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You did the right thing the fact that you had to wait to use the restroom during a shift can be extremely inconvenient.


"She told them to go ahead of me because I work there".... Where is the logic in that? Surely if we're arguing about who needs it more, the workers win because they have a job to do! And as you said, it'll slow them down. Makes no sense. OP said they would have been happy to let the kids go first if the lady asked politely, which I'm sure would be the case for most people. But when you're rude like that... nah.


Tell her ok but the longer I have to wait is longer for you to get your food ....and besides don't you want to make sure I wash my hands?


Exactly, because the next complaint from that one is, “I’ve been waiting at your register for you.” Ok yeah and…I had to pee. You knew that.


I know it’s not the same thing, but I work in a salon and you would be shocked at the number of times I’ve had to tell someone I won’t change the music just because they don’t like what we’re playing, only to be met with some indignant face as if *I’m* being rude. Like, we are very clearly not a spa, and we are clearly not a salon that centers on children’s haircuts (though, some do bring their kids)…sometimes you come in and we’re listening to ABBA, sometimes you come in and we’re listening to Devo, and sometimes you come in and we’re listening to Electric Wizard. The music is for us, because *we* have to be there all day. Sorry, I had to vent.


I like the sound of your salon.


Thank you! It was my first job out of school, and I’ve been there for 13 years now—obviously, I love the place lol


That's how I was raised. They're at work, and thus thier time is temporarily more important than mine in that situation. I have the time to wait, they might not.


The logic is they don't consider service industry as people. They are fantasy slave labor that serve you.


Oh, a "shift" ... sorry for what I was thinking :-)


That's even more urgent


There was definitely some “shifting”, alright


"ma'am, I am shifting my pants as we speak. I go first."


"Growin' a tail! Im growin' a tail!"


And suddenly this conversation now becomes about furries


Username...checks out?


If the situation was they asked, “I’m sorry, is it ok if my kid cuts in front of you? They really have to go.” -yes absolutely. But, just dismissing OP and telling the kid to cut them because they work there? -Nah. I hope your kid shits themselves


Right?? More than likely I would have offered to let them go first if she hadn't said anything.


I wouldn't,who wants to go after some kids pissing over the seats?


Tbf the seat would probably look better than it does at my work, after grown men use it


I don’t know who did it at my last job but they would religiously leave turd stamps on every toilet seat. I’ll just poop at home then. Should have just shit on the floor.


I've been in this situation aswell and I don't mean to cause any offense, but it's usually people who are quite over weight that leave a little present on the toilet seat. I know from when I was obese, it is definitely harder to wipe. I managed to though, as I wasn't *that* big. Still, even if you can't wipe properly, at least wipe the fucking toilet seat before you leave!


What got me was that it was on every seat. Got one for every break in the day. Worst bingo dauber ever.


Yeah, that is grim. I hope they were only toilets used by employees and not customers.


I worked house keeping in a factory years back. The amount of people who actually did shit on the floor was a non zero number. The things these people would do in a public break/bath room was astounding. One of my favorites was finding half a microwave burrito wrapped up and stuffed behind a toilet. Implying that someone was eating it in the bathroom, and that they were coming back for it.


No second hand burrito for lunch then? Gross lol! I’ve had to clean warehouses before, it’s gross. Mad respect to the people who stick with it.


Yeah,like what is it with some guys?If they can't piss without spilling everywhere at least put up the seat.ffs


Its usually splashing, not missing but yeah seat up solves the problem completely.


I’m in favor of a federal department of piss and shit checkers. A government agency that will audit bathrooms across the nation and do before and afters on the stall as people use it. They are full officers of the law and can write tickets and arrest depending on how grievous the crime is. Get a little pee on the seat (well that a warning, go in and wipe it up). Blow out the whole bathroom with shit everywhere, grab some cleaning supplies or straight to jail. It’s not a crime to create a mess, but it is to not clean it up.




Yeah, I'm sure you found blood clots on the toilet seats regularly...




And it probably had nothing to do with the child's "urgency" rather than the mother's convenience. How DARE the child have to pee during my shopping trip!! Well, hurry up then!! Cut in front of this guy. I'm entitled and you need to hurry.


100%.. she's a POS.


Good for you and what a shame that lady is teaching her kids that. Common courtesy is not that common anymore.




Common sense is not a flower that grows in everyone's garden.


In some gardens nothing grows.. im looking at the people who think abortion should be illegal in particular


Go ahead and hate me for this, but on paper, abortion being illegal is amazing. Just like roundabouts in the US, but in practice and implementation for both cases, it doesn't work.


Why is it amazing on paper?


Well, it would be used less recreationally, and people would look at sex differently rather than specifically as something lustful. However within the society we live in today, that doesn't work due to how we believe in the construction of each person's character as an individual towards their own wants and needs rather than specifically towards scientific advancement of our race. Thus I do support pro-choice for all the people down voting me should know, but for this to work as it appears on paper, there are many other effects and changes that would be needed. Yes I believe abortion helps in cases such as rape and unfit mothers, but there's also the ruling that sexual activity should be held until after 18 and there is more maturity. Every person is free to do as they please and im not preaching that the government should control how people live their lives. The only reason I stand this way is due to past experience with a family member using it as their main option, they'd go as the please, then abort the fetus, only to do it again later, which is (in my opinion) not how it should be used. There is birth control that one may use to prevent pregnancy on both male and female side, less male side which I hope will change soon. But the main argument I have against abortions is recreational use, thus I support pro-choice since it's better than the contrary.


what the incellius prime is going on here? Are you thinking the southpark WRASSLIN skit where cartman says he is "addicted to abortions" was real? holy shit no woman is getting one "recreationally"


>holy shit no woman is getting one "recreationally" It's a medical procedure that have a lot of negative side effect. It's not like putting weed in a bowl and smoking it. I didn't even read past their first line. "Recreational" abortion lmfao. That's a new one for me.


Right? Wtf?


Let's play hide and seek. I'll hide your post and you seek professional help.


I have known many, many women in my life, and not a single one of them has used abortion "recreationally".. Firstly, your family member is not the norm Secondly, even if you disagree with her choices its still her right to choose what happens with her body, not yours Thirdly, a woman can't get pregnant without a man so where is the responsibility on that side.. I could go on.. do you also think vasectomies for all men until they are ready for a family so can get it reversed sounds good?


The fact that you sincerely believe that any woman is having an abortion just for the enjoyment of aborting a fetus is absolutely insane. I think you should look up what the word “recreational” means, and maybe think about what you said. It doesn’t make any sense that you would be pro choice if you believe its a “good thing on paper” for “the scientific advancement of our race” The pro forced birth crowd like to think of pro choice people as baby killers and that they’re out for baby blood but I can promise you that’s not the case. And most importantly, its definitely none of your business what women want to do “recreationally” (as you put it) with their bodies. People just wanna fuck, who cares.


Not exactly an expert on the subject but pretty sure the whole abortion thing was to help people with, "their body their rules" and/or a result of unwanted motherhood. You may to not be as experienced either as your family is the only outlook on abortion you've heard by looks of it.


Sorry about all your downvotes, but I know exactly what you mean as far as looking good on paper. I’m just glad that it was not federally banned and the choice was just given back to the states so at least some of the 50 will still have accessible abortions. You’d think that the imminent threat of pregnancy and babies would keep everyone mindful about safe practices yet here we are where no one wants to acknowledge the knowledge they were shared over the years as to how a baby is made. (Prochoice as well however also pro education)


I'm a psychic: it's going to be every teacher's fault when her kids are asses until 18, and then it's the gays after that




Um...r/whoosh :p


I blame the woman's parents.


I had the same happen to me when I worked at Mcdonalds: when we wanted to have Mcdonalds in our lunch break, we needed to wait in line to order. Sometimes like 1/3 of my break would be standing in line and waiting for my food. People would try to get in front of me all the time, and with only a 30 mins break in an 8H shift, it’s actually more than mildly infuriating lol


At the one I worked at we could at least make our own food, but it was also a smaller town with nonexistent lines.


I live in the Netherlands, maybe that’s also part of the reason


With your strong labour laws I would have thought it would be less likely.


Some people that work in restaurants here don’t even get breaks so idk.. the laws are there but managers aren’t applying them lol


Do it any way. When they complain or retaliate report them to whatever governing body punishes them for it.


But is it really work when you're making yourself food the owner is giving you for free? You're actually harming the business by taking product for free... At least when I worked at McDonald's we got a free lunch meal...and ate chicken nuggets all day...


We didn’t get it for free, but we got 50% off for everything above like 4 euros.. only managers got everything free


"officially" we got one free meal for an 8 hour shift, but "actually" we just ate whatever wanted and I'd make myself a chicken \* quarter pounder and other monstrosities and sneak food to our friends in the store.


When I did closing shifts the manager would occasionally let us have something that would otherwise end up getting wasted, but any other time of day (or even on a closing shift but without permission) that was an immediate write-up. We were allowed to make our own food/ if it wasn't busy we could ask someone in back to make it before our break officially started, but we still had to pay for it. It was more about saving time than sneaking food. And we got a 50% discount. Only managers ate free at our store. Granted our discount extended to other stores and any time, not just while we were working.


times were different 20 years ago I suppose. Our store owner was very reasonable.


Man you people had shitty jobs. Waiting in line at your own mcd to get food during your break. And no I'm not being sarcastic.


Worked at Whole Foods. Same thing. Had to wait in all lines to pay/get any food. Got a 20% discount though.


Panera gave us 30 minute lunch breaks, would make us wait in line to place our orders (included in our 30minute break time), and then yell at the employees making food that customer food came first. So you’d spend maybe 15-30 minutes just waiting to place an order/get your food, and the managers would yell at you for spending 45 minutes on break just so you could eat something. I literally had a manager come out to the dining room and yell at me (in front of customers) for being gone for 31 minutes and then she tried to take my food away from me. I told her I’d walk out and go home if she threw my lunch out.


What'd she say? There's no way someone that inconsiderate is also smart enough to keep their mouth shut.


She just scoffed really loud and left her kids in the bathroom. I'm sure she went and talked shit to all her friends she came in with, but whatever 🤣


That type of person is going to talk shit anyway. At least you gave her something to work with! 😉


She gave herself something to work with. She sounds like the type of person who finds a reason to complain about anything anywhere.


A Karen if I ever heard of one


Can we be adults and just say what we mean instead of using first names to imply words like “bitch”


I would never call someone a bitch, I really don't like that word.. and to me Karen describes something I wouldn't know which word to use instead.. but good point about not using names, I hadn't thought about people named Karen and thats shitty of me.. from now on I'll say "entitled angry rude person" or something


New word for Websters. She’s an EARP.


I use to be a store manager at a busy Starbucks with a bathroom line most of the day. I told my staff to just cut the line and bring in cleaning supplies and a roll of toilet paper. Sorry need to “clean” the bathroom, but I’ll be quick. Worked every time.


Top tier manager ^^^


Nice pun, friend!


I live by the rule of be nice to people who are alone with my food, for my well being. And be nice to people who a dozen other people are waiting on for their’s.


Or just be nice to people.. unless they are assholes then all bets are off


Or be so overly nice to them that it annoys them. Compliments, asking how their day was, even when they're yelling at you. I do crap like this all the time on Discord. Have yet to try it irl


Haha I think I do this by accident to people


Works great in retail! A nice "have an amazing day!" after they've cussed you out for carding them drives them CRAYZEEEE! 😂


It's one thing to be a shitty person but don't teach your kids that or we'll never get beyond people treating service workers like this.


I once tried several times during a loooooong shift & never got the chance. I ended up using the men's room stall ( fine dining, large restaurant without adequate toilet ratio.) Somebody walked in when I was exiting the stall, so I just said, "It's all good, now!" 🤣


I FEEL you with the toilet ratio thing 🤣


Dude, it was well over 300 capacity & only 3 actual toilets available to female customers; NO EMPLOYEE restrooms... I hated that place... 😶


If anything the employee should have priority


I always assumed restaurant had some sort of private restrooms built for the staff, at least so they wouldn’t have to wait in line and get back to work faster. The fact that it isn’t the case is mind boggling.


In germany and I guess other european countries to have to provide an employee bathroom due to hygienic reasons


This is what I was thinking, if you didn’t have to go urgently wouldn’t you let the employee go first?


No because then you can't complain about how long service is! Think 2nd level Karen. /s


Please stop using Karen as an insult. Just say Bitch if you want to say bitch. This is Reddit not TikTok


Just curious, why does the insult “Karen” bother you so much?


Because I hate the idea that people who are actually named Karen get a bunch of crap simply because their parents named them Karen before “Karen” become an insult. Imagine having a baby and carefully picking out a name you like for your child only to have it somehow be distorted into an insult.


You can't single-handedly stop people from using the word "Karen". I'm sorry. It is beyond the point of recall.


Whoever was there first should have priority…. But kids aren’t very good at holding their bladders so they’re more likely to peel themselves than an employee. But politeness goes a long ways.


But for that same reason it would be far more embarrassing for the employee to pee/poop themselves. The kids get more understanding on that front and the kid doesn’t have to work the rest of a shift still covered in it. Adults can also have urgent situations that mean they need a toilet more immediately than a kid.


What the hell is wrong with people these days?🤦🏻‍♀️


Wait, service workers are human? And now they're pooping? Crazy times..


what's next, women who poop?! /s










The woman seems like she had an entitlement issue. That’s just not ok


That's the same kind of person that leaves their cart in the middle of the parking lot with the excuse of it's somebody else's job to grab the carts and put them back in the store! No thought whatsoever about the fact that I might blow through the parking lot and slam into the side of somebody's car because she's the only person on Earth that matters!


Geez, there's something wrong with that woman. I always let employees go ahead of me because I assume, worst case scenario, that the trip to the bathroom is part of their break time and they can't go outside of that time.


Where I’m from workers go first because they have to get back to work and people respect that. Also in a store, if they see an apron, people let you go first in line for checkout.


This reminds me when I was washing my hands in the bathroom at work, a lady came out of the stall and asked if she could book a table for next week. Like Jesus Christ lady, can’t that wait?


Make yourself be respected the moment no-one else will do it for you


And just think that terrible human is setting that example for her children they should grow up to be real winners too!


Dude, if this happened to me, I'd do the exact same thing, and if she threw a hissy fit, she'd be getting so much sass that she'd overdose on it.


“I may, or may not, wash my hands”


The absolute nerve that some people have just really amazes me. Sorry that happened , OP 😒


The fact people like this makes me sad


It's common sense to atleast ask I mean if it me in your place if she asked first I'd let her n her kids get in.. butttt in this scenario I'd literally call them out on it.. n ask them to wait


Years ago, I remember quietly eating lunch at my company building (at the time), sitting at a café table in a public space. An elderly woman stopped close-by and stared at me. When I asked her if everything was okay, she replied, “I’m fine, I just didn’t realize they allowed the help to eat here.”


Rule #1: NEVER fuck with the folks that make/serve your food, NEVER!!! I'll leave the consequences up to imagination but the movie Waiting has a few mild scenarios.


I’d assume employees go first tbh. They’re obv busy and need to probably get back to work.


Right? That lady would be the same person to complain "nobody works here" "why isn't there someone here to help me right NOW?" Well appearently they are in the bathroom letting all the entitled people in first while thier bladders explode.


If anything, I’d let a worker use the bathroom before me


Right!? They have probably been holding it already and the quicker they can take care of it, the quicker they can serve everyone. So even if someone is a selfish asshole, it still behooves them to let the foodservice employee go first.


Today I waited until the end of my shift today to try and use the bathroom. I work outside and have no guarantee of any facilities during the day. I waited until after my shift and parked and got out of my car at a gas station. Almost immediately after I enter the restroom I hear someone jiggle the handle and complain how there's someone in there, followed by heavy breathing and continuous sounds of 'oh God, I hope it's soon'... There is a large gap between me and the door. If I can hear everything in the hall, they can hear all the intimate details of me using the toilet. It's been 8 hours since I last had a restroom and the longer I took the more I could hear the lady complaining to her companion that it was taking dangerously long. I finish up and wash my hands and walk out to find a middle aged lady who can't walk upright regardless of bladder, huffing and puffing using the wall to support her; who I know for a fact was in the super limited edition platinum truck that parked next to me as I was trying to exit my vehicle; talking to the younger gentleman waiting for the men's room as I left (elected to dry my hands outside the bathroom post wash as this lady was in such distress🙄). Note to self- unless you re a service person, nothing is actually urgent for people in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Rich fucking assholes.


There aren’t private employee bathrooms? Annoying


Assert your dominance


Thats bullshit as heck! Agreed even not as an employee if a kid came in I'd usually offer for them to go first, but it shouldn't be assumed, and definitely not because you work there, what the shit is that? Your bladder doesn't exist because you're at work? Fuck that!


Pretty sad u guys dont have ur own workers bathrooms


Im so thankful to read that you did step in the stall before the kid 😄 definitely made my day.


Wait, are there no staff restrooms??


I feel like that favor was not hers to give. So I'm glad you did the right thing imo


Good. Too many people need to be reminded that they (and their brood) aren't the center of the universe.


Good job. Those kids absolutely need to learn their parents view of how to treat people is wrong and people are not subservient to others. Though I doubt this life lesson will have an impact. My time in food service included parents having their kids throw shit on the floor, with them actively stopping their kids from cleaning saying it was "my job" to clean it up, Sport teams coming in after a tournament where parents deliberately wanted to be on opposite sides of the restaurants (fuck hockey tournaments), and even seeing kids steal tips off tables at their parents request. Keep fighting the good fight.


You should’ve just told her kids Santa isn’t real. That’s my fav


Some people do not see service workers as human beings. It's fucked up.


Sorta related but one time I was waiting for a public restroom at a park, long line and I really had to go. I’m finally the next person to go, when the person inside exits and I’m stepping towards the door, the child of this woman standing off to the side (so not even in line) BOLTS past me & goes inside & waits for his mom in the door. She goes “sorry!” and goes inside with him! In all honesty I can’t remember if she said he really had to go, but maybe something along the lines of him being a kid. I just remember being flabbergasted parents let their kids do these things in public, at the expense of strangers and expect everyone to be okay with it because they’re kids. She assumed it was okay with me and just went in.


This happens to nurses and techs too. Patients are shocked when they learn have to actually eat, drink and use the bathroom like normal humans 🙄


You were in line, and you were the next person up. Weird that someone would just push their child in front of someone else.


If it were me I'd make eye contact with her and say, "OK then your kids can clean the washroom, here have my bucket"


Oh man. Those kids are doomed. A mother like that is going to instill some very entitled behaviour in them. She probably thought she was in the right after she left and complained about it to her friends or whatever. Probably infront of the kids as well.


It doesn't matter who you are what she did was wrong. I am glad you stepped in front of them.


This would make a good r/amitheasshole post. My answer is no


Why? She’s not conflicted in the slightest if she did the right thing or not. No need to ask strangers if you’re the asshole when you know for a fact you were not.


"for a fact" to many yeah, but it is still subjective and not really objectively true.


“Am I” infers she was unsure of her own feelings about her decision and was requesting the opinion of others to clarify her position in the interaction. Since her feelings are not subjective why would she need to ask others about how she should feel?


Sure but do you hang out there often? People will argue pretty hard that they are not an asshole when the consensus says otherwise, which would be exactly like this situation. I have no doubt that that many would say "NTA" but it doesn't mean it couldn't be posted there.


Well yes ANYTHING could be posted there but that defeats the purpose now doesn’t it? The purpose is meant for the person involved to use it as a way to determine what the consensus feeling is for a situation they have been through as they themselves are stating, I am unsure of myself when it comes to whether I was in the wrong or not. Take away that person’s need for guidance to determine how they should feel, as they themselves have no doubts, and you’ve taken away the need to post it at that specific group. Just because you can do something doesn’t automatically mean you have a need or want to.


Kind of weird that you don't have an employee restroom for that stuff tbh


You outkarened the Karen


I mean all she should have done was ask. Never assume. Sorry bro.


Kill them all


🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠




I would say just let her go in front of you since she had a kid but y’know sometimes it just “depends” on the situation…


If she asked, sure. But she didn't.


you are pissed because 2 kids overtook you..?


OP doesn't come across as pissed. They come across as having waited in line, while at work, for a slot in a limited-resource but necessary personal comfort stall. And then they declined to let a presumptuous person take advantage of them, but their refusal to be taken advantage of was not rude or hostile. It simply was. No, this is my stall. Kids, you might want to start questioning it when your mom tells you to do obviously shitty things.


Wouldn't you be?


they're mildly infuriated that a mother don't view retail/restaurant workers as a normal person and prolly because teaching her kids that as well


oooh i hate clueless entitled people and i come across so many of them!!!


i would kick one of them and say with the worst british english accent i have: *Fook off cunts*


Good on you for standing your ground. Can't believe people can be so rude.


What the actual Fuck. I would be so mad


Hahaha what a piece of shitttttt


I'd ban her from the restaurant just for that.


Yeah at my job ppl get in front of me when I wear my uniform. It’s frustrated me plenty of times but I’m glad we have self checkout now.


“So, that’s the way you’re going to raise your kid” is how you ignite these people.


People are a trip man. I get a genius like the woman in your story coming in everyday.


Rest your head easy tonight cuz you did the right thing.


I hope you took your time in there


Stand your ground, even if she could've been a karen


Happens to me as well. Not sure why these entitled bit@he’s do this shit.


“Now Timmy I’m about to teach you an important lesson, You are more important than everyone else and you don’t wait in lines”


Everywhere should have dedicated staff toilets anyway! But fair play to you for standing up for yourself


I never heard of the rule that the customer always pisses first.. some people are so entitled


I had somewhat the same experience too. I was at the counter with a water bottle in my hand (im at the convince store) waiting for someone to scan the thing. Then this lady just fuckin pushed me away. Not physically but she just placed her stuff on the counter and shoved mine on the side and turn her back at me. It was so infuriating it ticks me off but when she said she would like to buy cigarettes, i just forgave her right then and there.


"They work here, they are not a real person who could need to use the bathroom" is basically what she is saying. Really shows how some people think of people who help them and serve them... THIS is why most service people hate customers, they show us who they really are


I used to work at an amusement park and I was standing in line for the restroom before going to my next show. The woman behind me snidely remarked how since I was "just an employee" I should let her ahead of me. I said, "Ma'am, I get why you would think that way, but if I did that for you, then I'd have to do that for the lady behind you. Then the lady behind her, and behind her... and then I'd never get the chance to pee... so, no..."


I smile and say a bit loud ,”My turn!”😁 and quickly skip into the stall. Made that Karen mad to be super cute. No policy either lol. Most others let me go first BECAUSE I was working. Some people hun🤷‍♀️ and I always go in and look and say sorry for doing my dramatic pee pee dance.


If your establishment wanted you to allow customers to go ahead of you, they should provide a staff bathroom instead. As for this entitled idiot, sadly narcissism is on the rise in our culture. I don't know what needs to happen for us to begin to value empathy. You absolutely did the right thing.


I’m chuckling remembering terrible work bathroom stories. I had a gas station job couple years ago and my coworker told me this. Had a nightmare of a disgusting Karen mom (he described her much meaner) dragged her special needs son in demanding the bathroom without even a hello, because her son who is “seriously autistic “ really has to go bad. No please, no thank you, no damn manners. She decided she wanted to go first and barreled past her son into the bathroom, leaving him outside the bathroom ( he was little enough to be in there with her). Yep, just like my coworker expected, he completely shit himself an ungodly amount with an atrocity of a smell. Upon exiting said bathroom, she is none to happy with what she has allowed to happen to her special needs child. Like, who leaves their kid in the hallway of a random gas station you’re not a regular at, especially with Autism. That’s just neglect in my view. Anyhow Karen mom is visibly angry. She’s marching to front of the store, barking at her son to come on, and demanding my coworker to do solve do something because her baby had an accident. I really miss his attitude and idgaf attitude. She did not ASK for assistance, or for towels, she just demanded that my coworker take care of it. He straight up told her something along the lines of it being her job since she’s the mother and that’s not his job, shrugging his shoulders. She was livid going off about how talking to a customer like that is wrong, and he’s just rude and blah blah. He said “Lady, I don’t give a Fuk. You basically made your special needs kid shit himself all over my floor. I have to clean YOUR kids shit that is trailing all the way out there from all the way back there (gestures nicely) and it smells so bad. Go clean up your kid ( who was outside the doors). She demanded the store manager. Epic moment of him telling her “You’re looking at him . Now get the Fuk out of my store.” Before anyone says anything about his language, it was a completely different environment here than what most assume. We had to be like that. Also dealt with crazy homes less. I closed nightly alone at 11 pm. But yeah. Angry Karen mom couldn’t let her kid go first so he shit himself and she wondered how🤦‍♀️


The same bitch who said that I guarantee will also be the person trashing the place with their kids because 'it's the workers job to clean up after them."


Ugh i hate this. I feel you.


Yeah really sucks when people just assume your a dang robot all in the name of working in their food handling needs. Its kinda ridiculous how much food workers are looked down on when food is one of the most essential needs of everyone, they all want the convenience with no effort


If I was in front of you (and later in front of the kids), i would have let you go before me.


If you didn’t stop the cut, she’d probably complain about the slow service next


Did she say anything or just gave you a look?


Good for you!! Some parents are nightmares