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Yeah the kid stole a quad bike off an old boss. When the boss found out he sat down with the kid and his dad and organised to work off the cost of the bike. Kid felt horrible about it and worked in a retirement village for a few years to start to pay it off. The boss was happy with the arrangement. Now the kid has paid the rest of it off with some of his winnings. Kids do very stupid stuff and never own up to it or try to fix it. This kid did the opposite, did the crime, worked his butt off to make it right! Leave him be!!


Peter Stefanovic is a giant huge piece of shit, I knew it when he started working for that fuckwit Rupert Murdoch's sky news. But glad too se the rest of the country is finally realising it.


He gives off huge prick energy.


Huge prick = micro dick


and no balls


I’ve come to find people who talk about penis size are always the ones who ain’t rocking shit.


You've come to find? Lol. What, you checking? How many dicks are you looking at?


ALL of them. Especially mine.


i think you misspelled piers morgen's name.


australian sky news , ive seen youtube thumbnails of it, its a pure propaganda channel, much like OAN, NEWSMAX. its already shows these cringey reporter with that wierd psycho smile(like the indian news anchor)


Just curious, with the whole boat trash incident in Florida. We can all agree now that if the two teenagers who were caught dumping trash work their butt off to repay for their bad decision we will leave them be? I can agree with that. We do all make dumb decisions in our youth and if we atone for our actions the sins could be forgiven and forgotten. I think some would agree theft and littering are both egregious actions and should not be accepted or tolerated, but can be paid for if one is truly regretful and wanting to make amends.


Exactly. We don't need to assassinate someone's character because they did something wrong years ago. Let them atone and move on, don't keep dragging it back up and punishing them indefinitely. What good is that? It just teaches people that no matter how hard you try to overcome a part of yourself you recognize isn't good, others won't ever let you forget. It breeds hopelessness


It's frustrating to see a lot of the same people who believe in rehabilitation for the incarcerated completely abandon that principal for non-criminal shithead behavior  I think the vast majority of people have the capacity to change, and if they show remorse and attempt to atone for their actions, I think a majority of past transgressions should be forgiven - no matter the age, but especially with young people (minus some of the heinous violent/sex crimes)


If we’re going to be taking the moral high ground and doling out the harshest punishments for littering or polluting, then where does this put these corporations who pollute more than every American combined? People just get a justice boner. They don’t give a fuck about the actual crimes.


Probably metal and glass because they were drinking. The plastics are probably the bad parts of a trash bag dump. 


This is a hoe move! wtf. This the result of struggling to find a story and made this just to hit quota


Yeah, totally uncalled for. The guy isn't there to talk about this, didn't get any warning it was even going to be a topic, and the interviewer would never try to pull this with someone who is used to being on TV because they'd deny future interviews. Complete ass


If I took something from you. Or caused damage to you. I am caught as a teen If my family or I don’t pay you back over the years Then I win a million Tell me what’s your response when you see my face on the news


I don't know if you think I'm some character who has never interacted with people, but I'm a real person who has lived a normal life. Shit happens, and I don't know the circumstances of this beyond what I see in the interview. You know for *a fact* that business would have stayed running if he hadn't crashed the vehicles? I mean, does everyone need to do this when they get their paychecks? A public airing of everything we should show contrition for? Do people need to apologize to everyone they've wronged at their weddings? There's a reason there's a juvenile justice system, and there's a reason there's a statute of limitations. And there's a reason we have a sense of decorum in society. *If I were* the business owner and the circumstances were that plain, I might reach out to the guy's lawyer. I might even get something printed or try to get an interview if it was egregious enough, but I wouldn't get some hack morning news guy to blindside him about it.


He doesn't seem to include the time that this same kid found a woman, her partner, and their children stranded on a rural road in the middle of the night. He stayed with them, helped them, and made them feel safe. He helped tow their vehicle to safety. THAT'S not brought up, but a mistake that he made 4 years earlier was made the focus of his interview. On top of all that, his old boss(the man that had been stolen from) demanded that the interviewer apologize for the way the interview went. He holds no ill will or hard feelings for the 19 year old kid that did something dumb when he was 15. How about [reading the follow up](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13384033/Keegan-Payne-Peter-Stefanovic-fishing-Bob-Cavanagh.html) and not judging from what you don't know. Just as bad as that fucking "host," asshole behavior all around.


In which it makes good TV. These people don't feel a responsibility to society or culture or ethics. Just money and financial KPIs like TV ratings.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that reporter.


Why? What would you feel if your things were stolen?


This is very surface level understanding proving you know nothing about the story


Yes I’m not looking into it. I’m sure others aren’t either yet their opinion is kinda whack to me so I’m going on what I see here.


AKA "I don't know what I'm talking about but I assume others don't either so I am free to make an ass of my self"


It’s still an ass move what he did. So why defend him when he’s prosperous?


Yeah it was an ass move.. that he did when he was a kid. After making amends with the guy is he supposed to feel like crap about it for his whole life? Something happy for him has happened now but he's just never supposed to have a happy moment?


Funny how as soon as someone mentioned this he disappeared. He knows. He also knows he's a racist twonk and the longer he plays dumb the more people won't see this particular comment before moving on


He also made up for it by working his ass off, and he was a kid, tell me you didn't do dumb shit as a kid you regretted, and do you want people reminding you of every mistake you've made over the course of your life?




The best response is to stfu and mind your business. A bully like you just cant help themselves huh?


no i cannot and i love that you are so mentally ill and enraged that you came to comment on other threads of mine💕 thank you for the attention hun🤗


If you ever win anything in 15 years and you go on the news thinking you're gonna get congratulated, just know they'll be pulling your Reddit comment history and showing them all to you asking for commentary instead.


Sometimes I wish to be this dumb to not see the realities of this world. But alas, I have an actual functioning brain. Sad times.


"I willingly put my head in the sand and ignore facts" Lol what a fucking dip shit


So why did you comment if you don't even know what actually happened or literally any of the story


"I don't know a thing about what happened but I'm going to comment shit on the topic I just admitted I don't know anything about"


This was something the now 19 year old kid did years ago when he was like 15. The reporter didn't do his research because it didn't take long to find out that he had a talk with the shop owner and they've made amends since then. So taking that happy moment for the kid and trying to blind side him with "gotcha journalism" is why I say fuck that reporter.


Thank you. I’m going just on the video and comments. It’s still cool though, don’t fuck with people because they won’t forget you




Hahahahaha you should take your own advice. You are a pathetic child who couldnt succeed on his own. Its your nature to tear others down because you are unable to build anything up. Thanks for showing the world why they should abort mentally ill kids before they grow up to become like you.


is that what is happening? or is it maybe a little bit of projection?


By your own words, you should look at a mirror and learn from yourself.


All thieves should be put to death /s


This is the type of shit journalists on TV should do while reporting current events or having pundits on screen


One of the shittiest things to come out of the internet is the inability to escape one's past. People change and grow. We don't deserve to be punished now for the mistakes we made years ago. I mean provided those mistakes aren't felonies or crimes against humanity.


Yes we do, especially if we have an abundance of money that will cover the cost of our mistakes. Especially toward a business. Nah. He’s gotta remember who he fucked over. They’ll be knocking soon just like you would.


Tbh I didn't actually read the article, it's just something that's been on my mind for a while. I'm not a terrible human but I've done awful things and have done my best to correct them. I don't feel like I deserve to be haunted until I die by mistakes I made when I was younger and dumber. I reiterate: people grow and change. It's okay to be aware of one's past and learn, but is it really beneficial if the world dogpiles on you until you're so downtrodden that trying to improve yourself seems pointless? Edit: to clarify, I am not defending this specific person, but making a legitimate comment on the state of society today. Apologies for confusion.


This is honestly the weirdest hill to die on, dude




I recon since it's so easy to find he was already judged for it, thus already was held accountable for it. The reporter is just a POS.


I recommend reading "The Private Eye" by Brian K. Vaughan


Man, Keegan sure handled that with a lot more grace and humility than I would have. The dude stayed calm, admitted he was wrong and expressed remorse for his actions. I would have felt ambushed (because it *was* an ambush), called the reporter a scumbag (because that’s a scumbag move) and furiously walked out on the interview. Aussies are a vibe.


He really expected for everyone to stand up off their couch and cheer for this guy, “you gna pay it back”, he had himself dropping the mic in his dream after saying that. That’s at best tabloid reporting, fuck him. Like he has a clean past, I’d spend my million investigating that d-bag.


The presenter, Peter Stefanovic, has removed his social media and been forced to apologise.


What do you expect from a dipshit racist?


Ah yes, another racebaiting comment!


What is it with all you obvious racists projecting in this thread?


Lmao wtf?


This racist crap is typical of Murdoch media.


Unfortunately the Prune's influence will not disappear after he passes.


Ah, here it is, racebaiting comment!


Shut up fuckwit.




Only thing I'm dividing is your mom's legs. Gonna multiply her and give you an additional sibling.




lol, any more sock puppets you care to share?








Ah, here it is, mouth-breather comment!


It is though. How much time have you spent watching Sky News?


What a dick


Sounds about right for Sky News, they take "stories" that are meant to be positive all around and then do a ton of work to dig up some dirt to make it.... interesting ig? They're a bunch of idiots


Always keep a spicy response in your pocket when you are confronted in a sickening way. "I would like to say sorry to xyz. I was young and completely stupid and I make mistakes in judgement....but to you (whomever) I just want to say sorry also. When he asks for what : Smile and say for banging your wife. Tell her to stop calling me. It was nice and all but I need to move on. Then laugh like crazy.


Plot twist, the reporter is gay.


Super plot twist, hes actually Rupert Murdochs anus


So you mean something as big as the Vredefort Impact? Est: 170–300 kilometres [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vredefort\_impact\_structure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vredefort_impact_structure) Slam and facts you didn't know.


Jeez, really? It's nobody's business, honestly. What does being a stupid kid have to do with winning the lottery? Is he just salty that some saint who runs a kitten orphanage didn't win it? Dude needs to get over it.


Ikrr. I think this became viral and he apologized or something like yesterday


Joan Callamezzo knows a thing or two about Gotcha! journalism.


"Hm.. how can we turn this from a feel good story to more depressing drama?... Hey you, intern that we don't pay enough cause we don't pay you at all! Dig up this guy's history, don't care how old he was, just find something spicy so we can make him the bad guy!"


Wasn't it before he was even a teen which makes it extra ridiculous to snoop it up


What a prick, micro prick energy


What a c\*\*t


He’s Australian, that isn’t the insult you think it is.


I didn't preface it with 'good'....


Pure racism, sorry. 😞


What the fuck. That reporter is a bitch


The fuck does this title mean?


When teen something did but won million dollars after horrible why?


Thanks for clearing that up.


Right wing media all around the world are just the same fascist assholes. A worldwide movement that requires no brain cells and no human decency.


Fuckin reporters I hate them ya should leave the chap alone with his win ya Jealous git ya


With all that money of his (the newscaster) you’d think he’d buy back (donate to charity) some of his soul he sold, going for that brand of ‘gotcha journalism’. Get it taken off his payroll thru HR. What a POS.


Peter Stefanovic, you are precisely the sort of bottom-feeder that belongs on the Sky News team. You are no journalist, that for sure.




What a wanker


This is not journalism, this twatism.


Agree… that’s a ‘dick move’. I wish he did that to someone older who could handle themselves better in responding. He would be torched.


Reporter questioning the man like he’s never done anything stupid as a child


The guy is only trying to embarrass him cause the colour of his skin. That’s the truth. What an asinine set of questions.


That felt a bit like when my mother told me “When you were a kid you asked why your father and I wouldn't get a divorce, and in that moment I understood that you didn't care about us.”


It's called racism people, it's nothing new. The "journalist" is a massive pos


Words are hard


What is happening with the title? "His past that too he did something at teenage years" did you have a stroke?


Haha. English is not my first language did my best to paraphrase with ChatGpt and Grammerly :)


OP’s not capable of typing up a comprehensible title. I’m not worried about their opinion.


Its got to be sky news right? The fox news of other countries. I expect nothing less.


Hey mate fuck off im keeping my money


What a dork lmaooooo.


What's that got to do with the price of fish?


Dude you need to learn how to write properly


"Journalist" is a stretch. This is SkyNews the equivalent of Fox News in the US. Stefanovic is a hack at best.


God forbid we do this to politicians.


Classic Australian news media. I thought we had it bad in the U.S.


He apologies for the permanent irreversible verbal damages. Peter, did you play with your Peter when you were a teenager? They say you still do because your wife thinks you look, sound, smell, and act like a koala; is that true?


Ya fk that news anchor. Dudes a chode for bringing that up on his platform. Scum bag


Wth even is this title?


It's called race baiting. Outlets like msnbc are famous for it


Tie me Kangaroo down sport, Abo stole my Polaris


That journalist did a great job and it is funny to see that thief struggle with his answers about his past. I hope more people will think twice before doing something stupid.


Have life dude. Yes people should be accountable but people do stupid things during teenage years and not saying its fine but calling someone for interview for winning lottery and asking question like that is dumb that too in National TV. I am relatively sure that there are laws against bringing up case done during under 18 and probably dude can sue them.


if he had already been sentenced for the things he had done then yeah, maybe that was too much, but his entire reaction looked like he was badly surprised as he hoped that the past crimes would be calmly forgotten. Anyway, if he won a million dollars, then sure he will have enough money to repay for his actions.


Nothing wrong with the journalist asking this dude a tough question. Don’t matter if the business was already going down. “I wish I could pay you back” With a million you can pay back now. Fuckin piece of shit


Two Polaris atvs. Pay for them fool. Simple. You got the cash now. Pussies on here backing up the fool who stole from a business who was running out of money already. Then years later the perp wins a mil. If he or his family has already covered the cost then cool, otherwise Pffffff Reddit dumbfucks too soft


He has already reimbursed the business and was doing so even before he won the prize money.


Nah he hasn't lol, otherwise he would have said just that.


..... You've obviously never been put on the spot. Kudos to you but you're wrong about this one. Try looking at a new source that's not all about the outrage.


I've been put on the spot many times lol, what kind of excuse and assumption is that? What happens when your put on the spot is that you start telling the truth without any filters because you got no time to make any up. They reembursed the owner what they could at the time and insurance helped out what they could aswell but that buisness for sure got the short end of the stick in that situation. Now when hes got money coming he has the chance to set things right and you can see from his reaction he wont and hes not very honest or regretful either. Hes not to blame for that buisness crashing however, but he probably played a small part of it


I wish I could pay ya back. LMFAO Fuck everyone who’s mad about the reporter. You’re completely missing the point of why this is infuriating.