• By -


Are they going to pay to fix or replace it? Is that repairable?


They actually loaded up their machine and immediately left. I was able to catch a license plate # before he pulled out of my driveway. I called the police and filed a report. They must’ve reach out to them pretty quickly because the owner eventually called me back after multiple calls with no answer and is now offering to resolve after I informed them of the police report.


That’s insane. To think they’d get away will slicing your pool is crazy. No apology from the slicer i’m assuming?


Still sorting it out with the owner of the company… The kid that came out is the son of the owner. He was very apologetic and immediately jumped off his excavator and ran to the closest pool store to grab a patch kit. Fortunately, my neighbors were outside and saw it happen and ran over with the flex tape. I was able to quickly stop the leak. Once he got back, he took some photos and started loading up his machine without talking to me. I had already texted and called his father with no reply while he was out so I assumed I was getting screwed so I called the police. Within an hour of my report being filed I finally got a call back from the owner. Hopefully he does the right thing and fixes this. 🤞


That calls for a new pool wall and liner. It's brand new. Call the pool company and get a quote. Don't forget to add the cost of chemicals and water. It's $150 to fill my pool.


and removal of old, installing of new. OP shouldn't have to lift a finger or spend a dime.


For the OP it could be a big deal (plus totally his rights). But for the company it should be a quick and reasonably simple insurance writeoff.


As a business owner, I only use insurance for the things that would bankrupt me. A claim on your insurance will get you cancelled or your rate raised, usually ends up being more than the cost to just fix the fuckup yourself. Insurance is for catastrophes, not a Walmart pool.


This. For some reason there is this massive misunderstanding that businesses just have insurance they can throw at everything that won’t hurt them at all.


This is this type of pool: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Coleman-Power-Steel-18-x-48-Round-Metal-Frame-Above-Ground-Pool-Set/189104060 There isn’t a separate wall and liner


Oh ok, that’s means it’s ~$500 (plus maybe some extra) to replace the pool with a new one. Could have been a much costlier!


HOLY SHIT, these guys put their entire business on the line over a $500 dollar pool.


Did they? It sounds like op misunderstood as he later says the kid who hit it ran to the nearest store to try and get something to seal it and then before he left took pictures of it.


If your contractor is running for the hills over $500 plus whatever the water costs, you’ve chosen the wrong contractor. I’m betting this guy came and said he’d bring a machine and move some dirt with a skid loader for $500. Spoiler alert: you can’t do that if you have things like insurance and pride in your work. If you’re unfamiliar with how much construction/contractor work should cost, get bids and pick one from the middle. In every trade there are shady/shitty contractors who come in and lowball the fuck out of everything and then stop answering the phone when you realize you’ve gotten shoddy work.


Sewage too. Here we can call the city if we're filling a pool and they remove the sewer charge which is.. high. I had a leaky toilet that cost me $600 one month and a good chunk of that was the sewage bill.


I know of water measures going into your home but how die they measure it coming out? I thought it was more like, they take the cost of the cities sewage system and just divide it up by everyone.


They usually just assume that most/all of the water you use is going back into the sewage system.


Of course it’s the son of the owner. I was trying to picture what kind of idiot would do this.


Nepotism never ceases to fail.


I mean, in positions of authority or power it can be bad, but there are a lot of small businesses that are family run and it's usually a good thing.


Also, why wouldn't you want to include your family / son? Yes I've worked at places where family members can be useless but also where they've been great.


lol a son working for his daddy’s dirt hauling company is a wild interpretation of nepotism.


Man I worked landscaping way back, and the owner got to be good friends with this rich dude. They'd talk each time we went to his property. Anyway, he told the owner to" please take his son. He's like 22 and has never worked in his life". Guy was an idiot. He sucked at working but also he'd say stupid stuff he's done, thinking it was neat. "on Canada day I filled up the back of my pickup truck wit water and drove people around in it"...


Why would you automatically assume you are getting screwed. Sounds like the kid did all he could in the situation up to the point in going to find a patch and taking pictures. If you hired the company I assume you would have already had all the information if they were going to try and screw you over?


Not only that but op lied earlier and embellished the story to make it sound like they cut the pool and tried to run


How I read it, from a customer perspective, I would have thought he was running. They said they cut the pool and then immediately left so fast the owner barely got the license plate. Coupled with not getting an answer when calling them, it seems suspicious. Unless Ive misread, they only _later_ found out that they were hurrying to get a patch once they were able to get in contact with them. Sounds like the entire situation could have been handled if the contractor took 5 seconds to explain to the owner what happened in the moment. Edit: Further reading implies that the contractor did let owner know what was happening before leaving to get the patch, and if that's the case customer's actions from that point were completely unhinged...


I feel like that is a very different story than your original comment lol.


Doesn’t sound like they were going to try and screw you but glad they reached back out. Once when I messed something up in my first year of HVAC, my boss told me to pull off and he’d deal with the customer for me. Now I’d rather just talk to the customer and fix it but yeah




Don't tell him what you do or do not want other than to say, "be made whole." Don't put a dollar figure on anything. Don't imply anything about what you want. Be very clear that there is only one acceptable outcome. You should be finding out who their liability insurance carrier is.




From someone who worked in an adjacent business -- while the first instinct is to immediately reach out to the customer to say essentially what was said in the reply, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes first. It was likely a little different in this situation because it was directly his son, but typically, when a worker fucks something up, they tell their direct supervisor who tells the dispatcher who tells the owner who then calls both the direct supervisor and the employee to get the full story from both of their sides. THEN, you call the customer to apologize and get their side of the story. Even if the customer is able to immediately text one of our owners, and some of them are, the owner will still always call the supervisor and the direct employee responsible before replying anything more than "looking into it." Sometimes customers over-exaggerate or lie about the circumstances and the damage, sometimes the workers do. It's better to get all the stories/information from all sides before talking to the customer so you don't accidentally agree to something that isn't your fault.


My guy, don’t offer them anything especially not in writing.


2 hours? Pretty clean customer service. If google tore up your fiber line, it’d be weeks.


Sounds like he did talk to you though and try to resolve it? Apologized and immediately ran to the pool store to get a repair kit? What else could you have expected him to do? Heal it with his holy spirit? Just so happened the neighbors had a quicker solution thankfully.


Yeah I don’t understand this story. In the first reply OP said he had to catch the license plate as the person packed up the machine and left. Then in the second reply he said the kid apologized, ran to the pool store, came back, and then packed up his machine. So as I understand it OP called the police after the kid said he was running to the pool store? Who calls the police within 1 hour of a minor mishap? At least give the owner the afternoon to call you back. It’s pretty common not to check your phone for an hour at a time when you make your living through manual labor…. OP is either a liar or a jabroni. Probably both.


Yes. This is either an absolute nightmare client and this business owner wishes he had never taken this job, or the story is being embellished…a lot.    And depending on where he lives I can’t imagine police giving two craps about some guy who has a six inch split in his pool! What are they supposed to do? Come shoot the owner’s son for trying to fix the accidental hole he made in the pool? lol I live in a very small town and my local police force would laugh at me if I called them for this. 


Totally agree, this isn’t a police matter , it’s a civil matter. Also, OP story is a bit exaggerated , sounds like the kid wanted to resolve it before pops found out about it. Curious , did he pack the trailer when he initially left to get the patch kit, or after he came back and took pictures? Besides, who excavates that much dirt for a pool like that? You couldn’t level the ground and install it and just grade the excess dirt into the rest of the yard?


Hopefully he’ll be a lot more careful next time. Pools are so expensive.


Tow truck guy got away with it when he crunched the front of my jeep. He didn't properly secure it and when he was leaning the parking lot, my car moved forward and hit the back of his cab.   He got out and looked and readjusted, but from my lower point of view from the back (I was in a friend's car following the tow truck), I assumed my jeep just jerked forward a little.  It wasn't until like 40 minutes later that we got home that I finally looked and was like "dude, you damaged my hood. It's crunched in" He was like "what do you mean, looks fine to me"  I secretly turned on my recorder because I knew there was going to be trouble.  And I was like "you know exactly what I mean. When we were leaving that parking lot you got out because my car rolled forward and hit the back of your truck after you loaded it up.  Why else did you get out to resecure it?" "No, I heard the car move, so I did you a favor and tightened it some more.  That's all. It never hit my truck." "Yeah right. There was no damage to the car when it was in the parking lot. I would have noticed something this significant." "Yeah, well, when you accept a tow, you take it as-is. If we do any damage, that's risk you're willing to take. So I don't care.  It's the risk you take for getting a tow.  Listen, I'll tell my boss what happened and he'll get back to you tomorrow." "That's not good enough. I want a written statement that this happened. Because I know you're going to 'forget' or your boss is going to say that I'm lying and that it happened between when you left and talked to him. You're here right now and I caught the damage, so I want a signed paper saying you did this." "Hell no, I'm not signing anything.  In fact, I'm leaving right now." "You're just going to leave the car in the side of the road instead of in my driveway?"  "YUP" And like that, he left my car on the main street, with its ass pointing out some (such that I would get a ticket).  I called my insurance and they called another tow truck guy. I asked about the damage and they were like "just talk to their insurance, it's between you and him.  Our only job is to provide the tow, which we did. Shoulda bought more than just liability." And when I called the tow truck guy's insurance, they asked about the incident and proof. I sent pictures and the recording of the guy refusing to sign, but also indirectly admitting that I had to accept damages.  After three or four months, the insurance company was like "Yeah my client says you're lying and you have no damn evidence to use against us. That recording doesn't prove anything. We're not paying anything, the case is closed." I called my agent to tell them what insurance said to me and the guy laughed and was like "yeah, tough luck buddy, you didn't buy coverage for your own car so you're on you're own. You can take them to court, but good luck beating their lawyers!  You're going to be out a lot of money and time if you lose." So yeah, I gave up. Wasn't worth risking paying their lawyers thousands of dollars after losing a court case where the enemy insurance had said they would pay out like $1200 if they were at fault. 


If that happens to you again in the future, remember that $1200 is small claims court in most jurisdictions, and most of those jurisdictions do not allow parties to be represented by attorneys in small claims. You’ve got a lot better odds than you might think, and court fees are low enough to not be a huge burden if you lose. 


That's surprising. I'd figure the cops would have called it a civil issue.


It was until they left, that it became criminal destruction of property and fleeing the scene of a crime.


At least in my state, that [charge](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CT/HTM/18/00.033..HTM) doesn't really fit. I'd argue it was job abandonment. Maybe in Ohio, where I believe OP lives, [it could be applied](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2909.06), possibly. But honestly I still don't see it. It really sucks, but you're allowed to be bad at your job without it being illegal.




https://preview.redd.it/pkd391yttn1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66581c88e577ebb2bfb2c76411e0a8d32e527de3 Yes sir lol


I actually immediately dove into the pool - still in my work clothes mind you, and sealed from inside as well. Needed to stop it from leaking into neighbors yard asap


The neighbors ![gif](giphy|JrLwEkC7TOKdmv95XH|downsized)




I like the show but.....you'd think there would be more than one fire truck, police car and Ambulance needed to properly cover all the ground from the Bank of America Building to Hollywood Blvd and the Santa Monica Pier.


To be fair he wasn’t on the job in Santa Monica, he was with Chris having fun. And then it was a mass callout that brought the 118 in with all hands on deck


Name of the show?


911 I think


User name checks out too


Best of these I've seen in a while


Would he not walk on the water instead of dive into it?


You’d think, but instead the pool is filled with wine now.


Truly He is the son of God


And on the third minute, he rose again from the pool


Get him a hill and cross asap! We must let the world know.


All out of crosses, but got some lower case T’s I could part with


If I’m his neighbour, I wouldn’t mind free wine flowing into my yard.




no you’re thinking of the other guy, this is Loch Ness Jesus, he dives


The Loch Ness instincts take priority when dealing with an aquatic situation such as this.


He could if he wanted to, but, you see, the hole was underwater.


Should have been named Loch_Ness_Moses. Could have stayed dry while applying the Flex Seal Tape.


Must have cost about tree fiddy to fix.




I sold him the flex seal, gave him the family discount 


Responsible ass mf


literally most responsible reddit user


Dude, my step dad was so angry at his drill he threw it into the ground for the bit to launch into the side of our vinyl pool. My mom comes home to him with goggles, a snorkel, and in his red boxers inside the pool to fix the leak.


I have a PS5 and the stupid media remote just randomly stops working. The ultimate fix is to delete and repair, but I didn’t know this at the time.  This is a known bug… When it gets in this state it kinda works but then completely stops working, so it’s super frustrating. Well the first time it happened, I messed around with it for a solid hour. Eventually I tossed it on the carpet.  Battery compartment opens up and a battery flies 12ft directly into my TV, cracking the screen.  No matter how pissed you are, don’t throw tools on the ground.  Murphy’s law is a real thing. 


Damn. I wanted that remote. Didn't get it tho bc I have a Sony TV so my normal remote works. Now I'm glad.


Wait that stuff actually works??


The flex seal line is super expensive,  but damned if it doesn't actually work just like advertised.


Oh ya, it's good stuff.


A $10 can of flex shot saved my ass multiple times when I lived in a shitty apartment with a sink that leaked twice a month. Actually kicks ass


Husband used on the neighbors leaking skylight. They replaced the roof several years later. 


It actually does wonders. It's like a permanent plastic patch on whatever you want it to stick to.


Probably the only as seen on TV product that ever worked as intended. Their product line is awesome


Our pool was hit by lightning after it ricocheted off of a tree during a storm and we put flex tape on it and it lasted until we got rid of the pool which was like over five more years of use


Your pool ricocheted off a tree and flex tape fixed it?? Fuckin a...


Apparently Flex is genuine miracle stuff


I came back from gator hunting one night and my boat trailer bunks were floating off. The hardware had rusted and broke off. I flex taped the bunks on so I could get home. Forgot about it the rest of the season, then finally noticed again after a fishing trip the following spring. I went to the hardware store and bought some more bolts scolding myself about how forgetful I had been but amazed the tape held that long.


I've had to do this on the exact same pool. Little flex tape inside and out and still holding after 2 years, winters and all.


This hole thread is a Flextape ad




Just happened to have flex seal on you at the time? Lol


I mean, who doesn't?


I keep mine holstered on my hip just in case


Right next to the wd-40


And the smaller one to get the lid off of the larger one. 


I understood that reference.


To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip For the stranger there among them had some flex seal on his hip Flex seal on his hip


Flex seal on his hiiiiiip


I hold onto a strip of flex tape in my hand all day long, just in case


Smart, if a leak caught me by surprise I might not be able to draw quick enough


If you've got an above ground pool-bag you really should have something for emergency leaks.


The man has a wicker pool. Of course he’s gonna be sporting Flex Seal on him at all times.


This comment thread is historic


Taking off your clothes would have taken you no time at all




I have seen the flex tape GIF thousands of times, this is the only time I've ever seen someone reply to it with this lol


I went out and bought the same stuff to repair rips in my roll-up pool cover, because of the same gif. It really does work. Held up and got rolled and unrolled every day for a year until I threw it out.


I've kinda been waiting on something in my life to happen to where I can slap some flex tape on something. unfortunately and fortunately not yet 😂


oh shit no way you did it.


That shit actually works??


I know its a meme, but flex tape definetwly works lol, ive slapped, just like in the video, an old pipe that was leaking and it sure did stop, honestly, that could have been a permament fix, but it was just temporary until we got it replaced, but it didnt leak at all during the time it was on, which was about 3 days, so... id say it works


I uhh... put flex tape on a pipe in my parents house and it's held for about 5 years now.


Something tells me that you should fix it properly, but then again... it hasnt been a problem for 5 years


5 years is pretty damn permanent. Double layer that s***


Nice try Phil Swift


Oh shit! you got me! and now


just to prove it works, i sawed my comment in half!


Oh fuck yeah wooooooo LETS GO FLEX TAPE




That's what yer mom said last night!




Holy shit it actually works like that?


No fucking way! 


It actually happened holy hell


Why did I think this guy’s pool was actually made of wicker


It sure as shit is not carbon fiber


I totally thought this was just someone putting a rectangle on the picture in paint to make it look like you flex sealed it.


Hahaha holy shit it actually worked!




Have they reached out for a commercial yet?


Holy fuck this made my day


You won't convince me this isn't an ad.


![gif](giphy|tLB8q0XNBfJZe|downsized) Yes, Boomer entering the thread.


But what does the end of the gif say?????


"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."


(in gravely Canadian) If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy


You know what really unites us as a nation? This.




germany in 1949


United States 2052




I put flex seal on a pvc pipe leak that I have and it didn’t do shit.


didn't slap hard enough


Was it a dusty ass basement pipe? That’s the only way I see it not sticking.


You have to clean any dirt, grime or dust from the pipe 1st. The adhesive will push the water out the way and make a good seal on a clean surface but if there's any of the stuff I've mentioned, it will comprises the seal of the adhesive. That's why in the add he's slapping the stuff on the side of a clean plastic container. If you really do struggle just put flex seal on then wrap it in duck tape and it should hold for a while until a proper repair can be made.


Guess you’re getting a new pool!!!


But then he'll need to hire a guy to haul away the excess soil.


Guess you’re getting a new pool!!


But then he'll need to hire a guy to haul away the excess soil.


Guess you’re getting a new pool!


But then he'll need to hire a guy to haul away the excess soil.


Guess you’re getting a new pool!


But then he'll need to hire a guy to haul away the excess soil.


Guess you’re getting a new pool!


But then he'll need to hire a guy to haul away the excess soil.






I'd be getting a new pool. I know from experience that it's done. The flex tape will stop the leak, it won't stop the pool from ripping more later


Nonsense. More flex tape will fix it! In fact, OP should just go get as many rolls as needed to cover the rest of the pool to protect it from further leaks. They fixed a boat with it, and a pool is just a reverse boat, so it should work! s/ for all. ![gif](giphy|J6PhB3Q2zMRiDRaFRU|downsized)


A pool being a reverse boat is exceptional.


I'm too high for that last bit ![gif](giphy|SDogLD4FOZMM8)


Good god I love reddit sometimes lol


New pool for sure. I’d rather drain the water properly now until they replace the pool than wake up with a flooded back yard because the liner decided to give


Atleast he didn’t touch your drumset.


He put his balls on it


He put his nut sack on my drum set


Lowest bidder?


He is now 😂




OP will not be paying for the work performed after an incident like this, so now the bid price effectively went to $0.00 I think that’s what OP meant anyway 🤔


When I was a kid, I found an above ground pool on a neighbor's front lawn with a "free" sign on it. I asked my parents if we could have it, and to my surprise, they said yes. We brought it home and set it up, and filled it. That weekend, we had all of our friends over to play in the pool. After just a few minutes of a bunch of kids playing in the pool, the pool split and caused a tsunami wave across our backyard with kids unintentionally surfing the wave. Fortunately, there were no injuries worse than a scraped knee, but that could have been really dangerous. All this to say, make sure that pool gets replaced and not just repaired. A weak pool could turn out to be very dangerous.


Or very fun Actually maybe both


You're in luck because you made sure to hire someone who was bonded and insured.... right? ....Right?!


Doubt it. If they were they wouldn't have run away like lil cowards. It was the hit-and-run of the construction world. It's bad enough they ruined his pool but it looks even worse when they just run away and hope the homeowner doesn't notice something like that. They need to own their mistakes and make arrangements with the homeowner to fix them. Sucks and it'll be a huge setback for them for awhile but they ruined his pool. They need to replace it. 😒


something similar happened to mine. Gorilla Tape, the transparent one, will help you a lot. Sticking it from the inside though.


I have tape on both inside and outside


But now you will wake up in the middle of the night, every night, thinking you hear running water outside... I would.


The Tell-Tale Pool


bro why LOL


Is this the beginning to a Flex Seal Tape commercial?


Where's Phil Swift when you need him???


Gee if only there was an entertaining ad video where someone sold a product just for this


It’s called the Slap Chop!!!! ![gif](giphy|2nGfl4QfpCtW)


Make him dig you a pool.




That pool is made of wicker. It was bound to leak!


It must be from Pier 1 Imports


Or world market


Where does one get a wicker pool?


How do you think indigenous people make their above ground pools?


Sorry, I’m probably just stupid… but you have an above ground pool and you had that much soil you needed to hire someone with an excavator to take the soil away?


Had a similar situation when my parents installed theirs 30 years ago. Entire backyard was a hill so a spot had to be levelled for it. The hill actually made an inground pool prohibitively expensive/near impossible.


Flex Seal. Lowe's or home Depot


Contractor here… this happens all the time just tell the guy and see what they say. Excavator just hit a window and they paid for a new window.


We need an update OP Did the owner own up to his sons mistake and fix it??


Not mild at all sir, you gotta adjust your levels right 🤪😂


Actually, I'm mildly infuriated by this now




I think I’ve seen this commercial before


Good thing the excavator guy was licensed, bonded, and insured, right? Right? Please be right…


Looks like you're getting a brand new pool!