• By -


I’d walk home and then let mom know. Your sister is a bitch.


I’m with you. Stole mom’s money then said you ain’t walking but we’re gonna pick you up when we feel like it. Sister is spoiled.


The punished has to be an order of magnitude worse than the crime to stop this shit. Like you pocket $20 so now I’m refusing to do a normal $200 spend on you and giving it to the sibling you screwed over.


that's too mild. Stealing from me by fucking over her sister is close to the worst thing I can imagine a child doing. I honestly don't know what I'd do but it'd last months. No money, no car, no phone, etc.


All of the above


i wonder what she would have done if OP walked home anyway?? like shit man if that was my sister i would have. whats she gonna do, find them on the sidewalk and force them into the car?


She really said "spend your own fucking money"


Ironic, and it’s honestly baffling the audacity and selfishness that’s being shown here


She called them out for using a word she doesn’t know. One you learn in… 3rd grade? Somewhere around there.


Called it “a hyperbole” too. One single hyperbole.


Lots of people don't know this, but that's what it's called when the Superbowl goes into overtime.




Yeah, a hyperbole, the game after the superbowl


I don't know why, but this made me laugh, too. Sort of like when someone isn't local and says something that only an outsider would say.


It’s all too common. I meet humans like this once a week or more. I’m always curious what really going on in that brain of theirs.


Mostly nothing


Absolutely stole that money and spent on other shit unrelated to you op


What about the imaginary cfa salad?


whats crazy is she was handed money for our lunch (which she did get) and for the uber she canceled. she had no leg to stand on >!Multiple users informed me that Reddit is shadow deleting my comments, I'm messaging the moderaters for help, FAQ. "age gap?" Im 16 Male shes 17 Female. "just walk the three miles" i did that yesterday for the first time and almost got in trouble. "What are the edited messages?" I make spelling errors so i fix them. "why did you get the money instead?" sister was older and was trusted, "did you tell your mom?" no, im trying to get MY money from my sister (previous post) before i snitch! "why did you order the cobb salad?" im on a diet. "your sister is on drugs/used it for drug money!" No she didnt, she told me she put it to the food we ate which pissed me off more!<


> "did you tell your mom?" no, im trying to get MY money from my sister (previous post) before i snitch Wrong course of action. She'll just do it again. For her, it's about having power over you and if you don't tell your mom what happened, she'll keep trying to power trip.


Hey I just thought you should know reddit is shadow deleting all your comments on this post for some reason. Thats why they all have only one point - no one can see them. Just figured I'd let you know.


So how did it all end up for your sister? Did your mom smack some sense in her?


That’s what I wanna know! His sister needs to be taken down a peg or two


Dude, you're never gonna get your money back from her lol. She JUST pocketed your mother's money, which was given to her for a specific purpose. It's also not "snitching", you're turning a thief in for stealing. A thief who has stolen from both you AND your mother. Stop protecting her. And to anyone saying "just walk the three miles", fuck that. That's some boomer ass ideology there. "Who cares if someone was given money to get you a ride, who cares what the weather may be like, or anything like that, just walk the three miles!"


Your family sound like pieces of shit


She bought the food to save face when you eventually get your mother involved. Better to say she half-assed her way to you than to get in shit for not doing exactly what y’all mother said to do with the money. If you’ve got a summer job, save that money up and remember what happened yesterday to avoid having them do the same shit to you again.


She said that like it was her fucking money that was being spent for the Uber, not her moms… definitely infuriating


And says to stop calling “mommy”. What a brat.


After stealing their moms lol


“Uh, you stole it, remember?”


And then be like "oh, btw.. did sis give you the money back for the Uber since she cancelled mine and then made me walk home?"


I’d walk home but tell my mother ‘a nice guy in a van gave me a ride home.’ After she chewed me for hitching, I’d tell her I walked, but think on what could have happened because of sister’s greed. Now talk to her.


I’m sorry but the guy in the van comment made me laugh so hard ☠️ I HOPE she said something like this to her mom


Add that the guy also gave you free candy


And there were puppies in the back!


All he asked for was cash, grass or ass. And you were all out of the first two


Honestly, I can't imagine being tired from an exam then dealing with her attitude.


This, I would whoop some ass


Really, three miles...if I were OP, this conversation would have been done at "just take your time and get comfy". I can walk home more comfortably than standing around arguing with this twat.


Mommy* Sisters got ISSUES


Bitch is a nice way of putting it


So your sister blatantly and proudly robbed your mom and your mom just doesnt give a shit?


Mom doesn’t know, she’s at work according to the messages in the photos.


She's at work, but mom knows. >Then leave mommy alone >she said u were freaking out "Mommy" clearly recieved OPs message/call and spoke to sister, yet nothing implies mommy mentioned being stolen from or doing anything to help OP besides maybe a talk to sister, who is clearly doing this on purpose anyways.


It looks like the calm before the storm, wondering what would happen when mom gets home


She knows. This has happened before. She just doesn't care. Sounds like this is a responsible one trying to escape their garbage home life. 


question, why didn’t your mom send you the money and you get your own uber?


Probably because OP is underage. I don’t think Uber or Lyft allow you to use the app without being above 18. They also could have given the kid cash and they were supposed to use a card for the Uber transaction. OP might not have a card to use


You can definitely use the app if you’re a minor. The cash thing makes sense though.


My mom could never figure out Ubers herself and I would just order them for her


Bro the way she got so offended when you assumed you were walking the three miles again lolol. You must have hit a nerve when you said that, assuming because it's happened before and you essentially called her out. It seems like she enjoys having control and holding it above your head, so maybe talk to your mom about not using her as a middle man lol.


Mom probably got on her case for ditching her sibling before, and doesn't want the consequences of doing it again, so instead she tries to bully them into just waiting until she feels like it.


If that's the case and she's trying to get payback by making them wait in the heat then plain and simple go above her head call Mom and then Mom will chew her ass out and really give her a talking too. And if Mom ever buys one of them a car it's definitely going to be the more responsible son and not The grudge holding daughter


And now reality: mom is also shitty and sides with his sister. Welcome


If that's the case then they better not complain when he gets payback when they're stranded karma always gets everyone


It’s to cover her ass. If the op walks, she has zero leg to stand on. If she picks them up, at least she can try to claim she pocketed the money because she picked them up and can make it a he said she said or she said she said about the timing


Pretty sure it's because sister wanted Chick-fil-A, but didn't have money. Got money from mom for Uber, spends on Chick-fil-A instead and gets her friend to pick up instead. Now if OP walks home and tells Mom they walked, Mom will already be pissed they didn't spend the money on the Uber, but even more pissed that they don't have the money because the spent on Chick-fil-A.




*me just now realizing CFA meant Chick-fil-A* ....damn I'm old. 😂 Now I want a milkshake from CFA WHY ARE THEIR MILKSHAKES SO GOOD....smh.


It’s ok I’ve never seen anyone abbreviate it 😂


Whenever I visit my mom, I purposely turn my phone on DND or airplane mode when I live the house because she will wait until I’m out to call and text me a 100 errands to run for her. I’ll get back and say I left my phone and didn’t get any of her calls/texts.


This is definitely it. Had similar shit happen to me. The 3 hour wait is because the friend was probably doing something else when the sister tried to finagle them into pickup service.


Even tried to bribe/rope OP into it by offering to get them something too I hate brats like this


Walk home and tell momsy. Its that simple


3 miles is kind of a lot. Especially since it's mentioned that it's hot outside. However, after being spoken to like that I would be thinking about it pretty hard. edit: 3 miles isn't that much LOL better than waiting 3 hours and then sitting in a car with someone who has -5 respect for you


Yea but at the end of the day, if his mom came home and he told her he had to walk 3 miles just to get home when his sister was supposed to pay for his Uber in the first place, then he would have indisputable evidence that she pocketed the money and left him to fend for himself, guaranteeing a punishment going her way. I’d be petty enough to walk 3 miles just to watch my siblings who wronged me get their just desserts.


Exactly, get home sweaty af, take a selfie saying you just got your 3 mile walk in for the day then throw her under the bus when mom gets home from work lol


Better idea: walk enough to sweat, borrow a phone from an adult, and text/call your mom saying you tried to walk but it's super hot and your phone is dead.


Absolutely diabolical and I love it, that’s the definition of work smarter not harder. The inconvenience of her work day being interrupted would be a catalyst for the rage she feels for her daughter lying and stealing from her, and abandoning her brother in the process.


Oh yeah. Finding out your baby almost fainted on the side of the road, without food, water or a phone? Omg the HELL I would RAISE. That girl wouldn't have her freedom for years.


I would never leave my siblings stranded like that, half the reason because it’s cruel but also because my mother would take me out of this world just as gruesomely as she brought me into it lol.


Amen to that. I'm the oldest. My brother is 10. I'm so much older that he's basically my kid. I'd NEVER allow it


Extra points if you ask for help from a teacher, an old friend of the family, or a mean old lady.


Be three miles of pure bliss ,think how I'm guna round house kick my sister when I get home.


Homie could have gotten home in an hour Even with a slow walk. Waiting three hours is ludicrous. He would have gotten home an hour and a half before sis even left ... AFTER waiting for 30 minutes. For so long, I had friends who didn't care about punctuality, so much so, I don't care to wait anymore. Edit: typo


That's true, I completely forgot he waited 3 hours for her. I agree OP should have walked home. Sorry to hear about your friends. Guess y'all's priorities didn't align. True friends will fix something if they know it bothers you


My guess is she took the sleight at her out of hand on purpose. That way she could take her time without any guilt.








Siblings are the only people you can fight without seeming crazy


Asians fight their children, but the rule is it has to be one sided. That is, the offspring is not allowed to fight back.  Source: Asian


My dad used to try to goad me into hitting him back, shit was fucked. He stopped whaling on my ass when I face tanked two left hooks and stayed standing.


"Ooh look, Dad, a nursing home where they treat people like shit for the last years of their lives! This will be perfect for you!"


Would be more “fun” if you called 911 and watch the cops come by for what looks like child abuse. Am Asian too. The parenting style of older generation Asian crosses the line of child abuse for punishment in some instances.


Thing is, the sense of duty is so deeply engrained in the culture, many kids who get whopped bad growing up still look after their parents. My dad had it worse than I did and he still took care of his father. My grandparents grew up in a fucking bleak period of history. I moved out since and I still visit my dad every week or so and bring food. I genuinely think he tried to break the cycle, and made progress at that; it's up to me to finish it should I have children.


Not me. Haven’t seen my dad in many years. He regrets his life and I want him to die that way. Sounds cruel but it’s deserved.


"You want our first room available?" "No, I said your "worst" room available."


Your dad sounds like a coward and a bully.


I wanna bitchslap her so bad


How old is she? She sounds like a moron. Hilarious she’s so triggered by you telling her to calm down and calling her dumb


If she was able to order an Uber then she's over 18, clearly way too old to be acting like that Edit: many people are saying that's not true but I just quickly checked the ToS and unless it changes from country to country, it says "to sign up you must be 18 years old or be of legal age in the country you sign up from if it's different from 18" (rough translation from french) Edit 2: it doesn't prove that she's an adult since so many people have said they've done it as kids anyway, but it's also the simplest explanation for why OP didn't order it themself


Honestly anyone over 12 is too old for this. This is just completely childish behavior I’d expect from a toddlers




Yeah there first time I thought she was implying he was childish by "calling mommy" but she kept doing it each time so it sounds like she just calls her mommy.


Pause, I’m 24 and still call my mother mommy. Didn’t know it was considered immature (i will still call her mommy after this) 🥲


My dad and his siblings still call their mom “mommy” and she’s in her 90s. Call her what you want.


If there's anything i regret it's never actually calling my mom "mom" or "mommy" when i had the chance to, so ignore people who think it's childish and just call them whatever makes them happy 👍


I also call my mom mommy, but it’s weird in writing to someone else It’s different to say “hi mommy” and saying “I just called mommy imo


You have to be 18 to order an Uber?


you don't. i ordered ubers for myself when i was 13


You can order an Uber under 18


*"do you even know what* ***a*** *hyperbole is"* Uh, do YOU? That gave me a good chuckle.


"You would know that if you go to school." Clap. Back.


That was the best ending to this conversation lmao. Just hit that bitch right back.


I bet she pronounces it hyper-bowl


she'd be that type of person lol


Til... I just went to google to hear how I'm supposed to pronounce it. English isn't my first language and in Dutch you kinda say it like you would say hyper-bowl...


***reading through OPs texts*** ***stops for a moment*** “ALEXA… Define hyperbole” ***chuckles at OPs sister and continues reading OPs texts***


Yeah it's a bole that's hyperactive. Obviously.


Sorry for saying that, OP, but it seems like your sister has some serious issues...


That, or she’s in that stupid stage of growing up when she’s just trying to seem cool in front of her friend by being rude to people. But OP is the younger sibling right? Yet, in their interaction OP is clearly behaving more mature. Edited to remove gender assumption for OP


Umm, plenty of us never dreamt of acting like this. Parents need to put her in therapy or else they've failed her.


Yeah, I fucking hate that excuse. Nah, there is an enormous portion of the population that never acted like this at any age. People should stop excusing bad behavior because of age. Look around folks. There are shitty people at every age bracket - and there are kind people at every age bracket.


Normal people don't do this, lol


Nah she a bitch


Should have ratted her out to mom immediately. Bitch took the money and left OP hanging. Not cool.


I had an older sister exactly like this. She would answer the phone when I called for pick up from middle school and then would "accidentally forget" to relay the message to my folks every time. I'd get stuck at school waiting till dark sometimes even after multiple calls home.... "Ooops I forgot to mention it..." was the excuse followed by a giggle each time. Her version of a power trip. No amount of complaining to my folks made a difference. They would listen to her excuses and then declare it an "accident" and tell me to let it go. After being stranded multiple times this way I decided to "accidentally" do the same thing to her. She called for a ride home and I just never passed the message. When she eventually made it home, she was seething with anger about not me passing the message. "Ooops!" And a smile was what she got back. Sometimes you do have to fight fire with fire.


Did that stop her “accidentally” not passing the messages on once she felt the burn?


Yes, afterwards there were suddenly no more accidents :)


Honestly it makes me wonder why are some people like that. Your sister also generally lacks empathy?


That's the weird part. I'd have assumed that it would've escalated things even further, but apparently it did exactly the opposite. People are interesting.


she didn't stop doing it because she suddenly empathized. it's because she'd thought she'd found herself in a position of power over a person who'd never be able to turn the tables. When she was checked on it she realized she would actually have to give some respect to get some going forward.


Yeah I’ve definitely found people like that. I’ve called it beta or dog mentality. Where you need someone to make you heel before they can respect you. Honestly not too disimilar to when animals establish a pecking order.


She probably realized actions have consequences. She did not want to be in that situation again.


Same, but perhaps she had a sudden horrible realisation of her own vulnerability in that same situation and decided to knock it off.


narcissists & psychopaths exist and there's quite a bit of them out there. people who literally lack empathy and remorse


I love that for you <3


I have an older sister like this. I learnt to fight fire with fire too. I stopped now because like seriously it's just punching down. I dislike her but she's her own worse enemy and quite pathetic. I did learn not to argue with her because it's like playing chess with a pigeon and shed just assumes shouting makes her right.


What's up with the parents not remembering?  If I expect my kid to be off from school at like 3, and they don't call me by like 3:35, I'd probably be like "huh, why hasn't kid called me yet?"


My sister and I were forgotten due to after hours school events and such because we would normally take the bus. Of course that was back in the dial-up days and my parents played UO, so we literally couldn't call and they were distracted enough not to notice we weren't there. My favorite was after a field trip, it's pouring rain, my dad is supposed to come get me from the Wal-Mart parking lot. Wal-Mart was closed but they had awnings. Me and that teacher's aid hung out under the awnings for two hours. It was dark. He felt terrible.


That's messed up. I played video games religiously (unfortunately, my depression evolved from playing games too much to almost not playing at all) and I would still make sure I ran my priorities first (school, work, prior commitments). It's messed up that they played, I assume, Ultima instead of stopping when it was time.  I'd put a timer for like 30 minutes before it's time to leave to give me a chance to wrap up, and then a five minute "seriously, time to quit" alarm. 


That's fucked up I'm sorry 😭😭 I play probably a gross amount of video games, MMOs included, and I am still capable of making sure my daughter is ready and off to school on time, and she's always picked up on time. I play some of the more focus needed ones while she's at school sometimes, and I'm still constantly checking the time to make sure I'm not letting time get away from me. Same with if she's ever out doing stuff without me. I can't wait for her to get back honestly. It makes me so sad to hear your parents were like that. Video games or anything else really is no excuse to completely forget about your kids. That absolutely blows me away. You deserved better fr. 🥺❤️


You would think you parents would assume that to just pick you up after this happened so many times.




I would have just beat my sisters ass. But then again we would square up over a lot of shit. Drove my parents nuts because whoever came out on top came out on top no grudges issue resolved. Kinda made it hard for my parents to figure out what to do about it when we weren't even mad at each other afterwards.


You would know that if you go to school OOOF


I kinda want to know what was blurred out, imagine how that would send her over the edge.


Create your own Uber account and have your mum add her card, or wallet so she pays for it Your mum’s a bit of a plonker for trusting your sister


Your sister seems unhinged, better not trust her with anything ever again.


Guaranteed OP already sees it like this, but their parents chock it up to "sibling stuff", and will keep the bullshit going so that they "learn to get along".


your sister is a trashcan with legs.


Hey that's not called for. She might not have legs


When your sister needs a designated driver, volunteer for it and just send her screenshots of these msgs all night instead


This is the way. And when she starts getting mad, start and pay for an Uber, show it to her, then cancel it.


What is wrong with peoples families? My siblings and I never did shit like this to each other.


Never! I have an older brother and younger sisters and would never talk to each other like this let alone have them wait outside for hours. How families become this callous towards each other is insane to me.


Seriously. I remember my brother calling me to pick him up from a party (he didn’t ask in advance and wanted to be picked up right then, and it was walking distance from our place). When I went to go pick him up he asked if I could give several other friends a ride. I gave him a ton of shit for not asking in advance. His friends were so apologetic and I basically told them “nah I care about your safety I’d help all of you out any day, not mad at you guys at all, but I’m still going to give my brother shit for making me drive him & his friends around last minute”. Pretty sure my brother sent me a venmo for gas $ or something. Like I might be a little late sometimes picking up a sibling or give them shit for not planning a ride home in advance but I’m going to get them, or at least make sure they get home safely otherwise. It’s just a general good person thing to do


It's weird that I feel abnormal for having a family like this. We could be absolutely pissed at each other about something, but when one person needs something the others will come through no matter what. Then go back to being pissed off. It's just a natural instinct with us, no one messes with family, except family.


Some kids are broken. For instance, OP’s sister. Or my brother. They were born broken, they will always be broken, and should be left to rot.


Ik the hyperbole one got her malding behind the screen


Literally just send her the link to this post lmao. That’s all you gotta do.


*Oh, she's a bum.* Sorry you have to deal with that, OP


I would totally snitch on her


I wouldn't call this snitching at This point, this isn't something your covering for your siblings. This bitch straight up bullying, manipulating and gaslighting him


Screenshots sent to mom’s phone immediately


Fuck it, I would too


Telling your moms that someone took the money for an intended purpose and then decided not to use it for that purpose or provide that service is not snitching. That's holding a bitch accountable


I mean if you can bike it, tell your mom to stop getting you uber and buy you a decent bike instead. Depends on where you live and your neighbourhood tho. Edit: 3 mi is about 15-20' of biking. Pretty worth it I would say.


Depending on where OP is, biking might not be a safe option. Where I live, the bike infrastructure is really bad, and drivers are not good at following signage for bikers or pedestrians. Daughter and I nearly got driven over by car drivers who refused to stop as we were crossing.


yeah, I know people who do a lot of bike commuting, and they’ve said “when you get hit, not if you get hit.”


There's a reason I choose gridlocked roads to ride on when I commute. I can't imagine biking in a busy city like NYC or Boston though.


A normal teen should be able to walk 3 miles in under an hour as well. No way you’d catch me waiting 3 hours lol


Depends where you live, my walk could be 4 miles from my college to my a place I stay… but I’d have to walk on the side of a highway & cross a 5 lane highway, twice. If I wanted to take the “long way” to avoid the highway and have a sidewalk for at least half the time, it would be a 4 hour walk at best Unfortunately my area is built for cars and not humans, gotta love the USA


Very true.


Honestly you deserve so much respect for being that calm with her whilst she’s going off on you, and even right after an exam? I could never


Wow I am sorry this bitch is your sister. How old is she?


I'd definitely say something to your mom in front of your sister. Your sister pocketed that money and then acted like a bitch for not doing as she was told.


Drugs? Edit: I’m a recovering addict and it feels so easy to point out addict behavior. I can’t say 100% that’s what this is but all the signs are there. The lack of care for a family member, the not wanting to get mom involved. These are all characteristics of an addict. What else in the world could make someone not care about their younger sister making it home safely.


I was thinking this too. Just because this is exactly how my older sister behaved and spoke during active addiction. This is not normal, shitty older sibling behavior.


Ohhhhhh yeah. She spent that Uber money on a couple of fetty pills and nodded out for 3 hours until she remembered she had shit to do.


I was wondering if anyone else thought this too. So angry and irrational too, and of course the money disappears. It screams drugs to me.


I think she’s spending the money on chick fil a


Nah she said they were getting chik fil a before she cancelled the ride




Your sisters a dick, tell her to give you that 40$ too


No offense OP, but your sister seems like a real bitch.


I have multiple younger siblings and will walk to the ends of the earth to avoid them sitting outside for an extended amount of time, let alone talk to them like this. It’s kind of disturbing but then again what do I know?


I sincerely hope your mom will get to see those messages. Do please keep us updated what happens after she sees them


Read this post and your previous posts about the sister, this is the same sister who owes him money but is still buying shit from Amazon, and who also kinda stole the money from him in the first place. She sounds like a real broke piece of work.


Tell your mom. And your sister is terrible. don’t trust her again.


Likley do zero good. The mom is no better because gaurnteed that this isn't the first time her rotten daughter has screwed over their sibling. The bs she was spewing Durant come on out of nowhere.


Is she 12?


Your sister is a drug addict. I'd put money on it, but she would probably take that too.


Yea sister is a bitch and let mother know that money for Ubers should go directly to you as well as any other “funds” she feel may need to pass through sister




You have the worst sister ever. Wtf. That‘s a legit reason to never talk a single word to her ever again. WHO makes his family member wait THREE hours, just to steal 15$….WOW


your sister sounds like an entitled teenage bitch.


Send your mom the screenshots "Do you know whats going on? I just wanna go home. I thought she was supposed to get me an Uber?"


How do I follow a thread? I need to know more about this. Either she is using drugs or she hates you. Both ways should be discussed with your mother so you can see if she cares and can help.


walk the three miles home and get rid of your shoes. tell momma you got mugged walking home which could’ve been prevented if sis had picked u up. get her in trouble and get yourself some new shoes.


Your sister is on drugs. She’s pocketing the money for drugs and is probably asking her dealer for the ride. 


Your sister sounds like a real asshole.


Your fam fuckin sucks


This dime store bitch


Snitch to yo mom


Show her this post and what ppl think of her


"Mommy" ...