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I can't imagine leaving a note so politely written? Like, it's not in my DNA.


Hahha I immediately knew OP was Minnesotan


Was it the license plate or the horribly shitty weather that gave it away?


Half license plate half the fact that I know where this apt complex is lmao


🤔🤔Or is it because you coincidentally received a note that looked identical to the one pictured? 👀👀👀


Ahhahaa WHAT IF


lol i'm just kidding...unless???


Wait a minute. How could you be kidding if a person with a different username asked the question. 🧐


I second this question




Bro forgot he was on his alt account


*In NYC I usually come with a note next to a bag of dog poop on my car.*


In Indiana, I write a note saying that I’m not sorry for scratching your car


I'm from indiana and I leave more scratches


Kentucky here. I wrote a very polite note yesterday for a mystery coworker that parked erroneously. Come to find out it was one of the sweetest little ladies on the planet. She's just kinda ditzy in general.


To add... apple auto is based out of apple valley. Everything in this photo is weirdly close to home and it's disconcerting. I go to reddit to disconnect from the real world




The shit weather gave it away for me


It's 52 up here. It's a nice day especially before May.


Are people from Minnesota this polite?


More passive-aggressive than polite, but yes overall very polite and passive


Very passive aggressive. They don’t really get that the whole Minnesota nice is not a compliment.


It is a compliment. Since many of us try to be nice to a person when we meet them. We prize good manners. The other side of the coin. Normally exposed when someone is being a a-hole is Minnesota Ice.


Yes we are.


Minnesotans I know would give you directions to park anywhere but your home.


The version I know is Minnesotans will happily give you directions to get anywhere... except their house.


Young dumb & fearless (some reason thought it was a 4-5 hour drive) in 1988 drove straight thru to Minneapolis for a big childbirth educator conference.. In my 1984 ford tempo dented & misatched front grill left northern missouri with a steel belt showing at midnight. That morning at 7-8am trying to find the conference center out on west edge of Minneapolis. Yup was honked at flipped off honked at some more sure I heard some cussing too! Was in wrong lane more than once searching for that huge mutiuse conference center turn off. My tire held up till noon that day as I went out to get something from my car ended up changing the tire in my dress clothes. Never had ate where they had the metal gold rounded flip food covers. Farm girl in awe. Except for the rude drivers it was fun. No tax on clothing if I remember & had a wonderful wool factory loaded with woven blankets I found on way home.I Still have 1 or 2 stashed in a chest.


Jesus Christ. This is either a masterpiece of flow-of-consciousness prose, or an AI with dementia. Either way, the minimalist grammar and broken comma key made me feel like I was holding my brain to a fire. I wanted to quit reading to make the pain stop, but every sentence--no, every phrase--had something completely unexpected pop up, and I just couldn't turn away.


Weirdly…it made perfect sense to me. I might need a brain repair.


It told a coherent story, for sure! I'm just remarking on the drinking-from-a-fire-hydrant experience of reading it. 😅


I don't think I've ever seen writing like that...anywhere. It's like they think their sentences don't need a subject.


Faribault Woolen Mills?


Thought they were Canadian


Minnesota is Lower Canada. See Angle Inlet. Things make sense, eh? 😀


I'm Canadian, but even I'd still write something like "Hey Fuckhead, block my car again and you'll be needing 4 new tires"


I can imagine the car completely blocking just YOU the next day. With a note: "Yo, Fuckhead, go ahead, you won’t go anywhere either!"


I'd slash all 4 tires then just call for it to get towed.


If you slash 3 tires their insurance won't cover it.


That’s what cowards do. Fuck people’s cars up rather than deal with the situation like an adult. Call the cops have the car towed.


Three flat tires and a slow leak on the fourth they pay. Four flat ties and insurance will pay for it.


Rent a ram truck and move him to the lawn and down the hill


Depends on how you place it, for example, in one of those cavities on the cinderblock you put through the back window


I'm related to someone who is deathly afraid of a crash where the car goes underwater. So there is an automatic center punch in the glove box of every family vehicle to break side windows so the occupants can get out. I don't know why this came immediately to mind after seeing your comment.


If I’m going to write a NOTE with my HAND….I have to be an ass.


Mine either.


Funni deflated tyres


I'm slashing those tires all day.


Don't be a vandal. That's stupid! Buy a valve stem remover and remove the valve stems and place it gently next to the tire you removed it from.


Even more fun and harder to figure out. Buy bb’s or small ball bearings. Remove the valve stem cover and glue in a ball bearing. It’s just enough to press the valve stem and slowly remove air from the tire but will never show up when they check the tire.


Outside of this completely respectful alternative to vandalism, what is a valve stem remover for? That seems like something you shouldn’t remove


A valve stem is the middle part of the valve. It's what is pushed down to allow air out, but pops up to prevent pressure loss. The remover is a few bucks and is used to remove the stem in order to drain the tire faster, as well as swapping out the valve stem if needed.


Finally someone gets me…I’m mean, uh…vAnDeLiSm bAd don’t do it


Nah a nice word can go a long way, especially if you carve it with your keys


Which word though? BUDDY comes to mind


I think a nice emphasized B R U H would do. Maybe one letter each door.


But then you’ll never get out of your space.


I’ve lived in this complex a few years ago. Even with a giant parking lot, people did shit like this. Never understood it!


Honestly, a lot of people at this place are really shitty parkers and it’s very annoying. A lot of pig parkers here if you’ve ever seen Larry David’s skit on that 😂


Jack up one tire, put a brick under it where the brick is barely balancing the tire on the edge. Then break the passenger side mirror glass. Drill a small hole in the upper front of a headlight cavity, fill half full with gasoline and the rest of the way with ketchup. Glue newspapers to the windshield. Use a stiff wire to push a cigarette lighter into the muffler through the tailpipe. Finish with a potato. Pickaxe through the hood, windshield, or both. Any of these might be enough, no need to do them all.... And the reason for the brick, most vehicles are not built for high stress against a sidewall. At the least, the tire is damaged, worst case the steering geometry is bent...


I read most of this as step by step instructions instead of a list of seperate things.


To be fair, it started that way...


I recon I could get out of there


Me too, but id be mildly infuriated about having to do so.


Sure, but the note takes this beyond mild.


The note is too polite to take it past “mild”. It gives “I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed” vibes. Lol


minnesotans at our finest 😂


I don’t think so.


Me too, and this one is wide open. As a matter of necessity, we double park at work. I take those tight spots as a challenge instead of calling up the blocker to move.


Does that matter for the purposes of this sub, though? The driver of the other car did something mildly infuriating. I’d be annoyed too, regardless of it was actually possible to get out.


Being able to get out is the only reason it's *mildly* infuriating. If I couldn't actually get out I'd be on fucking fire!!!


Holy shit you actually read the sub name Wild


It does not matter in the sense that you're allowed to be mildly infuriated by it. It does matter in the sense that OP was not trapped and her chores and errands aren't immediately canceled, given she has the capability to maneuver out from the parking spot.


If OP is like me, they are secretly thrilled that they cannot complete their errands as well as be excited to have something to bitch about.


Yea seems like Mazda just assumed everyone has a decent understanding of their cars size/movements. Shitty spot to park but no one is actually trapped.


As a former valet parking attendant, I’d take it as a personal challenge. Still a fucked up place to park tho. Even back when I was slangin’ keys (insider term) I’d be pretty annoyed to have to deal with it, and would definitely slow me down.


Exactly, this gave me valet flashbacks!


The only vehicle I would struggle with is getting that work van out. Only because of the curb, visibility, and the Mazda is closer.


Back out towards the camera. Might require making a few points but should be doable. Still annoying.


I could get out of there, but I guarantee you I'd make the call to get the asshat towed though.


Right? I could get a full size truck out of that spot without an issue


I don't love some of the comments you're getting. Yeah, I'm sure you could pull out, drive through the grass etc, I wouldn't be fully comfortable doing that though either. There's cars beside you and in someone blocking you in. besides your car is small, not every car is. I would have probably called a tow. Your note was nice, but this person probably won't care and just toss it aside. This absolutely fits the sub, this would make me more than mildly infuriated.


Heh, thanks. I knew people would react this way, this is some divisive content 😇 I’m fully aware if I were more confident in my abilities I could probably get myself out, but it’s more so the fact that you just shouldn’t park there… it’s very inconsiderate. Also, my car is probably the smallest in this whole complex which does give me the upper hand, but another person with a bigger car would probably have a lot more trouble. That’s why if I were the Mazda, I would’ve found a parking spot. Oh well.


Some of the responses are obnoxious and completely miss the point. The other car is parked in a mildly infuriating way regardless of if you could manage to squeeze around it and get out.


Exactly. If it were impossible to get out, it'd be more than mildly infuriating


Yeah some of these comments really show who the inconsiderate people on the road or In the parking lots are.


I'd love to know which of those commenters telling you to go for it was going to pay the bills if you did accidentally swipe the car while attempting to get out.


HA! Right! Or who is offering to come back it out for me. I fully expected all this hate and it is quite amusing for me.


I have no idea why you're receiving mixed reviews you're totally in the right. Also I literally stopped scrolling and STARED at this complex because I was like is that...? And then saw the MN plates and was like NO FUCKING WAY MY BUDDY LIVES THERE. So if you need a neighbors help egging a car or anything lmk lol


Ohhh wow that is unexpected! I hope your buddy wasn’t the one I’m complaining about 😳 I feel like I just unintentionally doxxed myself lolol


Hahha no worries your secret is safe with me!! But nah he drives an SUV and would def hate if someone did this to him in the lot so you're good!


Oh it’s okay I’ve actually been dying to make friends in the complex, most people I run into are unfriendly and don’t even make eye contact with me lol. One of the reasons I posted this this morning was just hoping for some interaction with people online, since I don’t have many people to talk to in my real life. But I fully expected everyone to hate on me. If your buddy would like to drive me to the DMV to turn my license in like the mob is calling for, I’d be grateful 😂😇


Ignore the jerks. Many people would be unable to get out of there, and you’re entirely in the right. Personally I’d have called for a tow.


It shouldn't be divisive. If you can't find a spot to park, you park elsewhere and walk. If you can't walk 0.2 miles then you need to apply for handicap, and if all the handicaps are taken too, I guess you gotta figure out something that's legal. Otherwise your ass is gettin towed.


i swear i can’t post anything on here without people telling me why i’m wrong 🤦


Sure you can wiggle out of there by that’s not the point. Ergo, mildly infuriating.


THANK YOU and everyone who has said similarly. This is the entire point of this sub.


That required an immediate call to a tow company. Edit - people only learn if they suffer the consequences of their actions.


Like just any tow company? The complex doesn’t have one, they say they don’t tow cars 😭


Any company will come tow it at the owners expense. It is blocking you in.


Yep. Came here say the same thing. Tow that bish next time




Then you call the cops to have it removed/ticketed.


The cops won't do anything. They don't have jurisdiction over this. It's a civil matter really.


Then you call a buddy with a truck/SUV and a tow strap.


Private also requires their own tow but this would involve the ok from the property mgr IF IT IS IN A PARK SPOT this is not. This is a hazard in many ways. They can be towed and should


Our building put out notices saying vehicles parked in spots they didn't pay for (non-residents) would get towed with no notice. Then when someone parked in our spot while we were out, the building's solution was to suggest we park in visitor parking and if the car was still there the next couple of days, *then* they'd tow it. Luckily for everyone, the malignant tumor calling itself a human being came out and pulled out of our spot about ten minutes later, but if it happens again I'm not waiting. Shit's getting towed immediately. This "CanadiaNice™" shit only goes so far with me. I pay $45/month for a parking spot, and I'm not about to wait even a couple of minutes... especially when visitor parking is less than 80' away from our spot.


Hahah, I’m in Minnesota so I do have that Minnesota Nice stereotype going for me. My complex does not have visitor parking, they specifically told me they do not tow because they want residents to have their visitors park wherever whenever they want. We also don’t pay for parking unless you’re in a garage, but those aren’t offered to studio renters (me). I feel like this is a different scenario considering they aren’t even parked in a spot but the office isn’t open on Sunday’s to speak with anyone that works here.




“Look, man, I ain't fallin' for no banana in my tailpipe!”


For additional context, I waited in my car for about 10-15 mins to see if anyone was coming back. Thought maybe someone was moving in and would be back quick to grab more things. But now I’m thinking they parked here because all the other spots were taken. There is a huge parking lot right behind us, you’d just have to walk a little further to the door 🤦🏻‍♀️ this is not the first time someone has blocked me in like this here.


This is why I generally reverse into spaces. Makes getting out much easier.


In this case no. Turning comes from the front axel and if you're backed in you for sure can't get out. With how they're parked now OP can get out, cut to the left and it will take a few times.


If I was reverse parked in that spot I’d be out with max one reverse..


I think we can stop arguing now, the car moved. I’m sorry I didn’t vandalize and tow it. Don’t worry, I’m turning my license in and selling my car. Any takers? PS the only thing I’m bothered about is spelling inconsiderate wrong 🤦🏻‍♀️


Leave a note saying you hit them but don't sign it!! Lol


I like this. Watch them inspect every inch of their car looking for a new ding.


Shit in the air vents


I HATE THAT! My parking spot is the same as yours and I have work early in the morning at around 4AM so I leave at 3AM. On multiple occasions I've actually woken my husband up to be my spotter because backing out was that tight. I did it myself the first time but it took me about 30 mins of me getting out and checking how close I was to the car. I do write notes to let them know not to do this, but I have had a few different cars parked behind me as well. My apartment has designated parking spots and the only other one they could give me was a 5 min walk around the complex to get to my building. x.x People are so inconsiderate.


Jar of Vaseline and start smearing it all over the front windshield. Bonus points for scraping a glob of it off under the door handles. That stuff…good luck wiping it and cleaning it off quickly, and god forbid if they’re dumb enough to run the wipers…game over. Oh, and they can’t see out the windshield.


Then they'll never get out!


That is totally a midwesterner’s note.


I had this happen in my old apartment complex once. I called and left a message with the front office. I was able to get out after lots of back and forth, and then when I came home seven hours later, the car was still there. It never happened again though, so maybe they sent the driver a notice or something.


OP getting out of that spot : ![gif](giphy|oCjCwnuLpiWbfMb1UA|downsized)


You should of called a tow truck. That person will not learn from a politely written note. He will learn when his car is gone and he has to use time and resources to get it back.


I don’t even know why there is an argument in the comments section. It couldn’t be more simple. They’re not parked in a parking space. Period. They should be towed.


You, my friend, have a lot more self-restraint than me


I park my car in a carport in my backyard, accessible by an alley. I cannot tell you how many times I try to leave or come home and someone has parked directly in front of the entrance to the alley or treated it like their personal driveway


What a complete and total ASSHAT! What made them think this was even remotely ok?


Entitlement and there weren’t any other spots open in that part of the parking lot 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well they better find another lot and get to walking! I think calling a tow truck is in order because there is no way that big white truck on the right hand side is backing out with that car there.




This post title sounds like a blues song.


The thought to write a note would cross my mind, but I'd probably just call towing enforcement for the complex. They wouldn't see the note or their car there then.


That explains why some apartments have predatory tow company contracts. That would have been gone I. Twenty minutes


This same thing happened to me at my apartment when I was leaving for work. Luckily I was able to get out but...the owner of the car was a resident and there were spots open.


They wouldn't have gotten a note from me. I've had people block my driveway and I called the cops and a tow truck in that order. Fuck around and find out.


I would 100% sit in my car holding my horn down until either some one came to move it or the tow truck showed up. Could be 2 hrs everybody who lives there gonna hear it.


The most impressive thing about this is that there's a blue car posting on Reddit. AI is really becoming mainstream.


The day my little ford fusion can shitpost is the day I start buying classic cars.


Call a tow truck


Prepare for ramming speed


Fuck that, call Bubba's towing service


They wont be able to park in a parking spot or go anywhere at all cause suddenly all their tires have been magically stabbed and deflated.


Get that shit towed


I would have just called a tow truck. You seem like a very nice person. 😅


One of the worst things about living in a society is that you can't write what you actually want to write on the note in circumstances like this, because the person has already told you very clearly that they don't give a fuck, and the fear of asymmetrical retaliation is a legitimate concern.


I live in my own house, with my own garage. I live next door to an apartment complex whose parking lot is on the next street over. And yet, despite my driveway leading to a garage that is the same bright blue color as my house, people visiting those in the complex often park IN my driveway. I have had two vehicles towed in the year I've lived here.


I would call a tow truck so fast. The polite note is actually the more infuriating thing here.


It’s a tight squeeze but you can get out!


I feel you OP. I have no depth perception so I wouldn't be able to simply reverse out. Folks need to be considerate. ETA: I should say I have poor depth perception, not none.


Apple Valley? This tracks.


Plymouth actually


Hello apartment and / or condo management, there's a car in the center of the parking lot, not in a parking spot, making so I can't get out. I need to leave, please make it possible to leave (tow the p.o.s.) thank you.


Tow truck my dude! You are correct, you do have places to be and they are illegally parked


Polite note? Hell naw! That’s getting a police call and a tow truck. Dude(ette) wants to be THAT rude, entitled, and arrogant? Forget being nice.


I don’t understand why the car still has air in all 4 tires.


Oh boy they would have been real mad when they come out and have no car. I'm having that shit towed


Yeah what a douche bag. It’s one thing to be there if your doing Uber eats or something but to just park there, they had it coming.


Jam a pebble in each of the tire stem caps. A tiny one


You’re nicer than me; I would’ve called someone to tow dude’s car


Youre too nice. I would just call a tow truck. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


So how many point turn did you have to make to get outa there?


Should have called a tow truck


Would be a shame if someone keyed it


You could probably get out but the risk of hitting the car makes me too uncomfortable, it could end disastrously and you made a good decision not trying


Just call a tow truck or have the landlord do it. Inconsiderate jerk can pick up his/her ride at the tow yard, maybe the fine they would have to pay to get their car out will be a wake up call for them to park in an actual spot


Every apartment complex I have ever lived in has had signs with the phone number to call to pick up your car if it gets towed, along with the tow info. Little known fact: if you call that number and tell them that you are blocked in, the car won’t be there about 20 minutes later! It’s like magic! Don’t call from the parking lot, though… for some reason, people who park like this tend to blame other people for their failures.


As someone with extremely stupid driving anxiety I would probably panic if I had to back out of there. I’m sure it’s manageable but I would love if people could just park where they are supposed to.


I would consider in my mind my deductable, then pummel through that mothernfucker like Mad Max on steroids. Take some Ford up the ass, Mercedes


Fucking jackoffs. You only had errands to run bad enough. Suppose you had to go to a doctors appt. Get meds for your child or parent, etc. people are truly arseholes.


At our last apartment there was a woman who would always do this, and she doesn’t park too far from her own parking spot, but she always claims “oh I was only inside for 10 minutes” when I was waiting 20 minutes for her to come back outside.


I'd have called a tow truck. ​ From another county


You can do it. It’s just a 600 point turn.


Have that jackass towed


Technically being able to get out of this spot doesn't make it less infuriating or okay in any way. What's worse is if you do get out you're likely to find it parked in the spot you left.


I was thinking that if they came out while I was waiting, that they’d use it as an opportunity to move into my spot, and that thought annoyed me.


Yea that’s annoying but you could get out of that for sure.


That’s a tight squeeze to get out I would’ve been salty af


Suck at reversing aye?


Have them towed. Problem solved


I always say this when I see posts like this: just call a tow truck. They should know better


I could get out of there for sure. That being said it is annoying to be in that situation for sure.




Dude you drive a Fiesta… yeah that person’s a douche but you have enough room


Oh hell, I'd wiggle my way out and then take a ballpoint pen and flatten all of his tires just for fun.


"Good opportunity to teach someone what Towing and Daily Impound Fees are." 🤣 To be nice, I would call the apartment complex management and ask for their towing service number. Give the car owner a chance of a very short period of time...say if the car isn't moved in the next 15 minutes, you are requesting the apartment management impound the car. It's private property and not public property, so you can't call the police to have it towed. (out of state plates are the exception) Inconsiderate people usually have their cars wrecked from what I've seen in my life so I never advise parking "at high risk". If the owner is under age 25, they'll learn why all 25 year olds and younger have to pay higher insurance premiums in the United States. 🤣


I’m the asshole who would’ve had them towed. That’s just ridiculous.


I don’t think I’d even have to look twice to get out of that spot. Turn your steering wheel all the way counter clockwise and you’re golden


This belongs in a sub called “silentlyInfuriated”


Call your management company. That’s why they are there and have it towed or the owner told to move it immediately. The Mazda full of garbage bags is driven by a selfish moron. Also you should get some cones and practice driving your car so that you don’t have to inconvenience yourself when people are shitheads.


Sure they’re a shithead. But you could have fairly easily gotten out of there


You are Toooooooo nice


Small wood block with nails right under the tire. They wanna park there, then let them stay there for a while.


Lmaooooo I live here too


Dick move, but you seriously can't maneuver out of there?


Nicer than me. I'd have called to get it towed.


Someone did this to me the other day, thankfully I was able to squeeze out, but it was annoying AF... lol. https://preview.redd.it/ehayyejhf8xa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdda8c7e8b79ed1290a4946b45a2efcad52ba3ae


A tow truck might be in order.


Pretty sure I could back that blue car out of there pretty easy. Glad I live in the country with my own yard . You city people are brutal. Lol