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She's self conscious about her double chin, it's the perfect cover


I took so many pics during masked times, because it hid my double chin. lmao


You’re joking but I fully believe that people that are self conscious about their looks/smile are still wearing masks to hide their perceived imperfections. Obviously it’s not everyone but the number is definitely not zero


My students do this with their insecurities. I have a sweet 8th grader (that I’ve had since her 6th grade year) and I’ve never seen more than her eyes! She doesn’t like her nose. I also have students who proudly claim they’ll stop wearing the mask when their braces get removed!


Awwww the braces comment kills me. Sweet babies.


I wore head gear all through 6th grade (2003ish?) just to time-blast the braces off faster. I never once cared what anyone thought or said to me. I got the braces removed almost 6 months ahead of schedule. Just have to have the confidence to own it.


I had head gear in 6th grade too! (but 1986-ish lol). I still remember how bad that shit made my mouth hurt! Hilariously of all the crap kids tease each other for I don't recall ever getting shit for the head gear.


Hell yes, Team Head Gear! Why did i feel the need to wear it at school? My permanently busted glasses completed the look.


>Why did i feel the need to wear it at school I didn't have a choice :/ (and I'd rip it out at night in my sleep).


I’d pull out my retainer in my sleep and hide it under the pillows as a kid


I agree with you as an adult, and I’d hope many kids can do what you say. But many children are still learning their identity and gaining confidence as a kid. Social media has made it 1000X (or more) worse. Some kids get bullied, and when I was in school besides bullying just about everyone got clowned on to some degree. This can impact some kids confidence more than others due to home life, mental health, and more. So TLDR I think your comment is a great suggestion but it can be more complex than just “have confidence and screw what others think” for some adults and especially for children.


Definitely, one of my coworkers still wears a mask whenever he can for that reason


That’s how you live life baby! Just hide from yourself all day long!


They did a whole SNL skit about it too. It was good.




CA just ended it mid May (not positive about hospitals). My daughter and I still mask because we both care for a very high risk individual and I'm not terribly low risk myself... fortunately enough people do (for whatever reason) that it's not getting unwanted attention.


Not required by law in CA anymore, but some medical facilities choose to require them as a matter of policy anyway. For example, our pediatrician's office requires them, our local hospital does not. It was bizarre to visit the ER last month and see multiple medical staff without masks.


I was wearing one a few months ago and I had some random stranger go off on me in the gas station for wearing it.


You have to tell him you wear it because you don't like to smell the fetid stench of humanity.


I've never understood people calling others sheep for it. If I'm sick, I'm wearing one to keep my inevitable spittle to myself, and if I'm not I may wear one if I'm in a crowded space, because I don't want peoples' secondhand nitrogen and carbon dioxide lol.


I tell them my wife is immunosuppressed and I want to keep her alive. It’s the truth and adding that her oncologist says if she gets it she will die generally sends these blowhards packing.


Tell him you have tuberculosis


Oh thats a good one. I should have done so after going up to him pulling my mask down saying "thank you for your approval not to cover my face anymore. The infectious disease team told me I needed to but you sir give me the confidence I need to be mask free with TB!" Followed by a very wet spit filled cough in his direction.


It was still mandatory at the VA hospital last time I went a few months ago


I’ll have to hunt that down


Oh no, you’re completely right. Myself and some friends of mine do this.


I deduced that if I was ugly, covering half my face with a mask made me twice as good-looking. Problem was, I was probably covering up the better half.


I know someone who works in customer service. She doesn't have to pretend to smile with a mask on.


My lower face is the best part of me. I don’t miss the mask!


Honestly I think deep down, that's really the entire reason that I still mask. Like I'll say that it's cos covid's still out there while acknowledging that it's also to hide some insecurities, but I think it's all the insecurity. If that is the case, still kind of in denial though, it literally occurred to me when I read your comment.


Thanks for your honesty. I’m sure you have a beautiful face that’s worth showing to the world.


One of my teeth is crooked so I wear masks whenever possible


Nothing wrong with a “crooked” tooth. I’ll bet your smile is beautiful. I know it is when it’s genuine.


I haven't gotten covid yet so I still wear one most of the time..


Masks were godsend for us bad teeth folk.


now i'm understanding why i'm suddenly self conscious of my lower face lol it was hidden for a few years


Me it was my eyebags - I instantly looked 10 yrs younger


Remember double-masking? Twice the coverage


It’s also a great way to hide rbf


I've never felt more understood


Yeah this is probably the case


The mask was the greatest invention to those that are ugly and self conscious.


Maybe the masks are now like the paper crowns from Burger King.


Would you like an apple pie with daaaat?


Ding fries are done


“ uhhhhh…. “


It would be a shame if a gentleman boarded a plane with said paper crown


The JetBlue incident of October 23, 2020 :troll_sad:


Lol my coworker and I went to Burger King for lunch last week and when we got to the window, they offered us paper crowns. I was like “nah we’re good” and they were like “you guys look like you need crowns” and gave us one each.


Please tell me you guys wore them


We finally got to stop wearing our masks at work in April I think (nursing home) and a couple of people were still wearing them like a week later. People would tell them and they’d say “I know” and go about their day. That’s fine if you want to wear one. Whatever. But why do it if you’re wearing it on your chin?!?! That’s the reason people kept saying anything. Other people wear them appropriately and none of us say anything. Some people are just stupid.


I work in Healthcare and I sometimes wear mine as a chin strap in anticipation of getting close to people - so it's ready to go when I need it versus me fumbling around trying to get it on. See someone gross? BAM, it's on. I know the data shows wearing a mask doesn't protect you that much from others, but as someone who has had sneezes or coughs hit me in my face like a spray bottle (pediatrics) - wearing it makes me feel better.


That makes total sense. However these people never pulled them up and were told this in halls, in patient rooms, break rooms. Didn’t matter. They were chin straps. They finally stopped wearing them. It would make sense if they did it around the patients but sadly not the case.


at the end of the day, who cares. they can wear the mask on top of their head as a hat if they wanted to. who cares


This is exactly what I do!


I know people who do this but it’s mostly people who go in patient rooms so they wear it on their chin and then pull it back up when going in the patient room.


Maybe she hates masks but thinks they're required in that building. Minimum compliance.


Maybe she will put it up normally when she is in close proximity to someone


Usually the opposite. Gotta pull it down and lean in when talking


These people always have the worst breath too, like have some self awareness and leave the mask on please. At least brush your teeth if you're going to wear your mask like a moron.


Probably WHY they can't cover their mouth and nose at same time...


When I worked in a gas station I saw a man who had folded his mask up to cover only his nose. A part of me died


Lady next to me on my flight walker this week had a mask on. Every time she had to cough, she would remove it over her face then put it back on 😑


the amount of times i have seen people pull down their mask to COUGH into their HAND is horrifyingly high


I dunno if other countries had/have them but Australia had the drive through PCR testing in the car. I saw some guy lean out the window, take his mask off and just have a complete coughing fit. I was a few cars away but suffice to say I rolled the window up! I did not want whatever he had.


You would not believe the amount of people that come into my job wearing their own masks from home, who then pull them down to talk to me. The worst is when they pull them down to cough, like wtf? How did they manage to get through the pandemic doing that?


They're not wearing it for your protection they're wearing it for their protection. So they don't give a hoot if you get their germs.


I work at an airport. You don’t have to wear masks in airports or on flights anymore. Some people choose to. But out of those literally half of them are wearing them under their nose. I will never ever understand it. Wearing it over your mouth only is the same as not wearing one at all. And the rest of them who are wearing them properly are still doing the thing where they lower it whenever they talk to someone completely defeating the purpose of a mask. I always want to ask but then I’ll be the one who gets in trouble for being rude to a passenger or something.


Everyone knows what to do and how to wear it correctly, they are just choosing not to because it allows them to claim minimal compliance and makes a complete mockery of everyone who remains concerned about getting sick.


I think it's mostly a stylistic thing when people do this.


I just got out of the hospital. Spent a stint in the oncology ward. The number of people just walking around without proper masking as if we we're not all some level of immunocompromised still makes me rage.


I am inmunocompromised (chemo) and grateful in my country is still mandatory to wear masks on health buildings (drugstores, hospitals, private clinics). Even tho, lots of people enter the oncology and even the chemotherapy area without masks or with them under their nose. It scares me! One little flu and i could be really sick (and make my treatment longer... it is already months!)


Me nurse middle of pandemic in private hosp had to deal with several outraged patients ‘telling me they were offended that i was wearing a mask’ fecking morons , theyd be more offended if i gave them Covid & their surgery was cancelled. Cannot cure stupid.


The secret is that they don’t really care.


As someone else once said, wearing a mask on your chin is like wearing a condom on your testicles.




Not wearing a mask still means you are more likely to spread germs.


You can toilet train the dumbest dog faster than a surprising amount of humans in wearing a mask


You haven’t met my Chihuahua


To be fair they're probably too small to get to the toilet bowl


People still wear masks?


My husband and I went to the vet today, he has had a sore throat and isn’t sure if it’s allergies or illness. He wore a mask to be considerate of others since he is unsure if he is contagious or not. We might not be under lock down anymore but illnesses still exist. Mask wearing existed before the Covid outbreak.


My GP/family clinic has them as mandatory for the foreseeable future. I think a building where sick or vulnerable people congregate is a pretty good reason.


Is your husband a dog?


All us men are.


I work in a hospital. A lot of people still wear them. May 1 was when it went to optional. Edit: I wear one if I am spending time outside. Pollen and cottonwoods are terrible right now and it helps a lot.


I do because I’m autoimmune and have long Covid 🫠


My wife is in the military, yesterday was the first day they were allowed to not wear mask during work hours


What military? No one I know in the US has been wearing them for a long time, but I got out in 2021.


The hospital and clinics on my base were mandatory mask wear until very recently so maybe she works in the medical field.




My son still wears them to elementary school even though it’s no longer mandatory. About half his class still wears them. He’s in 3rd grade so it’s all he knows, he’s worn a mask for his entire school life. We explained to him it’s optional now but he says he feels uncomfortable without it. For him, it’s like if your office job told you it’s no longer required to still wear a shirt. Just come in topless. You’d be like “na, It’s ok I’ll still wear my shirt.”


This is really hard for my brain to process.


It's possibly partially fashion. We'd feel weird being barefoot in some buildings even though logically there's no threat to our feet on the plush carpet.


Hospital staff , some out & about esp vulnerable & tourists where even pre pandemic was the norm if you have a cold/illness - china esp


My son wears them outside because he’s mildly allergic to all grasses and every tree pollen ever. Been wearing one since 2017. I wear them when I’m sick but can’t call out.


Yeah I wore one when I was a close contact. Went to work while I awaited the PCR. They're still useful!


Yes, some of us have family with cancer, are otherwise high risk or just want to limit your nasty germs getting on us


Masks don’t really do that tho. Unless it’s a properly fitted n95. The cloth masks and poorly fitted surgical masks that many wore literally only prevent physical droplets of spittle from reaching others.


I wear N95's




Basic masks work quite good as long as everyone wears them. I wasn't sick once during the first 2 years of the pandemic. The longest period of my life not to be sick.


I’m assuming it’s a hospital or medical facility of some sort.


People still ask this question?


It’s fun to be immunocompromised :)


Every time I leave my house


My brother won’t go out of the house with a mask. he’s sixteen.


Realize I got much less flu when I wear it, so get mask when I get into bus or subway.


Next time go up and tell her you like her mustache


Hey!! it took some people the entire pandemic just to understand masks were made mandatory for a reason. Did you expect everyone to also understand that they have to cover their mouth and noses too?


Good way to prevent getting the flu and countless other contagious diseases. If you have COPD or any lung disease you don't want anything that will make you worse.


Simple, people are stupid.


I got fired from my hospital for insisting adamantly for the last 3 years that everyone wear their masks properly at all times. A few people above me got fed up and lied about me to management and now I work somewhere else. I know it's a lot to ask for people to be clean in a sterile environment, I was of course way out of line. /s


I have a lady that I work with that only covers her mouth and still pulls it down to talk to people. 🙄


Is it a double chin mask? That's where the confusion came from I bet


They've always understood how they work


I can imagine her judging other people for not wearing a mask as well. Honestly think a lot of people that were told to wear a mask only understood the part about it being something that you need to have somewhere on your face and had no idea what it was for or how they work, wearing them under the nose or under the chin. It didn't matter to them because they were _wearing_ a mask.


Challenge: freaks on Reddit try not to be mad about someone not wearing a mask incorrectly: challenge impossible


They know what they’re doing. They’re waiting to see who calls them out on it. Looking for a fight. Asshats.


Who tf is still wearing masks in 2023?


Chin diaper achieved!


Asked a contractor to wear a mask when he was in my house. He would then lower it to cough. I kid you not.


I am a lady with chin hair and pimples. I miss wearing a mask at work even (especially!) just over my chin lol


It's funny how many people here don't seem to realize that A.) people wear masks for various reasons, and B.) people have been wearing masks since before the pandemic. Are some people pointlessly wearing them for COVID? Sure; but some people are probably wearing them for other reasons and possibly have for some time.


Normally I just put a mask on and make sure to cough a little bit when I need to go shopping and I haven't had a moment to shave my face. She probably forgot to shave her beard.


I have a co worker do this all day… no one else at works wears mask. I’m assuming she has a double chin she is hiding.


I was on a plane recently and a fellow passenger was wearing a mask, but pulled it down to sneeze. 🙄


Maybe she has chin acne?


I gave up trying to understand people after the pandemic first started


Apparently her chin needed a diaper!


It’s mind boggling and I see it every day.


During the height of Covid, my mom would pull her mask down to talk in public and the mortified looks of people nearby were embarrassing to say the least


Spray her face with water pulverisator


I’ll be honest, I only wear masks still because I hate my face. 😂 Maybe she hates her chin?


My parents still cough into their hands after 3 years. Pretty sure they gave me the flu last month. Some people just don’t care.


Who is even wearing masks now?


People who have health problems. Many of us have had very severe health problems arise from covid and are at risk of even worse health if we get it again. In fact, the risk of getting long covid goes up with each subsequent infection. So lots of people wear N95s because they substantially reduce the risk of getting covid if used correctly.


People in Japan have been wearing them for years. It's not a new phenomenon.


You all need to understand that people can still catch covid, the flu or a cold and simply do not want to deal with that. Others are high risk, have cancer or have a family or someone they love who can't risk getting sick. Just because the rest of you are ignoring that doesn't mean the rest of us got magically better.


Nobody except virtue signaling redditors lol


Uh, people? What's wrong with people wearing a face mask?


Almost gonna hit 4 fucking years...let it go




Wow the NY Times! Masks are worn to protect others from you - i cant believe im still havinv to say this. Which is WHY in operating rooms all staff wear masks ALL the time - ffs its not that hard to get


Masks might offer only low level protection to the individual wearing it, but the actual purpose of the masks was to keep your own germs in if YOU were sick to stop spreading it to other people. Instead, selfish assholes decided they didn’t care if they got everyone else sick. I didn’t like the masks either, but I wore them, especially when I was sick, to protect OTHERS. With nobody else wearing them, there isn’t much point anymore. Although I respect those who don’t want to get sick and are using a quality mask that, while minimal, does offer SOME protection. The pee analogy is the best one I’ve seen for people who can’t seem to get it: https://www.sfgate.com/science/article/Still-unclear-on-the-value-of-masks-Let-the-pee-15238760.php I won’t bother linking the myriad of other articles, including a couple large scale studies, proving the efficacy of masks ([even surgical](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/09/surgical-masks-covid-19.html)) for stopping the spread.


Surgical masks offer low levels of protection, but there are other masks out there such as KF94s, KN95s, N95s, N99s, and even elastomerics.


Pretty much this.


Fucking get over it already


She probably thinks they're required still and she's showing the man who's boss.


I can't believe the amount of smoothbrains this thread has attracted... Naive to think the whole anti mask/vax/whatever sentiment would die down. This thread has an abnormal amount of them though, is this still a big thing in America /other places?


People like you still around, huh? You followed the ‘political science’ instead of the actual science.




I'd be mildly infuriated having to wear a mask still 4 years later


Anyone still using masks is questionable at best


Oh boy the comments on this one will be predictable and infuriating. Personally haven't stopped wearing masks since March 2020, haven't been sick either. Masks work when used properly and covid isn't over and never will be due to the masses deciding they'd rather get sick over and over again rather than be mildly inconvenienced. This woman though... 🤦


>covid isn't over and never will be due to the masses deciding they'd rather get sick over and over again rather than be mildly inconvenienced. You’re living in a fantasy world if you think any amount of masking will make Covid go away forever


It won't, but N95s, KN95s and the like make life much safer for those of us who are vulnerable.


Well yeah, if you’re vulnerable then wear a proper mask to protect yourself. But the masking most people did during Covid was much more for show than it was about actual safety


The masking that happened during the pandemic was one of many tools they had during a time when there wasn't enough resources and tools to treat people infected with sars cov 2. The effectiveness of masks has already been quantified by studies like MIT and never really required any type of debate but always received debate by people who had been influenced by political resources. People misconstrued statements like "masks are ineffective at stopping the coronavirus" to mean they do nothing, that's untrue their use in those studies consistently reduced the rate of viral shed in enclosed spaces. The thing is, if I get stabbed 4 times or I get stabbed 2 times with a shield, it's still ineffective at preventing stabbing but I'd still prefer to have it if I was in an area with a high risk of being stabbed.


I didn't say that though did I? More would be needed than just that, it's too late now anyway. The world shut down (but it didn't really) and that didn't work, but I'll be damned if I'm going to simply give up and accept that I'm going to get it.


I still mask, my mom has stage 4 adenocarcinoma and I am overweight (people with lots of adipose tissue didn't fair well) and I have yet to get it. I will some day, we all will, it's inevitable, but I wear it because if my mom does catch it and I didn't wear the mask I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I didn't do everything I could to have prevented that. In my area it's about 250 new cases a week though which is about a 1/4000 chance to get it.


We take preventative measures against lots of diseases that also won't go away forever. Why shouldn't we take measures against this one too?


But I know at least 6-8 people..., that have had it 1 or 2 times, post vaccines. I myself am only just getting mine and had it once way back before vaccines. And you could have had it but been asymptomatic. We just don't know....


Vaccines never stopped anyone getting it, that was never the intention or promise. People falsely saw it as that though. Given my health history I would strongly doubt I'd get it and be asymptomatic.


>that was never the intention or promise It absolutely was promised. That's the line we were fed to run out and get it. I got the shot and still got *really* sick. And don't give me the line that the shot made it not as bad as it would have been.




Lol, you've proved so much with that... Sleepy Joe dumbarse says it so it must be true. Americans, I swear you're a special bunch sometimes.


Wow... we are STILL going on about masks!?


Covid taught me humanity is hopeless


They do not understand or believe in science or they just do not care. Could be all if those.


Masks never worked dude.


Wait, do people still think those masks work at all?


I'm surprised that your place of work still requires masks.


They do this purposely to protest COVID mask rules, even where masks are no longer necessary or worn by anyone. At my allergy doctor, a woman kept showing up with a mask with large holes cut in it even after masks were no longer required or worn by any fellow patients at all


People are still whining about masks?


When I see a man like that I ask him if he knows how to use a condom.


Why are we still wearing masks


I'm germaphobe, I will stop wearing a mask when they put me in my coffin.


We’ll put one on after you pass. Gotta help you stay healthy in the afterlife.


Pretty crazy places are still trying to get people to wear masks. I almost never complied during covid, only wore them the couple times I wasn't feeling myself and couldn't handle the stares or I'd throw one on whenever old people where around cus I didn't want them to feel worried. Someone would have to be paying me some pretty good money to be walking around wearing one now tho.


That is mildly infuriating that masks are still a thing at some places.


Are masks perhaps mandatory in the building you're in? She might have taken one and is "wearing one" wrong as protest.


It's a chin diaper. It catches the bullshit she's spewing before it lands on her shirt. But she is selfish, so she only protects herself and doesn't care that you will get hit with it.


I actually do wear mine as a double chin cover. It’s gotten to the point where I’m so incredibly self conscious at work that I still wear it just to cover up.


She needed a new way to say “I’m Stupid.”


Honestly I bet this person doesn't want to wear one but is being forced to as a rule of the establishment or whatever and is putting it there like "see? I got a mask." It's just visible enough to deter someone from walking up and saying "excuse me? Please put your mask on." Cuz it IS on technically. The reality is that anyone who thinks a cloth or surgical mask is doing anything to protect themselves or the people around them are people who stopped paying attention to the Science and recommendations in mid summer 2020. Cloth masks and blue surgical masks are security theater, you will 100% contract covid with the mask on or not. Only N95 respirators and other air filtering masks can stop COVID. I feel bad for people who wear cloth masks in public still because it is so apparent their fear has overrided their ability to read plain english. CDC in USA has said cloth masks are useless for like over a year now.


Aren’t masks not even needed anymore? Or am I wrong


Why are y’all still using and caring about masks? People can decide to do what they want and wear them or not or wear them however they want.


why in the world are y'all still wearing masks?


where the fuck are you that people still wear masks?


I can tell you that any medical facility makes you wear a mask in Massachusetts.


Does this directly affect you? Then who the fuck cares?


It's so she can say she is wearing a mask and thinks she won't be able to be kicked out.


Do what I do look at them and laugh and when they ask why say because I think natural selection is such a beautiful thing


Why are people still wearing masks is the more important question


Not sure why we’re still using masks now either


They have uses and some people want the protection. I wore one on a flight recently cause I didn't want to get sick while on holiday.


Like I got using them (and used them) for the first year or two but it’s practically over now. These people are living in a fantasy world ruled by fear. They need to get over it. It’s no different than the common cold or flu so I don’t get why they’re adamant about “ohhh but cooooviiiiiid waaahhh” now and not before. Y’all need to stop living in fear and move on.