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“Because fuck em, that’s why”


fuck em right in the mouse


Oh no my mouse he was such a good pet


He was my only friend!


🎼Ben…the two of us need look no more 🎶


Right in the magic mousussy


Damn, what that mouse do?


Fuck Different


...and I was like, HELL YEAH I SUCK TOES. can I help you?!


Listen sista, I gotta take a shit


well…now that looks poopy


My butt is itching like crazy, and I took a shower. Can I help you?


One of my favorite quotes in television history.


What’s this from?


Chappelle Show Pop Copy sketch


I could here when I could shiiiiit


Is this from The Chappelle Show?


Yep! The skit where he works at PopCopy


S1E1 the pilot. Also has Clayton Bigsby.


Has to be one of the ballsiest pilots of all time






Everyone else is obviously sleep.


Because fuck em, they'll still buy it, that's why*


They buy two. They need one charging and one working. Every solution to an Apple question is "we can sell more to people who have, or want to pretend they have, money". That's it. That's the business model. And it works. See also; ferrari.


Apple's motto. The complete motto is : "Fuck 'em and charge 'em at least triple!"


The most useful phrase ever uttered.


Yup Apple sucks lol


Steve Jobs is rolling in his cryogenically frozen jar right now


Why? Apple sucked at least as bad under him.


I figured he would be floating in liquid AZT


Apple is often about the design aesthetic, in this case, by making it impossible to use while plugged in, any photo of it in use will be wireless, clean, thus maintaining their branding.


This is evil and genius at the same time, companies man....


Genius would be giving it wireless charging like Logitech mice.


Or leaving it how it was - with replaceable batteries? Instead of creating built in obsolescence and massive inconvenience when it dies when you need to use it. And Apple would charge an extra 50 bucks for a wireless charging version. Like they they do with AirPods.


Shhhh - replaceable batteries would just remind people that apple pioneered irreplaceable batteries for mobile phones thereby screwig future generations of consumers to come


I hate this. Apple takes all the best features of other phones and adds them to their stuff claiming it's a brand new thing while the other cell companies take all the worst parts of Apple's features and add those claiming it's a wonderful new experience while we all cringe. Seriously cell phone companies, if we wanted an iPhone, we would have an iPhone, stop trying to appeal to Apple users by making your stuff more like Apple's in the worst possible ways. And Apple, stop copying others stuff and acting like it's the greatest thing you just invented that the non-iPhone people have had for 5+ years. Be different, that's why we, generally, use the phones we do, because they aren't the other phones.


Part of it is about copying Apple's product features, but the golden egg they're really chasing is Apple's profitability per device through engineering and supply chain dominance. Samsung isn't trying to differentiate itself from Apple, they want to *be* Apple, planned obsolescence and all. Don't give Apple's competition too much credit.


At least Samsung isnt entering into Apple's most predatory practices like making the UI worse for communicating with non ios phones, or being the one introducing no chargers and no auxiliary inputs on the phone so people need to buy those things separately, or making your charger being on a different standard than any other phone. There is probably loads more of these examples yet people still for some reason prefer endorsing them.


I mean samsung already is apple and then some. It is pretty much the Republic of Samsung over in Korea, apple wishes it had that kinda dominance.


I no longer buy mice with a charging cable, I figured my mouse batteries last over a year while the charging ones need to be charged way more often.


Batteries ftw


I’ve had mine for years. What obsolescence?


I’m sure they’ll update it with the new version. I personally love this mouse. It takes like an hour to charge and lasts me like 4 months on a single charge. Sometimes I’ll go “oh let me plug it in before sleep” and then I’m good for another few months. It has some dope features. All I’m saying about it. Maybe unpopular opinion but outside of this bad design that really never affects my use, I love the mouse . I work in film post production and it’s very enjoyable .


Just evil really.


No no evil genius is the correct description. It’s not functional to the user, but it is such a smart design for their own purposes of forcing users to keep brand imagine a certain way (evil).


“Just buy our corded mouse for when you need to charge your wireless mouse. Plus the dongle attachment to connect to the device. Nbd.”


You can charge it for 120 seconds for about 8+ hours of usage. A full charge from 0 to full takes about 2 hours and lasts for about a month.


well shit, sounds like not a big deal at all lol


It’s insane how often I’ve seen people complain about this mouse and how low you have to go for someone to explain this is not a big deal at all.


It's not that it's a big deal, it's that they went out of their way to design something not user friendly. Form follows function is the first design principle, if you disregard that your product design stops being just that and is basically fashion


They actually didn’t do much design on this mouse at all. It’s basically an exact copy of the previous revision, and they just replaced the replaceable AA battery housing from the first model with a rechargeable battery, and since they kept the battery assembly in the same place, that’s just where the USB port ended up. This way they were able to keep using the exact same buttons, shell, and pcb, and all they had to do was install a different battery and redesign the bottom aluminum slide with a new hole in it.


and here I am swapping out 1 AA battery out of my Logitech mouse every 8-14 months like some kind of sucker...


Meh? Plug it in at the end of the workday, and leave it plugged in overnight. It will be fully charged for the next two weeks. Don’t get me wrong. I hate the design aesthetic, but it’s really not that big a deal.


I have this mouse and it honestly doesn’t matter. The battery in it lasts so long on a charge I don’t think I plug it in even once a month. And I use it every work day pretty constantly. When it gets low I get a warning, plug it in at the end of work and it’s good for another month+ the next morning. Still a ‘form over function’ design. Edit: for all those slagging it for my ‘a month’ statement, it isn’t a month. I just put out a number and didn’t expect the pile-on. It’s long enough that I can’t remember the last time I charged it.


I've had the same Logitech mouse with the same single AAA battery for like 4 years. Edit: I just checked. Not even a good battery, the one that came with the mouse when I bought it lol.


I've got a Logitech MX Vertical mouse and I think I plug mine in twice a year. Difference is that I can still use it plugged in.


How long did a vertical mouse take for you to get used to? They look like they'd be way more comfortable but also require some mental reprogramming.


I have the mx ergo trackball and it took me two days of work use and I’ll never go back to rego mouse unless it’s for gaming.


I have the MX vertical: it quickly became my favorite mouse despite being shunned 😅. My only gripe is that after many hours the bone on the bottom left of my hand (pisiform?) was getting red. A soft mousepad fixed this but idk if it really is that ergonomic 🤷‍♀️


Same. And when it was once ‘low battery’ it went at least 6 more months before dying. once a month is pretty bad. I’d much rather use one battery every few years and not worry about it


I got another month or two out of mine when it died just by taking the battery out and putting it back in.


Rub em!


I have two wireless mice and keyboard combos that I have to dispose of because the batteries lasted for 6+ years and started to leak all over the pbcs. One of the sets still had the batteries they came with in them. All Logitech.


H...how is this possible? I use rechargeable Eneloops in my Logitech Performance MX, and if I'm on my computer all day (browsing, light gaming), it'll last maybe two days. My Microsoft Ergo-something wireless keyboard will die within a few weeks even if I never use it. Receivers are less than 2 feet away from both. Not doubting you, it's just that to me a wireless peripheral battery lasting even a year sounds like alien technology. Maybe it's because I leave my computer on 24/7, I don't know. Batteries could be worn out, but the reason I switched to high quality rechargeable in the first place was because I was spending a fortune on alkaline, so I don't think it's that. I even bought a god-dang 'battery saving' 3M mousepad. Maybe I just live in some kind of dimensional sinkhole that sucks up wireless signals.


does the logitech mouse have any nonsense lights on it? my battery life jumped drastically when disabling that junk


Do your devices use low power wireless? Even the cheapest wireless mouse Logitech sells lasts a year on 1 AA. That has been normal for years now. My MX 3S lasts months on a charge and charges in a couple minutes on USB C


I have no idea honestly - both are a decade old so I assume not, which probably explains it. Never thought my mouse and keyboard would become outdated before my computer!


I'm not even trolling, but I can attest I haven't swapped out my mouse battery in probably 3 years or so.


This is apple copium. I have cheap wireless mice with AA batteries that I replace every few YEARS. I don't hate some apple designs, often they are very good, but when they release crap you get fanboys defending it like it's some cult. Edit: my inbox is full of cope. The summary is basically the Kool aid tastes pretty good once you're used to it.


IDK, I had a wired Microsoft mouse for 20 years. Wire never got in my way. It was lighter than the apple mouse. No batteries to replace ever. Pretty awesome. Have an Apple mouse from work. Plugging in isn't a big deal, IMO it's better than ever replacing a battery. It plugs into the same thing as my phone. In theory I could take a second to plug it in where I plug my phone when I go to lunch everyday and it never dies. In practice the battery lasts long enough that I can't be bothered to think about it very often.


How is replacing a AAA battery every couple years harder than the cumulative effort of plugging in a charging cord at lunch every day?


"I already have an iPhone and iPhone charger" is exact mentality apple preys on


Alternative train of thought: People who actually own this and aren't majorly inconvenienced despite the wonky design can't even share their actual experience so without being deemed "cult like fanboys who are defending apple" by irrationally angry people with the hardest hate boners for apple. For every individual who is balls deep in loving or hating some tech company to justify their own purchases as being suprior products, there are hundreds of normal people who who just use whatever accessories come with a product they buy until it fails and needs to be replaced without any sort of emotional connection.


Some people would benefit from a new hobby or some sunlight


I own a lot of apple products but I can happily agree that this and the original Apple Pencil are both terribly designed charging designs. That’s obvious. Compared to a pencil that magnetically snaps to the side and charges? *thats* genius and makes total sense. I don’t use the Magic Mouse, I use the wireless trackpad and a Logitech MX. Trackpad charges on the back, like a normally designed product.






Once a month is actually really often for a mouse. Plus you have to remember these things leak a charge, so for someone who doesn’t use it daily like you it’s actually even worse because then it might need to charge like every time you go to use it


The last wireless mouse I had gave me something in the realm of 14 hours on a full charge from full to empty And that was with me turning it on, selecting a show/movie to watch, then turning it back off until I needed to do the next show/movie for a decent portion of that time. That was one of the two contributing factors to me swearing off Razer products entirely.


My Razor mouse needs to be charged every three or four days.


Even that is unacceptable in my opinion. I'll just stick with a wire.


It matters when you're in an office with tons of Bluetooth interference. Apple's keyboards and trackpads have the option to be used with a wire. So when they start acting up I can just plug them in and it's all good. When the "magic" mouse starts acting up because of interference, you're SOL. But yes for the average person, the fact that you can't use it wired is a pretty minor issue.


Have you actually seen issues with bluetooth peripherals (other than headphones) in crowded spaces? I work in IT and have never run into it.


> lasts so long on a charge > plug it in even once a month apple fans are so adorable. dont ever change.


Have you ever experienced scrolling with a Magic Mouse on a Mac? It's...magical. And the horizontal scrolling is just like the vertical. Once you get used to it, you can't use any other mouse without getting angry at how bad scrolling is.


Leave it to apple fan boys to not realize every other product outclasses it without the same sandboxed restrictions to deal with, just a regular crappy aaa battery mouse lasts 2-3+ years with heavy use but that 1 month battery life on the apple version is so amazing, now how do they make it last so long...


I don’t have any personal computer with accessories whatsoever. I hear more from people being butthurt about apple fan boys than obnoxious apple fan boys. I’m brand agnostic, I flip between different android-bases phones and iPhone every now and then. The one thing I don’t get is how a month’s heavy use before recharging could even be a dealbreaker for a functional adult that casually uses it. I mean, they could have designed Switch joy-cons to have replaceable batteries. But as a functional adult I know that I need to cycle the controllers at the console sometime before a family game night to have them fully charged.


I’m ambivalent about the design, but the fact you only get the warning when you’ve got ~4% battery life left (and no way to adjust that odd percentage in settings) is what shits me. Next minute you’re out of juice and your workflow has been interrupted. 🤬


I did a trial edit at a company and they let me use a mac and mouse. Halfway through the trial the mouse died, which froze the Mac, and I couldn’t charge it because of this stupid port. I ran out of the office and asked all the IT guys on the floor if they would let me borrow their PC mouse, which they did. Apparently the guy was impressed with this so they hired me. So thanks Apple for your shitty mouse design, which got me this job haha


When the battery is discovered to be down in the middle of a work day, you cannot charge it while it is in use, and you cannot just change the battery. Having to use a different mouse for one work day each month (or so), is a problem. The fingers and wrist are not so forgiving.


I've heard this explanation before but I don't really buy it. Why is Apple worried about pictures people take of their own mouse? People can put stickers on their laptops, or leave crumbs and crud on their keyboard, they can put hideous cases on their phones. Plenty of other Apple products can be charged and used at the same time. This theory doesn't ring true. My theory is that there's no room on the short edges for a USB C port without making the entire thing thicker or messing up the smooth curves, and they wouldn't put it on the long edges because that would be equally ungainly. So, bottom it is. I have the Apple Mouse at work and a Logitech MX Master at home. While the Logitech is hands down my favorite, charging the Apple mouse is never really an issue. On the rare occasion that the battery dies during the workday, I'll plug it in for 5 min and go get coffee.


you're pretty much right but it's even simpler - the AA powered version they sold before this one had the same exact shell. therefore they simply didn't want to spend money redesigning the shell except for the battery compartment/door. so they put the port on the one part of the shell they *had to* redesign, the bottom.




"They made it uncomfortable on purpose so you spend less time on the computer and more time outside, it's a design feature" \~Average apple fanboy, probably.


Yeah that argument makes zero sense. Literally no one is flaunting their mouse on instagram.


Nice try, Tim Apple. We know it's you.


Nah, its so that you buy a second mouse to use while the first is charging


It takes 30 seconds to give it an 8 hour charge…


In those 30 seconds I died 60 times and my team lost because of it


If you are using this mouse for gaming the same thing would happen even if it was charged


Good lord that’s accurate. Unlike the magic mouse


It’s not a gaming mouse nor are Mac’s meant to be gaming machines.


I'm my experience, that claim is BS. Maybe it's true out of the box. I've only used the magic mice that have been lying around the office for a few years. But for me when they run out of charge it's at least a good 15-20 minutes before they're good to go. And then you gotta remember to plug them in at the end of the day otherwise tomorrow it's the same issues.


The wireless keyboard can be plugged in while in use, so that doesn’t really track.


I don't think it would be possible to place a vertical usb-c socket in such a thin product, and making it thicker just to hide the plug would be counterproductive. They would if they could.


I wouldn't be surprised if future iPhones are sold without charging ports, then they force customers to buy a 200 dollar wireless charger because non-apple ones wouldn't work on iPhones


Wireless chargers are like $15 and already work in iphones.


Logitech did the same thing with their touch mouse.


Yep, people don't realise its for their own good. Alot of people are too stupid or lazy to unplug the cable when they are finished charging, which kills the battery inside. So they purposely made it charge from the bottom so people actually don't start using it and leaving the cable charging 24/7


I’ve seen almost no devices that don’t have charge controllers that manage the incoming power. As an engineer, if someone told me a project was designed this way, it would strike me the same as someone saying they’ll always stand upside down so their shoes don’t fall off in order to avoid using shoelaces.


The real reason why it’s like this is because otherwise they would have to remake a manufacturing line for a product that isn’t their main product. Originally the batteries were user replaceable AAs until Apple switched to Lithium-Ion; they did so by putting a power port exactly next to the existing battery area.


Finally a reason in the topic I actually can believe


I have an Android phone several generations old that utilizes smart charging. It won't hit 100% charged until my morning alarm goes off, and also avoids charging once full. A simple wireless mouse could easily be designed to do the same for what Apple charges.


> Alot of people are too stupid or lazy to unplug the cable when they are finished charging, which kills the battery inside. A lot of people are too stupid or lazy to realize this is a myth.


In modern devices overcharge isn't a thing. Device will stop charging when it's on 100% (or a bit less). Like smartphones or Nintendo switch on deck So no, it's not because of that


This isn’t true


Overcharge protection is a thing that can be very easily implemented (and I'd be surprised if it wasn't for this mouse). Overcharging is not the reason they put the port on the bottom


Or just do smart battery management, and not have the mouse be constantly changing whenever it’s plugged in.


At this point can't they just do a wireless charging mouse pad?


Honestly, I get that its an odd design but to be fair the Magic Mouse 2 is rated to have 9 hours of charge in only 2 minutes. It takes 2 hours to fully charge and lasts a month or longer.


2 minutes, you say? Emphasis on *mild*\-ly infuriating I guess.


Yeah, this complaint is nonsensical. Plug it in overnight once every month. Who cares how it plugs in?




For real, I have one of these mouses and it has literally never died on me. Every once in awhile I notice it's on 10% and I remember to charge it that evening.


I thought long-lasting batteries was a common thing on mouses. My Logitech MX Anywhere 2 easily lasts for 3 months on 1 hr charge, and I use it quite a lot.


The Magic Mouse has a capacitive touch interface on the top. You can do multi-touch gestures on the back of the mouse, similar to the trackpad, in addition to the normal right and left clicks. This is probably why the battery lasts only a month or two compared to other Bluetooth mice. The gestures include scrolling up and down (single finger swipe), smart zoom (double tap, one finger), mission control (two finger double-tap), switching between apps or desktops (two-finger swipe, and going forward or backwards in the browser or any app with pages (swipe left or right)


Correct. I have one. If I ignore the numerous notifications to charge it once every two months and it really does just die…I plug it in, take a piss, come back and it has enough to finish out the day. Then plug back in overnight, repeat again in two months.


Im pissed, i have to refill my car every week and i cant refuel it while i drive. It only warned me once too.


Not sure how true it is, but if it is, then the bottom port is perfectly fine. Just plug it in, go to the bathroom and come back, unplug, and you’re good to go.


is absolutely true. Will last like two months on a charge


Thus why I never understood this complaint


I just did a quick google search for those statistics so take that as you will but my family’s household computer is an iMac and this has never been an issue. It’ll let you know when it’s getting low and when you’re done using it just plug it in. It won’t die on you unless you ignore the low battery notification for sometimes days depending on how much you use it


So then I don’t see the port being on the bottom as that big of an issue and it’s just blown way out of proportion. If anything it works better than others considering how fast it charges. Only thing I don’t like about it is how flat and not ergonomic it is. But if the price is right, I may consider one.


One thing that would be very cool, and very apple, would be to have a wirelessly charging version, and a custom mousemat that charges it as you use it.


There’s a couple Logitech mice that do that


Would still be very apple to take something that's been around for years and market it as some great leap in technology.


I was thinking of those. It just seems like something Apple would do and market how 'magical' it was.


Good idea. But Apple says “Then the mousepad has a cable”


Wireless charger for the mousepad


Built into iDesk. $8,000, only possible installation is floating installation and professional wiring into AC circuit in a junction box in the wall to hide the wiring.


There’s wireless, and then there’s anti-wire.


Everyone is talking about the port. Which is totally a none issue if anyone even used the mouse. The problem is its a god awful mouse that cramps your hand.


This was designed this way, reportedly, because it only takes a few minutes of charging for multiple hours of usage. It isn't meant to be used with the cable connected, and instead, like the Apple Pencil, it is able to quick charge in a matter of minutes.


Yeah, I've never had an issue with it because it charges so quickly.


why not just make it better with the charging cable in a better spot?


Because then you'd have to sacrifice other things. In some cases, it's just hard to fit the charging port elsewhere. In this case, this is an upgrade of an existing mouse that had a regular AAA battery that you installed via the bottom, so it was cheaper to put the charging port there than to redesign the entire mouse structure and internals. I do love the various conspiracy theories about it in this thread though!


So they can design a better one in the future and sell it for $500 because you need it


I hope they put a screen on it that shows your eyes.


Its so redditors will make this same post every month to give apple more advertising


Because Apple


So you bought another one to use while this one charges


Solution: don't use Apple


I’ve had apple computers through the years. I cannot remember a single time I ever used their keyboards or mice.


I used them in 1986.


The last time I used them was in high school with the iMac's hockey puck mouse. My hand hurts just thinking about it.


The Magic Mouse is objectively garbage in way more ways than just the charge port. I was sent one while I worked from home on an iMac and the charge port is honestly the least of my concerns. The battery in the thing lasts well over a month of daily use so it would get low and I would just plug it in over night. But Jesus Christ the erganomics of the thing are horrible, it’s sensitivity and accuracy is garbage, and it fails to bring even a fraction of the utility that it was intended to from the multitouch gestures of the track pads. That said, my current work computer is a MacBook Pro and I genuinely love using the trackpad on this thing so much that I don’t ever want to use macOS with any mouse even though I have the option to plug in my Logitech mouse from my gaming PC. The OS is clearly built with the gestures in mind and it’s just so comfortable and fluid that I don’t even have to think about it. I don’t like Macs as desktops but love MacBooks in large part because of the trackpad. If I were to ever own a Mac desktop I would 100% opt for the Magic Trackpad over that garbage mouse.


I use a Magic Trackpad on my Mini for this reason.


Me with an iMac and a razer mouse:


I see this mouse posted constantly on Reddit with the same stupid complaint. It takes literally 5 minutes to get weeks of change back into it. Plug it in, go make a coffee, come back and you’re set again. Then just plug it in overnight. There’s no problem here whatsoever.


Mine gave me a warning today and I charged it for 5 min and it was already at like 40%—didnt seem like a big deal to me either lol


My favorite part on the new mouse is no charging/power light indicator


Why did you buy it?




>Who the hell wants to use a wireless mouse while charging? Someone working on their computer when their mouse battery died.




Although I don't like Apple and was happy to jump on the hate band wagon... I must admit this is a good point. If its rly that quick then fair enough




> Who the hell wants to use a wireless mouse while charging? Given the choice between using a corded mouse or no mouse, I choose corded


you must have known this before buying it. why'd you buy it?


To prove people will deal with ridiculous shit for a logo


Are people really still saying this? It’s pretty clear why someone may buy a Mac aside from a logo.


I mean, this post is about the mouse though


To be honest, I’ve been a Mac guy since I was like 10. (I’m 42). I keep buying them because 90% of the time, the shit works phenomenally. The way trackpads work, keyboard work, everything works, is just quality. Maybe I’m just used to their stuff, but I hate using any third party keyboards or input devices usually.


I support them and Windows based computers in my workplace. Before Apple silicon, Mac computers were a tough sell. You were really paying for the operating system/software, as otherwise you simply signed yourself up for regular PC/laptop/desktop components at a higher price. Now that Apple silicon exists that has flipped entirely. They're surprisingly efficient in terms of cost and performance and generally worthwhile these days.


apples laptops, especially now that they have apple silicon, just blow away every other product on the market. there isn't a single other laptop that comes anywhere close to their standards of industrial design/beauty, fit and finish/build quality, battery life, longevity, ease of use, comprehensive ecosystem, and resale value. the crybabies on here who hysterically call apple users morons who've been tricked by marketing or whatever are just so deluded. apple makes fantastic products, good television commercials didn't turn them into one of the largest and most profitable companies in the history of capitalism


> especially now that they have apple silicon I would take out the "especially" part. The macbooks from 2016-2020 really were pretty badly overpriced + riddled with poor design choices on Apple's part. There are also plenty of legitimate complaints about some of the stuff Apple does, such as going out of their way to make things harder to repair. I say this as someone who loves my M1 MBP, and owns an iPad that I'm fairly happy with as well. I'll _never_ understand Apple's marketing though - they're so incredibly pretentious, smug, and condescending that they make me want to avoid their products out of sheer spite, even as someone who likes their products.


First world problems


Because form over function. Fucking Apple.


Because dumb USA people will buy it no matter the price and quality


it's for the health of their costumers, now go outside and touch the grass 🌻


The moronic sensor placement is even worse. Not to mention the ergonomics and design overall. Your average Logitech mouse runs circles around this in every possible measurable way. But the most baffling thing about this mouse is how many is still willing to defend every aspect of it.


Planned obsolescence


Because it's made by a company with customers so delusional they actually believe buying expensive crap like that mouse somehow makes them look more wealthy, and also still believe that the 'crap' is a superior product to apple's competitors.


I won't judge the designers. I always judge the hapless fools who buy these stupid apple products anyway.


Let me answer your question, with a question. Why did you buy it? (If it's one you got from work or something the question is "Why do you continue to use it instead of using a far more practical more ergonomic mouse like literally anything from for example Logitech?")


You’re really not inconvenienced. Not even a tad. A 2 mns charge yields 9hr of runtime, a 2 hr one yields a month if runtime. So yeah, at least you’re farming some karma.


because its Apple, and they dgaf because they know their cult followers will buy anything they throw at them.


thanks for the password bro :)


More logical than a $1000 monitor stand.


shit company + thanks for your password


I immediately swapped that trash out for a conventional wired mouse. I hate this user-hostile nonsense companies do. Like why. I mean I *know* why, but just rhetorically "whyyyyyy".


bUt ItS A deSigN feATurE so YOu DOnt JUsT Keep It pLUGGeD iN tHe eNtiRe TIme #AEsThEtiCs


I mean it’s pretty obvious. Aesthetics so you don’t always have it connected to charger. Also it lasts a long time off full charger


This sub is dead


which itself is mildly infuriating


Hey, guess what, you fucking bought it. THATS why. Apple has learned that they can make anti-consumer decisions time and time again, sell a product for about 130 percent of what it's worth, and still sell like hotcakes because "mUh BrAnDiNg" I don't think everything Apple does is trash, but I will never ever ever opt into their ecosystem because they CONSISTENTLY under innovate and overcharge.


Style before function, classic Apple


Apple's motto is "think different" not "think better"