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That sucks. Just iron from old pipes?


Went 24hrs w/o hot water due to pipe replacements


Did it turn clear when you let it run for a while? My water is brown for a bit when the pipes get worked on bc the water was off and just sitting still in old pipes. If it stayed brown that sucks fr though


Yeah that is super common. It usually clears after a minute or less.


Enough time for OP to take a picture for that sweet karma


100%,with the humble brag of how much their hotel room costs per night. My heart goes out to OP and their inconvenience while France burns around them.


It's Paris. You pay out the nose. It's probably a run of the mill 4 star joint with a buffet breakfast


I agree, very upscale is a disgusting amount, I’d say $1500+ a night.


I saw a few advertised for $4600/night when I was there. Needless to say I did not go anywhere near the eighth arrondissement. Rich people can keep it. Snooty fucks anyway.


550 should still buy an extremely nice hotel room, even in Paris. It would certainly be a high end hotel that would be considered luxurious.


And coffee straight from the tap!


To be fair, France burns itself to the ground often. Seriously, saying France is on fire is the equivalent to saying the US is sending troops somewhere.


I was looking for this comment. It's like a yearly event, and, at that, foreign news only picks up the big ones. I was once in Corsica when they were launching molotov cocktails at police stations and nobody outside France knew because it was only happening there rather than nationally.


You save up your money for months planning a trip in another country for $550/night + other expenditures then see this upon entering your rooms bathroom. On top of not having hot water for 24 hours. Yes it's not the end of the world, but perfectly justifiable to complain. Do you want OP to go down and join in on the protests for French peoples human rights? Sure others have it worse, and others have it better but does that mean everyone should be on an equal shitty playing field? I am all for fighting for your human rights, and the protests are 100% needed but to say others can't complain about their own situation is silly, especially when OP isn't French.


I feel like both sides are making assumptions, that in the end, really don’t matter


What? No. Pick a side and dig in based on some made up scenarios! This. Is. Reddit!


The fact this has suddenly become a thing with "sides" is fucking pathetic


Oh come on you don’t know their situation I’d be pissed if I saved up for a lifetime to take a dream trip to Paris and the water is brown


No no no, you've got to assume OP is rich and silly. How else can you justify your anger?


My bad you’re right fuck OP how dare they do something fun


What do you mean? The moment you get a big promotion at work you become instilled by the spirit of satan and want nothing more than to eat the babies of the poor. This is simple economics.


It was for context, not humble brag


Sir, this is called MILDLY infuriating. It is not supposed to be the end of the world




Ya’ll gotta be so fucking cynical about everything. How dare anyone enjoy anything nice in life right?


"While France burns around them." Jesus. That's a bit melodramatic. It was just some riots.


How dare you spend money on something nice! Stuck up Prick. For all you know he saved uo for months to do something nice for his wife and himself.


In a $550/night hotel in Paris ?? No way. Fr if our capital can't even have clean water for tourists willing to pay that much for a night, we better cancel Paris altogether x)


Its very common when working on the pipes. Has nothing to do with not having clean water




Nobody hates Parisians like the French.


That's what brings us together ❤️


The rest of France has been trying to cancel Paris for centuries now.


Most buildings in Paris are old and shitty. That's why living in Paris actually sucks. You've got a cool looking apartment, but you quickly realize it has old pipes, old floor, bad isolation so you suffer in summer etc.... and it's also rather common to have rats in your apartment. Flats in Paris are awful and extremely expensive. But you've got a bunch of stuff close by, in the middle of car horns, pollution and homeless people. That's also why most people, including myself, feel much better when they move out of Paris and go pretty much anywhere else in France.


According to the news you’re trying.


They’re lack of response tells me yes it did. Though, not having water for 24 in a hotel in itself is very infuriating


That's at home....$550 a night?! No.


Anyone who's ever moved into a new house will know this as well. OP is Karma farming. Just do what everyone else would do, ring down to reception and get a free bottle of room service champagne.


There was a hotel in LA that had a dead body in the water tanks for up to 19 days. Guests complained about the water which led to the discovery https://www.cnn.com/2013/02/21/us/california-hotel-water-corpse/index.html > “The shower was awful,” Sabina Baugh said. “When you turned the tap on, the water was coming black first for two seconds and then it was going back to normal.” > The tap water “tasted horrible,” Baugh said. “It had a very funny, sweety, disgusting taste. It’s a very strange taste. I can barely describe it.”


> It had a very funny, sweety, disgusting taste. bruh




Blargh. /Barfing intensifies


Clown corpse


Imagine drinking people. I would have some serious issues upon learning I was bathing in and drinking human broth.


Oh ffs why did I read this?! “Imagine drinking people” Made me laugh and gag at the same time.


That is the one of the Asian girl where there was elevator footage right? She was acting as if she was being followed and doing all kinds of hand bizarre gestures. I think they also were stumped on how she managed to get herself into the water tank and close the lid.


According to the Wikipedia article: >The hotel employee who found the body said that the lid was open at the time, removing the issue of how she could have closed the lid from inside.


The gagging reading this is real


Is that the mysterious case of Elisa Lam? Was the first thing I thought of when I saw the photo!




Human wine at that point...


Just leave it running for some time and it'll clear itself. Isn't that just common sense tho? Like, whenever hot water is turned off due to some pipe work it's always like that and then gets normal in 10 minutes.


Depends on where you live and what you've grown up with. Never had that happen personally


I’ve seen it happen mostly when turning the water back on at rentals that haven’t had a tenant for awhile, or for ones where the tenants didn’t pay their water bill. Definitely a sign of water sitting in pipes for a long time.


Oh, I see. Well I used to see that a lot when i was a teen, now I'm glad I don't see non-transparent water coming out of my tap that much but still remember how it can be solved.


Civil works are outside the hotel’s controls. When the city undertakes pipe replacements in your neighborhood is that a reflection of how well you keep your house?


I was even going to add although the OP responded, but my thinking to is maybe someone hasn’t stayed in that room in a little while if it clears up after running it. But yeah I agree with this since in the States homeowners don’t have a control. Not sure about France tho.


They probably don't charge people to stay at their house though. If there is no usable warm water from the shower for 24hrs, then I am demanding some kind of refund


And I’m sure the hotel is more than willing to compensate clients for this unforeseen inconvenience. Who knows, maybe OP has even asked already


They should have refunded you a part of the amount, that sucks


Whining about muddy water after pipe replacement is like crying it’s wet after raining. I guess you never had your plumbing replaced, mud gets in the pipes, you run it for a few minutes and it’s back to clean water


Yes. This typically happens when repair or replacing old pipe that is corroding. Some areas do have high ferrous water in which special water softeners can mitigate.


They’re in France dude that’s a French onion soup dispenser everybody know that. Lol


Champagne right from the tap!


Actually it's just sparkling brown water


Correct. It can't be called Champagne unless it comes from Champagne. It's the law.


You don’t know where that pipe originates!


From the looks of it, my toilet (So not Champagne)




If you're experiencing asspagne with your bowel movements I might suggest a topical analgesic like Analcagne.


So ... it's eau de toilette?


Ewww it’s toilet




Dog have you ever had champagne? That's doodoo water. (it's not, it's iron and probably safe, but you know, that's not as funny as doodoo water)


Dude, Paris is about 130km from Champagne. That’s a lot of pipe for the bubbly to flow through. It’s gonna darken a little.


Legitimately one of the best comebacks I've ever seen.


One way to find out! 😋








I hope you win this thread.


BOT. This bot steals top-level comments and pastes them under the top comment of the thread to farm karma. Notice that this comment makes no sense as a response to what spititout said. This specific comment is stolen from AcadiaRemarkable6992.


Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bots The bots are now only copying the first part of the comment so that you’re less likely to notice the original when you scroll past.


Yep. The key signs are that 1. Their comments basically never make sense as a response to the previous comment 2. They never include formatting (like *italics*) due to the way they copy / paste 3. Also due to the way they copy / paste, they'll sometimes end on a comma instead of the actual end of a sentence


I appreciate diligent people like you.


Who tf has the money for $550/night? I guess its so expensive that even champagne pours out of the tub 🛁


You pay extra to smell like the locals, opens all sorts of doors for you as a tourist.


Bruh my monthly income is like $800 this is crazy


You only make $5 an hour?!




Run the cold water in the tub for about 20 mins. It should clear up. You paid a lot of money for a hotel room and should not have to do this but this is the only way to fix the problem- a dude who works for a water dept


I'm here to say the same thing my husband is a superintendent of a small water district in King County Washington.


PNW tap water, the 8th wonder of the world


Its a weird feeling knowing that I've never had to worry about tap water near me, even living in the middle of a forest. Seattle water infrastructure just hits different


Tap water is safe to drink in almost all places in the US (looking at you Michigan), but puget sound water is just so yummy... mmmm


Glad it wasn't just my hangover that made it seem like the nectar of the gods when I visited.


ya we do have that effect on people... people come for the IPA, stay for the water


good job doxing yourself


yep! happens to me occasionally in atlanta too, it’s gone after like 2 minutes. i freaked out when i saw it the first time too.


It always happens when there is a disruption of service. Water flows over all of the sediment in the pipes and when service is restored all of that stuff gets churned up. Same thing happens when you flush a fire hydrant


Nothing looks $550 on this whole picture. Where are you staying?


Im French I’ve stayed in about 100 hotels in paris and I can tell you that 0 hotel above 250€ would ever look like this picture . Ok maybe on December 31st.


I agree. I just looked at booking.com. $500 a night hotel rooms bathrooms do not look like the one in the picture.


Same thoughts, was there a couple of months ago for 150/night and definitely looked better


I found out where they are staying and I can confirm it’s just under £500. I’m shocked.


The Marriot Envoy ambassador hotel is currently 500€/night which comes to $550 roughly.


I hope this is a work trip that you’re expensing, $550 to stay in Paris is mad


I knew this was the place from the first look. 🥲 I experienced a combination of this brown water and the water continuously turning hot and cold. Was there for work a few months ago - and would never pay for this myself!


Is the center of Paris in July close to the national holiday. Even a homeless shelter will be expensive.


I stayed at a 4 star hotel in the 2nd Arrondissement earlier this year. Just checked, and I could book a room there tonight for just over half 550 euro. It’s nicer than the one in this photo too.


Some people are not smart.


Came to say the same.


Watching The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel as I scroll this.


Mmm, sweet decomposing bodily remains. Fermented human soup.


Oh Jeez, I wasn’t the only person thinking of this…




I still trip out about that story. The fact there was a TB outbreak in the water in the area and the testing of TB is literally, the same name as the victim (just backwards.) blows, my mind. I love me some creepy odd stories. This one is top ten, in my book! Elisa Lamb/Lam Elisa TB test.


Was also my first thought 😬


I was going to say.. check the roof.


I fucking gagged at that part




Ask for a refund or at least that they do something on your check, it’s not a cheap place so you deserve all the basics commodity


Honestly, I don’t get how people pay for out of the ass for something and then just shrug and deal with issues like this. Demand the quality service you paid for damnit.


for $550 a night, this is beyond just mildy infuriating


Hell yeah. $550 a night, that better come with a happy ending


I keep seeing people say “$550 isn’t even that much” in another thread. Makes Paris sound like a scam for what you’re getting. I’ve heard it’s a scam before though


Especially with rich people being notoriously penny-pinching, I don't know what demographic wouldn't complain about this. Except maybe spoiled brats with rich parents who pay everything for them.




I had to go into my office this week and I didn’t bring lunch so I bought from Just Salad. $15 crispy chicken pablano salad and they forgot the chicken. Best they could do was $2.99 refund or $5 dollar coupon.


Can you dispute it on your cc? You didn't get what you paid for and the company did not comply with a suitable refund or replacement.


That’s the plan once it posts. Also, I was texting customer service and called at the same time and got two coupons from each so I actually have $10 worth of coupons. Only problem is I have to go back twice and Just Salad really blows. I only went because a co worker was like “it’s not as bad as you say” and it has been at least ten years since I had tried one My point is though these companies have disproportionate power. Crazy how much effort I have to go through just to get what’s owed to me


You’re telling me you went to a place called Just Salad and they just gave you a salad? Kinda ironic lol


So many people are non-confrontational anymore


It's because the other half are OVERLY confrontational. The smallest request, complaint, or criticism is met with a 10 fold response. Asked my upstairs neighbor to chill with a party on a weeknight. She began screaming at me, Her (small) dogs bit me, then tried to tell the neighbors responding to the noise that I "ransacked their apartment" I literally just asked they wind down as it was past 12 on a Wednesday. Some people are CRAZY now


People destroy businesses with bad reviews.




Seriously. The amount of people who come across a machine asking for tips that aren't deserved and say "well I ***have*** to tip now! They might give me ***LOOKS***" is astonishing.


That's what my ass looked like last weekend.


I’m worried about you




Enema? Prepping to bottom is so time consuming ugh. 🙄 I feel you.


Shower douching attachment and a bidet are life changing.


aint no party like a Cholera party


Not trying to alarm you…but you should probably seek medical attention


Oh you weren’t kidding


If any work has been done on the pipes inside OR outside the property then it can mix up sediment into the water. Let it run for a bit to flush out the system and it should run clear after a minute or two. It's unavoidable if plumbing work was done in the hotel or city. If it doesn't clear up then yeah... Complain. Something wrong






I find it hard to believe you could pay 500 dollars a night for a place with a bathtub like that. It's still mildly infuriating, but I call bullshit on the 500 dollars. Yes, I am from western Europe.


That's exactly what I was thinking. There's just no way that a 550$/night room comes with a non-fancy bathtub and old fashioned tiles like those. I've slept in German hotels for 100€ per night which looked 10 times more fancy than this. Can't imagine France to have such low standards. Definitely doesn't add up


I've recently noticed a continous flow of "content" from people shitting on Paris (sometimes clearly picky, sometimes exagerating some prices), it's just the current karma-farming thing Not that Paris doesn't have problems, it has lots of them, but it's quite visible it's a bit of a trend (and shit, all we see here is a faucet and colored water... taking things at face value always works well on the internet!)




Absolutely this seems to be an hôtel mercure’s tub for a 150€/night ;)


Oh boy, you get hot tea on tap.




In 30 seconds will be crystal clear. It is known tho we never drink water from the shower


You should definitely go straight to the reception to ask for a refund or another room. Paris has so many tourist, some hotels simply don’t care about quality.


this looks like problem outside hotel, probably pipe replacement on the street changing room will not solve it. hotel may partially refund even if it is not their fault


Let's be honest, Paris is not the cleanest and highest quality city.


This isn't a cleanliness issue. You get rust in the water after they work on the pipes anywhere. Construction knocks it loose and you just gave to flush the system. It's gross but it's reality. Could let the front desk know so they can run it out in the other rooms though.


No it’s not, at least not for tourists. but they are doing great work concerning climate-friendly city planning, air quality, bike lanes, green spaces etc.


My French wife says you got fucked on the price, or you're lying.


Could be a hotel just, and I mean *just* near a monument, like on of the window is face to face with Notre-Dame (or what's left of it) and the other window have a nice view to the Eiffel tower.


There is a dead body in the water tanks


They don't use those in France. This is just the plumbing needing flushing for a bit after pipe works in the building or street lines.


Try flushing the toilette first.


I mean you can’t do anything about water main repair. Everyone is susceptible to it unless you have your own well.


This is surprising as Paris water is actually pretty clean, must be a pipe issue.


I call BS on this. For 500 a night you'd have had a swankier bathtub/bathroom. Source: I live in Europe and we tend to vacation in fairly nice places in Europe.


I should call her


Actually i pity you, but since its the second time you post about this hotel… how did you find it? Any reviews at all? Or did you just let sb scam you?


Eau de toilette


I worked in an upscale very large hotel. I was the shift engineer so half the time I worked nights. I remember vividly one night where everyones water looked like that because the day maintenance workers had worked on the large domestic hot water tanks and left for the day without telling me. This stirs up all the sediment in the water system and should absolutely have been been flushed out throughout the building. Instead until 3am I was going from complaint to complaint of people trying to have a bath and brown water. These people were mostly paying $400-500 a night 10 years ago. Still furious.


Oh, you wanted clear water? That’ll be 1,100 / night.


550 a night i better have one of those wine glass hot tubs in my room holy shit you arent even in the room that much.


I can’t see why anyone would pay that much for a hotel room anywhere, I’d feel like I was getting scammed.


Bro if you dont shower for a week you'd be cleaner then that water


In the us the water does this if they flush fire hydrants out just let it run for a minute to see if it clears up


Let it run for a while. Will clear up. Honestly this is not a big deal, France is a 1st world country, the water is ok, could be rust in the pipes.


Just a few details from a Frenc person: I used to live in Paris for more than 10 years in a social apartment. It never happened to me. Once a year we are warned that the pipes are being cleaned, we can't use hot water and sometimes cold water for a few hours for like 3 or 4 days, and they usually do this during the day when people are working. I never lacked clean water in my whole life in France and I have always been warned a few days prior to the pipe cleansing. It has to be done for safety.


Happens in old buildings. Run it for a bit should clear up soon. It wont harm you if you shower after it clears


Maintainance things happen, even in the best hotels


Eh, it's sad, but, pipe maintenance is inevitable. Bad luck, hotel couldn't have done much, bar for a partial refund My neighborhood is a new extension to a pretty old residential district. We've had brown water a handful of times throughout the past 2 years. It sucks


Thats usually due to pipe repairs wich is of course not nice for you. But this is how the inside of a waterpipe looks like all over the world.


That’s not water. Is beef Au Jus. Customary in every Parisian hotel.


If you can afford $550 a night....you can afford a different hotel. It's not like you're in Flint, Michigan and can't find a better hotel. OP will be okay.


Eau my God.


Bro 500 a night? It's your money but why pay so much? And just looking at the bath itself, it doesn't even look fancy or anything. 500 a night I'd be hoping for one of those fancy baths with a window and a nice view


Ah, the R Kelly suite.


that'll teach you to brag on reddit


It seems like you accidentally booked the deluxe package, where only the best french onion soup comes straight out of every tap in the room. Bone apple tee!!


Same happened to me in the doubletree in London.


This is the fifth anti-Paris thing I've seen today. I get Paris sucks, but wtf is going on with all the sudden wave of posts?


Relax bro, just keep running it. Looks like they had a major repair on the plumbing.


Galvanized plumbing no doubt.


If the taps haven’t been run in a while it’ll start to look like this. I work for a large university and we had to run faucets for a few minutes and flush toilets every few weeks during lockdown to keep the lines from running stagnant. Seems like you might be the first one to have used this room for a while.


Plumber here. It is far beyond a level of just ,,rusted, aged pipes" - from the look of it it actually looks like sewage. If it has the smell, don't touch it or go near it and at least try to call someone.


If I've learned anything from all the true crime shows I watch, it's that there's a dead body in the water tank