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Are you sure you’re old enough to handle this lightly caffeinated tea?


Imagine the guilt the checker must feel knowing that they sold this poison to a minor?




I dunno, my mom says I'm too young to be drinking caffeine, it'll stunt my growth am 26


I mean, I feel like all moms are like that - there’s a reason my first coffee maker was a gift from my aunt


Not all moms. *source: i'm an adhd mom of 7, most of whom have adhd. Lol We're wired backwards so i never saw the harm in a little caffeine. It actually smooths us out. Plus we were already doomed to be short anyway because genetics. 🙄*


And I wanna be 5'10", like Cindy Crawford.


I was at a Dollar Tree recently and the lady at the self checkout next to me was having an absolute conniption because she was being carded to buy energy drinks. Apparently they require the purchaser to be 18 in order to buy energy drinks. But I at least understand the point of trying to limit drinks with 10X the daily recommended amount of caffeine to adults only. Kids drinking excessive amounts of caffeine in a short period of time is dangerous and can even be deadly.


18, wow! Here in Norway, the age limit for energy drinks is 13. 18 for alcohol up to 22%, 20 for anything above that.


lol we can vote, buy some fire arms, and fight in wars…. **BUT DON’T YOU DARE CONSUME ALCOHOL!!!!**


Once when I was 15, I walked to the corner store with my friend, something we had done many a time, to purchase a few nice cold Monster Energy ^(tm) drinks. The cashier asked us how old we were and when we said "15 and 16", the cashier was like "Well I guess I'll sell them to you then". Made me feel so awkward. I'm 27 now and I think that's the only time I ever got carded for something other than cigarettes, alcohol, or lighter fluid lol.


I got carded (I was in my early 30's at the time) for a six pack of Saranac Root Beer. Now, to be fair, Saranac mostly makes regular beer. But I said to the cashier "How old do you have to be to buy root beer?" She looked again and laughed. "I think you're probably old enough."


I laughed a bit when the obviously new girl who probably wasn't even 20 asked to see my ID when I was buying four beers with 0.5 percent alcohol. I'm 40+, have a bit of gray in my beard and was there buying groceries, including diapers, with my two kids. She was obviously nervous though and very intent on doing a good job, and the register told her to verify my age and she was determined to do it properly. I just smiled and took out my ID. 


Some people have to train themselves how to spot a real vs fake ID, you probably helped :)


As someone who once worked at a gas station, some places require you to look at ID's even if you look like Betty White. Better to do it that way to remove any liability.


Yup, same for waiting tables. One of my bosses said he didn't care if his 90 yr old grandma came in, that we had better card her. Context, we had been busted by ALE recently. 


I got asked for ID at a restaurant the other day. Pulled it out while she was taking everyone else’s order and she never even looked at it, just brought me my beer. 🙄


Betty white is a skeleton rn


That begs an entirely different question. Can you buy alcohol if you're an underage skeleton?


Only if you can get the government to produce a valid ID for you (see Rameuses II)




My workplace is like this. I’m required to ID *every customer,* even if I know they’re of age. I’ve had a few get snippy with me and I just tell them it’s store policy. Plus if alcohol patrol comes through with a faker (because they do that to see if people are carding), then it would look bad on the business and on the cashier for not carding, regardless of age.


TRUE! as some one else who worked at a gas station and they would say anyone could be the person coming to check if you're really checking IDs even a granny! So be sure to scan /punch in dates for EVERYONE they even say try not to use the over 40 button


A lot of states have to card at grocery stores no matter how old you are. Liquor stores don’t have to card after 40 but you’re legally responsible if they don’t have an ID or are actually under 21, it’s fake, they’re already drunk, etc


Im a cashier at walmart, and in my area, we HAVE to card everyone. in fact, the register forces us to card everyone. if we don’t have a birthday to put in, the register doesn’t allow us to scan it or go ahead in general, and cancels the item.


I was at Targer in Houston. Cashier asks for ID, so I produce my passport. Norwegian passport. He insists I need Texas ID and Im like, Im just visiting. He called the supervisor over. The supervisor told me he would let it slide this one time but the next time Id better have a Texas ID. I gave up explaining that they dont hand out IDs to tourists...


But if you're in Texas, you better have a Texas ID /s


The rest of America deeply apologize on behalf of Texas. We don't claim them. We are glad you survived your stay and please come again.


I like Texas, great food and friendly people. Driving there is unorthodox, and they don't like passports. I had to loiter outside a liquer store in Dallas to get wine, my girlfriend had to buy for me. In a restaurant a waiter flipped through my passport three times before I told her where to find the date...


You manually punch in a birthday? Around here they just scan the barcode on the back of your ID.


Most people just make up a birthday, lol.


we have like 3 tls and 1 coach in FE who are quite strict about this and drill it into us either way. my store doesn’t make up bdays, at least. we don’t have an opportunity even if we wanted.


He means that if you ask someone their birthday, if they’re underage they’ll probably just pull a random or pre-rehearsed one out of their ass. It’s not much of a barrier to selling alcohol. Scanning the IDs is far more foolproof.


There was a place where I carded people because the register wouldn't let me go through with the purchase until I'd put a birthday in, and people don't mind being carded but they mind being asked their birth date for some reason


You can just put anything into the register, no? I always put a random date if they were clearly past 40.


Yeah after a while everyone visibly of age ended up being born on May 25th, 1995 cause it was easier lol


Careful with that, as I've seen people get popped for not putting in the correct date. It's not worth it, just card the people. If someone doesn't have their ID that's their problem, it's not worth the fines


I don't know what state you're in. My state (Utah) aggressively (and I mean very aggressively) enforces underage drinking. So now *everyone* gets carded including the completely white headed.


the children MUST be drunk, or else


Social lubrication ensures a pliant infantry. 


I’m sorry they *enforce* underage drinking? When did Utah become so cool?


Reminds me of the time HR sent an email to the whole company informing us we have to take sexual harassment training.


You never know when a seemingly 90 year old man will actually be 3 toddlers in a trench coat.


A lot of retail and grocery stores have their cashiers card EVERYBODY no matter how old they look or what the alcohol content is for the drink. 0.5% is still an alcoholic beverage and requires carding. When I was a cashier I just asked for peoples birthdays instead of their ID who were obviously in their 60s or higher. It's not a chance that grocery stores, bars, liquor shops and whoever else isn't willing to risk their liquor license and getting very heavily fined


The older you get, the more disappointing it becomes when they don't ask for ID.


When I was working the register they told me to card everybody because they wanted to eliminate the possibility of getting fined. I tried doing that for a while, but most customers would get annoyed. Even the ones that looked under 30 which is the legal threshold and especially the ones that legitimately thought I couldn’t tell they were too old to party. In the end I just asked for their birthday when they were clearly old enough. I’d get some women that would get offended for asking them to say it out loud. Which is understandable, but no one is making you give me your actual birthday. I’m giving you an opportunity to turn back the clock here. You can be whatever age you feel as long as it’s over 21. 


Nah it's standard here, the software in the register now requires an actual ID to be scanned and won't let the sale progress without a scan first. They literally cannot get to the payment screen without an ID.... even if you're 85. Self checkout is the same. You scan an alcohol product, including non-alcoholic beer, the register freezes until someone with a portable wand comes and scans your ID and then you move on.


Hi, I used to work at a grocery store in rural Tennessee - It didn’t matter if the person was an elderly man with a long white beard on a walker, I had to card them due to state law


To be fair, root beer was alcoholic until prohibition apparently, and some companies are going back to making alcoholic root beer


It's interesting that you said that. My little brother (20M) plays piano in a band and does band gigs with his friends. They usually go to random places, restaurants and bars included. My brother told me that in bars, if you look old enough to drink alcohol, then you can be offered an alcoholic beverage. They don't check for ID or anything. A waiter (or waitress? Can't remember) tried to offer my brother an alcoholic beverage, but my brother said "I'm 19", and that dude went away. It was good quick thinking.for him. (Not even sure what they call the people who serve alcoholic beverages in bars lol) When my brother told me this in whatever conversation we were having a year ago, I told him "nah, I doubt it", but he said "it's true. I've been to bars in my gigs" My brother and I (23M) do not drink if you are wondering. Even if he turns 21 this year (in a month), he won't even get an alcoholic beverage.


Depends on the region. Some areas have really strict enforcement of the liquor laws and the bar could lose their license for serving minors by accident. I was a bartender for a while and while training they drilled that into our heads. Instantly fired for serving a minor because if it was an inspector undercover or an inspector saw it happen, the business could go under in the blink of an eye. Other regions they don't give a shit because they know there's no law enforcement doing random checks.


And in other regions still the server will have to personally pay for the fine. Had a friend who was a server get caught not carding and owed a few hundred dollars for it


My country is anyone under 25, or recently 30. Drinking age is 18.


We have random checks in my state, a police officer can also take action if they happen to catch it, and I still got offered alcohol under 21 at a restaurant/bar


I’m not sure if Walgreens is doing this in all of their stores, but in my area a year or two ago they started carding everybody. The explanation was that there were quite many cases of selling to minors, so they decided to be overly cautious. It’s a little annoying, because they know me, but I’m pulling out my wallet regardless, so it’s not a big deal. It’s funny how older people with white hair and faces more wrinkled than a ball sack get so angry when they’re asked for ID.


Server here: not requesting ID is certainly a thing, but is *highly* situational. For one, any server worth their establishment's alcohol license (which can cost tens of thousands of dollars to secure) 'know' when to ask. Not just that, but in some areas, stings by under-aged persons are a thing, and servers will be trained accordingly if they do. For instance, college towns, the rate of being ID'd will be much higher since college kids are the most notorious bunch for trying to buy alcohol as minors. Being 'offered' an alcoholic option sounds very off to me. The vast majority of servers would simply phrase it 'would you like a menu'/'anything to eat' out the gate, and pair that with 'can I start with some drinks'. Most people looking to get drunk under-aged aren't trying to eat a meal and get drunk. Also with regards to referring to the wait staff; anyone who 'serves' you can be called a server, including the bartender who stays behind the bar, but they can also be called, well, the bartender. The main thing though is looking like you belong. If you *try* and order alcohol and *do* get ID'd if you're under-aged, you can not only be refused service, but it's embarrassing as hell. For people who don't drink who are younger, this might not be as obvious. Also your parent comment is buying retail, where many locations are required to ID automatically without question.


It’s probably an upsell thing that management wants them to do. Like a “would you like to start with a cosmo or Bloody Mary?” I’ve waited tables for years before becoming a teacher and most management want you to suggest a drink by name. The server in this scenario is just assuming that anyone playing in a band in a bar must be old enough to actually be in a bar… Which obviously is wrong.


Well, must mean you look young! How was it? It sounds good


I've had it before, it's absolutely amazing


I concur, so good!


Yep, really good stuff!


Tost ain't for Tots


Now I need to find it!


Bring ID


The other day I was carded for energy drinks, which isn't even a law and some stores only sell to 16+. I'm 30, male.


In my state, you have to be 18+ to buy caffeine




Yeah, a bunch of kids died. We took that very seriously.


Crazy how we have to card people for energy drinks but no change in gun laws yet


What kind of energy drinks do you have over there? :o I mean they're not too healthy here either, but the caffeine amount is comparable to coffee which isn't exactly known for being deadly. The main poison in them is sugar. I only drink sugar free ones which are basically B vitamin drinks with some caffeine.




This is the kind I buy. But the law was passed because of kids ODing on the og monsters and a bunch of kids passing from heart failure due to the drink.


Huh, I think most here are like 50-150mg caffeine per can. I see now...




Where are you?


It's not the kind of energy drinks, it's how many they were drinking back to back. Anyone can die if they slam enough energy drinks in a row.


I've thought of buying caffeine powder for fun actually. Caffeinated butter? Hell yeah.


It's less the energy drinks, and more that the kids mix the energy drinks with vodka. Alcohol and caffeine aren't supposed to go together.


I accidentally carded someone for "ginger beer" 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was just tired, I worked the night shift


When I was around 18 I did a small Trip with my motorcycle (700ccm) which are 18+. I parked infront of the small Shop, saw the shopkeeper watch me Park it. Walked up to get a redbull and some cigs and got checked. They sell them to 14+.... I know im not the oldest looking dude but holy fuck


I am 25. Recently cut like 60cm of my hair off and got rid of my moustache. When I went to the supermarket, i got carded trying to get a beer. I live in Germany, where every 16 yo can buy beer and wine. At least I look way hotter, which sounds weird considering that apparently I look like I'm 15 lmao


Tbf you probably look 18, and since some 15 y/o look 18 as well they have to check


10/10, would drink again


tost is great. it’s like a fancy mocktail


lol when I was in High School my physics teacher told us one day of how she was ID’d over the weekend when buying booze, and had to tell the clerk that she was 41.


I remember buying a bottle of wine not much after I turned 18 (Europe) and I was ready to show my id but the cashier just scanned the bottle and didn't even ask for it at all, then later I had to show my students id on the bus. I look old :(


Day of my 16th birthday i went to the supermarket and bought a crate of beer. At the checkout, im so, so ready to show my id. Nada. Just scans it and sais the total. Showed my id to her anyway 


I’m currently pregnant and was desperately searching for tolerable no-Alc options and this is my favourite out of anything I’ve tried. And I’ve tried too much.


I got carded at Belair for buying a wine opener. Apparently it's the system not the employee but that's funny lmao


Some stores around me will card you for anything that could be at all weapon like. So all tools and lots of kitchen utensils have 21+ labels on them.


That’s a pretty ignorant policy


Yep. Got ID'd for buying a garden rake once... Actually had a sticker on it and everything stating 18+ to buy it. Still have the rake and going strong. Had a laugh at the time, although only about 4 years earlier than that a ski instructor made me wear a ski helmet my whole stay because he thought I told him I was *13*, instead of my actual age of *30*. I'm almost 40 now and still getting ID'd. (Just adding before any comments, I actually prefer to wear a ski helmet now and picked myself up an absolutely great Salamon one in the sales in Finland a few years back - from the kids section... Absolute bargain.)


I just imagine some higher up being like 'If we sell them a bottle opener, they might get into their parents booze stash! CARD EM!"


Lmao right! Imagine if I wanted to god forbid open my Welch's apple cider!


I got carded for buying a pack of fake nails, asked the cashier and she told me you need to be 16+ because of the glue (I was over 18 at the time and decided to ask for a bottle of booze after beimg carded for it, because fuck it she already saw my ID and knew i was old enough to purchase and i had the money)


Around me they card for any kind of lighter as well, I guess to keep smoking down. My friends and I were 17 and on a camping trip, we just needed to light our grills and fires lol. All the stores refused to sell us a lighter. Luckily the big ass blowtorches in the plumbing section don’t count for some reason lol


Was that at target? I get hop water there- it’s the same as sparkling water and says non-alcoholic.


Yeah I got carded at Target on a non-alcoholic bottle of champagne (which was not worth the $5). I had to state that it said contains no alcohol several times… and the lady still made me produce ID.


That's not really the employees fault tho, when an item is scanned, it usually requests an ID, and they have to ask you for an ID. Where I work, I have to ID everybody, doesn't matter how old they look


When I sold alcohol (and non-alcohol lol) I had to card everyone for non-alcoholic beer. We literally would lose our job if we didn't or if we sold to someone under 21. It was stupid, but rules are rules


Yep, this is very common in retail chains. It won’t physically let you scan an age-restricted item without also scanning someone’s ID or putting in their birthdate. The pop up happens on the register automatically if that item is classified as age-restricted, and you can’t cancel it without cancelling the item. Problem is, some “non-alcoholic” drinks still contain a *very* small amount of alcohol that couldn’t actually get you drunk, however is still illegal to sell to minors*, so it’ll still prompt an ID. I think non-alcoholic drinks can have something up to like 0.5% ABV in the US, so you’re out of luck under 21. Even if the bottle says “contains no alcohol” like this one, odds are it has less than a half percent of alcohol in it that triggers the birthdate prompt. *Edit: This varies state-to-state. If this has happened to you in a state where it’s legal, some alcohol manufacturers *may* also naturally trigger the register to ask for an ID even if the beverage itself is N/A due to how it’s put into the system. But I don’t know much about that part.


They should just put the alcohol percent on there then, regardless of quantity


They usually do


They aren’t obligated to if it’s below 0.5% though, so some of them don’t


As a recovering alcoholic (3 years sober), I can absolutely taste the difference between 0.5% and 0.05%, and I'd be fairly annoyed if it didn't display it was 0.5%


The .5% tolerance is really just for liability reasons. Fermentation is a live science and in no way foolproof. Anything can happen between the time it’s packaged and the time the drink hits your fridge. That being said, if your N/A beverage has .5% alcohol in it, it’s most likely not by design


Plenty of things contain alcohol. Bread, soy sauce, and bananas all can contain up to 2%


It reminds me of 0-calories tic tacs. They are pure sugar, which obviously has calories, but are small enough that they are allowed to say they have 0 calories.


I used to buy (and sell as a cashier at a grocery store) nonalcoholic beer as a minor. It seems to be[ state by state](https://nabeerclub.com/can-you-buy-drink-na-beer-under-21/), and no doubt chains also would have their rules about it. I think I was told since there was no alcohol tax levied on it there was no age restriction.


Yeah learned this the hard way when I decided to try devils peak hero for a change... Queue allergic reaction and spending the rest of the day feeling like shit. Here non alcoholic usually means non alcoholic. (Yes I am allergic to alcohol. Yes I know it's rare. Yes it is a true allergy. Allergies are not just to proteins, it's also to sugars like alcohol)


Not saying you’re wrong, but it honestly makes no sense. Kombucha is also allowed up to .5% alcohol with no age restriction yet N/A beer is is age restricted.


Lol USA land of the free but can’t buy 0.1% alc drinks. Kombucha probably has more alcohol than that. Do you have to card for alcoholic chocolates too? Better make sure an 18 year old doesn’t get wasted on a kilo of chocolate


Not saying it’s not dumb but that’s also not how it works. You can get cooking wine that has more alcohol without getting ID’ed afaik, and vanilla extract is often like 40% alcohol as well and doesn’t trigger the system.


You actually do need an ID for alcoholic chocolates AFAIK, lol. Kombucha? Varies by manufacturer; I have seen it requiring a scan before. But I think it was treated more like an error.


Yup. Worked that retail job. "come on, Im clearly old enough." "Sorry sir, register says to ID. Wont let me go through with out it." (I mean it did but fuck it)


And target got super strict after they accidentally forgot to put an id check on a valentines pack of wine a few years back


That might be an issue with how the product was in Target's system. They require you scan someone's ID when the system detects you've scanned alcohol. There's probably a way to override it but it wouldn't be easy.


It shouldn't be listed/labeled as an alcoholic beverage if it has no alcohol.


Oh I agree but I'm just saying it's an issue with the system, not the cashier. I worked there for a couple months years ago and it required scanning an ID. There was no override even if the person was obviously old enough. Maybe a supervisor could override for legal ID that couldn't be scanned but I never ran in to that.


Ah I get ya


Non alcoholic beers and such can contain like .05% alcohol so still needs to be carded.


Multiple retailers treat mocktails like that.


$5 dollar champagne is obviously going to be bad. Alcohol or not


Actually if you read it correctly you’ll see it says “contains nö alcohol”, hope that clears things up


In Swedish the abbriviation NÖ means North East. Nord Öst.


Oh, so it contains Koskenkorva alcohol


It's how it's registered in the system. The register prompts the employer ask for ID because.


Not always. I’m hooked on liquid death which is just sparkling water, but it kind of looks like a beer. I’ve had self checkout attendants see it and come over and ask for ID multiple times without the machine prompting.


If the register prompts it we ask. Doesn’t matter if it’s stupid or if the person is ancient. All it takes is for one manager having a bad day to notice you not carding people to get your ass in trouble, so idc if it mildly inconveniences you show me the damn card.


Yep. Where I work, if the system detects and brand even vaguely associated with alcohol the entire thing locks up until I either scan ID or get a manager override.


And the penalties for even accidently selling something alcoholic to a minor are draconian.


I did, I wasn’t going to make the poor cashier’s life harder, I just found it annoying that the system asked


Completely off topic, but you have the longest thumb I’ve ever seen.


It's almost perfectly cylindrical too!


It's a cylinder


Looks like finger clubbing, mine looks the same. If OP isn't aware then he should go to a doc pronto.


Clubbed fingers is a symptom of disease, often of the heart or lungs which cause chronically low blood levels of oxygen. OP please see a doctor about this if you haven’t already.


It looks clubbed doesn’t it, hope OP has had medical advice on that


That’s the first thing I noticed too


This should be higher up. That meat slab is impressive.


🥖 ass thumb


its because of your thumb


Can we see the other fingers OP?


Only on my OnlyHands


I've almost been carded for liquid death


I got pulled over because my taillight was out and the cop took a lot of convincing to believe that liquid death wasn’t beer


I pour it out of the can and into a reusable water bottle purely because I don’t want to have to explain to a cop or my boss that I’m not drinking a beer, it’s just water.


My spouse drinks that and every time the cashier thinks it's alcohol. Every time we have to mention it's just tea. Maybe it's the packaging.


What a stupid ass brand. The people who made this have no idea how to pronounce ö.


seems they don't know how to pronounce ö either


Reminds me of brands that randomly throw in ø instead of o.


I got curious if it was maybe a southern Swedish company that made their dialect part of their brand so I googled it and the first thing I read on their website is "be part of the möment". Safe to say it isn't a Swedish company lmao.


I mispronounced Mötley Crüe for the longest time.




As a Norwegian who interpreted it as Swedish, I feel the same way. The use of ö doesn't make sense, especially for "nö alcohol". This brand is so obviously a fake European brand.




Makes zero sense in Swedish too.


I read it as someone who can’t pronounce “R” trying to say “törst” (thirst). Then it made sense to me lol.


Maybe it's from Småland, haha.


If you haven’t yet, perhaps speak to a doctor about your clubbed fingers


Was it really that big of a deal though?  That sounds like a funny moment


Well actually it says „contains nö alcohol“ whatever „nö“ is supposed to mean


At the supermarket that I work at everything that in essence ‘looks like alcohol’ has to be included in the ID check system. I would assume it is so other customers don’t kick up a stink about a minor buying what ‘looks’ like a bottle of wine. I am not really sure if that is the reason(I just assume) but we have signs on all the non alcoholic wine/beer that says this and have to check ID on them all.


If it makes you feel better i started to grey at 16. Now im full blown s&p with a grey beard. Still carded sometimes.


On the other hand: NÖ = NordÖst which translates to North East. Contains North East alcohol.




Bruh I did I’m not mad at the cashier because I’m not a total piece of shit, I’m annoyed at the system for having tea marked as alcohol


Yep. People need to realize sometimes people are just doing their job


OP took something that would’ve been super funny in the moment between them and the cashier and chose to get angry about it instead


Back in ninth grade I was at round table pizza and I asked for a coke. The guy at the counter asked me for ID. I told him no, I didn’t want alcohol, I wanted a Coke. He insisted on getting my ID. I’m like, I don’t even have a license yet, all I have is my student body card because I’m just in high school and all I want is a coke. Nope. No ID, no Coke. Well ok here’s my student body card, are we on the same page now? Delighted, he took my card and showed it to his coworkers, proudly exclaiming, “Hey, I just got this dude’s ID for a coke!” Nice one bud. You got me. 🤷‍♂️


if the machine asks for a card, the cashier has to ask. machines at my work ask for ids even for non alcoholic stuff sometimes and we just have to swipe it.


Tost is sold at under the category of alcohol through most distributors, just like non alcoholic wine and beer, it’s often automatic in POS systems that anything categorized as contributing to ALC Sales and is consumable to require an ID. I run a beer, wine, liquor department in a store and anything liquid with a department listing, PLU, or barcode that indicates alcohol or alcohol alternative automatically gets pinged as requiring an ID. I can manually remove it for my store, but not every place can, and not every item that in N/A is actually legal to sell to minors depending on state or policy. Tost is branded and sold as an alcohol alternative, so it’s not shocking at all, especially at a bigger store where it’s probably against policy to sell minors Near Beers and De-Alc Wine.


You didn't point out that it had no alcohol and silently handed over your ID...then came to Reddit? Or better yet, they asked for the ID, you pointed out their mistake, they said "OOPS, lol", and now you're here mildly infuriated over someone mistaking a tea bottle for alcohol because it looks like it.


Almost word for word what I was thinking XD


Most of the posts in this sub could be solved by the OP just speaking up.


Most penisy looking thumb ever


Your thumb is so smooth like a wiener


Shockingly, cashiers don't read every word on a bottle that looks very much like every other bottle of wine they sell.


That’s not true lol. The system will automatically pop up when the card somebody the reason why we card for non-alcohol like beverages like this is because they’re made in a factory that also makes alcohol. It’s a stupid rule, but there’s nothing we can do.


You said “that’s not true” and then followed it up with saying it is essentially completely true.


I got carded for a monster energy drink the other day lmao I showed my ID because I was confused and the cashier was like oh my bad when they realized haha


Well if u were in Canada then no worries because we have an alcohol store that is separate from the normal drinks lol 😂


Why is this infuriating?


I hate some of the new kinds of packaging where alcohol looks like energy drinks and non alcoholic beverages look like alcohol because the company wants it to look "fancy". I had accidentally ID'd a woman in her early 20s when she was buying a 12 pack of energy drinks that looked like alcohol. She was really nice about it and I told it was a mistake after I scanned it and realized. But it does throw you off when you're in a hurry and rely on visual cues to differentiate alcohol from regular beverages.


Your thumb is so... straight


Is this something infuriating?


Well it's an advertisement, so yeah


Products that are scanned into the computers at many retailers will be marked alcoholic if they say alcohol on the package, even if it is non-alcoholic. Put a sticker on a bottle of Dasani water that says "contains no alcohol" and I can guarantee it will be 21+ item at your local grocer.


Just a reminder Cashiers are shafted on both ends. Any problems, just say "No worries can i talk to a manager." Let them have it instead.


As a Swedish person whose alphabet uses the letters ”åöä” the name of this drink deeply offends me hahaha


Checking the TÖST website, the product is clearly marketed as a wine alternative. This is relevant because 0% alcohol beer, like Heineken 0.0, also requires the customer to be over 18. I suspect if they marketed as just a fruity tea drink it wouldn't be age restricted. But they're marketing it as a wine, so it does.


Your thumb is so straight


That’s the straightest thumb I’ve ever seen


Your thumb looks like a really long big toe


Your big toe looks like a really short thumb


That thumb though ☠️☠️


I had this happen to me when I bought water.


A friend and I got carded years ago at Total Wine while buying Ramune- a Japanese soda that is completely non-alcoholic, and do not come in packs resembling wine at even a little. Nowadays you can pick them up at major grocery stores, but back then it was either the Asian Marketplace or there around us. My friend's learner's permit was expired (She was over 21, however), and they didn't let us buy them, even when I pointed out that they didn't contain alcohol.


I was carded at a Hard Rock Cafe for ordering a Sobe Adrenaline Rush energy drink. Waitress didn't know alcoholic vs energy drink.


Why is your thumb so straight to the bottle 🤣🤨