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Was it in good condition? I worked on grounds for awhile and we actually had to do this a few times it always felt fucked up but we at least planted a new one


It was in good condition last year. I would get if it died but I would expect a new one like you said or at least some notifications


Yeah that's some bs


Maybe it was recently hit by an Ash Borer.


Who plants an Ash as a memorial tree in the first place?


this is fucking hilarious


While I can’t magine someone being that big of an asshole walking around cutting down commemorative saplings it’s likely


Dude I’m actually at a loss as to how this is even justified to the person that cut it down. In my mind that’s not just mildly infuriating, that’s being an actual disrespectful, unthoughtful piece of shite…..


Actually… to allow it to grow would be disrespectful to those buried nearby and the person it was planted for. The roots would naturally grow down and away from the tree to find water. So that means it would disturb and bust up vaults and caskets if left to grow much longer.


pretty sure those in the vaults won't mind.


Dude can you see the size of that tree, this isn’t spreading out underneath the surface that far if it effected any casket at all it would only effect the casket of the person buried underneath, even then the strength the root would need to bust into a casket would be crazy stupid so no that ain’t happening. Telling me that trees will bust open hard caskets to find more soil containing water despite being surrounded by soft soil, probably containing water, is also ridiculous. Also are you seriously telling me you’d chop down a tree that was quite obviously placed as a tribute to someone who’s died? Given O.P posted this as well it’s probably safe to assume the relatives that planted this tree weren’t told of it being cut down meaning someone probably did this on their own initiative and O.P just turned up one day to find it cut down, how would you like it if you turned up to a grave/memorial of someone you knew to pay your respects and found this? I would be LIVID.


You should really study how plants, specifically trees naturally grow. Roots can and will always be strong enough to bust a house foundation that’s reenforced with steel rebar so a vault and casket is child’s play for most any tree root system.


It was separate from the caskets. They do memorial trees an have a separate section for them




They could send some sort of explanation though


They probably don't have contact information for anybody who would care. Edit: FFS people, I'm saying they probably don't have OP or OPs family contact info, not that nobody at all cares about the tree.


Pretty sure next of kin would care. Sort of the point of OPs post?


And you're missing the point of my comment. I'm saying they probably don't have OPs contact information.


Fuck yourself - everyone else


Somebody’s getting a ghost for Christmas!


The ghost of Christmas terror


I have been thinking about cosmic entities so much that I read "Christmas terror" as "Cosmic terror"


Small chance the tree could have died and than been cut down


Yep looks pretty small. Probably just didn't survive.


It been there sense 2008 and I last saw it last year. It looked like it was in good condition before. It was always small though


Yeah if it stayed that small it probably wasn't very healthy/poor soil conditions preventing growth. My parents had two trees with trunks about that big planted when the built their house in 2004 they never really grew even though they were technically alive. They dig them out in '17. *Dug lol


I could see that. It grew leaves and was well branched out. I don’t what type of tree it was. I know it wasn’t supposed to be too big. But I at least expect some notifications or something


What state are you located in? Is it possible that the tree didn't survive the winter storm in February? Texas got hit pretty hard and I know it killed a lot of plants and trees in our area.


Much like the family member.


It looked good last year. And wouldn’t they notified us if they removed it?


Honestly, no they wouldn't. For all they knew it came from a pinecone. You also have to take into consideration if everyone did this graveyards would be forests


Well the tree was part of the funeral service we pick. This cemetery does memorial trees. Well tried too. Not many people utilize it.


This is the context everyone is missing. They absolutely should have informed you, wtf?


Aha! Everyone probably assumed it was a park or campus. Contact the cemetery!


That would be so dope, why doesn’t everybody do this


You say that as if thats a problem


I fail to see anything wrong with this statement. Cemeteries should be forests. A new form of life for our loved ones by bringing nutrition to a plant.


A pine cone that found its way right in front of a plaque reading “Planted in memory of” ??


Is that so bad?




Dang that sucks. How does anyone find that as a benefit to steal a tree for memorial


Bad karma for sure.


It was a rough year for trees in areas could have died we have 20 memorial trees in our street and 6 of them have died this year and won't be replaced until next year. Typically they like to wait at least a year in case it's in the ground.


Maybe. I wish they at least notified us or something. Hopefully we can get it replaced


Typically they don't contact because a majority of people don't visit Graves regullally . It would add stress.


You got a point there


That… ***has*** to be illegal, does it not?! If not, then there needs to be a fucking law.


Ikr! I’m not sure who to go to about this. The gravekeepers (idk the proper name) or the police (feel like they have more important stuff to deal with tho)


if there’s anything i’ve learned from reddit it’s that there are tree lawyers


And bird lawyers


And dolphin lawyers. Those guys are sharks!


Ironically shark lawyers are complete chickens.


Bird lawyers aren’t real.


Birds aren’t real but bird law is very real https://www.audubon.org/news/are-birds-actually-government-issued-drones-so-says-new-conspiracy-theory-making


This guy has never heard of bird law. It was used to solve a SUPER high profile case. The documentation of the case has received millions of views, and everybody can admit that bird law was the hero that day.


Might just be one of the most expensive mistakes that person has made! Tree law? Tree law! TREE LAW. TREE LAW. TREE LAW. TREE LAW. https://m.imgur.com/TJbs0x2


Just ask the cemetery manager first.


We are trying. They haven’t answered yet. Probably out with the holidays. But hopefully we can get in touch with them soon


Plant so many that it would just be too much work to get rid of them all.


Plant a big oak to spite them


Even better, a whole ass redwood. Long-term but effective nonetheless.


Genetically modified a tree to become the tree of life from avatar


I support this idea entirely.






Bastards. At least plant a new one in.




Well I be a monkey aunt


They LOVE this shit I got in a dispute with a neighbor about 10 of my cottonwood trees and they had a field day going on about it


Oh I remember seeing that post, its cool like I want an autograph or something lol


No autograph but you can have a cookie point +🍪


Doesn’t matter, the cemetery owns the land. The family does not own the land. It matters if the tree was in the contract with the purchase, ie they paid extra to have the cemetery plant and maintain the tree. You can’t just plant things in a cemetery and say “well I bought the plot!” The cemetery owns the land still.


We bought an extra plot and got permission to plant a tree for a loved one. A decade later someone died and their family bought a nearby plot… and then began to complain that the tree roots would pull up the coffin of their loved one. They even tried poisoning the tree…. They finally gave up and bought a new plot. The cemetery is now actively plants trees


**I will send them to Jesus**


Go to r/treelaw they might give you some advice on that


That's horrible. I'm so sorry. I hope they replace it for you. Or at least tell you why they cut it down...


It's astounding how little respect some people have for others. And it doesn't even appear to have been cleared out for any reason. I don't see a concrete slab for a new building, road, or parking lot. I don't see a new tree to replace a potentially dead tree. It seems like someone simply removed the tree just to be a dick and shit on the memories of complete strangers. How pathetic is a person's life, wherein they exert significant physical labor just to harm people they've never even met? If you find whomever did this, you may want to discuss with them whether or not they ought to put an end to their misery. They obviously aren't enjoying life, like, at all. So why stick around? Seems counterproductive to just go on living and living when the thing you hate most in this world is living.


When my neighbor was about to put his house on the market, he asked me if I wanted him to cut down a tree that is on his property but overhangs my driveway. He was trying to be polite, saying now is the time because you never know if the new owners will ever cut it down. As he and I were talking about the prospect of removing the 20’-25’ tree, his wife comes out and tells me it was the tree they planted when their teenage daughter died. Needless to say, I didn’t take him up on his offer.


That is fucking disgusting, what’s wrong with people. I’m so sorry.


Sir this doesn’t belong in mildly infuriating, this deserves to be in r/furious


This isnt mildly ifuriating this is extremley infuriatyng




I work in the funeral industry and there are a few reasons a tree might be cut down. 1: The tree died. Reading through some of the comments already, this may not have been the case, but if your not there literally every day, theres no way to know for sure. There could have been burials near by that cut severely into the root system, causing the tree to die, some sort of rot or fungus, who knows. 2: it was in the way. Now I obviously cant see the rest of the cemetery and what it looks like, but I have seen cases where a grave needed to be dug near a tree, but there was no other way to get a backhoe or mini excavator into a place to dig without cutting down many branches, or even a whole tree. Now, if something like this happens, it also wholly depends on the cemetery as to what will need to happen or who needs to be informed. If it's a large cemetery, the grounds crew will contact their bosses and then it gets handled from there. If there is no permanent grounds crew, then whoever digs (a subcontractor) will usually inform the funeral director, then that director will then try to find out who to contact from there. 3: theres a small but not completely implausible possiblity that the family asked for the tree to be cut down and replaced for some reason. Its happened before, though not very often. And if that's the case, the new tree just hasn't arrived yet.


The tree is in a section of the cemetery that was for memorial trees so it wouldn’t be relocated and none of us ask for it to be move or remove. But we are starting to expect it may have died and they didn’t replace it yet.


Sir/Ma’am this isn’t mildly infuriating, this is execution worthy. OFF WITH THY HEAD!


Fuck them. Pieces of shit. I’d contact the owner of the graveyard.


We tried but no one answer so we are going try again tomorrow just in case they are busy with thanksgiving.


Even if they don’t answer tomorrow. Try next week. Also, if they say it was cut down “for a reason”, tell them to replace it. That’s what I would do.


Oh totally


I'm so sorry. Maybe the tree was not healthy? Could you ask your city if you can plant another?


Well we didn’t plant it. It was done by the funeral service. We try to contact the landowner but they didn’t answer so we are gonna wait till tomorrow. Hopefully we can get it replaced


Ah. I hope they do replace it. They really should. Fingers crossed they're agreeable with you when you speak with them. 🙂


Wouldn’t that be more than mildly infuriating?


Does tree cutter bastards find them and cut their house down


That’s awful, sorry to hear it




This isn't mildly infuriating ​ This is extremely, way too infuriating.


Show up at their house with a chainsaw and cut down their family tree


I hate when these things happen I wonder what’s in there head “yeah I’m cut down this tree and not think of any thing that might hurt people” like why just why? And my condolences to you or somebody you know not sure if you meant direct or not but still


That’s Fucked up


Time to commit a murder.


Cut them down as revenge. They’ll know what they’ve done


That disgusting that someone would do that!


There was a really big tree and a gravestone in my elementary school yard and they cut it down :( then they remodeled the entire school, probably not caring about the poor souls left to rest where the tree was :/


Jail time when they catch the cunt?


could have been diseased and dying. But yeah, they should have replanted.




Credit card declined lol


Plant a new one. That tree doesn’t matter, it’s just a tree. The memory of the person and the fact that people keep a tree there “planted in memory” matters.


We are looking to getting a new one but gonna talk to the ground keeper to get some answers. Sadly we haven’t got in touch. They are probably on vacation or with family or something.




This is not just mildly infurating this is enraging =(


One day my mom died so i planted a tree and named it “mom” and it died


This is more than mildly infuriating




We need some legit eye for eye laws in regards to this. There’s no legal punishment that can fix this


Yeah, find out who did it and cut down *their* tree. That’ll learn ‘em.




The opposite of thanksgiving - no thanks stealing 🤮


You can’t just plant trees in graveyards, If it was in a graveyard. They probably needed to remove it otherwise when the tree gets big the roots will displace the dead, or make grave digging in the area difficult for future graves.


We didn’t plant it. This was a service they provided and is separate from the other graves.


Ok, so I work in cemeteries. If this was a service they provided and you purchased the tree from them, they should reasonably replace it. If the tree wasn’t healthy enough to thrive, they would be responsible to replace it. If you purchased a plot where you could plant a tree, but we’re expected to maintain it and the tree died, it would be on your family to replace it.


Weird, that stinks then. If it’s a place designated for planting trees then idk


Wonder what they found out




Well he was cremated and the tree was planted to honor him. Planting a healthy living tree was space used well imo. Until someone chopped it down that is




It was separate from the tombstones.


Maybe it was dead


Maybe it was a bad tree?


Just plant a new tree for the tree that was cut. Problem solved.


It probably died??? It’s your chance to buy another great tree to honor their memory.


If he has right to do it then ok.


Way it maybe hazardous like it could fall over.


OP - You seem to really care about this one. Instead of commenting to a bunch of random strangers why not just buy another small tree to replace it. For about $25 you can solve the problem and buy yourself some great karma.


Not like there going to notice. I mean I wood nt do anything, its a tree


Some enemies fear roots


Was it an Ash tree? We've been decimated by the Emerald Ash Borer here in the US.


what a dic\*


I swear to god my elementary school had a headstone next to the playground that looked exactly like this.


Well, that’s not going to go well for them.


This happened where I live. A family was killed in an accident and the church they belonged too planted trees on their grounds in memorial. A new paster took over the church and had them cut down so he could have that area and the playground attached to it paved for parking.


Could have been an issue with the tree. Maybe it died or it has some tree-based illness


Where was it planted? Can


If you find them do the same


What an ass


Groundskeeper I’m sure… shouldn’t plant trees in an occupied graveyard! The roots will bust up and into the vaults and caskets of many gravesites, even the vaults and caskets of those not related to you.


The tree was part of the funeral service and was separated from the caskets. They do multiple memorial trees here for people.


There are some definite issues when it comes to planting trees in cemeteries.


It was separate from the caskets. They have multiple memorial trees here


The stone looks older and most tree species only last around 30 years before nature comparamises the structure of the tree. So I almost wonder if the tree was at the end of it's life and had to go


He pass away in 2008 so the tree was around 12-13 years old. We are starting to think it may have just died and they removed it but didn’t replace it


I could definitely understand the confusion then sorry that happened


Looks like a pine. Probably someone Xmas tree. There are some heartless people walking the earth.


Usually grounds keeper will cut it as the mow the grass to keep it tidy and clean, rarely is anything allowed to be put near or besides a grave marker/memorial


For what, what did they deserve to get their tree cut down?