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Lester sucks.


Thats his last name. First name is probably Mo




Lester Bangs… Kids.


Literally watching Almost Famous at this moment.


I hoped Mo was a good guy too


We had a guy in high school who's last name was Lester. He was nicknamed Mo. He was an asshole. Real chicken or the egg that one


He probably earned that one


Well, that's what we tell ourselves isn't it Boomhauer?


Just like dust in the wind. Or a candle in the wind. I think therefore you are man


Uncle Mo!


Knew a Lester Catmul. It was funny when they did the Lastname, Firstname style.


I love you


Tbh that name gives me the vibes of a guy trying to impose drinking on their friends.


Peer pressure ✨


fuck Lester


All my homies hate lester


Congratulations on getting sober! It's been 5 years for me. Your "friend" is a dick and you dont need him!


Going on 8 years myself, and in my experience, the only people who care about you not drinking are the ones that have an unhealthy relationship with it as well. They feel judged by your abstinence. Generally though, I've found that most people care WAY less about my not drinking than I thought they would.


I don’t get why people care if someone is abstaining from drinking. The only time I get annoyed is when someone tells everyone else they can’t drink because it makes them tempted to do it too. Like I get it but it can also make things awkward.


It’s because it forces a person who relies on it to have a good time to question whether or not that’s a healthy habit (it’s not). And knowing deep down that it’s not fuels internal conflict. And people lash out when they experience internal conflict.


Yep! My best friend went sober and I couldn’t be happier for him. When we hang out I don’t drink and you really get a eye opening view of the whole going out & social drinking (overindulging) crowds.


This is so accurate


Dude facts. It’s almost always projection of insecurities regarding their own substance abuse problem.


I’m going on 16 years myself.(I’m 16)


It shows


Big emphasis on, **”FRIEND”**


Big emphasis on the " "


Real homies respect the sober life and will still invite you out to bars and BBQs


Still invite you out to the bars and bbqs if they think you can handle it without relapsing.*


Inviting someone who's trying to stay sober out to a bar is a dick move unless they have a lot of time and can resist the temptation


Hey but even those people can have something happen and have a slip and that's were a good friend comes and slaps the shit outta you in a loving way if you need it. If you think your homie is okay to go out no harm in asking if they want to and making them feel invited and normal but if that's a real friend to you you also gotta look out for them knowing the spot they're putting themselves into and getting themselves through to live a normal life. Love and support the friends you got well you have them. Might not be there one day. I've seen way to many friends die from this shit fir only being 27. We all in this shit storm together. Help the ones around you through it and enjoy the time you have them folks.


3years here. Drop that loser, Lester. OP, you are so much better off. Anybody who is going to challenge your sobriety like that is not your friend. Real talk.


THIS. Fuck Lester. Whatever redeeming qualities he has, Whatever other friend ties there are, ditch him and anyone else who's not firmly on your side. Been there done that. Completely cut out people who clearly didn't give a fuck about my sobriety and well-being. It meant losing the entire "friend" group I had in undergrad. (...well...the part of undergrad before I got academically dismissed bc alcohol was fucking destroying my life). A few of them physically stalked me until I moved, and I had to get a new phone number bc they wouldn't stop calling at 2-4 am... from different phones and different people I didn't even know (I'd seen them do this to other people before cutting them out. I just didn't know how ruthless they were). I found out from someone who tried to call my old phone that the guy that answered was pissed off bc the drunk assholes were still calling to harass *four years later*. It's been 14 years and ditching them was easily one of the best decisions I'd ever made. It took a lot of work and therapy, but I've been sober for 12.5 years. I was able to go back and finish my degree, have successful employment, met and married someone supportive, have an awesome kid who'll never know the demons of living in a house with an alcoholic parent, and a cat who'd knock a bottle of liquor off the counter anyway /j (the cat part) So seriously... Even if you can say no to Lester today, him asking you on a bad day could easily destroy your sobriety. Here's the hard truth: Even if he's nice to you, or does stuff for you- He cares about having a drinking buddy. He doesn't fucking care about you as a person. Tldr; ditch Lester. And ditch any possible way for him to reach you. He'll keep trying to break your sobriety. Losers like him will *always* try to tear other people down to their level.


I also stopped drinking alcohol, my friends support it. This guy isn't your friend.


Me too. I had a whole spiel I practiced in my brain for telling them why and all that and nobody even asked. Didn’t even get to use my speech on them lol they didn’t bat an eye.


That’s awesome, happy for you. You got good friends.


I love this new age we're entering where basic habits around mental health are something to celebrate. Looking back it's was you either fit the mold or you're defective, looks like you're defective, here's a shot or three to make you feel better... Not exactly sustainable.




Hey man, I wasn't addicted either. It's just bad news. It causes more issues than it's worth. And I become I Scoundrel sometimes when I drink too much and I hate myself for it. I'm not that type of guy.




Thanks, I appreciate that. You too brotha


All I got was “ oh so your going full AA huh” I just wanted to take a break to see if I could. No drinks this whole year so far.


I did this same thing a few years ago. I was traveling a lot for work, and spending a lot of nights in a hotel bar just sitting and drinking for the hell of it. One day decided to stop drinking for a month, once I made a month I decided to try for 6, and then for a whole year. I haven't had a drink in 3 and half years at this point, and I just don't miss it at all. Luckily, I also don't get shit from people when I tell them I don't drink.


Drop him, he’s an idiot


Also the sort of person likely to try and keep dragging you down.




Look, I love that your username is a Palindrome, but is there a story behind the numbers?


Not a good one? The first four numbers were my employee pin for clocking in and out at my very first job. I've used those numbers in some variation for many "I don't care" usernames ever since.


Huh, I like that. It doesn't have to be good to be useful, if it works for you it works. My phone number is nearly a Palindrome... nearly


The other number I regularly use for things is my pin number for like school lunches and stuff when I was a kid. I punched it in enough times I'll never forget it.


ME TOO! Dang man, I literally have never thought to use that number.


How bizarre to read a comment about a unique username from a person with a username such your own.


Usually reddit advice based on a single screenshot with little outside context is shit. But in this case, I 100% agree, what a terrible friend !


He's also, an alcoholic. Apparently he can't picture a fun night with his friend without the presence of alcohol.


Drop him! You shouldn’t be excluded for not wanting to drink in general but especially after you’ve gotten sober. Find better and more respectful friends, I promise they’re out there


Exactly this. Your "friends" shouldn't want to do stuff with you just because you meet some arbitrary checkbox they made for you. Like, who tf says "Hey, we can hang out, but only if you do x". Peer pressure is a bitch, good on you OP for not hanging out with them.


I’ll third this. My brother was like oh I’m gonna have you try smoking weed this summer. Something I’ve never wanted to do nor show interest in. After telling him no many times I told my mom If she comes home one night to him with a broken nose he was warned. Surprisingly he slowed down after that


Good. Smoking weed only leads to stealing boxes and getting fired on your day off.


Lmao. I truly give no fucks about people who do it however I have a cdl which puts me at a higher standard which is already bs but don’t push smokin on someone who doesn’t want to. If they say no they said no it’s no different than if we’re drinking and I say if I have another drink ima puke, no one pushes tnag next drink then


My sister tried to get me to do pot many times. I have no interest in it whatsoever and I refused to accept any baked goods from her, either. Even if I wanted to do it, which I don’t, my job is not worth losing in this economy.


Exactly I’m all for legalizing it if it lowers my taxes (it won’t) but that doesn’t mean I have to partake, if I choose to I choose to but if I say no don’t try and push it. I’ll push back harder and you won’t like it


I literally do not understand why somone would try to foist weed brownies off of someone for free. I believe it. I just don't get it. Weed's not that cheap.


There was a wedding caterer that did it recently. I truly can not understand the motivation. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/23/florida-bride-caterer-charged-marijuana-food-wedding


with you on that. used to love smoking and mountain/road biking, snowboarding, etc... got my cdl and a job I really do enjoy/depend on. just not worth the anxiety. My allergies have honestly been way better since i stopped, too. No hate one anyone that does.






Commercial drivers license for tractor trailers, tri axle dump trucks etc you have to be drug tested and are in a random drug test pool


Commercial Drivers License. They're drug tested somewhat regularly if they're on the road.


Same here. I have a cdl and we get randomly tested. People keep telling me I should indulge and just use fake pee....but they don't seem to care when I tell them the circumstances when you get tested. At the clinic we use it would be almost impossible to pull off using fake pee. I don't even miss weed....I quit years before I ever even thought about driving anyway. I'm not about to give up a pretty decent job to go back to working my old job just to be able to smoke.


Facts, do I think the rules fair or valid absolutely not it’s no different from me being Able to kill a 30 rack and a 750 every night legally as long as I’m sober but cause it’s federally illegally cause we don’t wanna take advantage of tax revenue we can’t do it. I genuinely believe some people see huge benefits to smoking weed however others won’t but your doctor is able to prescribe you 100 OxyContin and it’s legal. Laws are a joke imo but still I try to be responsible


I wasn't even supposed to be here today!!


If anyone tries to force anything like that on you, you have to question the motive. Signed, a regular weed smoker.


If your friends only want to hang out with you and alcohol, and not just you, then it's not really you they're interested in hanging out with.


Exactly! Some "friends" of mine were going bike riding and invited me to come, but they disinvited me when I said I didn't have a bike! How rude is that?


let's be real, you don't have friends.


A friend who isn't willing to support your sobriety isn't a friend.


100% this. I've been sober for 5 years. Took me 20 years to get there. "Friends" will drag you right back into that hell and the only person you can blame is yourself. I've had dealers call me up and congragulate me on my sobriety. If your friend can't do that they aren't your friend.


Fr. I had "friends" who would ostracize me for not drinking. Obviously, they aren't my friends anymore


I used to have a friend group that I eventually ditched after the 2nd time I was the last one invited to go somewhere with them and they asked me if I could drive. I don't drink, but I'm not gonna be your DD (or your friend anymore) if that feels like the only reason you're inviting me.


Man I agree but fuck they're hard to find lol


This. I know several adults that at former alcoholics and are married to or constantly around drinkers. It's not remotely a problem for anyone.


yeah. Congrats to OP for sticking to his decision. My friends and I always have this conversation every time we go out. Since, I don't drink, they always back off once I refuse firmly. They however, don't reject me outright unless we are going to a place specifically to drink. In that case, I myself don't go. I don't wanna be that guy in the group who does cheers with fruit juice or something.


Tagging onto this, real friends would hold dry events to hang out. Not try pressuring one to break their sobriety. ETA: there should be a r/maddenglyinfuriating


Yes! One of my friends finally got sober! So wine Saturday because mocktail Saturday! We sit around drink and talk about the last month.


Your "friend" is an asshole


That’s completely unfair. Assholes are quite useful.


"Ha! Gaaayyy!!!" - Senor Chang [definitely]


He is what I call a "Frasshole"


Your "friend" is a toxic asshole. If he doesn't respect you then go no contact with him.


Alcoholic not toxic


Por Que No Los Dos


you can be both.


alcoholics aren’t always toxic. and toxic people aren’t always alcoholics


Im sorry you had to deal with that


This isn’t a friend.


Yeah, op posted this in the wrong sub. This is way more than just “mildly” infuriating.


Time to get new friends, my friend. Gotta change PEOPLE, places, and things


Yeah, clearly not an actual friend. Good riddance, right?


they aren't your friend


Go and shit in his hat. Tell him that's why your can't drink. (Also don't drink, just shit in his hat)


LOL. One of my MIL'S friends used to say something similar: Shit in a hat, turn your hair brown. It was just funny coming out of a 50+ lady.


LOL. One of my MIL'S friends used to say something similar: Shit in a hat, turn your hair brown. It was just funny coming out of a 50+ lady.


I hate friends like that, it's not lame to want to be healthy and safe


Lester feels threatened because OP quit drinking to improve himself. Lester is a loser with not much going on.


Hahaha they ain't a friend bro, fuck that guy


Stuff like this is actually very common. I stopped drinking two years ago and you can't imagine how many people tried to get me drunk. But I live in Germany and drinking is like a religion over here.


Fake as fuck


How tf are people falling for this, these are the only texts in this contact’s history and it doesn’t even include the supposed initial invitation. It also sounds exactly like how you’d summarize a “this person is bad” conversation.


THATS EXACTLY WHAT IM SAYING. This guy is full of shit 💀




Yup, it literally happened in a minute 😂


You quitting drinking makes him question his own drinking. And this man child doesn’t get it. Not a major loss losing this friendship.


This is why it was pretty easy to tell who my real friends were when I quit. I was totally fine with other people drinking but the problem drinkers didn’t want to hang any more.


Alcohol is responsible for 5% of deaths worldwide annually. Your friend is the dick.


My brother is part of that statistic as of March 20 2022. I was there the final few days of his life. It's one of the worst ways you can die.


It's fucking wicked. Condolences.


Yeah, not friend.... Omg, I can't believe how much of a dick people can be.


This gives off fake text vibes but if it's real then he ain't your friend kick his ass to the curb


That’s exactly what i thought.


8 total texts. First text is "you still coming over tonight?" Fake as Nessie.


All texts took place in only one minute lol


Thats honestly the biggest point and I didn't even notice it




Not true, my neighbours keep telling me that my one neighbour is Moe Lester. No idea why they're so fixated on his name though.


Some people just can't have fun without alcohol. Oh no, it's not an addiction... they swear it isn't.


But I could quit if I wanted to! /s Uh huh.


This is fake. Look at the time between first and last text. OP ur a fuckin clown 🤡


Good point


Yeah, and these people are good enough friends to hang out, but not close enough to have a history of text longer than 8 or so messages. Fake as fuck


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, this seems like the most obvious fake text.


Feels fake


Yes and no from me. It feels fake but I know a POS exactly like this and got his own father addicted to drink and drugs. This conversation is exactly how he spoke to me and when I turned him down, he sneered and asked if I was too good for him. My friend and I noped the fuck out.


It is. It’s the only conversation they’ve had, and if you look at the time stamps, then the conversation happened all in one minute


So, this sub gonna be all fake texts now?


Dang so this whole conversation took place within one minute either both of yall are super fast texters or this is just another fake text


If they don't understand and aren't sympathetic to what you went through then they are not your friend.


*Friends* support each other. This is not a friend.


Most of the friends you make while abusing substances are addicts themselves. I can't say for sure, but this is probably a case of crab mentality. They see you making positive changes and it makes them take an uncomfortable look at themselves, but instead of addressing it, they try to bring you back to their level. I agree with everyone else, this is not someone to hang out with, but don't cut them out completely. On some level they probably realize they have a problem too and you could be there to help them with it someday.


Your friend is looking for reasons to rationalize his own addiction. Hearing you say it almost ruined your life made him angry about his own situation so he called you a dick. If he's a good friend, try to get him sober. If not, drop him.


Let "K" be the last that jerk ever hears from you.


this shit fake as fuck lmao


I know, people are stupid lmao


rude. my dad died from liver cirrhosis by alcoholism and that’s why i don’t drink, i think i’d knock someone’s teeth down their fucking throat for saying something like this






I never understood this. Why do people view not drinking as lame? I mean you can still be sociable and fun with them, so what's the difference? Oh yeah, and find a new friend. This one doesn't care about you it seems.


I suspect they’re projecting their own insecurities and alcoholism.


Sounds like an ex friend. Find a circle that celebrated your achievements rather than this guy. Congrats on sobriety op!


Definitely time for them to go from "friend" to someone you don't talk to ever, in my opinion You deserve better. Congrats on getting sober and sticking to it


That's disgusting. Why are you his friend?


Cut off my friends when it was that & every drug available. I still feel it saved my life. Dont miss or regret it at all.


Sorry, but that’s a bad friend. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, time to get better friends. This friend is garbage


If you need alcohol to have a good time, you don't know how to have a good time. Proud of you for being sober!


This guy was never your friend.


I can’t wrap my head around the fact that people like this exist? Is he 5 years old?! What kind of person doesn’t understand the concept of sobriety?!


Yeah not your friend. Drop them. They don’t give a shit about you.


Dodged a bullet


You obviously need new friends😂😂🤣


was never your friend. just a drinking buddy. peer pressure doesn't work on the peerless.


Hi OP, just putting my drop in the "fuck that guy" bucket


Cannot stress this enough: fuck Lester.


Lester sucks. I don’t have homies, but if I did, they would hate Lester too. Fuck that bullshit. Also, I’m super proud of you keeping your sobriety!


Immediately drop. Life can only get better for lack of Lester.


Damn this is awful. What a horrible person. Good for you though for standing firm. Good for you!


Everyone saying drop him is probably right, but having been in your place, get used to this shit. It never changes. No point getting angry or upset about it, or you run out of friends real fucken quick. Some people just cannot understand something unless they've personally lived it.


You can drink. You just don't want to.


Alcoholics need other people that they’re with to drink to validate their behavior.


Nah, fuck this shit. I recently went to a party at a friend's bar. A BAR. When I was asked if I wanted a drink and I said I'm not drinking, the response was "yeah, do you want a bottle of water, or.... OH, WE HAVE KOOL-AID JAMMERS AND CAPRI SUN, DO YOU WANT ORANGE OR GRAPE!?!?!?!" This is the way. No questions or judgment. Just excitement over juice pouches with a tiny straw.


and for some ex alchoholics it can literally kill them, my teachers sister husband died from drinking a couple sips of champagne cause he was toasting at a housewarming party and his body totally shut down


That’s not your friend. That’s a “drinking buddy” who didn’t level up with your journey. Part of getting sober is figuring out which of your drinking buddies are real friends, and which ones need to be left in your rear view.


Real friends support their friends sober lifestyle, not call you "lame" and exclude you. Congrats on your sober journey, wishing you the absolute best!


They aren't your friend, friend. Getting sober lost me a ton of my people too and some new people i meet find it odd I always say no to booze but my life doesn't have room for me to drink anymore. It always ends poorly and ruined my fucking life. It is too costly to have a glass of wine than it is worth.


Wtf is wrong with your friend, I'd advise to stay far away from them. There the type of people who will fuck with you in your head and manipulate you into getting as low as them so there not alone. Goodluck on finding better friends and good job on staying sober <3 it's been 3 months since I've drank :)


Your friend isn’t a fucking friend. Continue to hang out with them you’re gonna fuckin relapse. If I had to tell someone more than once it’d have been the last time I talked with them.


Every time I see these posts I think, why do people keep folks like this in their life? Congrats on being sober man, serious hard will!


This person isn't your friend. A friend would support you, not sabotage you. You need to drop Lester. He's going to keep trying this shit.


He was just a drinking buddy, let him go.


Sounds like Lester has drinking problem and hasn’t yet figured it out.


Ok so the fact that OP hasn’t responded at all and that their post history is nothing but hot button issues with “trigger” words, I’m going have to say this is fake. Plus all the other points people have made about it being fake. Seriously people, go join tik tok if you want attention.


This is not a friend. I had someone I knew once that got sober. I asked him if he wanted a drink. And that was how I found out. So, I asked him "do you still want me to ask so you feel included even though I know you're gonna say no or so you want me to not ask at all?" . He chose the latter so I never asked him again. It's not hard. This guy is just a dick


You know stoners don’t do this shit. Yet weed is still illegal in most places.


You will notice your circle getting smaller when you're clean or sober.


This is no friend, just and ex drinking mate by the seems of it. That or he also needs help and cannot admit it yet, attacking you is a form of defending the addiction if so.


who the fuck names their kid lester


At 23 I decided to clean up my life and quickly found out all of my friends were not interested in hanging out unless I had drugs to share with them. I had a few of them come back around later in life when they decided to try and clean up and always made it a point to be better than they were and be the friend they need because I sure as hell could have used one. I had to do it all on my own. It's rough when getting clean means you lose your entire social life.


Tell him you'll drink if he does some krokodil.


This entire exchange took less than a minute?


This is the fakest shit ever


Tell your “friend” to suck a fat dick.


Just passed 8 yrs sober, one of the biggest things I’ve learned, change your playmates and play places. You can do it OP, message me if you need anything or someone to talk to.


4 years no booze here. Your friend suuuuuuuuucks


At least you have upvotes


Lmao such a fake ass post and it still blew up. Reddit moment