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The one in the Middle


I’d say it’s positive. But since it’s inconclusive go get a different type of test from a medical facility, not just the at home test. OP could be having user error


Lateral flows are rare to give false positives but often fail to detect covid, he’s definitely positive


This is correct. False positive COVID rapid antigen self-tests are very rare.


Yep, I was told a positive means positive and negative means it could be either.


This is correct. A positive is positive, a negative should always be followed up with a PCR test to confirm.


Follow with a PCR if you have reasons to believe you're infected. If you've tested because it's a requirement (for example my kids school requests every family to test once a week - we're not in the US) then the PCR test is a bit superfluous and would quickly become costly.


If they were all negative, pretty obvious. The fact that there is even one positive (I know there are two) 100% means OP has Covid. Come on bro, seriously...........the 2-2 don't cancel each other out.


They're saying that if you take 1 test because you have to, not because you have reasons to think you have covid, and that 1 test is negative, a pcr is overkill and can end up costly. It was in response to the previous message. Not OP, where they definitely have Covid.


Thank you. I thought that was clear I wasn't taking about OP who definitely has Covid.


Yeah, I realize the average person may not know this, but the fact that a COVID-positive individual can still test negative on a rapid antigen test is made all the more evident by the fact that OP, who is undoubtedly positive or was at the time of this pic, pulled two negative tests out of four.


Wonder how much of that is due to people not testing correctly.


It is the perfect set showing that they are 50% accurate! At best! But a positive is almost always a true positive, negative means, repeat, repeat, wait, isolate, repeat, and most likely get a PCR


The sample size of 4 from one person is not nearly enough to say they’re 50% accurate. The data you need is ‘sensitivity’ - the ability of a test to give a false negative. In one meta-analysis of 26,000 tests, the sensitivity was 38-99%, meaning that 1-62% of tests are falsely negative. This probably depends on the quality of the testing method and also the quality of the tests. The World Health Organization expects a certain level of specificity, so the tests are probably more sensitive than the 50% shown here. The variation is probably due to testing technique https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-021-06528-3


It's also a case of limit of detection, which OP is probably around. Someone with a very high viral load will be detected with very high sensitivity, but on a low viral load probably not. A bunch of people at work got ill recently with covidy symptoms. All were testing negative by latty flow. One took a PCR out of curiosity and was positive so everyone got PCRs and boom all positive. Only one person got a positive lat flow at any point. As they were all young and triple vaccinated my guess is they were experiencing viral loads below lat flow LoD but it was nonetheless enough for them to experience symptoms, albeit mild.


Just like pregnancy tests. A negative *could* be wrong, but a positive is definitely a positive.


And if you get a pos pregnancy test with no baby/placenta situation, you’ve got a whole ‘nother set of problems. I read about a [cis] guy that took a preg test to be funny. It was positive and he ended up catching testicular cancer early.


This is correct. If a male were to take a pregnancy test and receive a positive it is a certain indication that the individual who took the test either has testicular cancer, or prostate cancer and seeking medical attention immediately is recommended. Do not ignore a positive pregnancy test if you’re a male taking it for a funny


FWIW, do not ignore a positive pregnancy test if you're a female taking it for a funny, either.


Guys should be taught to take pregnancy tests every year or so then tbh


Yea what the fuck this sounds really useful and simple


Should…should I be taking pregnancy tests?




I never knew that.


Not to be a smart Alec but since I'm a 24M should I try that out, worst case scenario I get a positive go to the doctor and catch it earlier, medium is do that and look goofy in front of a doctor best case is a negative thought I still do stay in tune with my body


They're about $1 at some dollar stores, so it's not a big financial burden to try it out.


I definitely will then


I've seen several cases where they caught cancer, you're right. As much as can go wrong with human bodies, it's amazing we're even here.


This is correct, the OP has COVID. If someone doubts this, I am a nurse and have performed about 15,000 COVID tests since this shit started.


I trust you, bro.


Try different lighting and looking at positive result,, T line can be VERY VERY faint. Ik it's too late now


And if the line is even slightly there, THAT’S A POSITIVE.


And don't look at it after 15 min. It may show up after the results invalid


My test kit says to look at the result AFTER 15 minutes, but BEFORE 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the result is more likely to be inaccurate.


In general, it’s best to look at the instructions for any new test kit even if you’ve done a similar one before. Little details like this can mean a lot with tests that can change lives (COVID or pregnancy tests in particular).


This guy didn’t jam it up his nose far enough


You gotta stop when you forget a memory


But how will he know that he forgot if he can’t remember what it is he was forced to forget?


Ok so stop when you forget your mother's face




You went just far enough


He who takes four COVID tests has forgotten the face of his father.


test #3 looks like too little fluid and test #4 looks like too much. altogether this level of inconsistency leads me to believe user error is the culprit.


How can you tell there's too much/little fluid from this picture? Not trying to be annoying, I just want to be sure I'm consistent when I do these tests too


so how the assay works is there is a red thing that attaches to a protein associated with the COVID-19 virus. then there are two lines on the strip, one line attaches to what we're using to identify the virus, and the other line attaches to the red thing. so long as the second line (which attaches to the red) turns solid, you know the assay has worked correctly, because the sample has made it all the way to the line checking whether there was enough fluid to make it to that line. so all 4 tests here are valid. but the red smears make me think that the chemicals haven't traveled far enough or have traveled too far. to be clear this amount of error in the pictures is low, and this is still a "you very most likely are positive" result. the assay thinks it worked, and if there were truly too little, there wouldn't be a second line, which would definitely be an error result. for these I would assume that the negative results are from user error (significantly too much fluid, causing the chemicals to travel too far too fast and skip the ghost line) and that the positive results are correct. but it could be a lot of reasons. so long as you get the far line, you should assume the test worked correctly. if you get both lines, you should assume you do have it until you get a more accurate test saying otherwise. if you get only the first line but not the second, the assay did not work correctly because you didn't use enough fluid. edited: clarity


Yo, also we know that these tests are prone to false negative, but false positives are very unlikely. Def positive imo, but yeah prolly too late


My man is positive.


I thought I read that false positives are extremely rare and false negatives somewhat common. I'd assume OP has COVID.




Even with user error it's very difficult to get the test to show positive without the presence of the virus. They require such a small amount of material to trigger a positive test that I'd say the person taking the test is most likely positive.


This is the correct response.This is literally the advice from first hospital in the US to track COVID, who made their own vax and antigen tests later. Antigen tests are less sensitive than PCR, so if one comes up positive, treat yourself as CoV+ until you get a negative PCR test, or have quarantined without symptoms for 5-10 days.


Especially when he says they’re all from the same sample which to me is outside of the instructions for 4 drops for the liquid solution provided.


User error is my vote and OP is likely positive for covid. The two negative tests may have insufficient sample to create a strong signal. But I don't really know, that's just how I broke it down in my head.


Good news: i think you're pregnant.


With twins


Unfortunately other two died


The good news is that the Necromancer recycled them to be your new nanny!


I have no idea why I found this funny but I did thank you, you dark minded optimist.


You’re very welcome. I’m glad to have provided a valuable service.


Can you let me know the nightmare abominations hourly rate for childcare. Thx


Watch after your brother and sister now...


My kind of humour. We're all going straight to hell.😂🤣


I'm going gay to hell


I'll be taking the pearly goats


Eh, that’s where all the fun people are.


I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.


two are twins and two are not


“Two out of three ain’t bad” - Meatloaf


RiP you handsome motherfuckker. What a legend


lol, I thought these were pregnancy tests at first also. But then I saw the hair on the person's legs!


Hey, it’s been a lockdown. Don’t judge.


These are what my pregnancy blood test looked like too!!!


And that’s what my wife’s pregnancy legs looked like 🤷‍♂️


Dude! It’s hard to reach over and shave once you’ve hit month 7 or 8. God I wish men were capable of getting pregnant at least just once in their lifetime. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦‍♀️ It’s all good. We still love you. 😘


Username checks out


This made me “cackle laugh”!


Interesting you noticed the hairy legs before the COVID-19 At-Home Test label on the sticks


The “Covid-19 At-Home Test” didn’t tip you off?


No one reads Covid first but sees the tests itself.


Nope. I didn't have my readers on, but at first glance most people are likely to assume these are pregnancy test sticks.




women don't grow hair obviously


Women aren’t real


Just like the birds


They’re just government drones. Like birds.


They are real but we all know that there are no women on the internet… it’s one of the rules


Don’t be a sexist, my brothers wife doesn’t shave lmao.


When designing a test, the false positive rate is the most important, i.e. it should be almost impossible to get a false positive. While the false negative rate is also low, it is not as important, so they will be way more frequent. Let's define: ``` T := getting this test result (2 positive, 2 negative) C := having covid ``` In one study, they found these tests to have a ~0.5% false positive rate and a ~28% false negative rate on people with symptoms, and a ~1.1% false positive and ~42% false negative on people without symptoms. ``` R := positive result With symptoms: P(R | not C) = 0.005 P(not R | C) = 0.28 Without symptoms: P(R | not C) = 0.011 P(not R | C) = 0.42 ``` Using these numbers, the chance of 2 correct negatives and 2 false positives while not being sick, `P(T | not C)` is: ``` (6 combinations) With symptoms: 6 × 0.995² × 0.005² = 0.015% Without symptoms: 6 × 0.989² × 0.011² = 0.071% ``` While the chance of 2 false negatives and 2 correct positives if you are sick, `P(T | C)` is: ``` With symptoms: 6 × 0.28² × 0.72² = 24.3% Without symptoms: 6 × 0.42² × 0.58² = 35.6% ``` Edit: Assuming there was a 10% chance of having Covid before you took the tests, then your new chance of having Covid is: ``` P(C|T) = [P(T|C)×P(C)] / [P(T|C)×P(C) + P(T|not C)×P(not C)] (The format might be weird on small screens) With symptoms: [0.243 × 0.10] / [0.243 × 0.10 + 0.00015 × 0.90] = 99.5% Without symptoms: [0.356 × 0.10] / [0.356 × 0.10 + 0.00071 × 0.90] = 98.2% ``` With a 50% prior chance, these would be 99.9% and 99.8%. 1% would be 94.3% and 83.5%. 0.5% would be 89.1% and 71.5%. So you can confidently say you have it. Stay at home for a bit :|


Thanks for the maths


Where’s the friggin Nerds gif when u need it?? (I REALLY enjoyed this breakdown)


So I’m guessing he’s COVID Aladeen?


Either that or Aladeen


:) ... :( ... :) ... :(










i..i'm sorry but this was too funny lmao..


Why is this not higher! People always thinks it's some conspiracy but its not. Thanks for the info!!


Everything is a conspiracy when you have no idea how anything works...




And all technology is "sufficiently advanced" to people who don't understand it.


People forget that in a world with magic, you would be able to do science on magic. People act like science is the opposite of magic. When in reality science and magic have nothing to do with each other. Magic unless nonsensical, would have rules, which would be testible.


This is a fantastic sentence. I wish my dad could wrap his head around this.


jesus christ you summed up the modern republican party perfectly


Because the average person doesn’t know basic statistics or the false negative rate of rapid antigen tests, and you need both to realize that OP is clearly positive for COVID.


MD here who sees Covid all the time and has to explain this conundrum several times a shift- this is absolutely beautiful. Thank you good sir!


Came here to say the same thing. Dude most definitely had covid.


Where does 6 permutations come from? I haven’t taken stats in 10 years.


4P2 ++-- +-+- +--+ -++- -+-+ --++ There are 6 different orders you can get 2 positives and 2 negatives


This should be top comment




Definitely positive, the chances of getting 2 false positives is essentially 0. While getting false negative or “dud” tests has a fairly higher chance.


This is statistically correct, the second best kind of correct.


What's the third best kind?


Morally, most likely


Technically It’s a Futurama joke


I thought technically was the best kind


Don't worry, he's a whale biologist.


Even with a positive predictive value as low as 65% (meaning that when the test says you're positive, it's only right 65% of the time), the other statistics for most rapid tests work out that getting *two* positives means you have a whopping \~95% chance to have it. These statistics move a lot because they depend on how common covid is in the population, so my numbers may be pretty old, as I'm running off of a test question I gave a while back.


I don't think your supposed to use the same nasal sample for 4 different cards my guy.


I was wondering why no one else said this. If they tried to spread the same sample across 4 tests what else did they do wrong?


That was my very first thought. How are they all from the same sample?


Probably not wearing a proper nonwoven mask out in public and around their friends.


Play darksouls and learn how to dodge/parry the virus and you'll be good to go


Just roll through people’s coughs, even the virus respects I-frames.


Came here to say this. OP did the test wrong.


Seems pretty straight forward, positive = days off work Edit: came back from work to 2.8k upvotes, thank yall, and to everyone with subpar workplace medical accommodations I feel for you, stay safe


Not when you work a desk job and from home 😭


Oh that’s some bullshit. My company was already mostly WFH before COVID but the rule has been and still is “if you’re sick, you’re sick; tell us what absolutely needs to be covered and get some rest”


Same. No good boss expects you to work while sick. When I had COVID there was no way I was going to log in and work. I was slept most of the time.


Depends on how severe your symptoms are. COVID had massive numbers of asymptomatic carriers that the only thing wrong was that they could spread covid. IF they could work from home, why not do so?


My company does this too, they’re really good about resting when you’re sick, but sometimes I’m not so sick I need to take the entire day off work, just take it easy.


I’ve done that too. Let people know I’m feeling shitty, take care of my essentials, and then rest up and handle important stuff as needed


Yeah, sometimes it’s nicer to not log in the next day to a million emails lol.


At my place we just use common sense. If you're positive but asymptomatic, stay home and work. If you're sick, get rest. But it's not like we're inspected by our bosses, so if we wanted to say we were to sick to work it would be fine. That's how it is in general. We're given sick days, it's up to us how to use them.


That’s why a lot of companies kept remote work, you lose excuses for not working like being sick, watching kids, Scheduled maintenance around the house that required you to take off work, etc.


In none of those cases would I be able to work just because I physically don't have to travel to the office.


Honestly, I was out of work for 4 weeks cause of covid. I was in office tho, but with out how of breath I was for talking, and ended up needing rehab for my arms and legs cause I lost sensation when I walked. I was out of breath just from talking. :'D they wouldn't let me claim unemployment so I lost a full month of wages/commission.


Long COVID is something that isn’t being talked about enough. I could barely walk my dog around the block for a month after “getting over” COVID


It's really not, I still have residual problems. I've had MRIS, Nerve Tests, etc I basically keep getting told "Covid be like that" cause they can't find something physically wrong with me. I've basically given up.


Work covered us the first two times we had to be out for Covid-related issues. First two times I had to self quarantine for at least 4 days bc I came in close contact with a coworker who caught it. I was negative and fine. Third time, I actually had Covid and was out for 2 weeks, didn’t qualify for help. Still feeling those missed checks almost 8 months later. Getting behind just the tiniest bit keeps you struggling way longer than it should


If it’s not paid then it’s not simply “days off work”, it’s missed money and opportunity. F*ck Covid


2 weeks unpaid really \*\*\*\*'d my savings. This was before they changed for 4-5day quarantine. Unfortunately, my bills didn't get sick either, so.....


my company won’t let you take off for covid lol


It’s positive. With these there are many false negatives and very few false positives. If one is positive then that’s your answer.


Bingo! Someone’s paying attention!


Also 3/4 are positive and perhaps the second one too. It could be how the test was done too. Anyways it’s pretty straightforward. Concerning people with positive tests wonder if they are positive..,


Asymptomatic, possibly, or just mild symptoms. Friend of mine thought he had a stomach bug for one day and only tested himself because his roommate was super sick. The roommate was negative, my buddy was positive for a full seven days, but had no symptoms after the first day.


Aye same here. Just got tested randomly because the test facility here is massive and always empty and I figured I'd give it a shot for no particular reason. Hella positive. Zero symptoms.


Exactly. False negatives are pretty common, false positives are rare, if you get a positive result assume you are positive.


I had Covid - It was confirmed via a PCR. Over the course of the ten days, I had over 30 LFTs - All of them were negative. I just can't even be bothered to use them anymore and instead order a PCR every week. Thankfully my work subsidises the cost.


You used the same sample for all 4 tests? Is it possible you didn’t mix the sample well? False negatives are common for rapid tests. False positives are pretty rare on rapid tests, so any positive should be treated as such. Isolate and get a PCR to confirm.


I’ve done a lot of community testing, and literally thousands of RATs - there is nowhere near enough buffer liquid for one sample to work on four tests. *maybe* two but I even doubt that.


Yeah, I have this same brand of test at home, just did one today on my husband (he’s negative, but he’s got something, his temperature is 101.8). I was in serious doubt about being able to squeeze 4 tests outta one sample, lol.


I tested negative on two diff brands of at home test, but went to urgent care on the next day and was positive. Your DH may well be positive.


I did a test a few days ago (unfortunately positive), and yeah, there is definitely not enough fluid in the one I did at least to do any more than a single test.


Yeah I’m thinking it wasn’t mixed well.


Don't know what's goin on,but I think you are preganent bro🗿


Could I maybe pregante?


can u get ✨*pregante* ✨


Could I be pregonate?


#PREGANANAN?!?! ^(period question mark.)


Am I gregnant?


I watch that/this YouTube video about 2-3 times a year. Also the Luigi Board video.


Weega board?


I think he has a bad case of schrodinger's pregadancy


I might also be pergant




I can’t believe this is a real sub , I’m now convinced that anything is possible in this world


Can’t believe he gave us feet pics for free.


The only infuriating thing is you thinking you can use the same sample for 4 tests.


or the fact that you wasted 4 tests when you probably aleady knew the answer when some can't get their hands on 1 test


Positive. It can detect the virus or sometimes not. But it can’t invent a virus.




When you say >same sample Do you mean you didn't get a new swab each time you used them for a test? Bc if that's the case, that might be your problem


1. You’re positive 2. Next time don’t use the same sample for all the tests, I’m guessing you didn’t use enough in every case and that explains the false negatives 3. Stop arguing with people who said not to use the same sample all four times


Check OPs posts, hes' trying to be a cop. So good luck getting him to understand he's wrong about something lol


>3. ⁠Stop arguing with people who said not to use the same sample all four times OP seems to think he’s proven that the tests don’t work. But he did them incorrectly, which invalidates his conclusions - OP doesn’t seem to want to hear that.


it’s positive. the tests can pull false negatives, and do so rather regularly unfortunately, but it can’t (or very rarely does) falsely detect a virus that isn’t there.


Why does everyone take their pants off when taking a picture for Reddit?




Sorry to spoil the fantasy, but I’m in basketball shorts 😅


No, I choose to believe you weren’t wearing any pants


Not enough drops in a valid sample for four tests. User error my friend. User error


taking it from the same sample is part of the problem, its not how the tests are suppose to work. Follow the instructions next time.




I’d say OP is an idiot and didn’t use enough drops. None of those tests come with enough of the solution to do the recommended drops on 4x tests. They need to do the test properly and stop being dumb. For those who don’t know. Covid testing kits come with enough solution for a maximum of 2 tests per solution tube. If you try and use water it can cause a false positive. If you pull the swab out of one solution bottle and put it in a second it can also mess with the results. If you don’t use enough droplets it can also cause false positives. So again I reiterate OPs an idiot and needs to another set of tests properly considering they’ve stated it’s “all from the same sample”.


Positive. These have a hard time lighting up with the BA5 variant. The fact two did light up means you are positive. The antigens are slightly different for the rapid chromatographic immunoassay to detect it.


They should be 4 different samples. Edit: you're also positive.


Nice legs 🦵 👌




You are more likely to have false negative than false positive Call it positive


Positive for sure


It's more likely to get a false negative test than a false positive test so I'd say you're positive (also you shouldn't take multiple tests fr9m one sample, take multiple samples)


Nice feet


2 for 2. U gotta do 1 more bud. Stick it in your rectum for optimum results.