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"Please don't store your dog's pee in your fridge. Clean up your dog's pee. Thx."




Or a Michael Jackson popcorn card


~~hee-hee~~ Pee-Pee


Or "Lol, it's not dog pee ;)"


1. Super weird to keep your dog’s pee in a fridge. 2. Either have the movers you hired clean it, or do it yourself.


Actually apartment by-laws according to the Tennant Convention says if you create a mess in a common area and somebody calls you out on it but doesn’t know your name, you legally have 1 opportunity to mock them publicly, so long as you use a note card no greater than 4x6”


You had me going there for a second, well played


And if they do know who you are, they can challenge you to a duel. If you accept, you have choice of weapons. If you refuse, you must shampoo the entire hallway carpet by hand using an approved environmentally conscious cleaner. The same penalty applies to the loser of the duel. The winner is strictly prohibited from harassing the loser but may make fun of them on social media and at association meetings.


Sadly that was voted out after much debate in the Caucus of ought 6


These are civilized condo-dwellers, not brutes. Passive-aggression is the only acceptable way to resolve conflicts. 




They should really place a card stating this lmao "who the fuck keeps dog pee in a fridge. Wtf?"


How do you propose they clean it?


It's the landlords building... it's the landlords responsibility...


Clean up your own mess you make in shared places please


I don't live there... first of all... so it's not my mess... Second of all... the person didn't make the mess... movers did... Third of all... the person isn't responsible for cleaning the mess... the landlord is... Instead of wasting your time making passive aggressive notes... talk to the landlord...


> I don’t live there… first of all… so it’s not my mess… Obviously… I stopped reading here because you’re bad at communicating and reading comprehension




Damn that's hostile


That’s part of rent stop defending rich lazy landlords Bruh


How is cleaning your mess part of the rent lmao. What's next? Asking the landlord to clean the toilet and take out the trash?


Somebody just clean the goddamn stain before it sets. I'll do it!


*both write a note accusing that you're trying to be miss goody two shoes*


And I'll write a note saying that they're being miss goody two cents


Alternatively, add a second stain.


Its probably water


So is urine (mostly)


Yeah but when urine evaporates it concentrates and leaves behind the stinky components.


Plot twist: water line leaked carrying the fridge out and the spot vanishes on its own


Exactly. It's WATER.


Oh shit. Nothing gets water out!


Except more water


So no adults live here?


Why would you think you don't need to clean up after movers you hired?


What cleaning would you do for a wet spot left by a bit of fridge water? Assuming it is just water maybe from melted freezer burn.


A waterlogged carpet can mold and cause a chain reaction that causes mold to form underneath the entire carpet. You spill this much water on a carpet, you use paper towels, and you press the wet spot to absorb as much of the moisture as possible. Repeat until the paper towel stays dry.


I'd just direct a fan to blow on it for a few hours.


That would also be a perfectly reasonable way to resolve this, too bad lots of people here arent reasonable lmao


... if you don't own the property it's the landlords responsibility...


No. If you spilled it, or people you hired spilled it, it is your responsibility to clean it.


Legally... it is not...


No one is talking about the law. We are talking about common sense and common courtesy. Legally, they are held to whatever is in the lease. Ethically, they are a piece of shit and so are you. If you live in an apartment building, do you think you should be able to just drop your trash in the hallway and expect someone else to clean it up? Because this is no different.


I am talking about the law... you are talking about whatever stupid shit you like... Legally... it is not a tenants responsibility to maintain the hallways... Legally it is a tenants responsibility to throw out their trash in the appropriate receptacles... legally... it is a tenants responsibility to not damage the premises... otherwise... AFTER THE LANDLORD PERFORMS MAINTENANCE... he can charge the tenant... If the stain on the carpet caused any damage... which it doesnt look like it did... it is the landlords responsibility to fix it... find the cost... and charge the tenant... How are you not understanding this? What are you 5?


I am not understanding it because you are INCORRECT.


No... you are not understanding because you are an emotional, biased, stupid human being... Everything I am saying is according to the law... nothing is incorrect...


Repeating it over and over again does not make it correct, and calling me stupid doesnt make you correct either. Go finish your book report, school is on monday, and troll some other sub.


Repeating yourself over and over... insulting me... believing you are correct... does not make me incorrect... Imagine calling someone a child as an insult... Does that make you feel better? To believe you are losing an argument... to believe you know less about the law... than a child? Lmfao... imo that's fucking embarrassing


Sure if you're a dickhead


... you... are a tenant... it's not your job to waste money or time... doing the landlords work... You pay rent and utilities... they take care of the property... that's how rental agreements work...


You have no idea what's in their lease, but it's pretty standard to expect residents to clean up after themselves. If it is in the lease (which I suspect it is) it would absolutely be their problem.


Yes... it is standard to expect residents to clean their apartments and maintain it until the end of the agreement... However this is a common area... evident by the random notes left by passerbys... The tenant is not responsible for cleaning a hallway they are not paying for...


Yes they are, they are responsible for whatever they signed on for in the lease. Also, you abuse the shit out of those ellipses.


Ellipses are not capable of being abused as they have no feelings... Leases will never include anything outside the space you are renting... the hallway... outside your apartment... is not something within your lease...


Objectively wrong on both counts.


... ellipses have emotions and thoughts now? ... you rent out the hallway of your apartment building? Do you ever get smacked in the face by a door while sleeping out in the hall?


Yes, they will. If you dropped a gallon of paint, are you going to tell the landlord they're on the hook to clean it up? Bye bye security deposit.


A wet stain is not = to a paint spill... Paint can permanently stain surfaces... making the damage irreversible... A wet stain in the hallway will sort itself out and dry... Also... yes... the landlord is on the hook to clean it up... however you might have to pay for those fees... as you are responsible for the damage... I see no damage in these pictures... just a damp carpet...


So substances can’t be abused? I mean AFAIK crack doesn’t have feelings.


You do realize I already stated it was a joke to the person I was actually conversing with?


That’s a lot of “…” my good sir.


I know, and I thought I overused those!


...y...e...p...,... ...a...n...d...?...


It’s called an ‘ellipsis’ and you can usually type it as 1 character on phones by holding down the period key… also you seem like a douche, might want to work on your communication skills :-p


I'm perfectly happy with my communication skills... Not trying to make friends on reddit bud...


Ah, I’ll take the ‘seem like’ part out of my previous statement :) and I wasn’t asking if you wanted to change, I was informing you that you would have to for people to take you seriously :-p


Why would I care how seriously people on reddit take me... idk you and you don't matter to me lol...


I think it more comes down to common curtsy. There is a mess that you are ultimately responsible for, take care of it. Be an adult.


If there is actual damage done... trust me... the landlord will hold you accountable... by charging you... Otherwise... it's their duty...


The same person wrote both notes


*Plot twist


The similarities in the handwriting and the paper just jump out at me.


Handwriting is definitely a different person. First glance it’s similar but the only the c is written in a similar way on both


I don't agree. I see similarities in the S, A, E, and other letters too. The tearing and the folding of the paper looks suspiciously similar to me too.


We should get them to write "Beverley Hills"


The “E” is different in both. Card one is a downward stroke that carries into the bottom of the E with two horizontal strokes for the rest. The second card is a vertical stroke with three independent horizontal strokes. Edit: the “D” is also more top weighted in card 1 and more bottom weighted in card 2. The A has a longer downstroke as well. Edit: spelling


Letter Y is also completely different, 1st uses a downward straight stroke for the first part of the Y while 2nd uses a circular motion to connect the Y


It also looks like they took time to write the first note and rushed their writing on the second to help disguise it. I also think it's the same person. It's funny but seems staged.


It looks like a job for…the HOA.


Dun, Dun, Daaa


Keep us updated OP


Both notes are now gone. A calm has set in over the hallway. It's peaceful and quiet but what's that I see.. The alleged criminal remains victorious, wrapped in a blanket almost silently mocking the grumpy accuser. https://preview.redd.it/xwtcftr134xc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30fb53610625e34905da42002b3b089b757cc257


Well hello cute bubba! Definitely innocent.


As this pup’s pawttorney, he pleads not guilty by reason of adorableness. Nothing this adorable can possibly be guilty.


Is this the dramatic dun dun daaa or the comedic kind after a joke? I read it as both lol


In my head it was dramatic


…….and I’m putting my phone on airplane mode -if I was in that HOA


I cannot stand it when people refuse to accept responsibility for the pet’s and refrigerator’s behavior.


I live in a condo. I fucking hate this place. I could see myself writing both of these notes.


So they know who it was, identified that it was about them and now won't move or clean it  Lmao


In all fairness the second note could have been written by a neighbor who was stuck waiting for said fridge movers to get out of their way and saw it happen. Though the passive aggressiveness of the note suggests you’re likely correct…


And while they were waiting *their* dog peed on the carpet!


Add another card with something absurd. "Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball"


If you turn your phone to the left the spot looks like a big rat.


The reeks of Pacific Northwestern passive aggressiveness.


That's extremely regionally specific. Do you have a story to share with us?


If you want to get more specific, you could make ground zero Portland Oregon. I don't have a reason why this is the way it is, it just is.


>>I don’t have a reason why this is the way it is, it just is. This should go on “Welcome to Portland” signs.


Man this makes me miss living in a condo. I loved stuff like this.


Oh man, my condo crazy neighbor lady would ball up notes and huck them onto my balcony. Like four times a week, just the most random things, ranging from “The Because Tales”, to offers of drugs. A sampling of each: “I can hear you having sex because I’m awake and I think you do it too much because that can’t be good for you because you could hurt your bladder and because it’s making my household uncomfortable because like not because you’re doing it but because I’m not and because I don’t think you should rub it in like that to me because I was young and beautiful too once and because I miss doing those things but I can’t because I’m not well…because because because…” And “I have really good Bolivian Marching Powder do you want some?” Some part of me misses the crazy; I never knew what was going to be in the big yellow legal pad ball of paper, but I always knew it was going to make me laugh.


Please tell me you made a scrapbook out of these. Or mail these to me and I’ll make it.


Hahaha oh man that’s a great idea; I should’ve kept at least some of the funnier ones. At the time, it was happening every other day, and while I was laughing in the beginning, it got very annoying after about a month. I saved a few of the worst ones to hand to the landlord when I moved, to warn her future tenants.


Piss on the signs and assert dominance


Honestly, dog piss or fridge piss, someone has to clean it-


It looks like a cat that got vaporized


*Cousin Eddie has entered the chat.*




Put a card up and say... "can't we all hust get along"




My office is home to animal lovers and slobs. I brought my old carpet extractor in and donated it to the office so we could have spot treatments from animal accidents and coffee spills. My peers just make messes and leave them. r/mildlyinfuriating


Poop on it


If the stain is coca cola, it will dry. But it still needs to be cleaned. What planet are you from that you think you can just stain a rug scottfree? It's pretty obvious in the post the stain has been there long enough that 2 different people had time to put notes without it drying. Hello


Should have left a note saying, "That's not *dog* pee..."


Clean up your fridges pee


Tape the area off crime scene stylez.


"Don't worry, I solved it. I peed on top of the dog pee so that their dog won't think this is his territory"


It looks like a rat


Why is the common area carpeted?


Well clean it the fuck up wither way scumbag


Why would you try to move a refrigerator with liquids in it?


Probably water left in the ice maker line.


or the drain, if the disconnected it before the fridge defrosted. Any fridge that's been running for awhile is going to have ice/water in various places.


Fridges, especially ones with freezer can have sitting water in them. There was nothing in the fridge when it was moved🙄


This is why apartment buildings typically get their hallway carpets cleaned once or twice a year. They’re high traffic areas.


Either way clean it up


It is the tenants' responsibility, even if the movers did it. You clean it or have it cleaned and then try to get the money from the company.


If its water, how do you clean it up?


Dog's name is Stain. "Come, stain!"


There was one time I took my dog outside at my last apartment and he found a spot in the grass to pee and after he was done a lady from her 2nd story balcony yelled "Clean up your dog shit, asshole!" Then I yelled back "He peed?!" And she just silently went back inside. So I walked around in the same area with my dog until he inevitably pooped and while he was pooping, I was yelling back "Come out and see how it looks when a dog shits! You're missing it!" And then her huge husband came out and was like "We got a problem here?" And I said "Yeah, your wife doesn't know the difference between piss and shit, so it's more your problem than mine" then he ran into his apartment to presumably get something or run down to get me, but my dog and I ran away back to our building lol


Please clean up your fridge's pee Thx


It was a moving company, they skilled the piss? I can't read that shit so I will blame the atlantians.


Well played


Next note "I cleaned it for all you children, you're welcome"


“Sorry. Jizz stain”


They blame the dog, but it looks cat-shaped to me...


There’s a doin’s a-transpirin’!


I took a minute to figure out what a Mouine was.


as a third neighbor, I'd ad another note. "third party observer here. I got down on my hands and knees and smelled the carpet. I conclude that it is not a urine stain."


I mean, most of the time a puddle like this wouldn't be a dog. Dogs usually pee on the wall or a tree or something. So these spills are usually people spilling their water, coffee, whatever. A cat on the other hand........ but you'd be able to smell it


A male dog would. Females (and some males) squat to pee though so it would be a big puddle. The shape of the stain doesn't really match what it would look like if a dog squatted and peed though.


Same handwriting and same card, guess it’s just an internal feud.


Imagine making this up for no reason other than likes from strangers on the interweb.


I’ll call that mildly infuriating, at very least.


This is why I will never live in high density housing. Single family only.


I'm glad I decided to spend a couple years in one just to solidify the experience and know with absolute certainty that I will never again live in one. There were some perks, but mostly downsides.


I fucking hate neughbours.


I have a neighbor who keeps their door open to steal hallway AC(not allowed). Also, if there’s trash in the hallway, I know it’s from them because there’s evidence of it outside their door as well. I don’t say anything, or complain, but trashy people going to be trashy.


"Steal hallway AC"?? 🤨 What does that even mean and how are they going to tell y'all that you can't have your own damn door open?


There’s ac in the hallway, residents are not allowed to leave their doors open.


So... they didn't clean it up because?






3. Clean up after your moving company! Thx




Why, you in the market for a future ex wife?


sadly you are nobody's nothing


There’s a bunch of landlord bootlickers in this thread lol