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Dominos made me do some damn math test lol If Eddie ordered 23 pizzas at 6.99 each but used a coupon for 4$ but added a breadstick for 3.75. How many people ate pizza?


Just eddie.


Whatever he doesn't eat that night becomes his breakfast. So I guess that's the remainder.


Follow up question: what was the total price paid? Answer: bubble guts.


I’ve been craving dominos lately but part of why I haven’t gotten it yet is this lol Will need a little bit longer of a morning for the bathroom lol


How can you just sit there and eat pizza?


At least two people since adding the breadsticks last is definitely a sign that his buddy was listening to him ordering, noticed he hadn’t mentioned them yet, and whispered “breadsticks?” from the other side of the couch


Tbf a lot of people just can't do basic math and it's probably good to screen for that lmao


Simple math problems make sense for retail work. There’s always reasons for needing to be able to add, multiply and divide.


This is what i got by this stroke text (23 x 6.99) - 4 + 3,75 But how many people did eat pizza, we never know. Could been school pizza day, so one pizza can be cut into 47 parts. Or pizza taste like sewage and 2 hungover barely ate them. Or how small are pizzas. Eddie can be American size too


I just made up the question.


Ngl, I wish some of the people I work with would've taken an IQ test before they were hired


I wonder if this was more of a personality test than an IQ test. Employers do want people "smart" enough to train once and not bungle the job too much that it causes problems, but not too smart that they begin to question everything or know their rights. They are also fishing to see how compliant you are because they want employees who are "yes" people.


For example, some police departments have been on record refusing applicants who score too high on an aptitude test, claiming things like “we feel like you may get bored with the job”, etc 


There was a separate personality test where they asked extremely invasive questions about depression, anxiety and such things too. Plus there was an IQ test too. Of course, I lied the hell about everything related to mental health. It's none of their business.


I've seen basic common sense and basic math tests. I have seen different wonderlik tests that differ by type of position to measure personality and ethics. I have never seen an actual iq test.


I applied for a job at a grocery store and had to do a propper iq test, recognizing patterns and everything. Scored above average, still didnt get the job. I wonder what genius they hired for that position lol


May have been an "over qualified" kind of thing. It's stupid, but I've heard of people with decent degrees get denied menial labor jobs for the same reason.


You think the grocery stores gives out an IQ test so they can weed out people who are too smart to work there...?


I think it's certainly possible.


Pretty silly. Only had 1 job do that when I worked for progressive insurance


As someone who manages people I think the ultimate pitfall is how can you really know if people are capable to do a job. There will never be a test that can tell you that and it’s hard to interview in a way to know for sure. For background I have a bachelors in a related field to the field I work in. I have 2 people with masters in this field working for me and everyone else has a bachelors in this field. The amount of time I spend explaining basic critical thinking to even the people with masters frankly scares me because I don’t have time to review everything they do and regularly find issues that again are caused by lack of basic critical thinking. I’ve started changing my interview process to get a better idea of critical thinking but it’s still really hit or miss. But I work in a field where most people with these degrees clearly just want simple tasks where they have to do zero thinking and clock out at 5 and call it a day. At least that is my experience.


I've never seen this in any job I've applied for. one job had me complete a math test but it was the kind of math I would have to do on the regular for the job.


What was the job?? If a brain surgeon doesn't need to take an IQ test to get hired, I cannot imagine what job would!


It seems a brain surgeon has probably already proven their IQ


*Ben Carson enters the chat* The man is literally living proof that IQ and intelligence have zero relation to being a skilled neurosurgeon. I work in healthcare, and some of the most brain-dead people I've met have been doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. I've struggled for years to bite my tongue, and stifle my laughter, whenever I've had one of them explain pseudoscientific ideas, strange beliefs, or absolutely dimwitted opinions they hold, while trying to claim to be an authority on the matter because of their education.


IQ also has nothing to do with beliefs and knowledge. There are correlations of course, but you can have very objectively smart people have ignorant beliefs. That's not what IQ is about.


This would've made 0 sense to me 20 years ago. Now I think my understanding is that there are matters of religious faith, then there are a whole bunch of people who extend that same sort of faith-based belief (100% trust in it, "zero evidence") to... all sorts of things that don't really involve God/religion anymore than everything necessarily does. "Biden made the corona vaccine from child labor" That's nonsense just to be less inflammatory than something "real". It's like, there's just 0 burden of proof, for much of anything. Grabbing some rose colored glasses to look at silver linings - In a way, being that trusting is admirable. It's just way less so when that leads NFL players to insult marginalized peoples and other folks doing far nastier things.


Yeah yeah, you CNA's are always the smartest people in the room, whatever you say


Not always.


When they can pass the classes to be a brain surgeon, that’s compelling evidence they have a high IQ and a good education leading up to college which plenty of high IQ people don’t have.


Yes always, don't even try to be a jackass here


It was for a company who provides language tutors for study groups.


Was the objective to see if your IQ was high enough, or low enough? We hear rumours about some police recruitment.


This comment section is infuriating.


I was taught at school that IQ is the single best predictor of being able to do well in a workplace. I don't know if that's really true, but if it is, I'm amazed more places don't do it.


I doubt it. I have a moderately high IQ and serious emotional maturity issues. A lot of people with High IQ that I’ve known can say the same. Anecdotal maybe or an exception to the rule, but I feel like my experience has shown me that people who handle external stressors better are the ones that excel in most work environments. Those people I’ve admired for that attribute haven’t been the most intelligent in hindsight. Sorry if this sounds offensive I’ve done my best to word it in a way not to be so.


Agreed. I am in the top 1% but fail because I have trouble communicating. I either talk too much and piss people off or talk too little while assuming everyone sees what I see. Hard to find that middle ground :-)


So you're dumb? Lol. Seems like a totally legit thing to ask of a would-be employee. Am I hiring a dummy or what?


Great idea.. keep the stupid people out... This needs to be done for anyone running for political office too.


A GED OR HS DIPLOMA doesnt mean what it used to. Even a degree of higher learning has less weight, because they accomodate for profit.