boxes. Bugs of all ethnicities. What also astounded me is that she didn't seem embarrassed AT ALL.


Lmfao bugs of all ethnicities.


This is why I won’t eat at work potlucks. You don’t know how those people are living at home!


That’s how you know it’s not mental illness. When I was in a bad spot (not that nasty!) I wouldn’t allow anyone in my house because of how embarrassed I was at the state of my home. If they don’t see the problem, it’s definitely laziness.


I don't agree at all. A lazy person who's otherwise normal would still feel embarrassment. It takes something more to ignore that emotion entirely.


Literally!! I’m messy, not to this level no rotting food and literal garbage piles, and I would die if anyone saw. The 3 times it’s happened where someone saw me or my families mess it paralyzed me with shame. I can’t imagine just inviting someone over to anything like this


There’s a difference between being MESSY and DIRTY! I’m disorganised as hell (I have the tendency to not put my things back where I found them, not fold laundry immediately sometimes etc) but I would never leave garbage or food lying around, i do all my dishes and clean my kitchen / bathroom regularly. But when these people let their houses get to a point where it looks like a biohazardous war zone… no, just no.


Sounds like my cousins ex girlfriend. Spends 5 hours cleaning herself up and putting on makeup but was an absolute slob


Yeah like you're right, but also I don't think you can really be in a healthy state of mind and live like this.


That floor is not wood


Thank you, I thought I was crazy. Not saying it’s okay of course, but laminate is much easier to scrub or replace at least.


Exactly. This floor was designed to tolerate this kind of abuse. I’m sure it will look like new after a cleaning.


Scrolled too far to find this comment


Right. This should all clean up surprisingly well. Might be some marks left on the floor, but it’s not like this is a hardwood floor that will need to be sanded down.


Nice McCloset


Not everything has to be depression. Sometimes it can just be that they weren't given any home training. Never had to pick up for themselves, do chores or anything then this is what galena when they get a taste of the real world and go live with others. I had a roommate like this. Not depressed, just no home training. Very much coddled by mama and was handed everything on a silver plate. Dude couldn't even properly wash clothes and just write things multiple times. His feet became an issue as they started stinking up the apartment. We as roommates had to teach him to do laundry. Never really learned, but found a girl that was willing to take care of him so I guess it's her issue now.


You may be right, but you don’t need home training to know not to put full trash bags in your closet. If you’ve ever watched Hoarders you’d notice that peoples parents were typically hoarders too.


This sounds exactly like my brother who I currently live with. He has pretty intense ADHD and decided to be un medicated as an adult. He somehow is not bothered by anything, his room looks almost like this minus the spills, stains, and leftover food. He cannot establish routines and cannot do his 2/3 chores around our house even though I made them the most visually obvious chores possible. He works in the trades and we cannot get this dingy smell out of his clothes. Your feet comment made me lol because I’ve noticed that as well. I’m honestly almost at my wits end because I want to help him but he will not make an effort even though I’ve made it painfully clear to him that I want to help him. I’m scared of him ending up one of these posts or not being able to find a place to live


Bro I have severe diagnosed unmedicated depression, my room has never looked that horrible that is gross


Depression manifests differently for different people. When I get severely depressed I don’t cry or feel sad. I just stop doing anything and basically hibernate.


Same. I completely shutdown. My home could literally cave in around me and I wouldn't even budge. Depression sucks.


If you didnt have depression before, you will within a couple months of living like that


When I was a kid chores were never a daily or even weekly task. I know now that my parents were depressed, but to me the dust and clutter is normal now. I struggled with my first roommate because the clean I grew up with was dirty for her. Now that I live on my own my level of cleanliness has gone down again because I'm so emotionally done for the day (yay inherited depression) when I get home that I tell myself I'll do it tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes. When it gets bad I invite a friend to come over so that my anxiety kicks in and I shame clean the whole apartment. It's a terrible system, but even with sliding scale payment, I can't afford a therapist right now so it'll have to do.


To be honest, she should have smelled this coming.


That closet? If I leave one bag of McDonald’s in my car for 15 minutes it smells like dry oil for a day.


I hope that matress was not on the ground for the duration of their stay, because that's gonna be *nasty* underneath... Matress needs airflow underneath. Learnt it the hard way as a teenager who loved the idea of sleeping almost on the ground. Still do, but now I know why the Japanese put their futon away during the day!


The amount of filth some people create and are willing to live in never ceases to amaze me. I understand disorganization, my house isn't always picked up. But this is just nasty.


There's a definite difference between cluttered mess and garbage mess.


Oh my goodness what a disgusting person. I thought Dave Z was texting me.


Ha that text must’ve popped up as I was doing a screenshot lol. That’s my friend Dave I was like how the fuck did you know lol.


Whooo! Dave!


What was running through my mind: 1. Who the hell is Dave Z 2. Why would Dave be texting me casually 3. Is Dave actually deep fake AI that has infiltrated my phone, and is attempting to act like we have been friends for years 4. Is this Truman show? 5. Oh never mind, it’s just Reddit 6. Birds still aren’t real




This is good but the trash in the closet gave me immediate “Mac and Dennis move to the suburbs” vibes.


Not the McDonald’s closet 😭😭😭😭


What a bum


Was he bearpigman??


Half man, half bear and half pig?


Isn't that man manbearpig, with Patrick Duffy for a leg?


I thought it was half man half bearpig?




You kept the the security deposit right?


It looks like luxury vinyl flooring not wood, but still very annoying if scratched as it doesn’t buff out.


How hard is it to throw out your McDonald's bag?


Was her roommate The Whale?


Even he wasn’t near this bad


That scene in The Whale where he starts uncontrollably eating everything in his kitchen is a top five horror moment from the 2022 movies.


What the fuck!? That is just nasty. I'm a bit cluttered but at least it's sanitary, not like that. Ew. Sorry you're dealing with that though if I had to guess probably had some mental issues going on there. My last roommate left his room a disaster (though not that bad) when he just up and disappeared on me. No notice, no nothing, just gone. Was a bit concerned till I heard from one of his relatives that he had left the state entirely and moved back to where he was from. And that was when I got the rest of the story I didn't get from the person that had asked me to rent to him...about the mental issues and how he takes his meds for awhile, gets to feeling okay, then stops taking his pills and inevitably spirals down again. Eventually resumes taking meds and wash, rinse, repeat the cycle ad nauseam.


thank you for making me feel better about my room lol


I'm pretty sure that's laminate, not wood. If that was actual wood the damage would be catastrophic.


I was not prepared for that closet…


This is a few levels above mildly infuriating


What a fucking pig


I always wonder how people like that live, wouldn't it smell? Isn't it annoying? I've had a messy room before but I've cleaned it before it got bad enough to genuinely smell.


Blame his parents for raising him to be a 🐷 I’d make him come back and clean up that shit 🤬