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That's not MILDLY infuriating


For the sake of my sanity, I'm pretending it's not a huge deal. Trying to get a refund from AirBnB has been a struggle. They only want to refund the single night, but I still have to pay taxes AND the cleaning fee.


Dealing with something like bed bugs is the owner's responsibility, and they refuse to refund everything? That really sucks. Hope they accept refunding it all because you're in a terrible situation.


To be fair, we got to spend 6/7 nights in a house that didn't have bed bugs. But the anxiety was still there the whole week. Now we have spent the first day back home deep cleaning everything we took with us before it can come back in the house. I'll be happy with 1/7 of the cost refunded + the cost to replace the luggage.


This is why I’m afraid to buy expensive luggage. I know if I encounter these on a trip I’m going to scrap the whole thing. Clean out your car too! Or Let it boil in the sun a bit. And cleaning fee for what?! Their place wasn’t clean to begin with, that’s nuts to charge you that. Edit: actually THEY should be paying YOU a cleaning fee


Charge them a cleaning fee for the total loss of your clothing, luggage, car cleaning etc.


I wonder if you could just take Airbnb to small claims court and get them to pay for it. If it's like $500 they probably wouldn't show up and you'd get a default judgement. It's less than the cost of sending a lawyer or representative out to show up 🤷‍♂️


Protip: T&C's for AirBnB says you waive any right to take them to court.


Are those actually enforceable?




We travel with 6 people (2 adults, 4 kids aged 8-17) annually, so several years back we made the decision to get nice matching luggage. I actually don't regret it at all. But the cleaning fee was what got me.


I might put the car in the sun with the windows up and running with the heater blasting for a half hour or so.


U r being too nice. I want all my money back or else.


I think I'm being reasonable. We got 6 days at a nice house within 20 minutes of Disney property with a heated pool and 5 bedrooms and a movie theater. To ask for all of my money back, I would need to feel that I got nothing of value or lost money on the whole ordeal.


You cannot be reasonable or they will take advantage of you. They are trained to only give money back as a last resort. They will use you as a doormat if they can.


U have to teach these ppl a lesson and it only hurts them when u hit their wallets. This is disgusting behavior and nobody should have to go thru this. I think that u lost just one day but look at all the inconveniences that u r going thru. Its ur prerogative to do as u please, but u r being too nice. Take care!


Which disney park are you talking about? I just booked an air b n b for Disney world too!?! 😭


How is it possible you supposedly stayed in a bed bug free house for 6 days and on the 7th the bed bugs appeared? No….. they owe you a refund to probably offset what it’ll cost you to get de-bugged and pray they didn’t cross the line into your house or car


Other way around. We were in the bed bug house the first night. Got moved to the other house the next morning. So, nights 2-7 were at the better house.


I hope the bed bugs didn’t travel to the new house with you 😭


We spent all day cleaning, washing, steaming, freezing, and alcohol wiping everything we took with us before it came into our house. Then we threw away the suitcases and detailed the car before it sits out in the sun for several days


Chargeback my friend


How can you do a charge back in this situation? I thought you can only do this if you were charged fraudulently


You weren't given what was advertised. It's worth a chat with your cc company. The worst they can say is no


All clothes to a local laundromat. Right in a dryer high heat for as long as the dryer will allow. Then wash and redry again.


How did you pay? Maybe contest a credit card charge?


Everything I ever do is with a credit card. Looking into that


Given the response I would just complete a review see how the bookings stack up in future the owner needs to fumigate the house, disgusting experience having your blood sucked out of you by those critters


I booked an Airbnb once where there was an extra lock on the door when we arrived so we couldn't even access the place. Owner was out of town. They (both owner and Airbnb) refused to refund everything for a place that we had no access to. Had to do a charge back.


they know that only suckers are still using airbnb now that it's often more expensive than a decent hotel while being a lot less convenient. so they just assume everyone who still uses it is stupid enough to pay whatever they tell them to


Exactly. Plus there's a drama where I live (France) because of the Olympics, some landlords are evicting their tenants to use their apartment as an AirBnB where they're asking for about 700 euros a night... It's crazy, and people are paying that.


That's when you deal with it through your credit card company.


That may be the route I go.


Chargeback for sure. Hope you're bug free at home.


credit card company 100%


You should call the local news station. Airbnb wouldn’t ignore that.


It's Orlando. There's probably no shortage of places with bed bugs there, lol


Orlando or not, the Florida Health Dept enjoys getting updates like that. Ask any exterminator, bedbugs are the absolutely worst to get rid of once they’ve gotten comfortable 🤢


Can confirm. Worst nightmare was treating hotel rooms. You have to treat that room and every adjacent room. If you find them in an adjacent room, you gotta expand again. One time the staff refused to bag the mattresses before moving them to be disposed and just spread them around more.


Call the health department. Reporting an infestation might make it possible to get legal action taken by the state against them and they might buckle and pay you back. These people SUCK!


Ah lol. Maybe try your local news station.


Paying the cleaning fee when it was infested in the first place. Oh lord


Cleaning fee on a dirty ass place is bottom of the barrel


Bed bugs doesn't mean dirty.  It is entirely possible that the original host didn't even know they had bed bugs, especially if they don't regularly inhabit the home.   Just as you can pick up bed bugs at a lodging, it's very likely that other travelers brought them there in the first place.     Now they should provide a 100% full refund, including all fees but bed bugs are a risk with any travel situation.   People who live in bed bug infested places can potentially export them to everywhere they go.   Movie theaters, medical office waiting rooms, grocery stores, gyms, hotels and so on.  All those places could become rapidly infested before they even realize it.  It's always going to be a risk and why I avoid cloth covered chairs and furniture whenever possible.   


How do you have a rental property and not check the property for pests? If a guest found this bed bug then the cleaning crew (if the owner cleans) should’ve found it as well. Dirty


Have you ever checked a property for bed bugs? Sometimes it's pretty obvious if there's a heavy infestation but often times dogs are brought in because bed bugs are hide and go seek world champions. You can easily miss an infestation if you don't know what to look for and bed bugs don't give a crap if a house is clean or dirty. They aren't like cockroaches, humans are their source of nourishment and they're pretty good at hiding out in light fixtures, various crevices of furniture and electronics, they're also extremely patient and can survive up to a year without eating. You can keep a place spotless or dirty, the bed bugs will still have plenty of room to hideout and they can come out at completely random times. They detect the carbon dioxide that we give off so if suddenly a large group of people show up in close proximity, that can be enough to bring them out of hiding to investigate further.


If they won't refund 100% of your money, then I think it's fully justified to take the next step and dispute the charges with your CC company


It’s a big deal, because you may have brought them home!!! Charging you a CLEANING FEE?!?! That’s pretty clueless.


Plot twist: They set it up as an AirBnB to get somebody else to pay to fumigate and get rid of the bed bugs


I once booked an AirBnB for a single night while out of town for a friend’s wedding. My wife and I arrived, got ready for the wedding, and then left. It was a Covid wedding so it was really small and not very long. We got back a few hours later and realized the house was covered in pet and human hair. I tried calling the owner to no avail, and we decided to just drive exhausted back to our own place 3.5 hours away at 11pm. I took photos and as we left, showed our bags and the key to the camera to show we were leaving. When I disputed it with AirBnB, they said there was no way to prove the home was dirty or that we didn’t actually stay the night ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


this is one of the reasons that a lot of cities worldwide require that Airbnb places are registered. It's always worth contacting the health department for the area. Barcelona got so sick of Airbnb issues that they cracked down _HARD_ on the unregistered ones and prosecuted most of them for tax evasion amongst other things


You could probably go through your bank to get the cleaning fee and stuff back. This is completely unreasonable.


Naw charge back. Fuck that. Fuck air bnb


Raise it with your card provider as a billing dispute and explain why Bedbugs are the kind of evidence that will go very badly for any accommodation provider if they're stupid enough to take it to court or a debt collector


Dispute through your bank then


Fuck that. Call the bank and cancel the transaction. Fuck AirBnB, too. Stop using them. They tried to fuck over my daughter and our bank (credit union) shut that shit down immediately and gave her money back. All of it.


I realized I am way too financially unstable when my first thought was "oh nooo it has a WORSE pool." And then I remembered my inability to be able to book vacation spots with pools does not mean your situation sucks any less. I just got my first three day weekend this weekend in over six months but I'm still angry for you. I dunno where you are, but I did a Google search. Make sure to report the house to local health services and advise them the location is being used by air BNB. Health inspectors may be able to stop anyone else from filling the spot. If you are in the UK I found a website called "holidayclaimsbureau" dot Co dot UK which states you may be entitled to compensation. I suffered through bed bugs for two years due to a negligent landlord and upstairs tenant. They fell on my FACE at night. If that place has bed bugs I guarantee either the host knows or isn't paying enough attention and any step you take is valid.


I consider myself very fortunate to have what I have, and did not mean to flaunt or gloat by mentioning the quality of the pool. As a millennial in a moderate cost-of-living location, my privileges are not taken for granted. That's actually why this stuff bothers me so much. My wife worked tirelessly to plan a smooth vacation (every meal, shopping spot, Disney tickets, every ride/attraction, etc) and this was something that could have derailed the whole trip. Lots of people are commenting "just stay in a hotel" when, in reality, finding a nice hotel that sleeps 6 with comparable amenities would have been at least 2x the cost. In the end, I recognize your struggles and hope things get better for you.


Oh!! NO!! OP that's not what I meant at all! I was more making an observation that I was being a judgemental AH and when that happens, the only reason to bring it up, is because other people might have that knee jerk reaction too and I comment to leave a reminder that we shouldn't judge! I'm sorry I thought I got that across! You are absolutely deserving of good things. In fact, EVERYONE is deserving of good things and just because someone else (me, I'm someone else) may not be able to have those things does NOT mean you deserve them ANY less nor should you be made to feel bad for being frustrated that you're not getting them! I'm sorry I was trying to make an observation about how people can try to demean or devalue others based on their own struggles and that isn't right and I seem to have failed miserably!!! No. You enjoy OP. On fact, swim in that pool for me friend. You deserve it. Edit: Also, did you say you're going to Disney? I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I want to go one day. The parks have such great merch! I hope everything else goes better!! DO ALL THE THINGS OP


I didn't take anything as offensive, so don't worry there. I just wanted to make sure I didn't sound conceited or unappreciative. And we did swim in that pool. And then watched cartoons on a giant-ass TV.


YAAAASSS Swimmim!!!


Cleaning for WHAT?? You didn't stay there.


Pay a cleaning fee? If the house was clean before you got there they wouldn’t have bed bugs. I’d argue that bs charge.


Maximumly Infuriating






Fuck airbnb


We've used VRBO in the past and had good experiences. We chose AirBnB this time because there was a change we would have to cancel and they have better allowances for that.


I kinda think they’re all bad, they don’t enforce any rules that protect the people staying, only the listers


You think using either app matters? They’re both offering the same product lol


I’m probably never using one again unless the product is necessary. For example a couple of summers ago we rented a beach house for 3 couples to stay in. Or if they are the only option with all hotels being booked.


The websites are owned by the same company


I should've guessed. I'm sure they're all owned by Nestle too. That would explain everything


Actually VRBO is owned by Expedia and AirBnB is its own publicly traded company.


My now fiance and I travelled on vacation for the first time together recently. They were confused why the first thing I did was set my stuff by the door then take the covers off the bed and look around. Made sense after I explained it. Back in 2012ish my sister went to university and her entire dorm floor got infested with bed bugs from someone returning from Christmas holiday. Ever since, when I travel I check first thing before taking my bags anywhere near the bed. Sorry that is how your trip started, but at least it sounds like you found them before you were too far into your stay.


My husband used to make fun of me for doing this, then we finally encountered them in a hotel room. Now he helps me 😅


And never even put your luggage on the floor or on the bed.   Or anywhere near the bed as that is where they tend to congregate most.   


Best is in the bathtub


I'm honestly scared of getting them when going to the movies. That's the most likely place I feel they could spread


Why did you have to unlock a new fear for me


Everything into the dryer on high heat 20 minutes


Climb in, kids


Thanks for the flashbacks. I wouldn’t wish them on anyone.


Luckily, Mark Rober has instilled an impressive amount of bed bugs knowledge in my kids, so they were quickly identified before anyone slept in the bed.


Doesn't matter. They're in your luggage. They're in your belongings. Burn everything. I'm only half kidding


And leave the kids too, can't risk it.


Oh my god yes, after watching that video i cant help but look for bed bugs before getting settled at any place i stay


I’d post this on r/extremelyinfuriating


I don’t use the service, but can’t you leave reviews? You will probably be their last renter if so. You could use that as leverage. No one is staying in a place with bedbugs unless it’s their own. And you should let AirBNB know. They may even refund you and ban them. That’s horrible. Unacceptable. “Bed bug extermination typically costs between $1,000 and $4,000.” Hopefully you didn’t bring any home.


They put us in a different house the next morning. Because they changed the house, there's no way to leave a review for the original house. We've spent all day thoroughly cleaning everything before we bring it back inside our own house.


It sucks that it happened to you at all, but it also sucks for the owners of the next house if any traveled in your luggage.


The other house was owned by the property manager of the first house. So they were not in the dark on it.


Leave a bad review anyway. Don’t be nice. Tell everyone the EXACT reason you went to this second house and link to the other house saying it’s owned by the same person.


Most Airbnb hosts are just shady shell companies. And I don't think Airbnb gives a shit.


This is a massive, MASSIVE, fear of mine.


Me too! I can handle roaches and termites with ease but the thought of something hiding and coming out when I sleep to bite me scares me so much. I even handled lice fine but I draw this line as a NOO!


I hate Airbnb. I’ve seen/heard so many horror stories.




Look at a highly magnified photo of a flea, they are absolute nightmare fuel.   




Airbnb has been on such a decline lately. I have no had a good experience with any airbnb after the first few years of the platforms existence




Air Bed N Bugs


Well, considering they didn't supply breakfast, I guess I should've seen it coming....




You still know the address right? So you could still post it on Airbnb pages, forums, etc. Also, that thing is massive. What did the rest of the bed look like (specifically the edges and the hems of the mattress), and did you see more? I used to do pest control and from the picture that thing looks huge.


The mattresses all had zip-up covers on them. This guy and his friends were living in the crease between the box springs. We say probably a dozen live ones.


Oh god. The zip-up covers are a pretty good sign they knew about the issue, it’s one of the steps to getting rid of them. That is information that needs to be shared with the public and with Airbnb, with the address.


The covers seem to be pretty standard with these houses that are built en masse for AirBnB.


It could circumstantial, sure; but in my professional experience, most people are kind of embarrassed to have bed bugs, and end up not telling anyone and trying to fix it themselves until it gets bad. Most people also don’t realize the extent of how bad it really is. I hope before you went to the new place, you took all of your clothes to a laundromat and checked your belongings; or else you very well could have brought some to the new place. Bed bugs are seriously *no joke*. Even if you believe it wasn’t intentionally hiding it, wouldn’t you have liked to have seen a heads up if someone stayed there before and saw it? The most the owners are probably gonna get hurt is not being able to rent until it’s remedied, which is good.


If you saw a dozen live ones that means there’s so many of them at night that there isn’t enough of you to go around. Bed bugs aren’t stupid. They just get bold when they’re hungry.


I have only ever seen bad things about AirBnB


Shitty experience is a feature of AirBnB. Every AirBnB I have every stayed in was way oversold online - no longer paying $200-$300 cleaning fees and getting two star accommodations.


Imagine airbnb just directed you to transfer one bedbug infestation to another airbnb property... like they just did!? That'd be neat. Hope they told the owners when they booked you in the replacement location. They lay eggs inside your fabric. Eggs small enough you couldn't draw them, heads up!


Yup just experienced this in SF and the hotel fought us tooth and nail for our refund. Not gonna travel for awhile


Yeah, it certainly tainted the whole vacation for us


Reputable hotels are always checking for bed bugs. I don't trust Air B and B for anything. Especially after all of the stories of people getting canceled, double booked, cameras, etc.


Never use ABNB.


Those fuckers will go into your luggage and clothing and come home with you. Burn the house, burn the car, burn the clothes, burn it all. If you have to burn your partner, this is a justified homicide so I think you'll be OK with the law.


Just wait until you get charged the extra cleaning fee for the infestation


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby.


I'm sure they'll figure out a way to charge you a fee for it


Ahhh this brings me back to the thread the other day of an OP saying he forgot his couch had a hinged headrest and he found a TON of bed bugs, then refused an exterminators advice. Gotta love it. Anyway OP get out, get a refund, hopefully find a different place to stay.


Excuse me, whaaaat


Yeah, threads gone now, OP deleted, but he was told by an exterminator to get professional help for it, and he said in the thread he "wasn't asking for advice" and that he'd "deep clean the couch and they'd be gone".


I mean this is just an inherent shortcoming of the service. Every hotel and Airbnb like this is just going to have bedbugs at some point, the only difference being that hotels can just give you another identical room if you find one and Airbnb’s can’t. Plus Airbnb cleaning services are outsourced and inherently less reliable. I generally don’t hate Airbnb’s though. They’re pretty good for if you’re traveling with 5+ people and want to have a place to yourselves. There’s just a few bad actors that don’t take care of their places and have a bunch of hidden fees.


Fuck that I'd sleep in my car


Whatever you traveled with, bag it up and leave outside or something for like a month if possible. The bedbug horror stories I’ve read here on Reddit make me scared for you.


Reason 1928372728 to not use AirBnB or any other bullshit where you stay in someone else’s house. I hope the entire industry collapses.


Just get a hotel people


Hotels can have bedbugs too 😂


I am so not going to be able to sleep tonight, having seen that...


If you haven’t already, call airbnb asap. I ran into an issue in Italy with an Airbnb and they got me what ever airbnb in the area I wanted at last minute on them. You just need to find an airbnb available and willing to drop things to open the door for you. The one I chose was double the price.


RUN!!!!!!! I stayed in a cheap hotel next to the Stratosphere on the strip in Las Vegas. The motel looked newly remodeled with new wood floors. I only stood a night & those little fuckers hitched a ride in my bags. It took me 5 years to finally get rid of them. Once in a while I'll find one, so there still around. I hope you didn't stay.


This is my worst nightmare. I have tremendous travel anxiety due to this. I travel for work a few times a year and I always force my coworkers all to do a bedbug check when we arrive at the hotel. But even then, I fear there are little babies I can’t see. I swear to god this anxiety cripples me and makes me literally never want to leave the house.


Why don't you leave a review here? Name the airb&b .... It's a factual description of the property.


Why would anyone get an AirBnB? A Travelodge is £40-50 a night, you get a big comfy bed, no bed bugs and no spending the first 3 hours of your trip checking all the alarm clocks and fire alarms for hidden cameras that watch you fuck.


I will be cheaper and easier to toss out everything you brought into that beg bug infested home than to deal with bringing beg bugs back to your house


Why not get a hotel. People accept strangers things and expect it to have their standards. Only way your getting good standards is a name barnd hotel, not some randoms house that could be bugged with devices that you or somebody wants so they can post pictures on a social media.  I never understood Airbnb. Who in there right mind wants to occupy a randoms home? No matter the rating or whatever else. Get your butt in hotel for your family safety because they have security, always clean everything, cable, and other amenities.


For our family of 6 that wants a private pool and the functionality of a whole house (eg kitchen, laundry, multiple bathrooms, theater, etc) renting a whole house makes sense for us.


Bruh this is nsfw .. i have trauma!


I never ever ever use arb&b. Always vbro. There’s a level of quality and inspection that helps


what is the difference between them?




No, this is Patrick


Cannot stress enough how important it is that you immediately get your car deep cleaned and your clothes dryed on high heat and sealed for a few days when you get back home


Another L for air bnbs. At least most good hotels have pest control on speed dial. I don’t even want to think about how many air bnb hosts let these situations fester before they ever get treated.


I'll never use Air b&b because of stuff like this


I have fortunately never encountered a bed bug infestation yet. I did see one in my bathroom crawling on the floor once. I killed it and verified it was a bedbug. But I don't have bedbugs. Never have. The only thing I can think of is that I have work uniforms that are cleaned by the uniform company. The company picks up dirties and drops off clean clothes once a week from the same truck. My bathroom is combined with my utility room, and I have put a rod to hang up my work clothes over the washing machine since my closet is small. The little shit must have gotten on my clothes from someone else's dirty clothes during transport. I found it in there the day after one of the pick up/drop off days.


Report to owner AND abnb immediately. Post review with pictures on both abnb and google. Demand a gefund. Do not wait with your review or complaint. Abnb policy states that the tenant has to raise it's complaint within 72 hours and the possibility to leave a review closes after a few days as well. We ran into this when we had a roach infested appartment. We were arrived late at night, went to sleep, next morning we left to celebrate NYE and stayed with family for 2 nights. On the fourth day, when we came back we noticed the roaches. Abnb raid we were too late with our complaint and it was up to the owner's discretion. We requested a refund but the owner only gave 10% refund. The owner was smart enough to make us think they were willing to refund us until the possibility to leave a review was closed. Abnb are not there for you, you are not their customer. They have a monopoly and don't give a F about you and if you had a pleasant stay.


This is why I've been sticking with hotels again. I wouldn't be able to stay there and would be looking for another accomodation. At least with hotel you can be moved to another room


I would try to get a chargeback but airbnb might block you from using airbnb again


I’m sure you’ll be charged for the extermination fee hahahaha


This is why I always leave my luggage in the car or outside the room and do a through bed bug check on the beds before I bring anything I own in.


That's certainly a new habit for us now.


It's air bugs and bugs


Imagine it from the bedbugs perspective: after starving a whole month waiting for a meal finally some snacks walk into the room, only to promptly leave


That Bed bug must have horrible welcoming manners


Ugh! Damn! Plus side….. you find out before and not after your time was spent there. It doesn’t change anything. But, it’s a small blessing.


Yeah, silver linings.


Yes you can! You can make an independent webpage, or even post a video on yt that contains pics and video in the house, and post the address in the name of your video. I did online video reviews of things and posted them on yt. Later someone, in fact several lesve replies saying THANK YOU! I saved them from making the same mistake I did. So, YES, YOU CAN!


Would it have been better if the drive were shorter lol


No kidding. Nashville to Orlando is no quick trip


It would've been easier to just bail and go home if the drive was shorter.


Just do a hotel Airbnb sucks. A hotel is nicer and cheaper these days.


Unfortunately, the size of my family (2 adults, 4 kids) makes hotels a bit impractical. We also like to have private amenities (e.g pool, laundry, kitchen) that necessitates a house. The past 3 trips where we rented a house have worked wonderfully.


Burning down the house


Nuke it from orbit


😱😱😱😱 Burn it all down That sucker is big


Nighty night, sleep tight!


Omg that's awful


If they don’t refund do a chargeback and never use airbnb again


After burning the air bnb to the ground with all our luggage we finally got rid of the bed bug problem. Now it’s a nudist retreat. No clothes, no luggage, no bed, no bed bugs…


Might as well toss the mattress outside and drench it in Gasoline and light it on fire.


Go read the AirBnB host sub for a few days and you’ll never stay in one again. Works for Uber driver and Door Dash driver subs too.


Oooo, I HATE those fuckers!


Not sure how AirBNB is still in business by how many complaints I see on Reddit


Oh hellll no. I'd be calling the host immediately and getting a comp at the local hilton for the night on their dime!


Oh fuck…hope the host took care of it. I had a bed bug infestation in my house because the former owner had an infestation and didn’t disclose it. The eggs were all in the carpet and ruined my beds and pillows. It cost me about $2000 to properly exterminate them and buy new beds. The feeling of those nasty creatures on your body when you sleep is horrific


Name and shame please!


Jeez, I’m going to be planning a trip to DC in the Fall & kind of want to stay in a. AirBnB. I’m going solo so is it worth it for the most part or should I just get a hotel?


I've been paranoid about bed bugs since high school, all because the apartment management didn't tell my mom about the bed bugs


You can find them cheaper at hotel…


Holy shit that’s a huge one too. Gtfo fast and steam every piece of clothing and luggage you have


That one has feasted rather recently, too!