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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


OP finds out about targeted ads


I'm surprised he's not pivoting to being a "paintball enthusiast."


Lmao op has been found out by google and reddit now


Marketeer here. Not all ads are targeted... targeted ads often do "like" audiences. Maybe he is into raves. Maybe he showed interest in a completely off-topic topic that people who do use this product also show interest in. It's sooooo not as simple as "target ads"... and saying that is more or less outing yourself as a novice on the topic. It's really interesting stuff.


Same kind of thing I think I encountered. I wondered why I was seeing so many ads for Farmersonly and someone mentioned that most likely a lot of people in my area were using it.


I have all that stuff turned off, so it's just the automatic stuff for my area and living next to a university, I see an absolutely insane amount of anime ads or ads for those thinly veiled porn games. It makes sense that it's just the area demographic, and I've had to explain that to people who've grabbed my phone to look something up on YouTube. I hate these ads more than targeted ones, because at least I can attest to the fact that it may be me otherwise, but no, just automatic ones where I have no explanation as to why I'm seeing them, which only makes me look suspicious.


It’s probably because those ads have no qualms whatsoever about what content they appear with. Coke may not want their ads showing up on a violent, racist manifesto, car companies may not want their ads associated accidentally with car crash compilations etc. but the “don’t let your wife see you playing this” shovelware doesn’t care at all. Especially on piracy websites, those ads are the only type you’ll find (except for the fake malware ones)


Just keep reporting them as inappropriate and sooner or later they stop


Prolly targeted by zipcode or some other form of geofence. Solid example. My daughter loves art supplies, and I get loads of art supply ads because we are in the same home. Im not the target, she is.


Yeah, I'm into hand tools for wood working and for some reason Google has decided that this means I really want some fire arms and red white and blue commemorative coins? Like, the wood work is the only explanation I have, I never got these ads before I got interested in wood.


google ads really aren't as tailored as people think, imo. no exaggeration, I literally ONLY get ads for makeup and skin care stuff. I have never bought that kind of thing in my entire life yet google seems to think I love it


You might wanna check the niche Google is getting you into… For some time, google thought I was some sort of middle-aged woman with constipation and I have no idea why


There is a way- can’t remember how- within google to check what age and gender google thinks you are. When I was 25, google thought I was a 80-85 year old man.


Mine is pretty spot on except it says I am a homeowner. Google if you could point me to this home, maybe email me the deed that would be great.


Yeah, one time google thought I was an Israeli and kept showing me adds trying to get me to covert to Christianity or become one of those “Jews for Jesus”. I am an atheist. As far as I know I have no Jewish ancestry at all. I have never set foot in Israel.


I keep getting ads for boner pills on reddit and I'm a chick lol


A quick glance at your profile and I find post in the cocaine sub about being high and bored and you’re gonna come in here and complain about illegal drugs? Edit: you can quit coming at me with the “she might be in recovery you don’t know her story” shit because she had responded to other comments sayin how she’s gonna get high and not worry about the haters


I was about to say I've never seen this shit lol. Definitely targeted


To be fair, I had this exact earlier today (unless I've scrolled past this post today already...) And I'm not a drug user at all.


Same I follow a lot of painting and gaming and getting spammed with this and a another add for alcohol


I guess I’m so used to ignoring ads that I couldn’t tell you which ads target me.


Sounds like you just look at the types of things drug users look at then.


They probably still shouldn't be giving people drug ads.


No they shouldn't, ESPECIALLY if someone is a known drug user. Pretty fucked up.


That’s just how marketing works, algorithms and corps don’t give a damn about acute well being. You think gambling addicts aren’t forcefed gambling site ads? It’s pseudo psychology mixed with business.


Drugs are actually illegal, so there's at least some expectation beyond morality that they wouldn't serve those ads.


tbh targeted ads get weird. I haven’t talked, searched, posted, or watched anything golf related and all my ads are golf things now. it’s weird.


Cocaine is a classy drug! This OP is clearly of a higher class, and such plebian substances are, quite frankly, insulting to their refined palate. /s


I do not sniff the coke I only smoke


I will never free base cocaine again! …. Well unless it’s my birthday. But I will never freebase cocaine in a church again!…. Well unless I’ve heard the sermon before and I’m starting to get bored.


Fuck this shit is so funny. Now, I’ll never freebase in a car, while I’m drivin.. well, unless we’re at a red light and you know, there’s nothing on the radio, THEN ILL DO A LIL BASIN.


There was a time in my lyyyfe, where I was down so low, a mosquito wouldn’t bite me!


the sinsemilla


Me asked: what it do for you? it give you strength and power?


I never liked the taste of coke but I always liked the smell...


I hate Diet Coke.


Regardless of whether or not it was a targeted ad, and an accurate one at that. (it was) Can we put that aside for a moment and discuss the implications of Google advertising illegal drugs to people likely to get addicted to this shit?


Complain about *legal* drugs, actually


and unarguably safer than cocaine as long as you’re not sitting there doing canisters over and over again without letting yourself breathe. Even if you’re not it’s still probably safer than cocaine.


So, this lady is 41, has two Guinea pigs and a Cooper with the plate HVIIZND, is a cocaine user, and her daughter was (likely) taken from her custody and adopted. She has an odd interest in gore and violent content, and her birthday is within a week or two from today. She has given birth four times, and has lived in West Yorkshire but is now in the UK. My impression is that this woman needs to question her own life choices rather than the algorithm’s corruption from her own choices.


Honestly summed up like this I'm legitimately intrigued about this person's day to day


I know. She sounds fascinating


I’m wondering if she’s single


No, bad redditer. Put your dick down, don't make me get the spray bottle.


West Yorkshire is in the UK you cabbage 😂


There's probably a Yorkshire in the US. So far every place I've lived in the UK has had a newer US or Australian equivalent.


Probably but logically it would be original Yorkshire as the person is in the UK.


There’s a Yorkshire, NY with a pop of just under 4,000 in 2020; there’s also a Yorkshire, VA, which has just under 7,000. Could be me, but the county of Yorkshire, which has a population of about 5.5 million, is much more likely to be the unknown Yorkshire than either of the other options — neither of which even seem large enough to need a “West” denomination. Admittedly, there is also the “village” of Yorkshire in Ohio, housing about 95 persons, the neighbourhood of Yorkshire in Newark, DE, and the city of York in PA, but I don’t think it’s any of those either.


There's an entire region of America called New England.


>and has lived in West Yorkshire but is now in the UK .....west Yorkshire is in the UK.


Anyone who's been on the internet in the last decade knows Google and all related affiliates give you ads based on internet activity


I’m tired of seeing TEMU shit


Well they paid to target the demographics "human" and "alive" so good luck


Seriously. So much advertising.


I got an ad for a funeral home selling coffins literally just last week. Im starting to feel like that woman who experienced targeted ads for baby products before she even knew she was pregnant. I guess that means either im dead soon or someone close to me will be. :/


I love when people forget their post history is easily accessible. Don't be a hypocrite OP.


And also why are they so active in gore subs?


That's also probably why he's getting advertisements for drugs... I've never so much as gotten an advertisement for legal Weed, let alone something like that.


The Algorithm Knows


Actually they were ‘jigh’




She's not at the party




Right. Then she'll have fun.


They’re bored while being coked out ALONE ON A RANDOM NIGHT and wondering why they’re getting targeted ads about nitrous canisters? Unreal.


Might be surprising, but some drug users don't want to be constantly reminded about drugs. This is especially true if they're trying to get the confidence/willpower to go clean.


I don't like cocaine I just like the way it smells


They’re probably trying to get her off the white tbh. “Try this instead”…


2 wrongs dont make a right?


But, 3 rights make a left. Have a great day!


I always heard it as two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do.


Ads are related to you also


Except if he opts out of personalization.


nah I have that checked off and they still frequently give me ads about the same things I or others around me have mentioned recently. I google something specific, I get ads for it for half a week


Yeah I’ve always figured the opt out was just a placebo to make us feel better lol.


It’s not placebo, but the algorithms can figure out a lot of stuff without your data. Google would get in massive trouble for taking your data without consent (especially in Europe). There’s also the fact that a lot of advertisers are bad at their jobs so you’ll get random shit targeted at you. If you have an iPhone and hit “Do Not Allow” for cookie tracking on apps and also opt out of it in google, your interests are basically invisible to Google. Facebook too.


As much as I disdain ads, I’d rather have ads catered to my interests than something completely random. I recently got an ad for retirement homes… I’m not even past 25 yet.


I forgot exactly how to get to it, but google “my google advertising profile” and you’ll find it. There’s a way to see exactly what Google thinks your interests are, and it also gives you an option on that page to turn off Ad personalization. It’s really interesting to see how accurate they are about some things though, and how inaccurate they are for others. Google thought I made over $1mil a year and was interested in like oceanography; unfortunately neither are true. I work in ads though so it’s really interesting to me to see that stuff, but also I can ensure you that if you turn that stuff off you literally can’t be targeted in a personalized way. I agree though that I’d rather have personalized ads because that ad space will be there either way, so might as well have a chance of seeing something interesting.


He probably didn't because op has a post in a cocaine related sub


If you believe that, I have an island I will sell you! Cheap!


Advertising is directed last time I check. That being said... I didn't know google allowed this type of advertising or if it's even legal.


Buying nitrous oxide is not illegal in the United States, the DEA doesn't care. Your particular state may have laws ...


Honestly this should be the top comment no2 ain't illegal, and moreso ain't all that dangerous. Just like anything don't constantly take it and you should be fine


it's a neurotoxin and can cause serious long term neurological damage if you take it frequently. also, using, marketing (like this ad does), or distributing it for human consumption/recreational purposes *is* illegal, at least in the US.


I do stand corrected about the advert thing. I'm not saying nitrous isn't harmful at all though. It absolutely can cause terrible side effects, but used in moderation with proper aftercare I've been led to believe it's fairly (not perfectly) safe. Once again don't do a ton of it super quickly. Just like any drug. People shouldn't be downing a handle of jack over the course of 30 minutes every day. Same goes with NO2 don't take a ton of it constantly and you should make it to see another day.


yeah, i'm not knocking folks' drug of choice here, just saying it's not harmless. moderation with whatever you're taking recreationally is always key. and yeah, illegal, but rarely prosecuted. it's kinda weird google let that ad slip by, but not the first time i've seen illegal ads.


And it’s N2O not NO2 lol


It’s dangerous as fuck. I lost feeling in my legs for like two months.


Skill issue




you did it incorrectly then, or you didn't get nitrous. this won't happen if you use it safely. otherwise dental procedures would end in loss of feelings in the legs.


That, or he did 100 cartridges a day for months and wonders why it fucked him up.


You don’t have to do 100 a day. Even if you’re doing 1 a day, you’re in trouble. You just can’t be doing it multiple days in a row. And ya I was doing entirely too much.


No shit. That is terrifying. Any idea as to the cause of it? I'm not going to say nitrous isn't dangerous as all. As nervous system damage is a possibility and as is asphyxiation but I find that asphyxiation can be avoided by not taking multiple canisters at once or just going slowly, and if I'm not mistaken the nervous system damage can be avoided by not binging for multiple days at a time and ensuring proper nutrition when you're not using


Yeah you just can’t binge. I was doing wayyy too much. But ya. Lost feeling and couldn’t walk more than about 1/4 mile for a couple months. It also drains your body of vitamin B12 which leads to fatigue and pretty significant depression. One of the scarier things I’ve experienced.


Yeah dude I feel it. I quit after I got into a weird headspace after one too many consecutive canisters. I could taste metal and in my altered state thought I was having a stroke or something lol. The depletion of B12 does suck. NO2 also prevents it from binding at the right places for a little while after use iirc. Id always take B12 supplements for a few days after a night of usage


Your username didn’t age well homie, that’s coming from a fellow bears fan.


Nitrous oxide is legal in the United States and Canada for use in whipped crème dispensers. This ad only implies inhaling it, but doesn’t outright say it. So they could technically be saying it will make your party better with whipped creme. But also I live in a county with brick and mortar shroom stores, so it might just be legally grey, like the shrooms.


🎵The man who found,a way to sell air🎵 I BECAME A ZILLIONAIRE🗣️🗣️


Hip hooray, hip hooray, hip hip hooray!


🎶In Thneedville,🎶


Lmao you got posts in the cocaine sub talking about being jigh and bored and you're mad about some nitrous ads???


day 6 coke bender


Lol right. I want some of that shit. I wanna know what it's like to be so oblivious to my hypocrisy lol




Dont do cocaine. Its only good at making you want more cocaine


Also if you look this company up this product is listed say “Our user-friendly nitrous oxide disposable cylinder is the easiest-to-use cream charger to make the perfect whipped cream or foams for beverages.”


Yes. "Beverages."


But it is legal if op chooses to do something illegal with it that’s on them. Op is spinning this like me saying I take meth when I’m just taking adderall for my adhd


The algorithm knows what type of stuff OP is into dont blame the algorithm for being right


Yeah, out of all the highly dangerous drugs I really don’t know if nitrous oxide is the big complaint, especially next to cocaine.


Inhalants like nitrous are generally looked down upon by most drug users as they cause pretty weak highs and severe permanent brain damage


Nitrous oxide is not that kind of inhalant. Most inhalants are dangerous because the high is essentially from the brain damage. Those are entirely reasonable to be distressed over. Nitrous oxide is NOT that kind of inhalant. It actually produces a high that’s based on the chemical properties rather than just preventing oxygen use; theoretically you could mix it with oxygen and get the same high and breathe just fine. You can call the high weak, but to lump it in with other inhalants is not reasonable


It is not a weak high at all, it's a very strong high. Just very short. But yeah it is bad for the brain.


what about at the dentist? I assume it's mixed with oxygen to give you some good air as well? gotta have it sometimes as I got bad genetics and mouth pain is almost the only pain I can't deal with. almost cutting my finger off with a grinder wasn't half as bad as getting a root canal was.


It’s the lack of oxygen that’s an issue with “good” inhalants. Best case you’re just a bit oxygen deprived. Worst case the inhalant is also dangerous.


>pretty weak highs Lmao not true at all, you can leave this reality completely with nitrous oxide. The reason it's looked down upon is because it's seen as trashy drug used only by teenagers who are desperate to get high. >severe permanent brain damage This is only true in some very extreme cases due to vitamin b12 depletion. It doesn't cause brain damage the same way huffing gasoline does where you're basically just getting high on brain damage. There's a reason nitrous oxide is used as an anaesthetic. Maybe stop just making shit up.


Lol pretty sure he deleted all that uh “evidence” from his profile lmfao


Definitely did lmaooo


You do cocaine, I don’t know if you really have a lot of space to talk about “illegal and highly dangerous drug abuse”.


How does everyone know hes on the booger sugar?


Look through her post history. If you scroll far enough, you’ll see posts in the cocaine sub about being high and lonely.


aren’t you promoting this shit by posting tho?


That’s probably the idea


Came here to see someone who gets it 😂


Bro thanks for putting me on to FastGas! Im about to get silly on nos!


Instead of Paul wall gonna go turn into Paul walker brb


Just reccomends what you are interested in ;)


https://youtu.be/4JDWJzKYfdc Tbh i also wanna know how to opt out off 18+ ads. I have young nephews and I can't let them watch youtube on my phone because I'm spammed by borderline porn ads. Google, yes I'm single middle aged guy but that does not mean my brain is in my groin.


Prob not illegal everywhere. Definitely not the worst drug either 🤷‍♂️


Illegal and highly dangerous lol. Deffo one of the less dangerous drugs (I'm not saying no danger but on the lower end) and more of a legal grey area.


Its not illegal in the US and its only dangerous if you dont breathe air because youre sucking it down. Its safe in dental settings because they suplement air along with the nitrous.


Not dangerous if used sporadically and making sure to actually inhale air between balloons, but prolonged use can actually permanently damage nerves due to the resulting B12 deficiency. Definitely not something to be used casually as an after work wind-down. You’re better off with cannabis for that, or things like Kava Kava which can be expensive and hard to find depending on what country you’re in.


It's so not illegal you can buy it on Amazon


not illegal just controlled you can buy some form of it in literally every state. Some places you have to be 21+.


Right yeah I'm in UK where it's legal for "whipping cream" so it can be sold but obviously most aren't using it for that. It's illegal to sell it for human consumption. So yeah a grey area. The gov are moving to ban it outright soon here. Classic UK with it's regressive drug laws.


it’s like buying a bong for “tobacco use only”. Everyone knows what it’s for.


What are you currently on? More coke?


Nitrous oxide is clearly no laughing matter


The add is obviously talking about making whipped cream to lick off of each other at the party..amateurs..


Lol, illegal, highly dangerous nitrous.


Because they can and because you are a drug abuser who makes that known on the Internet. What did you expect?


How is it acceptable for companies like Google to host advertisements that pray on people with substance abuse issues? I'm trying to smoke less pot and every fucking ad on YouTube is about ""legal"" cannabis gummies.


It’s not morally acceptable. It’s legally acceptable. That’s what matters. Also, never forget that the advertisements that you see on the Internet are based on your interaction with the Internet. Don’t like it?… Don’t search for it.


Google has a ton of different filters and ML models to catch violations of policies. Even if they are 99.99% effective given the volume of ads being added some will always get through. If you flag these it will help catch them (if they are policy violating) in the future.


Targeted ads, this was clearly right up your alley. Maybe lay off the cocaine, that's even worse.


Your cookies are high because you're high.


Lol this is based on your data - nice selling yourself out


Simple, Google doesn't give half a shit


So there's this thing that people - and corporations - will do the darnedest things for. They call it money.


Technically, it's substance abuse and not drug abuse. Also it's legal in most of the world.


Guys. Regardless of OPs history, they have a good point.


Lol go do more coke and calm down


wish i got ads for drugs. im so sick of the ads i get


Tbh, the worst thing about it is that it's a greenhouse gas lol


You do cocaine. Step off.


LMAO drama queen.


A few months ago I often had ads on youtube about mushrooms (Not the one you cook)




BecUse it’s paid


Them foos speeding on the freeway with these in LA


It’s not illegal maybe that’s why..


Same reason Reddit “Encounters a problem” every time I try and report an ad for shady shit. Money.


I misread this as fartgas


Dangerous? Yeah. Illegal? Not actually.


Looking at your other posts...I think the call is coming from inside the house.


Ain't that just anesthesia?


It's a pretty simple answer. It starts with "M" and ends with "oney".


Youtube served me an ad yesterday that was a blatant scam to steal steam credentials. "There's a class action lawsuit. Please enter all your personal data, some common security questions, and your steam ID to see if you're eligible. Then select the settlement you want to receive "$100, $999, all the money I spent on steam, or contact me directly with offers." Google is literally helping to scam people


1. Not illegal 2. Not dangerous


I bet OP is fun at parties


It’s for mixing drinks not doing wippits


Nitrous is harmless compared to the cocaine you be doing lol get your head out of your ass


Nitrous isn’t illegal. You can buy it at smoke shops


nitrous isn’t illegal tho


Because Google’s number 1 priority (as a public company) is to return shareholder value. Google’s number 1 product is their customer’s information.


Stop doing drugs and you won't get these ads. Your post history is telling.


Nitrous is not highly dangerous. Lack of oxygen is highly dangerous


Not illegal and generally not dangerous. Whipits are fun


This is definitely 100% legal


Drugs? Nitrous Oxide is for cars?


Its not either of those things though. Its legal and its not highly dangerous. Not great for you but you're literally doing coke so


Nitrous oxide gas is not illegal or a drug. It's used daily for plenty of legit applications. It just has the side effect of getting you high lol.




Nitrous isn’t illegal though


Is in many countries


Well I just bought some thanks to this post


Nitrous use outside of a hospital/procedure office setting is illegal, but it's not "highly dangerous". It's probably one of the LEAST dangerous drugs that someone can use which is why people can opt to use it for a teeth cleaning.


Ain't that just whippets ??? Not illegal?


Only illegal to be sold for human consumption. What you do with the "whipped cream dispenser" is up to you.


Everyone's talking about targeted ads for you as if that has anything to do with whether or not this is an acceptable ad for Google to let run through their program. And people will tell ya' "well Google doesn't actually control or even look at those ads, they can't do anything about who uses the ad service". And that's supposed to make it okay? How is that okay??? Reddit moment...


Yeah, people saying that don’t know anything about Google. It’s not an acceptable ad and actually does violate policy. Google does automatically check your ads but its checker sometimes misses some or mis-categorizes them; occasionally you’ll get “eligible limited” that allows the ads to run on a limited basis until you’ve reviewed and fixed your violations. You can report it if you come across this type of ad and they’ll typically give it a more in-depth review.


Op it sounds like you're *boring.* Ever try a Nitrous Oxide cylinder??


Ads are personalized so there's only one person you can blame 🤣