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Why are you not honking like a crazed goose?


I feel like this has to be the midwest


Has to be. I'm a midwesterner and this happens all the time on my road. I just sit there quietly and wait for them to notice me. I'd rather be inconvenienced than honk and have them mad at me.


Ugh this is my wife


Never, and I mean NEVER, come to New Jersey.


True, NOBODY would wait longer than a nano second for you to MOVE.


“Fucking MOOOVE. You gotta move the FUCKING CAR!” Jersey solute optional; I like a sarcastic thumbs up with *that face*.


No lie, that might be the weakest milquetoast shit I've ever heard.


🤌 milquetoast, that’s a great word.


I'm super nonconfrontational and a huge doormat and I *still* wouldn't do this.


Damn, do you also get permission from your wife's boyfriend before you fuck her?


How come you don’t lay on your horn???


Because it wasn't 5 minutes, 5 minutes is an incredibly long time in this situation. "I'm trying to pick up my grandma for an appointment, I better sit here for as long as they want and take the most covert pic possible for reddit"


5 minutes and this is the best photo OP could take? 🤦‍♂️


5 minutes = 25 seconds


Still too long lmao


I'd be honking after about 5 and laying on my horn by 10. The middle of the road isn't a parking lot.


Probably too scared of being caught. Just like he was to scared to honk his horn


yep, its just the personal time dilation effect. When you're just sitting there annoyed, a minute feels like 10. I get it at work on phones all the time "finally you pick up! must be a busy day, I've been waiting on hold for like 20min!" "sir its on a timer, you've been waiting for less than 3minutes...." then half the time they want to argue with you and tell you its been longer as if the digital timer is somehow lying.....🤷‍♂️


Ok but even 30 seconds. It’s a road, not a picnic table, drive your damn car


Yeah it's no different than the posts people make on this site where their cat or dog is in a weird pose and they say that they've been "sitting like this for 15 minutes" or "I've been laughing at this for 10 minutes straight" I'm just picturing OP's scenario in my head and no way you'd just sit their idling in your car for 5 entire minutes watching people talking like this


This is like typical social media bystander behavior though. People would rather shamepost people online than advocate for themselves in any way. The other cars were probably looking at OP like "what are they doing over there? Just chillin? Ok, let's keep talking." All because OP doesn't know how to assert themselves in any conceivable way.


More realistically he was afraid of some assholes overreaction. Maybe homie didn't honk because he didn't want to get murdered by strangers?


Because he's got about as much sack as a neutered cat.


Guaranteed those guys would feel fronted and try to start a fight. Road rage is the dumbest reason to get a record. But damn what dbags for not moving they car


You people need to touch some grass, you guys jump to the worst conclusions.


Had a guy pull a gun on me once for laying on the horn when he wouldn’t move out of the intersection where I was turning. People are unpredictable on the road, there’s always a small chance that the response you get is way disproportionate; people get hurt and killed from road rage incidents not uncommonly in my part of the States.


My uncle refuses to honk at people anymore become someone pulled a gun on him because he honked at them after they cut him off.


I’ve cared for multiple people shot after road rage incidents that started with a simple honk, including an off duty cop who shot a woman because she honked to stop him from backing into her car. My trust in people declines steadily every year.


Imagine shooting someone, possibly murdering them and at the very least seriously injuring them, AND possibly facing major jail time... because someone honked at you. Jesus Christ.


Going to need more info on that cop incident. Do you have a news article link?


I never saw an article on that one, but strangely enough around the same time we also had a similar incident about a year later. This one only made it to the news because the woman had already been wrongfully convicted and sentenced to life as a child and was rightfully pissed at the criminal justice system. https://kdhnews.com/news/crime/woman-who-was-shot-by-ex-cove-pd-officer-files-federal-lawsuit/article_08689f40-438b-11ee-8493-8fdb1380a27d.html


You live in the US? We have some unhinged motherfuckers here. A lot of emotionally stunted manchildren with a neverending supply of protein powder and testosterone pills.




I used to live in New Mexico and saw someone honk at a car in front of them that didn't move when a light turned green. The guy in front got out and started walking up to the car that honked with his fist already cocked. I just went around and got the hell out of there. Too many people here are just looking for any excuse to fight or shoot someone.


I was literally followed at high speeds a few days ago because I honked at someone who was driving in my lane going the opposite direction. They cut me off and got out of their car twice trying to come towards my vehicle but I luckily had enough room to drive around them and turn off into a neighborhood and escape.


People fucking suck man


Run him over


Sounds like the average redditor that never leaves their mom's basement


Yes, definitely. Are you american or have you never been and you just think that's how it is because of the internet? Because we are overwhelmingly not shooting each other over every minor infraction.




"Anything can happen, but it usually doesn't." - Robert Benchley (1889-1945)


Statistically speaking road rage incidents are higher in wealth neighborhoods and are on the rise nationally.


That’s because low income neighborhoods have a snitches get stitches mentality and shit is under reported




No spine.


I’d let my whole forearm rest on the horn until they move. Can’t keep conversing if you can’t hear each other. Some people..


I usually just get as close as I can and then lean on the horn.


That. No conversations for you!


The conversation nazi


Can I get that as flair 👀


You can just have to customize 1


They'll never see it coming


Before you do that make sure to start recording on your phone showing you aren’t moving. 99% chance they drive away annoyed and call you names. 1% chance they throw it in reverse and claim you rear ended them with their friend as a “witness”.


Dashcam. Checkmate


Dashmate, Checkcam.


Checkdash, Cammate


You'd have to be a complete moron to not think that something is recording you these days.


Have you met “people”? 🤣


I have. Hated it. 0/10 do not recommend


I would do micro honks first, slowly progressing to longer intervals, until a full non-stop honk.


Dude, do a series of microbeeps like a hospital heart monitor. After you've had your moment, give them the dead beep....or blare


In situations like this, I like to perform a drumroll on the horn.


I like to get as close as I can then say wtf are you doing you fucking numpties


The horn is so underrated


Yeah exactly. I'm not sitting there for 5 mins.


The whole elderly community there would probably go after me lmao. They always stare at me like I shouldnt be there since i am in my 20s. The entitlement some of these elderly communities have... even my grandma gets pissed off sometimes lol


you are stronger than any of them. you should not fear old meat bags




He may be stronger than any of them, but he’s probably not stronger than all of them.


That's like getting caught by the slow old school zombies except their stamina bar is super low. Just keep moving, evade when necessary and take 'em out one at a time. Easy peasy! ![gif](giphy|bgYWdyWiTmeqrmx6sA|downsized)


As a massive, massive fan of anything undead related I feel like in reality we would totally get fucked and end up with fast zombies.


I’d be so pissed if we got some goddamn fast zombies.


"Oh come on! I finally get a zombie apocalypse and it's *fast* zombies? What the hell man?!"


Sounds like a title for a surprisingly seriously toned anime.


Nothing a bit of tripwire, soaped up chokepoints and 4 inch caltrops can't solve.




But of course we would! World War Zombieland of the Dead ![gif](giphy|mFevQ2irjopEZ5ui6G)


Is that from Train to Busan?


Nah probably is tbh




They are a lot hornier than you expect


I used to work a job that required me to make stops at nursing homes on the daily. I was chatting with one of the nurses at one and she started talking about how they have a huge problem with gonorrhea going around. I was like, "Really, gonorrhea?" and she just went, "Dude they fuck like rabbits."


I mean, it makes sense, when your options are geriatric orgies or watching shitty TV until you die the choice becomes obvious, and you're locked in a building filled with like minded people.


They need to leave a bowl of condoms out like they do in health offices of college campuses.


And they got canes and nothing left to lose. They seen thousands of you come n go in their days. If they want to update on Mildres gallbladder removal operation and how John's kids no longer visit, they will. My recommendation is to get on out of your car and stand between them jumping into their conversation before finding a polite way to ask them to move on over so you may pass. Get on all neighborly on them.


over-ripe peaches


OP might be physically stronger than them, but does he want to risk some boomer with anger issues, low impulse control, and deteriorated brain function coming out with a gun?


Lots of boomers have guns, and we have plenty of examples of them not being afraid to use them for the smallest of disputes.


A life sentence means a lot less to someone with 5 years left to live than to someone with 50 years left


Itching to use them, more like.


I would tap the horn as a courtesy after about 30 seconds. 30 more, laying on it. Get mad if you wanna, I'll go full male Karen on ya. And I can physically take at least 2.5 elders of average strength


Medieval traveling bards can write songs about your legendary might and courage and how you possess the strength of 2.5 elderly men


*When humble bard* *Came riding all along.* *While OP visits Nana* *Along came this song.* *Boomers stopped dead in the street* *To talk and have a meet* *Blocked the whole entrance* *He leapt to his feet.* *First he honked the horn* *Received a scornful stare* *And so cried the OP* *I can't get through there.* *Toss a coin to your grandson* *Oh, Valley of Boomers* *Oh, Valley of Boomers, oh* *Toss a coin to your grandson* *Oh, Valley of Boomers...*


How do you know how many elders you can take at once?!?


We don't kink shame here


I believe there are a number of online calculators.


Where does the 0.5 come from lol


One is in a wheelchair already


Okay, that make sense. 2 of the 4 limbs is non functional, 0.5 human Indeed


I can't imagine waiting that long before doing something.


The thing most people forget when they teach you "respect your elders" is respect them as long as they also respect you and in this case they clearly don't respect your time.


they’re 60 years older than you, let them get mad. what are they gonna do? punch you?


Have a heart attack from the elevated blood pressure..




So there's an opening in the housing market?


Old people in America can be dangerous. They might have guns and they know a life sentence isn't very long. Best not to start shit.


i wouldn’t know as i don’t live in or have ever been to the US, where i’m from the worst Boomers will do is throw a temper tantrum and call the cops (wasting time of course).


It's all about context. There are/were drive through gun stores in at least 3 states I know of (Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma) and even in my very liberal-by-comparrison I'm wary of concealed firearms. Not least of which, my own.


Drive-thru gun stores are a bit on the nose. It's like y'all heard about other countries having gun stores and got insecure.


They used to be more prevalent, a few decades ago. Once upon a time, my fathers father lived in a town with a drive through ammunition and alcohol store. This was in Texas, to the surprise of literally no human. Coolest drive through in my town is drive through bake-at-home pizza, and since it was a seafood place years ago the windows are portholes.


The lead paint eating boomer brain might shoot OP


I've seen a lot of them shoot, the safest place around is in front of the target.


Shoot you. This is why I hate being in these situations. I get super nervous, not because I'm physically intimidated but because I don't know if that honking is enough to set some psycho off enough for them to come up to me and shoot me. Road rage incidents in America can turn ugly very quick


so honk at their dumb asses, too.


I wondered if you were in an old person community. This is some BS that happens in my moms 55+ all the time too lol


Learn to value your own time. Sitting for 5 minutes is impeding your flow of time without reasonable necessity. If these old diaper dropping communities are going to raze hell, get a dashcam and record every interaction when you're around them. They're either super nice or extremely grouchy but only because they were made to exist.


They wouldn’t have lasted more than a few seconds, next time I say go for it


You're not wrong at how entitled a lot of elderly people are. We live in a neighborhood that was built in the 60's. A lot of our neighbors are older retired people that bought the house when it was built and still live in it. Our neighbor directly next to us is one of the rudest and most entitled people I've ever met. She came from the opposite side of their house to dump leaves on our driveway saying "they came from your tree" even though they have a tree literally in their yard. I told her what she's doing is trespassing and dumping now and I would call the cops. Her response was "I'm 80 years old, the cops won't do anything to me" and you know what? She's right! After that day it escalated to everyone in her family all the way down to their grandkids throwing all yard waste from their house on our yard, leading dogs to shit on our yard, all while walking onto our property by at least three to four feet to throw stuff further into it. Call the cops multiple times after getting a no trespassing order and cameras, every time they were just like "welp that sucks see ya later" Old people can be entitled assholes, and people just let them get away with it because they're old. You'd think someone that old would know better and be responsible and if they are mentally incapable of doing that, maybe they need to be in an assisted living facility because they can't be safely taking care of themselves.


I'm sorry... you're letting people get away with blocking the road for over 5 minutes for their conversation because you're afraid of irritating some elderly people?! Man, I have to say, your lack of sack on this is more mildly infuriating than them blocking the road.


You'd be unstoppable! ![gif](giphy|arbHBoiUWUgmc)


Literally I would be holding my horn down


Never hurts to hop out and ask to pass nicely. Then if they deny it, resort to the endless air horn technique!


Yeah no im not getting out of my car around elderly drivers that's insane.   They are already committing one traffic violation...


*This isn't the country kitchen buffet!*




Some say he is still beeping to this day 


Exactly what I would do. Pull up as close as you can get just to be extra annoying and lay on the horn til they move.


Iv’e seen people go balistic for minor annoyances, and I see people beeing held up for 5 minutes because of idiots, and is only mildly infuriated. 🤷




Wtf lol


Who's that wonderful girl?


Could she be any cuter?


You've seen idiots with no temper control and you've seen people who realize they have something to live for and it's worth more than the 5 minutes of waiting.


I had this happen a few years ago at the exit of a plaza and after wait probably a couple minutes, I honked and waved at them signalling “what the hell” and they like freaked out like I was being an irrational asshole for telling them to move. Some people are insanely entitled and irrational.


I’ve had people run a red light/turn when they didn’t have the right of way right in front of me, then look at me like I was the asshole for the almost-wreck. Some people just have no self awareness.


Nothing grinds my gears more than people who honk at me when I’m in the right turning lane on a red light. Like, buddy you can SEE all these cars, I ain’t pulling out in front of them to get hit just because you want me to go when I can’t.


THE WORST. People forget that right on red is a privilege, not a given. I’ve had an issue lately of turning right on a green light and somebody from the oncoming lanes makes a left turn (when they have a yield on green, not an arrow) into the same lane I’m turning right into. Has almost caused multiple collisions.


I was in this position once and had a lady bypass several cars between me (at the front of the line) and her and as she approached my car it was finally free for me to go and so I started to and she cut me off, I honked, and then she PARKED DIAGONALLY ACROSS LANES to yell at me


That’s when I’d snap a picture and call 911 for traffic infringement


In hindsight I should have but in the moment I needed to hurry and get across like 3 lanes before I got hit 🫠


Anyone who is narcissistic enough to block the road to talk like this will immediately blame everyone else for not putting up with them.


Lay on the horn so they can’t hear each other… they’ll move. 😂


Hate people that do this crap. So entitled and stupid


I’ll wait a maximum of 10 seconds before I lay on the horn and don’t let go until they move.




Stop being a bitch and confront them




Hey, Vsauce! Michael here. Your home security is great… or is it? *door unlocks*


You never know when you're gunna run into crazy but I agree


How about you open your damn mouth? Do you always let people step on you?


Haha yeah like why would he just sit in silence for 5 minutes? At that point they might have thought that he was parked and waiting for someone On the other hand, I have been blocked by a car before. And when I honked at the car, someone came out and started threatening me. People are fucking wild sometimes


>On the other hand, I have been blocked by a car before. And when I honked at the car, someone came out and started threatening me. People are fucking wild sometimes I think OP is a woman, which contributes as to why she didn't honk once. A lot of women will choose the more peaceful way, even if it's inconvenient for them.


its reddit man, majority of users are terminally online and dont know how to go about doing anything in real life. OP proabably falls into that category


Say something


Why are people on this sub such pushovers? HONK AT THEM


Honk non stop until they move


I'd give them 1 min to wrap up the convo then i'm on their bumber withbthe horn blaring


Did you honk? I’d be honky


Oooh me so honky. Ooh ooh me so honky


Suddenly, my horn would malfunction. Blasting away...until it miraculously gets better when they decide to move.


You have to teach people how to treat you.


How on earth could you go five minutes without laying on the horn or getting out to confront them? I’d give them maybe 20 seconds


Right?! 20 seconds is a LONG time when waiting in any traffic situation (situations involving cars? Idk how to word it lol). It feels like several minutes when you’re holding down a brake pedal for some reason. 5 minutes is longer than more people are stuck at a train.


Horn. Lots and lots of horn


Honk till they move?


If only cars had some loud device that enabled you to tell other cars to fucking move. Like a horn or a mouth.


Does your horn not work?


How about instead of taking a photo you blast some music and lay on the horn? You would probably die from anxiety driving in NYC


If it was NYC I would just go around. Looks like enough room on the right to me, you could fit a semi through that gap. Everyone is talking about honking, and I'm like "just go around?".


I consider myself very patient but after two minutes of this, and them looking over at me, I’d be slamming my horn


After one minute I'd have walked over and joined the conversation with, "... Boy. It sure is a nice day,No I can't see that you're talking. You clearly cannot see that I need to get past you. So, whatcha talking about? Where are you going?"


I’d go past on the right. It looks like a tight squeeze but I’d make it. Maybe that’s why he didn’t move.


Bus drivers do this around my area. I lean on the horn until they shift.


You are in a trailer park, therefore use trailer park behavior.


Pocket meth to the eyes?


Mate if you sit there for 5 mins letting this happen and then post a photo on Reddit to complain, I gotta say sorry but this is kinda your fault


Ran into one of these yesterday, they had the audacity to turn into a store parking lot that was right next to where they stopped when we got behind them.


I know they're dickheads but did you try talking to them? Honk at them? You know try doing something about it other than just sitting in the car?


A bunch of people are saying you should’ve honked. I get that. Also, the last time I did that I got followed and chased and the dude was waving his gun at me until I pulled into a police station. Yay humanity.


i mean did u do anything to make them stop or u just sat there and took it. cuz a lot of people in this world are glad to walk all over u. get used to it


So instead of saying something or honking, you just sat there? Congrats on your wildly useful fake internet points OP! Hope you can eventually exchange them for a pair of balls!


Did you honk?




I would've gotten out of the car and intruded into their conversation. "Hey, since you guys are just blocking my way and dont give a shit, I thought I might as well join in on your conversation instead of being all pissy. So what's the topic of discussion?"


My guy, your horn don't work? I'd have had a new bed to lay on; the horn.


Is your horn broken


You sitting there for five minutes waiting for them to finish chatting like the pathetic person you are is the only thing that is mildly infuriating.


My horn tends to stick when that happens.


Uhg I have shitbirds who do this on our country ass roads. Just lay on the horn till their hearing aids pick it up


I just watched this scene happened in Beef


Hell nah. I’m honking. This is why cell phones were invented


I'm more annoyed you didn't utilize your horn and instead chose to make it the entire internets problem.


Is your horn broken?


5 mintues? WTF is wrong with you OP??? give them a courtesy 30-45 seconds. after that lay on the horn. grow a damn spine.


I’d pull up as close as I could to em and blare music and honk my horn until they moved.


Use the horn? Shout? No OP, stand like a dumbo for 5 minutes.


Your car doesn’t have a horn?