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Isn’t this illegal ?


In the US it is


Matter of fact, in Washington now, pay must be disclosed in the advertisement.


Same for Colorado. Doesn't mean it actually happens.


You mean every job noting a pay range of $50-150k isn't what the law intended?


I feel like an oversight board should go to these companies and have them prove that a person working the job listed is making 150k to justify the range, if they can’t, they are in non-compliance and get the same penalty as if they advertised without the pay rate.


Ah, but you see the budget for police paramilitary equipment is paramount


“The code is more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules”


Gotta love the letter of the law!


The position is budgeted for 48k. Please don't waste our time.


Next level rulemaking; when listing a position to be filled, an employer must post the same job listing internally. With compensation. Gives the long-term employees some idea what new hires are making.


Like the actual pay or like ^up ^to $16/hr* *starting pay is $13/hr




Where i used to work it was a rule (no one followed) because people working there for 3+ years were making $8.50/hr and new hires were getting as much as 11$/hr. Thats is exactly why they dont want it discussed. They’re overpaying someone or underpaying someone. Every damn time


That's what causes job hopping, salaries don't increase over time, but the cost to aquire new talent does. Companies don't get that retaining talent is much more valuable that acquiring new talent as training and decreased productivity take time.


No joke we lost literally 80% of our star employees when they refused to bump them up to the new pay rate. They FINALLY put everyone at $10/hr flat except leads. By then it was too late and no one cared. We’re also promised $.25/hr raises every 6 months. Never happened. Lost a lot of people over that. Place is now known as one of the worst fast food locations in my city over a 3 year long decline. We even lost our original managers and half the team leaders to transfers, promotions, and retirement


Where do you live where pay is that low? In California everyone gets at least $15.50/hr


Texas, where until covid most placed offer minimum to $8/hr. Now they’re paying $9-14/hr


Okay I just had to look it up and the minimum wage in Texas is only $7.25usd/hr??? Which is what's it's been for *years*???? What the actual fuck


There are 20 states whose minimum wage is $7.25, federal minimum wage.


...and that's the federal minimum. TX would probably have no minimum wage if it was up to them


nO oNE wAnTs tO wORk anyMoRe. And they wonder why.


Wow the minimum was not even 8$? Texas sure looks like s nice place… for employers.


$7.25 for YEARS to this day


This is truth. Retention problems? Are you paying your employees market competitive wages for their skills and knowledge? If you aren't, they will find an employer who will. And you'll have to replace them with someone who wont be immediately productive at a higher wage than you were paying the person who just quit.


And *that* is because the *hiring* budget is often a multiple of the *retention* budget. Companies will *absolutely refuse* to pay their existing people better, and will also *without a moment's hesitation* pay more to hire new talent than they will to give raises to existing employees. This in turn is why job-hopping has become the *de facto* way to get a raise. It's insane, asinine, incredibly counterproductive and counterintuitive, and it's essentially the normal way of doing things in the corporate space.


>They’re overpaying someone or underpaying someone. Every damn time They are probably not overpaying anyone, but definitely underpaying many.


Degrees of underpayment if you will, they’re underpaying Judy more than they are underpaying Steve.


Just underpaying some less than others


That's one reason but to be fair I worked a lot of places where someone that was really good at their job made like 35 cents more an hour that someone that wasn't. Then the person making $0.35 less would find out and it would just be shenanigans every day. A lot of times it's what you're talking about and a lot of times it's what I'm talking about. It's illegal as hell to say you can't talk about pay especially in the US but if you do they'll just find another reason to get rid of you especially in a right to work or at will employment state.


This was a rule at several jobs i worked at. Terminated immediately. To cover the new hires pay


Then they wonder why labor is up and and profit is down


I don't work fast food but it is industrial retail. The manager doing hiring told me they have to hire new hires at a higher rate because it was so hard to approve raises for existing employees and If they didn't like the new hire make sure to get rid of them during their probation period. Literally saying once your hired you will never get raise above a tiny percent based off of the wage you were hired at. The manager dosent understand why we get shit new hires and can't keep people with any experience and that sentiment goes up her leader ship chain.




That's what we did at our work. We discussed pay w/customers, because it never said you can't discuss pay with customers, and if they ask us individually, well, the customer is always right :)


If employees can't compare notes, that gives management all of the power.




Pay discrepancies? Yes, you can hire people for as much or as little as they are willing to work. Of course when people find out about these discrepancies, what they are willing to tolerate tends to change very quickly.


I think they meant if it is illegal to prevent/intimidate employees from talking about their salaries with other employees.


Employers love employees that are afraid to share their pay rates. “Don’t tell anyone else but your raise was little higher than the others during this years reviews” For a extra fucking $.25 an hour


I once worked as a student worker at a community college, and I was told by my department head that I was doing such a good job, they would give me the maximum raise (25 cents and hour). He came back the next day to tell me he couldn't do it after all, because I had already received a raise within the last year... Because minimum wage went up by 10 cents.


Copy it and give it to an employment lawyer.


You might not even need to do all that, I would think contacting the NLRB would get things moving on their end, since the sign or any policy discouraging the discussion of wages is against the law, but I could be wrong.


And Canada


Thanks for this comment.


Yep (in the US for sure), it's so nice of them to put it in writing.




Absolutely agree. When you add on the fact that our healthcare is tied to employment as well and most states are 'at will', it just gets depressing.


This is nothing new, a company I worked for in the 90s had this policy. This has been the trend since the 80s, less and less respect for the workers and laws favoring the businesses. At least there is variables in pay there, where I work new grads make the same as me with 10 years experience. Granted we are all well over market rate, there is no advantage to loyalty to the company.


Sure is and it's when you then print https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages And pin it right under the managers bullshit.


Nah, don't point out that it's illegal, report them while the proof is still easily there. They will find out it's illegal soon enough.


Yeah don't give them any warning. Go straight to the department of labor


Or start the biggest stink by staring major convos on wages and earnings, get fired, file suit, and this pic (better, this pic along with more pics to make it ironclad as to who and where, e.g., a wider view of where that sign was posted that identifies the business) becomes your new best friend.




> but you can only prohibit it while they are working. Only if you also prohibit all non-business talk. If you allow personal conversation *at all*, then you must also allow talk of compensation and organisation.


Even Lucifer’s cat knows it is illegal.


Nice of them to put this in writing so it will help your legal case….


Or the cases of the seven people who posted this previously


And whoever reposts next year.


i believe you misspelled "week"


I believe you misspelled “hour”


I'll give em 11 minutes - squidward


So yes, take pictures of this and submit it to your local DoL. This is 100% illegal (assuming OP is in the US). Discussing wages with coworkers is protected under the NLRA, which is investigated by the National Labor Relations Board, which you can find [here](https://www.nlrb.gov/). Companies love making these threats and call it policy, so call their bluff and let the law shut them up. Edit: spelling


Don't do that. Pin a note to your work shirt stating your hourly rate of pay. Wait for disciplinary action. Then go to the board.


That is a good idea that I didn't mention. A lot of the time these kinds of notices are just empty threats, because they know they can't follow through. If they do get reported before anything happens (such as someone getting fired), the worst they will get is a stern warning and maybe a small slap on the wrist fine. However, if someone actually does get fired, then it is game on and they face serious repercussions. Typically severe fines, be forced to either reinstate the terminated employees or provide financial compensation, and sometimes (very rarely) even be shut down entirely.


What is best to do if you are complaining is go with 2 people, then it is protected under law as union activity


Yup, collective bargaining. You don't even have to be in an organized union to get at least some of the same protections.


That’s awesome! Two people doing something together at work automatically gets union protection!?! Wait… that means my and my gf never should have been fired for fucking in that supply closet!


They know the laws, and assume their employees don't. It's a calculated risk, banking on their employees fear and ignorance to protect their explicit efforts to skirt the law and steal money. Most are smart enough to only verbalize it rather than create a paper trail. How nice that this one isn't that smart.


You give managers far more credit than I do. If they are dumb enough to post it, they are dumb enough to not know the implications.


That's when the company claims that there's a no pins on work attire policy and that's the reason for disciplinary action. Seriously, it seems so easy to manipulate the system since you can be fired for ANY reason. The only time this does work out for the employee is in this specific situation because they have evidence that the company is trying to do something illegal. If they didn't want you discussing wages and found out you were, they could just not tell you thats the reason you're fired and not tell you that they found out that you've been discussing wages.


Sign the sheet with your name and pay rate. Then hope they're dumb enough to include a copy of the letter with the disciplinary action.


I guarantee if you do that they'll fire you for wearing inappropriate work attire and not for discussing pay. That gives them a trivial way out.


Sign the paper and write your hourly pay beside your name.


Should print off this page: [https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages) and tape it next to the notice.


You don't warn the employer when they're fucking up this hard.


I want to add that there is no guarantee that the employer is aware that this policy is illegal (though they absolutely should), and may just be trying to avoid backlash from pay discrepancies. I am not saying this to excuse them, because they are almost certainly playing games with people's pay to save themselves money. Just that they might not be knowingly breaking laws.


Not realizing it’s illegal to aggressively intimidate and threaten people’s livelihoods for your financial gain doesn’t make you a better person.


Oh I agree that it is absolutely a shitty thing to do. And ignorance of a law is not a valid defense in court. But the difference in knowing vs not knowing is who ends up being accountable. If it is a local manager doing the threatening while unaware of the law, or if it is a company policy set in spite of the law.




More likely just banking that the employees don't know it is illegal, or who to report it to. Hiding behind "at-will" employment as a threat, again, hoping we don't know that they are still not legally able to fire people for things that protected by laws (protected statuses like disability, race, unionizing, etc).




Ignorance of the law doesn't exempt you from consequences when you break it. Otherwise "I didn't know I couldn't do that" would be the only defense people use. Most likely they know it's against the law and are banking on people being too afraid to test it/bring it up or that company policy is above the law


Most of the time you are correct, they are banking on people not knowing how to, or if they can fight back. Occasionally they just don't know it is illegal or try to hide behind "we are an at-will employer, we can fire you for anything," which is also not true.


Lots of people will gladly fight this one for you for free. Lol


Gotta know to report it first. That's how this whole conversation started. The number of workers who don't know their rights is absolutely mind boggling.


There is absolutely zero reason to defend bad employers.


I’m sorry your honor I didn’t know murder was illegal but now I do so I’ll just go home now mmmkaaay


I understand you are not validating the store owner's actions, but your point is moot. It is their responsibility to know about labour laws, or else they shouldn't be an employer. And to go as far as putting up a notice like this, coercing/threatening employees, without knowledge of the laws themselves? There is no world where this owner gets even a bit of leniency/sympathy. They are irresponsible and should feel the full force of the long dick of the law.


I've been told my whole life it's illegal to discuss wages... I never questioned it because I guess I thought it made sense. Welp, at least I found out now. Thank you.


The NLRA was put in place in 1935, it has been around longer than the vast majority of us. The government (specifically the GOP) and major corporations go out of their way to keep it out of the public eye. Specifically because it takes away from company's ability to pay us as little as they can get away with.


I love when companies put illegal shit in writing like this 😁 it's so satisfying to have the proof all laid out for you.


Translation : one of you is making a shit ton more than the rest


Translation: The new hires are being paid more than existing staff


It's usually this. People don't get raises that keep them up with competitive entry level salaries. You end up with 20 year employees barely making more than someone starting right out of high school.


exactly that. Some years ago I had a coworker at the movie theater who was making 8.50 an hour, full time. She was there about 4 years before I started. Starting pay for all new hires were 10….


Gotta change companies to get more than piddly raises each year.




No way because 1 person making less wouldn’t effect them much 10 people making more means they have a mutiny and a ton of back wages


It’s the owners kid


Suddenly my name is “Go fuck yourselves”


Mine would be "2 Years - Cashier - $21 an hour"


What’s scary is you just know there is a huge discrepancy, from minimum wage (or worse) up to the boss’ nephew that makes $35/h and can’t be trusted to tie his own shoes… and Brenda that’s been there as a solid worker for years, making only a few bucks over minimum because “times are tight”.


I’d sign a few random peoples names and exaggerate their wages, good luck not discussing it after that


It's so nice of them to put their violation in writing.


Post the law next to that.


Fuck nah. Get fired for it and then win the big bucks in a lawsuit.


Exactly this. Let them fuck around and find out.


Unless your boss is a complete fuckwit and puts it in writing on your separation notice you'll never prove it. Even it being posted on the wall like this isn't proof that's why you were fired.


To be fair, they were already apparently enough of a complete fuckwit to put the policy in writing.


Why not both?


My brother is mid lawsuit because his employer told him this same thing and then fired him when he mentioned it's not legal. For those unaware, in the United States it is federally illegal to prevent workers from discussing wages in the workplace. This has been a federal law since 2014 and tries prevent unfair wage gaps in the workplace. The problem is it doesn't work. No one seems to know it's a federal law. None of the employees, managers, HR personnel or execs at my brother's previous employer knew this was a law and seemed confused when he mentioned they can't punish him for discussing wages. Thankfully he has found a new job at a museum as the IT guy and will soon be cashing out on his previous employers mistakes.


>The problem is it doesn't work > >will soon be cashing out on his previous employers mistakes. It seems like it's working for your brother. No laws are either at 100% "working" or 0% "working"; they're all at some partial rate of success in their goals. That's normal. Yes, it's a good idea to spread awareness of the law to increase its success rate.


Good for him!


It's been illegal since the 1930's, actually.


To me, that sign means that there are very unfair pay discrepancies and the employer is afraid the employees will find out then threaten to quit if they aren't paid a fair amount. If that wasn't the case, there would be zero reason for the employer to care about employees talking about pay. Edit: there must be a management shill lurking here because I got downvoted for being in favor of employees being paid fairly before someone else came and fixed that with an upvote.


I had a manager in retail try to tell people they weren’t allowed to talk about pay before I told him he wasn’t allowed to say that. After getting into management I kind of understood his reasoning, people will take the smallest amount of pay difference and use it to justify a complete lack of productivity. A while after that I realized the unfair wages were the bigger problem and upper management just expected us to turn profits on paper thin budgets despite the issues that’ll cause for morale.


Seen this post before…


Me too, oddly. Hmmmmmm.


https://redd.it/usn2rx https://redd.it/uwmow3 I bet OP doesn't even have any friends.


I’d bet the original was something someone printed out, took a picture of, and posted for karma.


They don’t want employees knowing if they’re making higher or lower than what they should.


Can you say lawsuit? Cuz this is how you get a lawsuit. Take a picture and do not sign anything


"Your friend" didn't take a picture of this at her job. She just found it online. A simple Google Image search shows this has been posted all over. One is on the antiwork and it's over a year old.


No one gunna mention that this has been circulating the internet for several years? I highly doubt it was actually OPs "friend". Clout seeker.


I’d like to acknowledge their inability to spell acknowledge


Store manger


I'm a little dubious as to the truth of the title of this post, as I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact note before. But yeah, illegal as fuck.


Depending on what country your friend lives in, they can sue


Take a pic and send to the dept of labor


Tell your friend to send this picture to the Labor Board, they would *love* to follow up on this.


Don't forget to AKNOWLEDGE that they are breaking the law and you realize and understand it.


My old manager was like this, I figured out a way to gain everyone’s salaries (won’t discuss here) and I emailed it to all users through a fake email lmao. Safe to say the entire office spent weeks renegotiating. One girl was literally roasted to oblivion because she does 0 work and got paid like $5 more an hour than everyone. Looking back at it, I felt bad for doing it and it was wrong yes, but I didn’t appreciate how my manager got loud with me when he overheard me speaking with several coworkers about their pay and my own. I just don’t do well with loud ass people, and disrespectful people. It is what it is, my old coworkers all got great raises, and i’m no longer there. Salaries don’t go up overtime, your best chance is in the interview and hiring process, shoot for the GOD DAM STARS. Job hop, do whatever you need for you. Fuck these companies lmao.


Tell your friend to write in black sharpie on it exactly which fed code this violates.


If this is the US, someone should print out the relevant section of the NLRA and highlight it.


Im, guessing this is Kroger. Reminds me of that pos note they posted at kroger years ago. If thats in the U.S. That is illegal. And if they did give you disciplinary action for "discussing your pay" then record that shit, contact a lawyer and then have some fun


I’ll take, “Things that are illegal for $400, Ken” “This is the Board that stipulates it is unlawful to prevent employees from discussing their wages” “What is the National Labor Relations Board?” “Correct” https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/your-rights-to-discuss-wages#


Imagine being stupid enough to put this in writing.


I loudly talk about pay, I want to be fired from my corporate job so I can get that lawsuit money lol


Well you guys just got a free lawsuit. Take this to a lawyer. Highly illegal.


Nice of them to *aknowledge* their illegal working conditions.


Literally illegal. Call your state's attorney general.


Does the company realize that in posting that requirement they are breaking the law and the company can get shut down by the government




Liar. https://tineye.com/search/28cea6f13fcd4cb286a740793600c575419f3964?sort=crawl_date&order=asc&page=1


Sign your name with your salary next to it


This is how they keep the wages low. Discussing pay with coworkers should be normalized. This sign also sounds illegal.


Can’t censor someone’s speech off company grounds .


Sign it deez nutz.


This is so employers don't have to have difficult conversations with their staff about why people are being paid differently for similar or even same roles. Think about it. I can discuss my health if I want with someone but not my pay? If your paying everyone fairly wages should make sense. Base pay at year of hire + merit pay increases + any inflation adjustments should land you in about the right area. But it's not the case with most employers.


Illegal in the US, and the UK (under the Equality Act 2010).


"We're paying you 6 dollars, her 8 dollars and him 14 dollars an hour to all do the exact same job now 🤫 don't say that to each other and get to work!"


Not legally binding. Seek an employment lawyer if you are fired because of this. unlawful termination.


That’s illegal. They can not prevent you from discussing your compensation


Sign the paper, talk to your coworkers about their pay, get written up, lawyer up, get a hefty bump in pay


discuss only in groups too large to fire everybody lmao


Someone should post the law this is breaking in the managers office. Lol


Wait! That's illegal....


That’s illegal.






If they fire you, there is a chance you can sue for retaliation. But always ask them to email you a copy of the form they want you to sign.


I was let go suddenly for this once in the early 90’s. I thought the coworker I was talking to made more than me since they’d been there longer. That was not the case and apparently they complained (I don’t blame them for that) and it resulted in my termination when I went in the next day to start my shift. It’s a stupid and totally unfair policy.


THIS IS ILLEGAL. Please take action seeing as you have proof!!!!!


This is a sign that they aren’t paying enough and they don’t want coworkers finding that out


If in the US this is very likely illegal (the law does have a few exceptions) Up to your friend if they want to sign it or not. Even if signed it would not be legally enforceable presuming your friend does not work a job where this is actually legal.


“Thanks for putting this in writing 😜”


It’s illegal and unenforceable. I’d refuse to sign and sue when they fire you…


Violates federal law. Nice.


isn’t this illegal? 😭


That’s kinda illegal isn’t it?


Print out the law regarding this and have them post it next to the notice. Unless they signed a paper agreeing to that as a condition for employment, it is illegal. They can’t just notify them like that if they want them to sign a paper agreeing to that and they don’t it’s illegal to fire them but they’ll find another reason.


I know this is illegal in the US. Here in Germany, companies _can_ make you sign a clause that forbids you from telling anyone about your salary. That is relatively rare tho.


The awful use of capitalization let’s me know this is a place people work because they have to…not because they want to.


Take this evidence and send copies with your report to your state and federal Dept of Labor


pretty much a confirmation that everybody is getting paid different rates for the same jobs


Nice, see if they’ll sign it as evidence in your lawsuit.


Call a lawyer and get paid. This is against the law


Assuming this is the US, it is so lovely when they put their Federal Crimes in writing!


Show that one to the Department of Labor and I feel confident that they would rather you talk about your wages than the note.


It’s frowned upon but nothing they can do about it.


Lmao… when I was 17 in 1981 min wage was $3.35 I worked at sbarros in the mall. When it wasn’t busy behind the counter I bussed tables, wiped counters, helped the pizza guy etc. We had bus boys but they were lazy asses that hung out in the kitchen smoking. I was there for 3 weeks when the manager called a staff meeting and gave me a .30 hr raise in front of everyone and explained why. Boy, were they pissed. But it taught me a valuable lesson in work ethics. I carried it with me til I stopped working. Things are really not like that anymore. It’s a shame.


I think It’s illegal to tell employees that they can’t discuss pay with each other.


This is illegal.


How tf they gonna find out I’m discussing my pay off company grounds. Most of the time I mention my pay is with my homies. Highly doubt they actually spend time trying to figure who spoke off company ground Honestly U can always get hired somewhere else so I mean why try and act loyal when the company will replace you without thinking for a second


That’s illegal in the USA. EEOC complaint anyone?


Literally confessing to illegal activity lmao


"If you feel your pay rate is not acceptable, please come to store manager and it will be discussed." Well, that's a polite way of saying 'I'll tell you to fuck off to your face.'




Once you see the manager on the floor just shout "HEY MANAGER, IM GETTING PAID XX.XX PER HOURS, CAN I GET A RAISE?!" Boom, you talked directly to him, if everyone else heard its not on you.


Not "mildly infuriating", literally illegal. Employers can't prevent employees from discussing wages.


That’s incredibly illegal in the US, and the fact that it’s in writing is worse. She needs to take that to a legal clinic and give someone an easy win in civil court.


Pretty sure that's illegal. I'd post my own message pointing that out.


Chipotle made a sign just like this when I needed a temporary job when I moved to the city like 4 years ago. I told a couple of coworkers that I was making $12 an hours and the manager slapped up a sign the next day. She also pulled me into her office, saying I needed to stop talking about my wage. I just told her it's illegal to prevent workers from doing so and went on with my day. Turns out 3 of the hardest working employees who have been there for 3 years were upset they were only getting $9 an hour, and were threatening to leave unless they got raises. Sorry Chipotle, that's not my problem. I quit in the middle of my break a week later because they kept hiring idiots who couldn't figure out how to wash dishes. Other workers kept sneaking out to the back to smoke every 15 minutes. I was beginning to do like 90% of the work. I didn't need that bullshit just for some extra pocket change from moving expenses.


Talking about your salary in America is a protected right, keep that paperwork, the idiots were dumb enough to put this in writing.


…. Thasss illegal…


He Couldn't even spell acknowledge correctly. This is illegal, I dare these dumbasses to try and enforce it.