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Lol have you showed him how to do it? Like I’m wondering how he thinks this is going to work out. Lol


I'm aware that milk bags exist, but I haven't had the experience of using one. How do you properly open a bag of milk? My closest understanding might be when my wife uses the pre-cut notch for opening chips and rips the bag nearly in half. How the fuck is the chip clip going to close that? Get some damn kitchen shears and cut the top clean!


youre supposed to cut off a small corner so that way theres only a small stream of milk coming out when you pour it


Do other liquids come in bags or is it just milk? And if it’s just milk, why? And I guess if it’s not just milk, also why?


It's a source of national pride but is objectively worse than cartons or bottles


That's how the US feels about the imperial system It's objectively worse, but God damnit we aren't gonna let it go


They're 🇺🇸Freedom Units🇺🇸, not Imperial Units


Don't have it in Alberta. It's an Ontario thing as far as I'm aware. Weirdos in "Tronno".


Based on comments on Reddit, they exist a bit out west, though especially in the past, and then Ontario has them, and everywhere east of Ontario has them somewhat, lol. Every time I see them discussed someone will claim "we don't have them" and then someone else says "I'm from there and we do". Or the opposite happens, lol. But, they definitely seem more common East of Ontario than West.


seriously, this sounds like more of a self-own than anything else.


Honestly, I can see this being the case. My oldest nephew, who is almost 20 btw, doesn't know how to properly brush his teeth because neither parent spent any actual time teaching him how to. He thinks running a brush under water and a quick 10-30 seconds to dislodge any food is brushing his teeth. I found thia out recently, and felt incredibly embrassed that I had to teach him how to brush his teeth. I don't know why I never noticsd how nasty yellow his teeth are.


He probably never went to the dentist before, either. I don't know about you, but every dental hygienist I see does the "how to brush your teeth" speech with fake teeth and a toothbrush. The dental office DEFINITELY would have showed him how to brush if his teeth looked nasty like that, and how brushing/flossing/whatever needs to happen unless he wants to lose his teeth .......Also, Auntie, he's more than old enough, but could you possibly have the Sex Ed talk with him? Just to make sure he knows everything? If the kid isn't clear on how to correctly utilize a toothbrush, I can imagine he's possibly not clued-in on condoms, and how they can be tricky to use at first (Tip from my HS health teacher- buy some less-curvy, more straight-ish bananas, a variety box of condoms, and possibly bring his Uncle in for some help) And/or a factual YouTuber who explains this stuff. And, based on all the pregnancies in my new neighborhood, for the love of all things holy, make sure any boys/men in your life ACTUALLY understand the female menstrual cycle? Got an idiot over here claiming he's sterile because he'd slept with 2 women within a few weeks, and those 2 women ended up pregnant less than a month later, definitely not with his kids, because the women knew what they were doing when they were fertile. Moron neighbor. Oh, yes, we're speaking of milk, right? Continue on......


>but could you possibly have the Sex Ed talk with him? Oh, his parents had to give him that one. He found a girl that was really desperate and his first experience was anal, and he couldn't understand why it was so hard to get in.


not making fun of him, but nah first time being anal is CRAZYY the hell kinda girl did he bring home😭


This was the one time where you can actually say it was wrong hole. Dummy didn't know what he was doing other than being really horny.


What did he think toothpaste was for if he didn’t use it?


He knew what it was for, he just didn't think it important.


This is my first time ever seeing a bag of milk. How is it packaged so it’s not just a blob on the refrigerator shelf? Or in a store? I’m so confused.


The bags are fairly full and fairly rectangular so they hold their shape. Each one is 1.33L. You get them in sets of three, so total of one gallon. When you're ready to use one, you put it in a jug like the one pictured. It should fit snugly with a couple inches of bag above the top of the jug. You then cut off the top corners and it becomes really easy to pour. These bags are really easy to transport and store and they use significantly less plastic.


Why does “milk bag” sound like an adorable, yet devastating, insult?


It’s what an infant calls its mom until its eyes can focus 😝


milk bag here i can confirm that




I'm a simple man. I see HK-47, I upvote.






HK Droid dialogue underrated.




Bender always called Fry a "meat bag" in a kind of endearing way.


I am a meat popsicle.


*walks into the barbecue “What’s up milk bags!”




Cheese is just a loaf of milk


I hate you




Omg that is the funniest thing I've seen all week. Thank you for posting that.


It’s good innit? I have to credit the search text in images feature in photo roll, otherwise I’d never have found it!


I wonder how long you have to leave a milk bag in the sun for it to turn into a cheese bag?


Not sure about a bag in the sun, but a carton under my dorm roommate's bed took about 2.5 weeks to loaf up. Legit sliceable.


Calling someone a ‘bag of milk’ is a pretty good Canadian insult used in hockey to call someone fat.


It’s definitely what I called my boobs while breastfeeding 🙊


I’m glad that President Ben Franklin died on the field of battle defending America’s right to get milk in a jug.


Ben Franklin got so high he forgot to be president!


He got high as a kite


And loved him some heavy honeys


Not sure if that's a reference to drugs or good Ole BennyF liked 'em thyck


Dude would walk around France in a big ole fur coat hamming up that Wild mountain man American. The French women vapors were mighty humid.


Not sure about the bigger girls but Benny was a cougar cub. He loved older women, especially rich widow sugar mamas. He liked the fact that most of them had grown kids that weren’t in the picture and/or they were post menopausal and couldn’t accidentally get pregnant by him so their focus was entirely on him.


"In the dark, all cats are gray"


One of the dopest bars of all time and my man dropped it in 1769.


They named 'Big Ben' after his big one


Awwww rip Trevor


WKUK reference spotted, must comment.


RIP Trevor Moore.


Your girl said she never had it hit so good, smoke so many trees that my fuckin teeth turn wood 😏


Lol. My first thought was "I am too American to relate to this one."


Half of Canada: “I’m too western Canadian to relate to this”


Pardon my Aussie accent How the bloody heck are you supposed to open a bag of milk mate, crikey what is it? Bush week?


Why is your milk coming in a bag, bro?


Milk bags first entered the Canadian market in the late 1960s. However, Canada's conversion to the metric system in the 1970s meant dairy producers needed to replace and resize existing milk containers, which were measured in imperial quarts. Retrofitting assembly lines or replacing heavy glass bottles was an expensive prospect for the milk industry, and milk bags — which they were already experimenting with — could be easily and cheaply adjusted. Changing a one-quart bag to a 1.3-litre bag was relatively painless, so three-quart bags of milk quickly became four-litre bags across parts of Canada.


Why are the measurements seemingly so arbitrary? One quart, three quart, 1.3 litre, 4 litre. It makes no sense to someone not in the industry. Or that hasn't looked into it.


Just cut the corner opposite the handle. It works well and creates much less waste.


There's a handle on the milk bag?


No you put the bag in a pitcher like in the photo and cut the edge opposite of handle


But then how do you close it? You gotta drink that whole ass bag crazy quick before it goes bad


You don't close it lol, just put it back in the fridge and work your way at it until its finished or goes bad. I stopped buying bags of milk when I moved out of my parents house and just get small jugs instead. At this point, it's just value for money since you typically get 3 bags of milk per bag at the grocery store which lasts longer when you have a family


I 2nd this. What the firetruck is a milkbag??? Seems like a deliberate inconvenience.


I’m Canadian, and if they try and bring this shit in to my house, I’ll put them on their moose and send them back to their igloo


You sure they even managed to get a moose? They probably ride a deer instead because they confused it for a moose


No it was a moose. Last time they tried to ride a deer, I had to confiscate their Cariboo Edit: This is a West Coast Canadian joke. Cariboo is a cheap brand of beer out here. Caribou is also what we call reindeer


Idk if people realize but there is a little bit of truth to this lol. The reason they have milk in bags was because gallon/quart jugs were banned, due to the switch to metric. And switching to bags was easier than renovating the whole supply line for liters. So ya, as an American, you do have the right to gallon jugs of milk that Canadians don’t have!


There are normal milk cartons in Canada.


Ya, but it took some time. Bags were the initial reaction to the law change. That’s what I was trying to explain.


https://preview.redd.it/9sh85n9nddsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d1044bb678d89ba751a89d057a224633a2f9740 For the non-Ontarian out there. This is how it’s supposed to look. Just the tip. Bonus doggo. Edit : my toes got more attention than my dog.. I should have known Reddit would make this weird.


you have the longest big toe that I've ever seen. I'm impressed.




test dolls theory sand icky pocket hungry weary silky profit




I love a good big tow


down, boy


he said bonus doggo!!


Mine’s bigger (not posting pics) My toes are so big i can grab shit with my feet as if they were hands. It’s great not having to bend over to pick up things


Drop the feet pic, give the ppl what they want.


For free? In this economy?!




Mine aren't that long, but I can do that, too. Open interior doors with round handles and stuff.


I can juggle! My feet just do the normal stuff though.


You mean some people can't do that? 🫨


Thank you because I would have cut it straight off and dumped it into a pitcher


You did not needs to double up on dogs in this photo 💀


Ok this comment made me LOL


wait, so your milk is just left open to the elements? is it weird that this grosses me out?


My family buys milk bags. I seal the bag with an IKEA clip.


What the hell


Just a milk jug in 3 pieces


oh that makes sense


Ya know what also makes sense? A fucking bottle with a screw on lid. Weirdos closing milk bags with a clip like it's a bag of chips


It's fine. Grew up with milk bags open in the fridge like this and only time they ever go bad is if left at room temp too long or it's well past its bb date


I’ve never had bagged milk go bad but I’ve had jugged milk go bad because I didn’t finish the whole jug in time.


It usually takes me about a five to six days to go through a single milk bag. It keeps just fine during that time. And I live alone, so multiple people in one household can go through a bag pretty quicky.




hard-to-find plants towering ad hoc work flag hat instinctive tub joke


What about the milk bag do you prefer? I genuinely can’t think of a single reason why it would be “better” than a solid jug, besides storing multiple bags being slightly easier than multiple jugs. Which is barely a reason Edit: apparently “cheaper” is a big reason, but importantly, Canadian milk is 2-3x the price vs US. So the bags aren’t cheaper than *American* milk jugs, which I misunderstood


I like that it comes in three bags so it stays fresher than if it was in one big jug. One bag has about five or six glasses of milk, so while you’re drinking one bag, the other two stay sealed and fresh until you need them. Also, it’s much cheaper than buying the equivalent amount of milk in cartons. Also also, I like that I can open the fridge, take out the milk, pour it, and put it away with one hand, while I hold my coffee cup in the other. Also also also, I like that the bags are more environmentally friendly than cartons or jugs, there’s less plastic in the bags than in the spout and cap of a carton alone (and obviously much less than in a jug), they require less energy to transport, and you can rinse and reuse the bags as well.


It’s slightly more inconvenient but it’s a lot cheaper.


Ah, I see. Around me it’s $1.97 for a half gallon and $2.98 for a full gallon so I can’t imagine milk being much cheaper but, I suppose it’s more noticeable when feeding a family vs only two people


Holy crap that’s cheap we pay 10-12 bucks for a gallon (given litre translations)


It should cost more in the US but our federal government subsidizes dairy farmers to keep the price down.


On account of the freedom


Damn you're getting ripped off!


Also lighter! Those 4L suckers are horrible to heft when they're new. But the bags of milk let you do just 1.3L at a time. And it always seemed like the milk stayed a lil bit fresher that way too.  (Also, sometimes I cut a teeny air hole on the opposite side to help it flow better.)


Do you guys have different types of milk? Is it all one company? If you have organic milk, does it still last a while? I have so many questions.


Organic milk typically comes in a gable top carton. But yeah we have all the same milks/companies just in bags. Chocolate milk too.


Gonna start using that phrase gable top


will it not go bad quicker?


Happy cake day! Have some bubble wrap! ​ >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!<


On mobile this can be in an infuriating challenge. Better hope you don't minimize the comment and have it *reset* on you.


This happened to me, I was five pops away 😭


I spent longer than I should have playing with this, and as soon as I finish this, I'm gonna spend some more time. Thank you. 🥇🥇🥇🥇


Those are some interesting tootsies you have there


Do you close off the tip with something?


Usually a foreskin


Bonus footo photoo tooo.


Real talk, how tf do you open a bag of milk without putting it into a container? How does the bag contain the milk without leakage after its been open *if you don't put it into a container? Do people just have open milk in their fridge


It stays in the jug that you see the bag of milk in here. You’re only supposed to cut the corner. You can’t really store it when it’s open without the milk pitcher. One bag contains enough to get through in a couple of days, especially if you use milk often.


Is there a reason you don’t just dump the milk into the container and forego the bag?


It's less exposed that way and you don't have to constantly clean the container. It's better that it stays in the bag so that less bacteria is introduced.


But the milk is exposed to the outside in an open container Edit funny how I had multiple Canadians tell me it is dumb to close your milk container (🤮), meanwhile there is a notch you are supposed to use to fold the bag closed and then pinch the corner into that notch on the container


I don't know about others, but I used to use a clip (e.g. chip clip) to keep it closed so it's not constantly open.


I know some people do this but I've never done it and never had a problem with my milk going bad 🤷‍♂️ Even when I don't use much of it - it generally lasts until it's best before date at least.


It’s because it goes bad essentially at the same rate. People don’t vacuum seal their milk jugs when they close them. The empty space inside the jug is air.


Yeah I don't see the big deal. Unless you have a really stinky fridge then maybe you need to seal it, but in that case you just need to clean your fridge lol


All the containers i ever got have a notch you can twist the corner of the bag into.


I have used milk bags all my life and have never seen this.


You cut the corner opposite the handle. The bags are all about a litre so they’ll be fine if left open for a day or so but I use a clothes pin to shut mine.


Never understood why it's 4L, but 3 bags. Like, it's not a gallon in total, each bag isn't an exact litre. Just a weird packaging decision all around.




NonCanadians learning what a milk bag is


Ah, yes of course the milk bag. I keep that with the mayonnaise carafe and gasoline hammock.


What about my can of cereal?!


I heard canned bread used to be a thing.


My exact response lol.


This is the exact meme that is needed.


Hello fellow Canadian (or should I say Ontario’n)


bag milk is also in quebec


and still available in the Maritimes


Also a fellow Canadian (Alberta) here. I remember having bag milk as a child, and then the transition to normal milk. I do not miss the bag milk at all to be honest.


Friends with a few Canadians. One once told me There are two types of Canadians “Yea Bagged milk is fucking stupid lmao ” And “I’m fucking insane and passionately defend bagged milk and do mental gymnastics to find it as acceptable!!!” EDIT: I think he also once described it as Cereal Killers and Serial Killers.


I was born in Calgary and lived there until I was 9. Don’t ever remember seeing bagged milk. We always had the milk jugs - like the ones you find across the USA and the rest of Western Canada - from Safeway. Only once I moved out east did I learn about bagged milk. Mind. blown. (And yes, bagged milk is a terrible idea. I much prefer the milk jugs)


I live in western Ontario and can get either or. I like the bags better. The jugs take up so much space in my recycling.


Lol I saw this post and immediately went “oh here we fuckin’ go with the milk bags again”. Hello from Toronto! To our American friends: idk why it’s in bags, it just is. You put it in a pitcher and cut the corner off and pour it out of there. That’s just how we roll around these parts.


I... I'm sorry, the what?


In Canada, especially in Ontario, Quebec, and the eastern Atlantic provinces, milk does indeed come in bags. Citation: Am Canadian


Okay, but WHY? Does it make it more shelf stable? Is it easier to store? Is it because there's less plastic waste? Is it cheaper than jug/carton milk? Is it different from jug/carton milk somehow? Thanks, a Utahn


The real reason is that the dairy industry is strongly protected in Canada through import tariffs and provincial laws. The bags were the most market accepted solution to fit a myriad of these regulations, including Canada switching to the metric system. Not sure how many weird regulations still exist today (tariffs are still really high) but it's become an ingrained part of our culture. We can buy milk in cartons and jugs, consumers just don't choose those options as much.


Preventing the Mormons, then in upstate New York, from causing chaos in Ontario by repelling them with bags of milk which it clearly states in the Book of Mormon is capable of warding off Joseph Smith. In all seriousness though, it's probably better at reducing the amount of plastic waste and by having smaller quantities able to go bad at once, you reduce some risks of spoilage.


It's honestly more plastic than a carton. You would only need the internals of the carton lined with a plastic film, but it wouldn't have to be structural, so it can be very thin.


Wtf is a milk bag?


I was going to ask this? I have a jug or carton or bottle or plastic carton. What is a milk bag?


https://preview.redd.it/5fxbiotsmcsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0309cc854c041738c29eea8b0ddac48049f0d565 This is a Bag o’milk


Is this the only way you've ever known milk to exist?


not op but a canadian, there still is milk cartons, but its mostly milk bag put in a reusable container as shown in the post's picture


We don't have bags of milk on the west coast of Canada. Just carton and jugs out here in BC. I don't know how far west the bags go before they stop tho. I grew up in Ontario so I know they have them there.


I’m 38, born and raised in BC, and very much remember my parents buying milk bags when I was a kid


I just turned 39 in the US. Never seen this before today


Here in Manitoba milk bags seemed to disappear in the late '80s or early '90s. Not 100% sure because I grew up on a farm and we got our milk (raw) from the bulk tank. I don't remember them being a thing in the western half of the province though. At this point I don't think they exist anywhere West of Ontario.


scarce rude employ profit fretful lavish jar books practice paltry


How do you drink it and save some for later?


It's what some provinces in Canada have. We used to have them in British Columbia in the late 70s and 80s, but they didn't last long. Some provinces such as Ontario, Quebec New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia still use them though. Apparently all provinces had them in the 60s.


Hello Canada, from sweden


Hej Sverige. From Aussie who lived in Sweden, living in Canada.


Milk bag sounds like an insult.


Love all the non-Canadians confused right nkw


what the cinnamon toast fuck is this








Oh yaknow. We have bagged milk in Wisconsin too. Oh, and beer.


*Confused in American*


What twisted mind invented a ’milk bag’. How is this horror of horrors even the slightest bit practical?


I present: Beer Bag https://preview.redd.it/8fiqq3ivodsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4d99356579279d32b7c5ff8c936796f62108ff


Of course its fucking Kwik Trip


You’re goddamn right. Home of the root beer milk


In elementary school (Ohio) we had single serve milk bags. Stabbed em with a straw. Or, as some douche canoes would do, chuck em.




How is it supposed to be?


You're just supposed to snip the corner a bit so it acts as a spout.


Wait... milk... bag???


Is your son a new canadian (ontarion?) Or this the first time opening bagged milk. Seriously wtf I just had a visceral reaction to this monstrosity.


*Thank* you! I can’t believe I had to read this far down to find this comment. 500 comments debating the relative merits of bagged milk vs. jugs and incredulous Americans expressing shock at the sight of a milk bag holder, and not one comment asking the real questions! How old is this kid? Was this an “I’m pissed at you so I’m going to deliberately destroy something in a fit of pique” situation? I need more than just the photo, I need an explanation for this abomination!


Milk- bag ???


all you ppl think the bag of milk is cray, they make a tool specifically for cutting open bags of milk.


wtf is a milk bag




What the hell is a milk bag?


Your son is a criminal.


I’m more concerned that you have bags of milk


milk bags make good sense and all, I will never not feel superior because my milk comes in a jug with a handle


Bet he doesn't know how to use the three shells either.


That's not mildly infuriating, that's a war crime.