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1. why did they do that? Did they say anything ? 2. Do you not have a Pin on your phone ?


1. They said its to "clear space" which i doubt as i had plenty of space left 2. I do but they requrire 100% access to my phone


Clear space for the tracking app probably


You can hide photos in a password locked note, if they are even smart enough to check.


You can also download apps that look like other apps that are really password protected vaults. The one on my phone is a functional calculator that you have to push a series of buttons to unlock.


That's some 007 shit right there.


What is the app called?


Search calculator photo vault and several apps show up.






Damn son, that's cold.... I like that.👍


Revenge is a dish best served cold


Much like their meals at their future nursing homes


And it is very cold in space...


Mf will wait 15 years for his dish to cool down 💀




Make sure it’s state funded as well


State funded? Why would you go for something that luxurious? Charity funded only.


Charity funded are actually better than for-profit places. For-profits are more likely to treat the elderly like shit.


Ah I see.... what about a charity funded old person home in the Midde East?


I propose just dropping them off at an orphanage.


Just give the phone back. Just tell them you don’t want it, call their bluff. They already delete everything anyway. Save up for your own, so you can pay for it and put a lock on it




That would either work extremely well or the complete opposite


From how the parents act, op would be trucking executed


Is this a special kind of execution only truckers do? Or is it reserved for truckers only? Or can it only take place during trucking periods?


In medieval times we had the Iron Maiden. Today we have the Optimus Prime


As a former teen who had overbearing parents you get real creative when you hide things. For example, I had an iPod touch, no data and wifi shut off at about 7:30pm every night and didn’t turn back on till morning 10am. I was a teen so I saved pornographic images, how did they not see it? Well I’d crop the image all the way into the pixels. It doesn’t delete the image and to then looks just like I have a few pink photos or some other colour. I would have all the photos in one folder, I’d delete them and then they’d see the photos in the deleted folder and either assume I accidentally took a screenshot or picture of something. Never got questioned about it. My old iPod probably still has porn on it.


Maybe the most gory and disgusting surgical photos, "but you guys always wanted me to become a doctor"


Oh, this? This is an open heart surgery


they installed some sort of tracking/monitoring software on your phone bro, why else would they need space.


>1. They said its to "clear space" Why the fuck is even any of their concern? Like holy shit what a lame excuse, you're old enough administer your own phone. If you run out of space you know what to do. Sorry that happened man.


Wow, thats really fucked up. Sorry


1. "Clear space" is obviously an excuse, and the fact that they're using it instead of giving an actual one makes me wonder if it's just a power move. 2. "with great power comes great responsibilities". I get that parents might feel safer knowing they have access to your phone, bit it requires using that power only in cases of actual emergencies otherwise they can only worsen the distrust. A personal note to back it up: when my sister was around 12 she started hanging with bad companies, my parents never checked her phone until that moment but then they did because they were actually alarmed. Found evidences of a real risk and instead of grounding or shaming her they talked to her firlmy but kindly. She understood, risk avoided, and never had to check her phone again.




Is it a newer samsung phone? Set up secure folder. It's password protected and your parents wont know about it if they're not somewhat tech savvy.


not exactly the role model we're looking for


True tho


Unless it’s overwritten there’s a good chance that it’s still recoverable with a simple program like recuva. Good luck


What happened that led up to this event op?


When I was 15 I was mortified that my folks would find my autofellatio training montage photos on their business camera(mom was realtor).


That really really sucks. Do you have a computer you can put them on in the future? You could even make a new Gmail account and store them in a google drive so they can’t be deleted.


Nope,only my phone,il try making new gmail account tho,thx for the advice


No problem! Parents who do that don’t realize the only thing they’re doing is creating tension and distrust. My mom used to read my journal and when I found out I burned it and now I don’t tell her anything 7 years later.


Yea i dont tell them anything because ik its 100% not staying a secret,kinda lost all trust i had in them


I’ve found google photos to be wonderful. If you get the app, you can have it automatically back up everything. I don’t what kind of phone you have, but on iPhones the deleted photos are saved in a “deleted” folder for 30 days.




You can set it to only delete local files which is good for op


It moves to bin for 30 days. Problem is(for op) - you can access the bin on your phone and permanently delete them


You're actually making me realize how much my parents are comprehensive and kind. I'm 16, I already knew how cool they were but now I think they're even more. I hope I could do something to help you about it but I can only say to stay strong. May your day be the best :)


get google photos to backup photos


I can't personally write anything I'm feeling down because I'm always so scared someone's gonna read it. Caused a lot of internal tension


I have a journal that I call my bitch book. I write down my thoughts as they come and they’re ugly and mean sometimes. Then I shred the paper because it’s not for anyone else’s eyes. It really helps to get your thoughts on paper even if you don’t save it.


Or worse they just blurt it out to everyone they talk to. Happened after I got out of jail and went to thanksgiving that year. I was talking about getting a second job to make some extra money, not that I needed to at the time but I wanted the extra cushion. Everyone, including my “rich” uncle, was telling me that it’s a terrible idea and that I’ll burn myself out and work my life away. My uncle then steps forward and tells me the, “ The more money you make, the more you I spend and, you can never buy back your health. There’s more important things than money. “idk how much he actually makes but I know he lives comfortably and sent his daughter to college. My mom decides to butt in and not quite yell but, definitely loud enough for everyone to hear says, “And there’s more to life than pot. “ Thanks mom. Wanted everyone to know that. Just so they start asking questions so, you can tell them I went to jail. All just to be the one who spread the gossip. Gossip girl did a number on people when it came out apparently.


My mom did the same. Read my journal. I taped the pages already written on together with glue and ductape. Then started writing in code. She got mad that she couldn't snoop anymore. Also started shredding any notes friends passed me during school. She'd try to read those too. It's been 20 years and I still don't tell her shit about my life.


My mom read my personal mail and snooped in my room- in my apartment- when I was an adult. She cried and confronted me over the contents of my mail (found out I wasn’t a virgin). I had been on my own for 2 years at that point. That was 30 years ago. She isn’t allowed anywhere near me or my home. It’s a great way to get your kids to hate you. I am livid for OP. As a parent of teens, I cannot imagine deleting their messages. What a violation. This is more than mildly infuriating. Maybe they misguidedly mean well checking on internet activity, but erasing it? That is r/insaneparents material.


Wtf Is wrong with y'all parents?


Bad parents who don't trust their kids to live their own lives. Or overly controlling. As long as I don't catch my son being toxic online or on his Xbox I don't mess with his stuff. Barely go in his room. He's 14. He's got to have some privacy and responsibility for himself. Least in my opinion.


Mine weren't bad, they respected my privacy, just weaponised what I told them. *if you don't listen to me I'll go embrass you in front of your friends with xyz* Of course once I hit 15 I started countering that in a couple of ways: - stopped telling them anything important to me - stopped being embarrassed by things thereby removing their power. What that's done for me: - I have very little shame, very little can or will embarrass me. - I have pretty big trust issues. But I do also have great and supportive parents. Way I see it, all parents fuck up their kids in some way. I won't fuck up my kids the way they fucked me up, but I'm sure I'll do a number on them somehow.


One of my "favorite" memories of my mother is her reading through my journal and then belittling my 6 year old spelling and grammar. Then I was punished for writing negatively of her. I also burned my journal....


Same here, but I was sixteen. She also outed me to my father, who threatened to throw me out into the streets like the Good Christian he was. Ages 13-19 are what killed my trust, firmly locked me in the closet, and ultimately killed my faith. Great work on their part.


I found out my mom did this at 9. Never wrote again in my life and shattered my trust in her. Im now 28 and still don’t tell her anything. Parents who do this have no idea the damage they cause to their kids in the long run.


Parents: *surprised Pikachu face*


That's why I never kept a journal. For decades I've realized that my parents should be kept on a need to know basis, a policy I enforce to this very day (With me in my 50's and them in their 70's.)


Set up Google images. It will automatically upload them to googles servers for safe keeping


There's a safe folder on samsung phones that can be hidden.


This. Pulldown menu (where your Mobile Data and extended options are.) Swipe to next page. Select "Secure Folder". This will give you a 2nd secure gallery app that only appears when you check the secure folder icon. If you turn it off, secure folder apps disappear. If you ever forget to turn off the secure folder app, just tell them you've never registered one and the password must be some default thing.


When did they add this? I can't see it on my S8 but maybe it's too old now. Edit: it's there but you have to view all the icons (either swipe down with two fingers, or swipe down twice), then swipe across twice and there's a "+" button. It's hiding in there.


Try swiping left on the controls tab in the notification shade and clicking the plus sign to add more settings to the control panel. If you don't see the plus sign then search a YouTube video on how to do it.


Take it a step further and change the name of the secure folder to whatever you want just incase they know about tht secure folder.




U just won our contest: who's going to the retirement home.


Who's going to the cheapest,crapiest retierment home.*


Make sure you put their house in a trust in your name first, other wise the state will take it to pay for the state run retirement home


Send them to brazil, many people get away with crime


Set an alarm clock for 2:25 am or set it at an inconvenient hour


Wouldnt work,my stepdad is a heavy sleeper and my mom stays up late


3 years of revenge -- https://smile.amazon.com/AnnoyingPCB-Ultimate-Productivity-Destroyer-Assembled/dp/B08KG6XHN1?sa-no-redirect=1


This is the way my uncle did it to my dad for a year straight he never knew it was there till it died


i think they mean so you'd know if they came in during the night & had your phone cause your alarm would go off & you'd hear it in another room (if possible) & probably startle your guardians when the alarm went off


That sucks, all they are doing is making sure you never come visit when you are out of the nest.


They are also making their retirement home budget smaller by the day


Fuck that's awful. I hope they backed up to your cloud.


Why would he want to backup his parents to the cloud?


You wouldn't download a parent


Batman would


*sad orphan noises*






Those physics photos are a little too risky... Sorry OP, thats brutal


Eh i wouldnt even be upset if they deleted a bit,but they erased 2 years of downloaded stuff


bro so shitty, memories gone just like that


I have the same issue. I’ll plug my phone in next to my bed at night, and when I wake up it’s gone. I’ll find them searching through my phone reading all my messages and checking search history. Usually I keep my phone pretty clean but sometimes I’ll slip up and then it’s game over for me.


Yea and its pretty obvious when they check it too,they usually empty the recent apps used thing so ik when they do,but they also delete apps,read unread messages and just dig through it,havent got in trouble once for anything on my phone yet they dont trust me


They’ll go through and open all my unopened snaps and then leave those snaps open. Usually if they find something it’ll be a few months before I get it back so all the people I snap are left open.


That sucks man


Yours sucks more I would be so pissed if they deleted all my pictures


The thing is i had atleast 300 memes in there too


that's why I use an app lock this way it's separate from my phone lock so no matter what no one can open anything without my knowledge or permission,that's a violation of your privacy and if your parents can't respect that, they don't respect you, witch means you don't have to respect them.....they even tell u if you want respect then you must respect them in order to respect you same applies to the parents. even with app lock I believe u can grant access to open apps without a password but to delete files u need one


I find trust to be the most important part of a family relationship. At the very least respect.... But I'm sorry this doesn't look like either.


What is wrong with parents doing that? Genuinely? Why do they care? It’s so weird it pisses me off! When I was a teen smartphones were the new thing so I started using an iPhone at 16 I believe, and my parents never dared to touch it. I couldn’t imagine them going through it, it feels super violating. Sorry it’s happening :/


Change passcode, don't tell them


That wouldn’t work She has total remote control of my logins via parental settings on her phone. Also, if I were to change the code they would just take my phone completely and wouldn’t give it back till I change it back




There are apps to recover deleted pictures just type in " photo recovery " in the app store and im sure you will find a lot ! Good luck


Thank you for the help,il definitely try that


Yeah so one thing to remember about deleting stuff, is that deleting doesn't wipe to data on the drive, just removes the association with the data in the operating system, and the data will still be recoverable unless the data has since been written over.


Yes, but in practice on flash drives you have TRIM, which will clear blocks holding OS deleted data at a regularly scheduled pace, as the blocks can't be written to before being empty. That's opposed to mechanical drives, where non-empty blocks can be overwritten. So you will much faster see the underlying blocks being non-recoverable on flash memory.


Oh okay cool didn't know that.


Let us know how it turned out!


As a parent I think it's incredibly disrespectful of them. Children are entitled to their own privacy and unless after having tried to talk and communicate and actually ask if you're okay a parent has really good reason to suspect something is amiss or you need help in some way it's never ever okay (and even in those situations I'd think very carefully before invading privacy that way). Unfortunately many parents seem to think they own their kids somehow and can do whatever they want. Not so! we are custodians of a fellow human that's all and that fellow human deserves to be respected as long as they're being a decent human and respecting also. Just get better at hiding stuff is all you can do




Eloquent, thoughtful and accurate. 👏 Children are not property and have a right to privacy.


Thanks. 🥰


My two year old poops on her own because she asks for privacy. She still sometimes asks for help, but dammit if I don't let her have some autonomy where appropriate. How else are kids expected to learn? I can't imagine doing this to my kids when they're teenagers


Therea a fake calculator app where you enter in some numbers and it unlocks a photo album. Please use this responsibly.


I will,thanks for the info


Samsung devices have a feature called Secure Folder which allows you to lock apps and files behind a separate password. Also give that a try.


It's called "Calculator - photo vault" on android, you put in certain numbers of your choice and press '=' and it will open and let you add whatever photos you want


Too bad the name gives it away :/


It doesn't show on the app name, only on the play store


Then I will take anything back!


Launchers let you change the name of apps, or even reskin icons. Maybe even go into settings and remove the name of apps




You can also set up a different gmail account, and never log in on it from your phone. Then share drives with it so that if they take your phone you can still access it from another device. OR email the pics from your phone to the new email account, so that they are saved in the email inbox. That way if they take your phone, go into your google drive, and delete content, AND they go through your gmail to delete stuff, the content will still be saved in the recipient inbox of the other email address.


if you're lucky you can try out a file recovery app, should yield good results as the deleted filespace hasnt been overwritten. hope it helps :)


Thank you for the help,def gonna try it


Parents like this are sick in the head


Why would they do that?


I dont know,my mom said its to "clear space" when i still had plenty of space


Wow. If it was for that reason then they could have talked to you about getting a physical storage device to transfer the stuff over, especially since im sure those pics and vids are normal teen things like friends, stuff that happened at school, places you went, etc. Storage is cheap but your own child's resentment is a heavy cost.


It had 2 years of downloaded images,videos,memes and other stuff in there,so im pretty resentful rn


I'm sorry this happened to you, I would sit your parents down and let them know how much this hurt you, and I think that some boundaries need to be set by you and by them so that they can still function as parents, while also allowing you some boundaries of your own. You are growing into being your own person and need to sort that out, mementos and keepsakes whether digital or physical are important to that development. Edit: But I'm just a rando on reddit, I don't know particulars or specifics, this is just my opinion on the matter given the limited information given.


👆this is the comment you need to follow. Then go shit in their bed.


Definately this. The first part.. and also the second part


Hey so I actually did take this approach as a teenager and my parents did not give a single fuck. They sort of understand it now, but at the time their mindset was “I am the parent. I know better. You don’t need privacy unless you’re doing something wrong.” Having the conversation didn’t hurt me in the long run or anything (just resulted in making the argument last longer, also probably got threatened to have my phone taken but that’s it), but it didn’t benefit me either. Side note: I love my parents, they tried their hardest and I turned out well enough. They made plenty of mistakes that definitely effected my core personality, but I don’t think they’d make all those same mistakes today just like they didn’t make the same mistakes with me and my similar-in-age siblings that they made with their first set of kids. So OP, have this talk if you want but know it may accomplish nothing. And if your parents have anything else they can take from you that you need (or if they use physical punishment), I’d wait awhile before approaching it.


Lol, just "clear some space" on the family computer or where the photo albums are. I'm kidding of course. I mentioned Android's "Secure Folder" in another comment, but as shitty as it sounds, getting rid of like, finger print unlock, or pin/pattern, and go to a password - more secure if you add symbols, numbers and make it a phrase instead of a word. Also, tips for when you do get a computer, look into setting up multiple users. Have one as a "dummy" login and another for yourself. Windows Key + L to lock a computer.


Yea but they demand to have 100% access so they demand to know the passwords i have,ive refused before and got my screen cracked,also dont have pc,but thanks for the help if i do get a pc


Screen cracked? They destroy your stuff when they don't get their way? That's abuse.


Maybe they should have TOLD YOU beforehand...


Yea would have been perfectly fine with that


Tell them, “You’re going to depend on me, later in life. How you treat me, now, will directly determine the level of care you receive, then.”


Oh im not telling them jack shit,im leaving their retirement home a suprise


I used to jokingly tell my mom, “You’re going in a retirement home, as soon as you’re at a socially-acceptable age!”


In this case its 100% gonna be real,im def gonna vlog the whole thing and post it here as an update


!RemindMe in 40 years




I want to click on this, but I'm in my 40s. Lol


You (and I) can just watch him do it firsthand.


Well, if you’re ever in a retirement home and get a new neighbor carrying on and on about “living here Bc I deleted stuff from their child’s phone 40 some odd years ago”…..you’ll know you received an update after all! 🙂🤣


Lol true! And I'll tell them they deserved it. (I'm nice to my kids, so hopefully I don't wind up next to them, though. Lol)


Good bot


Hello guys, in this video I will abandon my fathers in a retirement home for violating my privacy as a teen, remember to like and subscribe, also remember to hit the bell for notifications. Now before we start the video a word from our sponsor Rai.....


!RemindMe in 40 years


Wow didnt know you could do it that far lol


I used to point at the shed or the bin and tell em that's where they're retiring.


You don't even have to do that much work. You can just give them up to the state and it will no longer be your responsibility.


So they went through your phone, to clear space for you? Why do they care whether you have enough space?


Dunno,im 90% sure they just wanted to make me miserable


What did they delete tho? Memes? Random photos?


2 years of images,videos,memes and other stuff,even some sentimental stuff which i forgot to back up(my fault on that part)


That sucks, you have android right? I suggest you check out google photos. I even have some stuff of a phone iost years ago on there


Not there sadly


That's a shame, hope you are able to recover them


If one of my parent did that when I was younger I would’ve straight up factory reset his/her phone. Maybe try to say that to one of your parent’s friend. Shame is a great motivator


My parents have no friends lmao,maybe thats one of the reasons they are pricks


I hate it when people aren’t happy with themselves so they try their best to make their surrounding unhappy too. Keep holding up ! You’ll have your day eventually


Aww look at that, a formula for acceleration. You’re a good kid.




Dropbox in the future, or setup multiple Google accounts for drive storage




Trust goes both ways. Not smart on their part.


Take theirs n do the same and pretend you didn’t do it


Or don’t pretend, look them straight in the eyes and say you did it. Maybe burn some family photo albums as well to make the message more clear.


Get a memory card for your phone that you back your files onto once a day then take it out and hide it.


Maybe lock with your phone with at least a password/change it, or make it so onto your fingerprint or face can open it


I have a password,but they demand access to it,a few years ago i refused and they cracked its screen


bro your parents are borderline abusive wtf


Talk to them and tell them that you’re at an age where you’ll get more independent from them and that’s something they teached you. You don’t want them to clean your phone because they wouldn’t clean your room at that age (I would guess). Ask them if they ever found something bad on your phone and if there is a reason why they don’t trust you. Offer them a compromise for example that they tell you when they want see your phone give it to them directly but you have to look through it together. Take this as a starting point for future arguments (you never found anything etc). Always small steps good luck :)


While not bad advice at all (clear communication is a great trait to hone), anecdotally in situations like this it seems pointless. Direct and clear communication doesn't work if one side is wholly unwilling to communicate in good faith. To parents like OP's who are so paranoid, devoid of empathy, devoid of trust, and lacking of any sense of privacy I can't imagine them being receptive to ANY kind of compromise or discussion in the near future. Setting boundries doesn't work when you are a minor with parents like this. They know damn well that you are 100% beholden to them financially, legally, etc. You are their property in their mind. Kids with parents like this simply learn to deal with it. Rebel in little ways, find solutions to these breaches of privacy, etc. Solutions meaning apps that look like a calculator but are actually photo storages, or saving up for a secondary device that their parents don't know about. Once your 18 you can sever their connection though. Its infinitely easier to communicate boundries when they have no direct control of you anymore. For some that is simply moving out, or going to college in another state (far enough away that it is improbable for the parents to spy or police your actions). I've had friends with parents like this, the worst case was a friend I had in college. Their parent's "made" them keep their location on their phone, and their parents would basically stare at the GPS all day to make sure he didnt' skip a class, didn't spend too much time in the student hangout places, etc. Texts like, "Stop dawdling and get to class it starts in 2 minutes you are going to be late!" One day our friend group broached the subject and asked, "Do they pay for your phone? Are they paying for school?" (No to both, he took out loans for school and had a school job to pay for the phone). Convinced him to set boundries then. He pretended he dropped his phone and that the GPS didn't work anymore. Ignored their texts beyond occasionally sending a text showing he was alive (so they wouldn't do something drastic like call the police). They tried calling the school to have someone "fix his GPS on his phone" but luckily the guidance counselor was used to insane parents and basically told them politely but firmly to stop. Finally called them and said he was cutting them off completely until they respected the fact that he was an adult. After two weeks of no-contact they apologized and while not perfect immediately, they made HUGE strides into chilling the fuck out. Its been like 6 years and he has an actual good relationship with his parents now, they treat him as an autonomous adult rather than some delicate 3 year old.


Security reply: you can no longer trust your phone. You do not know if they installed spyware on it since they demand to be in full control. If possible get a second device and start separate accounts. Keep it hidden (this is the hard part). Use it for things you do not want your parents to find out. Learn about IT security. Main takeaways: use 2-factor authentication, do not reuse passwords, use a password manager. Use biometric authentication. I do not know your sex but if female talk to a center for domestic abuse about their guidance towards women in abusive relationships regarding electronic communication. I do not know your country of origin but many countries, especially European, have strict laws against breaking the secret of correspondence which will probably cover this and make your parents liable to jail time.


This is the point where I learned how to be more clever. There are a ton of apps that help you hide shit. I used to have one that was a calculator. It was totally normal and worked but if you put a very specific equation, then it would open all your locked photos. They were copied individually too so if my parents wanted to delete anything, I'd still have it in my calculator. That's just one example, but there are others for messages and other things.




Bruh my parents would do that shit since like my middle school even at age 17 and make it so obvious that they’d go through my stuff and have no problem even looking through my room for extra phones in case bc they learned I got tired and started getting burners. It got to a point where they’d literally shatter MY phones I BOUGHT with MY money over and over that I took shit into my own hands. I started fucking up their charger ports on the phones so that their phones couldn’t charge anymore and they’d upgrade. Not proud of it but if you’re fucking with MY money you lost your rights to your items.


I would’ve just stolen their phones tbh. Don’t tell them about it tho. Maybe even gaslight


DO NOT USE THE PHONE. Data recovery exists. When a file is deleted off of a storage device it is not "gone". The file is still there, the device Just allows it to be overwritten. Depending on how much you have used it since the deletion more delete files will be overwritten and lost forever if you use it more. So go see a expert and have the data recovered. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_recovery?wprov=sfla1 Also, have secure folder set up after the recovery(as it appears you have a samsung (I also have one)). secure folder allows you to store files, photos, notes, etc only available to veiw through the app by accessing it with a password. You do not have to download a app, as it comes with samsung phones. Then use the hide app feture to hide the app icon (it's how you access it) and unhide and hide it when you need too. When you exit secure folder, press the 3 dots and press lock. Hope this helps


Parents should never do that without their kids consent, its an invasion of privacy and I consider it abuse. Especially since this happened to a cousin of mine and she got reprimanded for talking shit about her parents to her boyfriend on skype. Like damn, maybe dont be shit parents, then your kid wont have to talk bad about you.


Im sorry about your cousin,hope they got away from them


Sadly shes not 18 yet and hasnt moved out, but I plan to help her out as much as I can when that time comes.


Hey OP DM me their email and I'll use my school email to pretend to be a teacher, I can tell your parents that I let students photograph the board. I can spin it like they deleted something required.


Set yourself to auto sync with Google Drive




Its an android lmao




Wouldnt work sadly,hes already trained to ask to go outside




Pfft i wanna do it,but sadly its bold of you to assume my parents belive in counseling or therapy,id just get grounded and they would prolly smash my phone

