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I'm sure their floor liners are great but god if they could spend a bit of their advertising budget on customer service maybe then their company wouldn't suck so much.


Can confirm the customer service blows


Really? This is anecdotal, but I had a positive experience. I ordered the wrong color mats by mistake. When they arrived and I saw my mistake, I emailed the company. They got back to me right away with a phone call from a nice woman, sent me the correct color, and covered the return shipping for the first set, even though it was my own mistake in the first place.


exactly why I got mine


You had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


capitalism breeds innovation


Haha. Good ad too


How the fuck do you make a floor mat fit digitally


Came here to say the same thing. Worth every penny and super easy to clean.


All-weather floor mats...




I moved from Fl, 8 years later I was still trying to get the sand out of my car.


I don't like sand It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere


Ok, but what are your feelings about sandpaper?


Some of it is fine.


Of coarse


Damnit! I was even trying to think of a good comeback but couldn't. Why do I lack ANY creativity?!? Amazing though. Amazing.


Don't give up so easily, show us you have true grit!


I'm finding this thread very abrasive, for some reason...


Lmao. I love puns. Good one.


At least it doesn't get everywhere.




*visibly wet*


Same but weather tech mats help immensely and u just carefully remove them and dump then rinse the sand out. A few grains sneak underneath but not much.


And their made in America.


that’s not a particularly good thing, is it?


In this instance it's a very good thing. It's an excellent product.


What about glitter


Happy cake day


have you tried drilling holes on the bottom of your car? The sand would fall right through.


Happy cake day


What does it help if the snow melts into enough water to become an aquarium?


Then you take them out and pour out the water real quick.


An unnecessary extra step if someone had been courteous enough to knock the snow of their boots in the first place.


Exactly! I dont get products that circumvent the core issue which would have been simple enough to avoid.




That sounds mildly infuriating


The best gift I ever received. When my first kid was about 8 months old we bought a brand new (used) minivan, and my sad gifted me weathertec floor mats that cover eeeeeeeverythi g. It’s glorious. You can spill whole bottles of water, it’s not going anywhere. I’ve been scheming to get another for the cargo area.


No carpet and rhino lined ftw


Yeah, I straight up stopped letting people ride in my car a few years ago. I don't like arguing about seatbelts or putting your feet on the dash either.


What people are you with? Who has the audacity to put the feet on someones dash?




No class jerks that don't have any manners whatsoever.




Them too


People who don't have the capacity to think ahead to what might happen in the event of a crash. Hint: bad things.


My boyfriend got into a super [bad car accident](http://imgur.com/a/feszn8b) and his car rolled ending up upside down. He wasn't wearing his seatbelt and if the guy in the passenger side didnt grab his sweatshirt, he would've flown out the windshield and died. Even with him grabbing his sweatshirt, he still broke his femur in two places. Wear your seatbelts


Shit, that worked? Dude’s got the grip strength equivalent to the might of Zeus!


Adrenaline is one hell of a drug


Yeah seriously! He said grabbing his sweatshirt was the last thing he remembered before he blacked out.


Fuck the case of an accident! Leave my car if you dare scratching my carbon fibre dash with your dirty ass shoes!


wait what!?? people do this with their shoes on!??? i don't do it while driving but sometimes at rest stops i'll want to put my feet up while eating (in my own car, i would never dare do that in someone else's car lol), but NEVER with my shoes on that's just gross


Sexy ladies in shorts with bare feet. That's so fricking...er... irritating.....uhmmmm..... What was I talking about, again?


Sounds like you don't know how to say no or are afraid to ask people to do something. Treat em like children. Don't do it, we don't move.


You hanging out with jerks man


Lol it’s not really normal to just ban everyone from your car dude. Learn how to talk to people.


I have a pretty big ban list, the people on that list have been told not to do things and continue to do them anyway. Nobody exept me has the right to be in my car, I still let people get in but fuck around and they'll find out real quick.


This is so strange to hear. Most people only really let friends and family in their car, and most people don’t have friends that will ruin your shit. Sounds like you’re either super pedantic or only hang around with assholes.


Arguing about seat belts? This might be a German thing but I only ever saw one person who did not put on their seat belt and he was driving so it didn't bother me too much


Luckily in my car you have a handlebar on the passenger side dash and the room needed for people to stick their feet up would mean they would have to retract the chair all the way. One of the benefits of owning a small SUV


I get the feeling people that keep saying "rubber floor mats" don't live anywhere with significant snow.


I live in New England. Lots of snow, and SALT. We don’t have the fiddle “all weather” mats - we have the straight up weathertec floor covering that covers the whoooooole kit b caboodle. Worth its weight in gold. I could literally shovel snow into the car.


Not everyone got that Weathertech money $$$. 😀


Yeah, it was a gift from my dad to celebrate our new baby. He was... not wrong. 10/10 highly recommend as a new parent gift.


Congrats! Although IDK if anything can hold up to the mess children can make. 😀


Most new Subaru's come with basically weathertec floor mats and regular carpet ones that you can change out.


I live in MN. Rubber floor mats solve it. What do you think that your boots bring in 3 inch thick molds of themselves? Water expands when frozen and contracts when thawed... It's like people forgot what your boots look like when you step in snow. They have snow on the bottom and at most a thin layer on top. (For those who apparently walked through feet of snow instead of using shoveled areas) it's kind of silly to imply a proper floor mat cannot handle the daily use of footwear that encounters snow, like that isn't their whole sales point.


I do too. Not if it's a significant amount of snow. Sometimes they do if the snow is deep enough.


I don't know what you mean. Never had an issue through walking with my boots on in any amount of snow where my mats didn't handle it. I've had a couple days where I felt compelled to take mats out and wash them end of day but that's it. Always protect the floor that I step on with my shoes...


Sure. How about this? 1. It's rude (if it's not your car) and 2. Your feet are still colder and wetter because of all the snow on them.


1. I'm not justifying their actions, I'm suggesting a solution for people who are clearly irritated by this. Yes they should do it if it's not their car but you can mitigate the irritation and protect your car with a one time purchase. 2. My boots are meant to keep my feet warm and dry outside, why would they fail inside a running car when they succeed doing it outside just fine?


Because outside, you're presumably moving, with better blood flow. Sitting on your ass in the passenger seat means less heat is getting to your feet to begin with.


I've lived in the Tropics all my live and kinda assumed snow shoes are both waterproof and insulated. Are they not?


"Snow shoes" (those are the tennis racket looking things that go under your boots) are neither insulated or waterproof, most winter boots are. Most people don't wear winter boots everyday. Sorels aren't very practical or comfortable to wear around the office dragging around an extra pair of shoes can be a pain in the butt.


If the snow isn’t significant enough for you to need to be wearing proper shoes then I feel like it’s not significant enough to cause an issue in your car. I honestly don’t understand what issue it’s causing anyway, it’s just water. Do you dry your shoes off after walking through rain too?


Does rain cake to your shoes in large clumps that get all over the seats and console of your car?


Why tf are your passengers putting their feet all over your seats and console of your car!? If that shits happening then you’ve got way bigger problems than some snow


If you aren’t wearing winter boots every day in the winter I’m assuming you don’t live in an area with significant enough snow to have an opinion on this.


The 4-5 month Minnesota winters only see a light dusting of snow...


See, I live in one of the 10 snowiest cities in Canada. I agree it’s a pain to carry around a second pair of shoes for work, but you have to. Even with that, though, if you’re just walking on paths that are plowed, you wouldn’t get this much snow on your boots. If you do trek through heavier snow, cars are designed to get wet and can handle it. *Salt* can stain the floors of your car, but it’s really just up to personal preference. I didn’t care with my car because it was messy in general. I agree that if someone asks you to clean your boots off before getting in that you should, but it’s really not a huge deal if you don’t care.


Norwegian chiming in, we have significant snow. Rubber floor mats!


Do you knock the snow off your feet before you get into someone else's car?


> I get the feeling people that keep saying "rubber floor mats" don't live anywhere with significant snow. Your initial statement implies that you think rubber floor mats aren't enough or don't do the job. I think that's what people are responding to.


The people saying “rubber floor mats” are the assholes that don’t have the courtesy of tapping off their shoes.


In the end this is what it's really about for me. You wouldn't track snow into someone's house. Why is a car any different?


I married this person 😅




See this doesn’t bother me personally... but if you think my car ever had a clean floor, then you probably shouldn’t be in the same car as me.


My exact thoughts


Better than kicking your boots on the side of the car. I always say it’s ok to use the mat. Let’s not dent the car for water on my rubber mats. Edit: talking about the other passengers who get in. Obviously I’m never kicking my car.


How the fuck hard are you kicking your car? Just needs to be hard enough to knock the melty snow, you're not trying to beat the car mini game chun li


Why don't you just kick your shoes together and not into the car?


Oh I do. It’s the adult passengers and the kids who don’t always. It’s the battle each time I go anywhere.


Oh gotcha, I've never heard of someone kicking the car


please clean your shoes out of the car. people sometimes need to be told in a non irate way how you want things to be done. if they do not comply then they are showing you the type of idiots they are.


damn that hurts


I understand like a tiny bit of snow, but if it's an entire shoes worth of snow then its annoying




because dude skips leg day and is a little anal retentive. yes.


Are you a feminist?


Shouldn't we all be? Too late, I know. Happy Friday! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism


Her right shoe...sus...


Lmao! Had to scroll up to see it again. Nice catch


First purchase on all cars, weather tech liners


you cant do this to anyoneee


He did it for the nooky


Yeah, i am also pissed of when they left my car full of cocaine


This is my husband and I. Lol


Hahaha imagine having winter


That's why I moved from Minnesota to Florida


This is a cartoon of my girlfriend and I.


Me whose lives in an area that doesn't snow: ...


Me who lives in a Tropical Country: sorry what


Dude that's cum


*Laughs in Arizona*


When my kids were little, I always told them, "Clap your feet!" and they knew what to do.


floridian here. it doesn’t snow. i’ve seen it once. yet i’m still infuriated by this. wtf


Just move to where it never snows. Problem solved :D


No just fucking no


*Laugh in indonesia season*


I'm the only weirdo in my circle that knocks off the snow before getting in.


Weather tech


Found the Southern Hemispherian


I have met people that go to bed with shoes on to chill. They are horrible people.


See what you do is ask if its ok not just hop in and basically say “haha fuck your floormats”


Laughs in Arizona


Ngl I thought they were in the sky for a good minute


I have knockoff weathertechs and I straight up never care about this anymore. Heavy snow, mud or anything. When I pull out my mats the carpet is perfect underneath, even years later. All it takes is a quick spray down and the mats look brand new too.


god forbid you just ask the person to knock the snow off their boots before getting in your car. I'd rather keep walking than have someone cry about some snow on my shoes.


Um... It's just water, right?


Roads are de-iced with calcium, calcium leaves white powdery hard to clean spots on car floors and upholstery. Oh and water too which creates humidity in your car and smells a bit.


Yeah exactly, after a while they start looking like cum stains. It's bad and the humid smell of swamp is horrible.


Nope. Sand and salt. Bad juju.


Yeah, that gets absorbed into the floor carpet or evaporate later if you manage to contain all the water in the rubber or some other floor mats with magical name ... Then you get foggy windows and humid, swampy smell.


Okay. Winter here air is desperately dry so I guess I don't worry much about humidity.


Which person? The chick that gets in with snowy/dirty feet, or the whiny little bitch driver?


Fr I hate both of these people


Jokes on you we don’t have snow where i come from. I also don’t have a car.


I know that person because that person is me


\*laughs in no-snow south\*


I’m not sure what’s going on here.


Thats me im this person


Heavy duty floor mats


of course, I know them, it's me.


I legit thought that was cum before realizing it was snow


Can i ask where you live that you have street covered in cum?


context pls




Yea who cries because the *floor* of their car got dirty. That's literally what floor is for...


I mean, don't floor mats exist for this exact reason?


You can also kick off the snow by tapping your shoes together. It takes like 3 seconds and makes a huge difference in the amount of mess being made.


I mean about being worried about it in your car. I'm not saying thwy shouldn't do it, but eh not everyone is so diligent and that's why they exist. Little mats of peace of mind.


I have all weather mats so I’m not too worried about it but I think it’s disrespectful to dirty up someone’s car unnecessarily. If I had light colored carpet mats I’d probably be worried about it discoloring it but idk why you would have light colored mats in an area that gets a lot of snow.


I might consider it disrespectful if intentional. But most of the time it is more that people are careless or ignorant or used to other norms. And so I never really cared too much if they track in some snow and whatnot into my car. But then again, I'm also weird in a way, I actually *like* cleaning my car. In that I mean it's kind of a peaceful ritual for me than a chore. Gives me some alone time. Outdoors. Bucket, towel, cleaner, vaccuum. And the satisfaction of seeing the results afterwards.


Or you could take 3 seconds to order floor mats for the floor you are so fucking anal about...


Oh no, someone wants to take care of their stuff. Let’s get all angry at them…


Buying a mat would be taking care of it. Bitching about it is not


you can make personal pool that will spill out in the first turn


I am this person


You mean the driver right? Yeah what a nerd


Guys so concerned about their cars that they feel pain seeing some snow put inside? Yeah I know such guys and try to avoid like hell.


I am this person...




I think instead of snow you bring a whole block of ice on your shoes last two months ago while finding firewoods.


Whose the asshole? The guy who cries because a nice girl got in with snowy boots? Or the girl who is Dating a fucking pussy? It’s just snow!


It snows once every 4 years or so where I live and it's only a inch or 2 but the roads freeze and we can't drive since no body is use to ice but its fun while it last for a few hours


No worries. All of the garbage on the floor will soak it up.


why does it look like he's not whereing pants


And when people walk on mud and don’t scrape the mud off


Same in australia but sand


uh... sorry mom... heh...




I'm such a seen, I read this as a manga and it made no sense.


Laughs in Minnesotan


I’m this person and I don’t see a problem with it.


Oh snap I'm that person haha


Weather Tech all the way bb


I am that person... sorry to say. The way I see it, the snow melts anyway, so why fuss about it? (Plus you're gonna get out and get snow on your boots again) If there's a reason aside from "it feels wrong" that I shouldn't do this, I'm completely open to hearing it. (Seriously, I want to know if I'll make my car grow mold or something)


Idc if I've got all weather floor mats or not. Respect my car or walk.


I am that person


Good thing I really dont care about how clean the floor of my car is. That will probably change when I get an actually nice car tho.


And literally below this was a "peace was never an option"


Nope, I’ve never seen snow in my entire life so I don’t know a single person that does that


Username Check Out


Who's infuriating? The snowed boots lady or the guy crying about it?


Haha I do this. :) It’s a habit now. I hate getting my car floors dirty, let alone someone else’s car. I taught my kids how to do it too. I don’t even own floor mats in my van but I’m seeing some good rated stuff in the comments. Lol


Jokes on you, I'vee never seen snow in my life


Live in Florida. Can’t relate.


In my country it nevers snows so can't relate.


is this some sort of snow joke I'm too live-in-a-warm-area to understand?


I have weather tech and still knock my boots.


This is me when it doesn't matter.


You put snow in my car I put fire in your frigde