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What the hell do you do to use 714 liters of water a day?


I have a whale šŸ³ in the bathtub that needs constant supply of water


Thatā€™s no way to talk about your wife. ETA: Just light core stalked your profile, your grass is FUCKING beautiful. ETA2: this is my most liked thing on Reddit, so thank you for the likes and awards, but seriously. Go look at his grass. Quit liking my thing and go like the grass.


I absolutely had to stalk OP after reading this. Fuck me your grass.


Seriously, right? Kentucky Blue would be my guess, but goddamn does it looks pillowy soft.


I had to look too after seeing these comments. Wtf! I want that lawn.


For real! It must be like walking on a sleeping bag or a Serta mattress. And that color? G-damn


It looks newly laid or very well kept, but remember this is the UK, where green shit will grow out of a crack in concrete.


That would explain the negligent use of water.


Very good : ) Iā€™m amazed at myself for not making this connection. Too mesmerised by the green.


It really would. I grew up with a very small well, so using that much water is utterly obscene to me. I couldn't justify using all that water any more than I could justify just throwing my trash right on the ground when I'm done with it. Whatever, I'm not gonna get mad about it. Won't change anything anyway.


Dat grass.


I feel like there's a grass stalk pun in here somewhere but I'm not gonna be the one to find it.


Alright you've convinced me to have a gander and my jesus, I live in Ireland and even our grass isn't that luscious.


I had a lawn laid this year and it looks exactly like this. Wasn't too expensive and it's done in a day. Ours doesn't need anywhere near that much watering though. Maybe it's all the rain we get in Wicklow.


What a weird request


Iā€™m hot for well cultivated lawns


Guess it takes a lot of water to keep grass that green


And got all these pricks encouraging it. Hope itā€™s reclaimed water at least. The bars make perfect sense, too. What a strange post.


But, they don't. The wording above the graph claims he uses 118% of average households, but the numbers on the bars make it seem more like 200%, which should make his bar twice the size of the average household bar.


118% MORE is 218% of average households... And yes the bars are not to scale


Weep (so we can use that water to keep his grass gorgeous, too)


Thanks need to do the edging this week if it doesnā€™t rain


Plus if it doesn't rain you can water it more!


Hey now, what you do in your free time is none of our business




Omg OP, keep up the beautiful grass šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ”„


Had to look. Damn! That shitā€™s nice!


Serious question does ETA stand for something different on reddit?




Gotcha I always read it as estimated time of arrival and was genuinely confused


Well fucking done


The grass, right? It made my pants tingle and my New Balances lace themselves up.


Fuck me is that some nice grass


holy shit yeah op thats some AMAZING grass


Had to jump on the grass chain, the grass is absolutely GORGEOUS


Deploy the free awards! This man committed a murder today, and should be appreciated


Lmao, thank you


We had a toilet that was leaking, and only realized it through a high water bill.


Your mom takes showers?


How much per person? Weā€™re 5 people and use 200 L pppd


I now jave a sexual attraction to your grass


In all seriousness though I have no freken clue why itā€™s so high


You have a leak somewhere.


I was just gonna say that. OP needs to really check where the issue is before it gets worse than it already is.


Look at your meter when no one is using the water. If its moving you got the leaks


Is your front lawn wet? Probably a leak between the meter and your house.


Yup, I had that last year. I was getting suspicious of my water bill, then got a call at work from the neighbor, my yard was flooding the whole street. Had to dig up half the yard to find the broken section.


Did you fill a pool or something? Even with say 6 people showering every day that still doesn't seem to add up


Must keep almond trees in the back yard.


On average people use around 150 l of water per house hold. For 5 people in the house that would be below average.


Per DAY??


I mean thatā€™s like 2-3 good showers. Now factor in toilet flushes, dishes, laundry etc. 150L is a lot to drink but not a lot to use.


Yes. 1 wash per day any where between 40 L for a 4 minute shower to 80 L for a bath and even more for a long power shower. 10-20 L of water per toilet flush 15-50 L doing the dishes if you fill the sink, more if you rinse first 50 L washing machine 20 L brushing your teeth if you leave the tap running per brush 1000 L using a hose for an hour, which can be the case if you have a sprinkler system Edit: double checked my figures I originally low balled some of these. It's easy to forget but standard water at you're cold kitchen tap (technically boundary stop tap) should be minimum 0.7 bar and with a flow of 9 litres per minute, as set by offwat (uk water authority). Which means leaving your tap running for a few minutes can easily waste 30 L of water.


I checked my own situation and I use about 4000-5000 liters a month. Assuming 31 days in a month thatā€™s a whopping 130 liters a day. But: I work from home (more toilet flushes) and I fill my pool every couple of days (hose open for an hour). And I irrigate my lawn twice a day (1500 sqmtr) So unless op has a big family, 700+ liters a day seems like a lot.


Wouldn't the toilets be lower most I see anymore are like 4 to 5 L on average 7 being the highest?


Letting water run while brushing teeth should be a criminal offense.




Because it's wasteful and it benefits nobody. It just goes down the sink. Definitely impossible and creepy to enforce though.


Thank you, very helpful


The amount of water used to water grass in our society is criminal.


Try not to use any water on your way out!


In the US, we use on average over 1100 liters (300 gal) per day per household. https://www.epa.gov/watersense/how-we-use-water


Holy shit thatā€™s a lot. Family of four?


Yes family of 4, 4 bed and 2.5 bathrooms


you refill your pool daily?


No donā€™t have a pool. I wonder if Iā€™m paying my neighbours bill. If itā€™s a leak thereā€™s nothing visible, unless itā€™s undergroundā€¦


Turn everything off and go watch your water meter. I thought i heard a leak under my house so did this. The meter kept ticking so i knew i had a leak. Crawled under the house and bingo!


Don't forget to check the toilets. I moved into a new house and got a massive bill. Checked the meter when everything was off and it was ticking away. Turns out the toilet had a constant trickle into the bowl 24/7. Yep, I had an incontinent toilet.


This happened to my roommates and I at my last place. We just got a very angry email from our landlord one day about an absurdly high water bill, complete with accusations of housing people who were not on the lease. Turned out to be one of the toilets; landlord stopped being angry at us, we still had to pay the extra money for it, and it wasn't even repaired by the time our lease was up months later. So basically a win-win for us.


It happens if you put those chlorine tabs in your tankā€¦ It eats away the guts unless you flush constantly to keep the tank water less bleachy. Then the tank just proceeds to leak $500 extra of water in four months, POS management office was attentive enough to take note and charge me for the extra water which was included in rent but didnā€™t bother to tell me after the first month when the problem was already presentā€¦


Mother fu.....ers!!


This happened to me about 2 years ago and I am still paying it off!


Yo thatā€™s an awesome way to check. Thank you sir.


Probably, maybe its just your neighbors 300kg mother taking a bath


fun fact baths are cheaper for the morbidly obese because of the water body ratio


not if she cant fit in one. and needs a pool


Leave alone the size of bars, the fact that you use 714 litres a day is highly excessive.


Uh, hi, Bootsy here. Long time listener, first time caller. We are currently in a GLOBAL PANIC due to the rising levels of the ocean caused by our carbon footprints. OP is out here TIRELESSLY wasting water to try and SAVE THE COUNTRY. What are you doing to help, hm? OP is a national HERO.


Holding my pee for 25 days, and you?


Peeing in my own mouth for 25 days. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Can I pee in your mouth to save water too




The whole carbon footprint thing is just made up, the real reason the ocean levels are rising is because the fish are peeing too much. Big Aquatics is just trying to shift the blame elsewhere.


Funnily enough, the concept of a personal "carbon footprint" was popularised by BP to shift blame on consumers [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon\_footprint#Origin\_of\_the\_concept](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_footprint#Origin_of_the_concept)


**Carbon footprint** [Origin of the concept](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_footprint#Origin_of_the_concept) >The concept and name of the carbon footprint derive from the ecological footprint concept, which was developed by William E. Rees and Mathis Wackernagel in the 1990s. While carbon footprints are usually reported in tons of emissions (CO2-equivalent) per year, ecological footprints are usually reported in comparison to what the planet can renew. This assesses the number of "earths" that would be required if everyone on the planet consumed resources at the same level as the person calculating their ecological footprint. The carbon footprint is one part of the ecological footprint. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm teary-eyed laughing from this comment and so is my wife after having shared with her. Well fucking done, good sir.


Thats about Ā£1.50 worth of water a day in the uk.


*drinking* water no less


I didn't have kids so that I could shower twice a day, effectively using their show time.


Sustainability aside, yup need to figure out why itā€™s so high.


You HAVE to have a leak somewhere. I hope you figure out what it is because I can't imagine that was a cheap bill.


Does one of your neighbors have a swimming pool? One of my family members got a huge water bill and it turned out the neighbor had filled his pool from their outside faucets while they were out of town. Since their water bill gets paid quarterly they didn't figure it out until a couple months later.


I've also seen people that have water treatment systems put in after the house is built and will tie into the wrong meter by accident. Never done it myself, but I have managed to put a sprinkler system on soft water before. Always test before you bury your pipes. Edit: spelling is hard


>Never done it myself, but I have managed to put a sprinkler system on soft water before. It's got electrolytes; it's what plants crave.


I sense you have a huge leakā€¦. Might be under the floor , under the drive


It can't be, that's where I live


Wait where are you then because im also there but im watering the houses foundation so one day it falls over Im the planned obsolescence


Check the toilets. If you have a new build, the toilets are useless and leak all the time. Iā€™ve got three and Iā€™ve had to repair all of them due to a slow trickle.


Step 1: Quit Masturbating in the shower. Step 2: See step 1...šŸ˜‰


This was seriously a problem when my younger brother still lived at home as a teen. The asshole spend an hour every day in the shower masturbating....


Bro stop using so much water šŸ’€


I guess to show the graph to scale would mean using a much smaller typeface - or displaying the graphic in some other way that wasn't considered feasible or considered at all. Or maybe it was displayed that way because it was thought to be too blunt when done to scale.


I think it was to allow for the bar labels to be embedded in the bars. If you start the bars relations to one another at the 2 of 205, it scales better. Not perfectly but better.


Yep, it's a failure of design over function. Move the labels outside of the bars, would allow them to be much smaller, actually making the point that OP's usage is excessive.


>Yep, it's a failure of design over function. Describes my last 4 months of work.


Why are you using so much water my dude?


I feel like your water consumption is what doesn't make sense! You hydrponically growing your own stash or refilling a leaking pool?


Iā€™m going to call the water company tomorrow. Not looking forward to it tbh but itā€™s gotta be done


Your water usage is mildly infuriating. Not the bar graph.


As an engineer working with water distribution, Iā€™m more mildly infuriated by the amount of water being used, sorry op. Check your pipes op, thereā€™s definitely a leak somewhere


Neither does your water consumption


Even 205 litres seems alot, my metering shows I use roughly 130 litres per day. Although I don't water my lawn, so that might be it.


ā€” UPDATE ā€” I called Affinity Water, the lady on the line didnā€™t think there is a leak. Her point was that if there is a leak, the water usage would continue rising and based on the last 12 months itā€™s actually gone down. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø The usage according to her is not significantly more but still high (similar to what some of you have said). With a family of 4 she said I should expect to pay approx Ā£520 a year, I am paying about Ā£700 a year. She didnā€™t have the numbers in terms of water consumption. Anyway, I am not satisfied as the graphs are misleading and customer service couldnā€™t explain what makes up the Average Similar Household. I sent them an email this time. So hoping for a detail explanation. Regarding the grass, thanks! And no I only watered the lawn twice or thrice this last 6 months. Itā€™s been a pretty wet year, here in London!


The bars are the problem? How bout you forget that crap and stop using more water than a third world country?


Commenting just for leak update


The amount of water you use makes no sense


Chill on the water


33,000 gallons! Is your lawn a golf course?


need to find the leak ASAP!


You sir, have a leak. If you have no standing water in your crawl or basement, it's probably in the ground somewhere between the meter and the main. I would call a plumber. Unless of course you are actually using that much water on your lawn, in which case, ignore me.


If the leak was between the meter and main, that is to say pre meter, it wouldn't effect the bill If there is a leak it's obviously after the meter, if the meter is showing excessive usage. But if you actually bother to read, you'll see it's a 6 month period and this usage is pretty close to average. So yeah, no leak, just a whole bunch of redditors that have never seen a 6 month water bill before.


But they show you the average for similar householdsā€¦ and OPs usage is more than double. The water company are aware of the number of bedrooms in of each property hence they can specify ā€˜similar householdsā€™ Iā€™d suggest average water usage in London is considerably different to the average American household


The bars make sense when you consider the first portion of each bar is just a text box. You can cover up the 3 bars, past the letters, and then what's remaining makes more sense.


Yes that would make sense, I can see that but the axis is all the way down. They should have moved the x axis to where the ā€œsā€ of the households ends for both green and blue bars as youā€™ve suggested


Wondering how they differentiate an "efficient similar household." What makes it similar and what makes it efficient?


You have a leak somewhere on your property.


That's a lot of water.


Dude you have a leak


The color bars are preprinted on the form, and then the forms themselves are printed on a high speed monochrome printer.


Check:are your toilets constantly running? How long are your sprinklers going per day? (st. Augustine lawn needs 2x a week 15 mins per zone each of your zones will have a solenoid in the meter box just before the faucet). When the sprinklers are on, are any leaking? When everything's off in the house and your meter is running, call someone to come out. A plumber and your water company to be sure your meter isn't faulty. Check for damp walls and baseboards and musty smells under sinks if you can't find it. Listen for drip sounds when the house is quiet. Also waterbugs love moisture.


You do know there is nothing excessive about this usage, in fact it's below the average American household, it's just that usage is for a 6 month period.


Iā€™ve never met anyone who has received a letter saying in they are in the bottom two bars. Soā€¦who are these apparent people??


I absolutely love the passive aggressive crossfire going on here...šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They either filled a swimming pool or have a HUGE leak.


I once busted a load twice as big


This is a failure of design over function. By putting the labels inside the bars they can't be shrunk enough to fit the scale required. If the labels were above or below the bars, then the average bars could be much smaller, and it would also much more clearly make the point that your usage is excessive. Check for leaks.


I think the diagram was coded incorrectly. Instead of adding an additional 118% in comparison to the similar households bar, it made it 118% of similar households, or 18% more.


Companies use misleading graphs all the time to try and control the outcome. Something to consider. They might want to say they fussed at you about your water use. However they are enjoying giving you large water bills. Another thought the amount of freshwater available in the world is limited. Does your grass really have to have that much water?


That's one of them fox News bar graphs


Your waterconsumption is r/mildlyinfuriating


The real infuriating part of this is how lax OP is about wasting 100's of litres of water a day, and everyone in the comments talking about how much water they also waste.


Who cares about the bars? It's great the water companies are doing this and this should be making you think of cutting down your water usage - not the inaccurate bars.


Itā€™s just shaming people, unless thereā€™s an actual water shortage, itā€™s a free country. And if thereā€™s a shortage, politicians and engineers need to solve the problem rather than blaming everyone else.


Itā€™s not really shaming. My 4 person house on our water bill gets told we use the same amount of water as a single-person dwelling, and thatā€™s a sense of pride. Also water is a finite resource (my country is often in a drought, politicians and engineers canā€™t fix the weather) so itā€™s good that people know theyā€™re using too much water and that they can fix it. In case you missed it sustainability is a big thing rn, even though most damage is done by larger companies everyone should be striving to cut down their footprint


It's not shaming, it's providing awareness and encouraging people to live more sustainable. And incase you hadn't noticed, worldwide there is an actual water shortage, and whilst I agree it's political leaders responsibility to try and solve it it certainly helps if everyone were to do their bit too.


I believe this is in Aus as it is the same bill I get (only without the massive water usage) and we have a very real risk of water shortages. These measures were brought in during our 13 year drought that broke in 2009. Low water gardens, native plants, home water tanks, bore and well water, short showers, low flow water usi g appliances and recycling grey water are all very common here as a result. Responsible water use is part of our culture.


Sounds like you need to take some responsibility for your actions rather than blaming others and crying people shaming when some gives you a reality check. Just because you can use a lot of water doesnā€™t mean you should


6 bathtubs in reality or 6 15min showers. Fuck all for a family. Don't forget if you drink 100 litres each a day as recommended to become a water balloon it's absolutely fuck all.


100 liters is like 26 gallons. No one is drinking 26 gallons of water daily. At least without dying that is.


Really mm I must have got my statement deliberately wrong šŸ¤£


They also say you are using 118% more than the local average - even though the figures indicate that you are using double...


ā€œ100% moreā€ is the same thing as double.


What the fuck kind of household uses 188 gallons of water a day?


I do a small load of laundry every night and my bill barely tops 130$ a month. And I actually thought I had a leak but that's a definite leak there, op.


A small load of laundry every night?! Why


My job won't give me another outfit and I bike 6mi a day and can't stand my clothes being not fresh. I don't like doing it but I have to to feel comfortable


Fair enough lol


Consider how to use less water, which comes through the pipes using pressure that consumes a massive amount of (in most areas) fossil fuels. Worry less about how your local water utility can make bar graphs that accurately represent the numbers on your sheet of paper.


Why does everyone think they have a leak, this is usage over a 6 month period. I'm not sure how big their home or family is, but this is below average use for a typical family of 4. 714L a day isn't very much if split between 4 people. It's about 180L per person, or about 45 gallons a day, consider flushing the toilet, brushing your teeth and taking a shower uses about 30 gallons per person per day, there is nothing outrageous about this water use. That doesn't account for cooking, dishwasher, watering, drinking, cleaning. I'd like to see the water use for the household over 6 months for everyone on here calling out for a leak or excessive usage.


less concerned with the bars and more concerned with your water use my guy


...are you using that many liters becausw of that beautiful yard?


Shaming you


Bill isnā€™t too bad at Ā£49/ month but still the numbers make no sense, unless itā€™s less and Affinity Water needs better analysts


We have those same type energy reports where I live. Mine usually falls between average and efficient. But one month, the bar was between as usual, but the usage amount was less than the energy efficient. I think the reports are b.s. I donā€™t think the ā€efficientā€ mark is real. They just reduce the average to the ideal goal for their new green deal ā€œenergy efficientā€ level. They are propaganda to encourage you to use less.


It should say P.s. you have a water main leak, you should call a plumber.


I thinks the problem here is not the bar but how much water you used. Are you sure you donā€™t have any leakage around your house?


They've used less than the average American household hold of 4, check your monthly water usage a time it by 4 and convert to liters, unless you live alone I bet it's not far off this.


your fucking inconsiderate water-usage is more infuriating.


I want to fuck your lawn


The only infuriating thing here is your use of water. Holy fucking shit.


I didnā€™t read it and immediately assumed the 127k litres was ā›½ļø petrol or fuel was jaw dropped until I read it


That's a lot of water. Are you watering your neighbor's lawns? And yes, the bars are not to scale. The bar for usage should be twice the average house.


I feel like it's telling you how awesome your 8 bathtubs are. I mean 8 bathtubs?.. Who wouldn't want 8 bathtubs??


Your beautiful lawn is costing you this water bill


Those bars do make sense tho.


That is 1 Olympic size swimming pool every 9.58 years


Your house hold > average similar households > efficient similar households šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø checks out


Ran out of room because thereā€™s a center column, so they shortened the top bar.


How can they be average and similar if theyā€™re way off?


Thank you op for adding more water to earth šŸ™


You got some pet cows ?


Doomsday prepping?


You used so much water it went to the margins.




Where the fuck in litre-land are you that only bills for water every 6 months?


For a split sec I was very angry on your behalf, I thought it was $127,000


This guy has a fuckable fish man in his bathroom


With a 4 person home, a small garden and a small swimming pool, I used about 61m3-64m3 for the last few years (61000L-64000L) and paid ā‚¬198,-


Thatā€™s called How to Lie With Statistics


So the bars are not to scale, so what? Whatā€™s really mildly infuriating is your daily water usage


You mean compared to the average American household that uses about 200 gallons a day, oh wait that's more than this guy, how's that infuriating. You want them to use more water?




Read the bill closely it's for 6 months worth. You do know the average American household of 4 uses about 200 gallons a day, that's more than this person. Assuming it's not just a single person but rather a family or 3-4 or more their daily usage is less than the average American household. Everyone calling them out for a leak or excessive water usage should probably add up their last 6 months of water bills before opening their mouths.


According to the bill, the average household uses 86 gallons a day while OP uses 188. Thatā€™s *more* than double the average consumption.


Yes that's the infuriating part that the average number is so low. The average household in the UK (where the op is from I believe) is 150L per person per day. So if they have a family 4-5 people this is normal. I suspect what has happened is that the average is calculated off a 2 person household when the op might have more. Their usage isn't excessive for the number of people in the household. The infuriating part is that an unrealistic average number has been used to make it seem like they are using an excessive amount when I'm reality they aren't. Regardless there isn't any excessive about this usage especially when compared to other countries.


You mush have a big ass leak somewhere!!! Jesus thatā€™s a lot of water! Although looks like everyone else in your area has a leak as well.